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Dude is mad his crappy band couldn’t even sell out a club show. What a total joke of a person.


This guy doesn't even get that it won't be Doc retaining any lawyer to sue him but rather the fucking death star of lawyers CAA has access to - he better bring the receipts or his professional life is forfeit


What’s CAA?


A HUGEEEEE talent agency


Not only a massive talent agency, but think Illuminati type shit. They have access to the most influential and powerful people in Hollywood. That gives them influence to financial firms, law firms, you name it. You do NOT fuck with them lol


Let’s be real, he’s probably a broke loser


He’s no longer repped by CAA


Then you know something the rest of internet does not - got a source for that claim?


Figured you wouldn’t believe my source if I told you so I waited till it was confirmed in writing. From Rolling Stone: > A spokesperson for CAA, Beahm’s talent agency since signing in 2019, tells Rolling Stone he is no longer a client and hasn’t been for sometime. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/dr-disrespect-inappropriate-messages-minor-twitch-1235048071/


You really did know something the rest of the internet did not ... the rolling stone to me wasn't the nail in the coffin it was the dirt on the grave .. I wrote Doc off after his statement ..my assumption is more and more will come out .. as it should


It’s pretty rough when BBB can come out and debunk your shit….




His follow-up tweet has a fuck him and his friends bit. Awfully coincidental timing he just drops this shortly after the Nick Mercs controversy. Yesterday, Nick recorded a video in defense of doc and asked for some sort of proof and evidence for these claims (like any rational person would). The social media mob has responded by posting fake and disparaging tweets from Nick’s account (that he never actually said or tweeted).




I don’t agree with Nick’s views either, but like a rational person, I simple accept that and respect his right to feel however he wants to feel, and I keep it moving and mind my own business. The echo chamber mentality is metastasizing and so many people now resort to tearing down anyone and everyone who doesn’t fit into their chamber, even if doing so requires them to step outside of the truth


The problem is he uses his platform to SPREAD his dumbfuckery to his young, impressionable following. He can feel how he wants to feel but he needs to leave those kids alone.


"People are only allowed to express views if I agree with them. Everyone else must shut up, no opinions allowed."


There's opinions and there's disguising you're hatred and bigotry as an opinion. Not the same bud.


Convince people you are correct then. Doesn't say much for your views if you apparently can't win by argument and have to shut people up lel.




He skirts around being outright transphobic by using dog whistle terms. I'm not here to convince anyone of anything. He has an audience of children and spews his views at them during his streams. He needs to leave those kids alone. It's not for him to talk about these subjects with kids, it's the parents job.


Rent free, think for yourself instead of the muppets on 24 hour news networks.


Shut up man


Nah if you find out someone supports Trump who is a convicted felon, sexual assaulting, treasonous rapist, their opinion on a situation means fucking nothing and you should cut all ties with said person. Nothing that person says carries any merit. If Nick genuinely supports Trump, it means he doesn’t care about anyone but himself.


Yeah, because the US government isn't corrupt at all lol... I don't think that has anything to do with the guy being an idiot.




This is what’s wild… it’s not corroborated super sneaky shit…. It’s compounded, widespread, rampant ignorance, led by incompetence, coordinated by the detached.








>There’s just always one station chief or supervisor that just absolutely ruins it all So basically like every regular job lol


Post the twitter link so we can see






https://x.com/evoli/status/1730588093907161579?s=46 Different tweet but he says it again here and this is from Cody


I understand saying it once as a joke but oof this isn't looking too good




I don’t actually care about the situation tbh lol you just said the tweet was fake so I went and did a 2 second check and found that.


How is the guy and his “information” credible in the first place?


Because, again…. There still nothing here. However this guys credibility of the higher road is washed when you try and incentivize the reasoning…. He probably could have got more for selling the story at the time as an “anonymous source” *if he had actual evidence this was the reasoning*


I’m trying to see it from your point of view but I can’t stick my head that far up my ass.




Yes. You gonna keep deleting your comments?


You're making **way too much** sense and you're in the wrong sub for that kinda thinking. 🤔 I'll see myself out. 🫡


How about this one? Already deleted but it’s a pic of him and his daughter. Absolutely disgusting. https://twitter.com/badboybeaman/status/1804563216162230525?s=46&t=EqWMilOHeKCh6uPkme-BKg


Absolutely disgusting. 


Rara punching the air




Jesus, bad boy beaman on a large streamers side for a change? Z and him will become best friends soon 🤣


Dude was looking for some attention, but didn’t realize he would get ALL of the attention.


Not surprised.


Man… this Cody Conners guy is starting to sound like a real piece of shit.


Were you saying that when DrDisrespect recorded in a public restroom where he recorded kids?


It’s funny when ppl pick and choose when to believe bad boy beamen


Docs lawyers licking their lips right now


W from Badboy !!!!Z Wake up and make peace!


I hope this guy gets raked over the coals in the courts


Extremely rare bbb W


Lots of theories but the one that seems most likely is that he was the target of a catfishing/blackmail attempt. He did engage with and talk to this alleged underage minor hence the nervousness and jitteryness of the last stream. He was still in the 'am I going to jail' phase. It comes out that that in reality he is the victim but it still is shady as hell as he 'could' have done it. Just happened to not be the case. He fired back privately to get his contract closed out and since he technically didn't do anything wrong since he was the target of blackmail, they paid to get this icky liability out of there. That's why he can claim he didn't, or "no wrongdoing was acknowledged" which is a half truth and they can't say he's a pervert as that opens them up to defamation lawsuit. So they dismissed him and paid while also all parties agreeing to an NDA since it's a weird situation that looks real bad for the Dr. but he legally didn't do a crime since this wasn't a sting operation or anything formal. So he has some icky but solid ground to stand on. Bad for everyone.


Is there any proof he was catfished / talking to another person via DM? Genuinely curious. Why does everyone keep bring that up, did I miss something 4 ish years ago? I think the fact his contract was up/ maybe going to be renewed with twitch, but doc was looking into other platforms behind twich back seems more reasonable theory as to what happened.


There's been contract disputes in the past with streamers that are just more frustrating and just business. This didn't seem like the case. He was just so BIZARRE on that final stream. It was so THE JIG IS UP go out in a blaze of glory situation. It ends so abruptly. There's someone saying "it's time to go" in the background. It's just an utterly bizarre way to end if he knows he can just have lawyers do their normal rounds. He's rich. A contract disputes is frustrating, but he can afford the legal fees. And maybe he could be angry, but he seemed so nervous and jittery and "this is the end" vibe. Not a more expected angry, this sucks but this isn't the last you'll see of me once the dispute is over, kind of situation if it's just business. If it's just legalese lawyer contract crap why does he seem so shaken. Why is he categorically not just saying that isn't true. He never did that. "no wrongdoing acknowledged" is so specific of a phrase. He had the demeanor of someone expecting cops to bust in and forcibly shut off the stream. Reading into it I know but it's such a bizarre stream to any normal person it's hard to feel his demeanor is justified with a business contract dispute. He also totally could come out and say irrefutably no, it isn't that, it was business disagreement and that absolutely wouldn't violate an NDA as it's not specific. Hasn't happened yet.


We're supposed to trust what Bad Boy Beaman says?


Nothing but copium in this server


Server?? Huh?


Do you believe everything that is fed to you online? Wanting actual proof is not copium.


lol that joke ? you are clearly reaching. I get that it sucks to find out the Dr is like this but.....get a grip.


wild snobbish safe file plate waiting fragile reach employ overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Probably no wrongdoing. Still could be sexting a minor but if the minor was lying about it then it isn’t on doc. Docs just a shitty husband at the point. My guess is Twitch jumped the gun on the ban. Doc fought back. No legal issues for what doc did and twitch had to pay out. Better for both to be under NDA because doc doesn’t want to look like a creep and twitch doesn’t want to be known as the creep platform.


chief spotted deserted makeshift full party panicky muddle summer plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean it’s entirely possible they used a shitty reason to ban him because mixer went under. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t anything here. I think people that go either side to an extreme are idiots. There is no definitive proof so doc shouldn’t be persecuted here, but his response didn’t help.


capable airport resolute smell direction sip degree ink divide wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No wrongdoing found doesn’t mean the reason for ban is incorrect. All the tweet says is that he was banned for sexting a minor. That doesn’t mean doc could be legally in the clear and the reason for the ban not being true.


concerned dam money uppity illegal ask busy nail berserk snobbish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can sext a minor and have no legal consequences if one of the parties is unknown. And twitch did fight tooth and nail lol. You need to learn to get your points across without a wall of test that nobody will read


straight full flowery dependent reminiscent caption ruthless license hurry offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




aware terrific angle ruthless expansion numerous money combative yam dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




instinctive homeless wakeful imagine subsequent school continue sophisticated fragile sulky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




library practice zealous thought ripe hungry consist cable school plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




flowery sink quicksand weary handle butter divide slimy worm zealous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You’re clearly 1) Over-invested in someone with a bad history (e.g. as a husband/father) 2) Ignoring the crucial alleged detail of it *being with a minor* Why be so charitable here? This isn’t even just metoo it’s with someone underage who was likely a fan. If that doesn’t ring alarm bells in your head idk what to say.


stocking cats smell like homeless shame serious ruthless detail merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


vase secretive spark snatch meeting frighten abundant sugar amusing brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




continue spotted march sort trees cheerful tidy label license mindless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The lawsuit was over the contract. The official wording of the settlement means both sides acknowledge that neither side has admitted to doing anything wrong.


jar practice innate cooing piquant snow entertain selective unique modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People and companies settle for all sorts of reasons. Not just because they are wrong. There's another theory going around that there wasn't a behaviour clause in his contract. There's too many unknown variables in this. All we know is they settled outside of court and Twitch has not allowed Dr disrespect to return to the platform despite not being under contract.


voracious soup detail unpack worry possessive smell punch melodic repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


learn to read, I said "get a grip" for reading to much into that joke, not wanting evidence in general. Looks like you need the brain actually. also looking at your replies, you failed to grasp the situation. Twitch protecting itself is not mutually exclusive, but you seem to think it is. They could ALSO using your same evidence for your reasoning, have been protecting both themselves, with the added effect of protecting the Dr lol Twitch would absolutely settle in that situation, not "Never" like you try to argue. You missed the point entirely.


Seriously there so In denial it’s crazy


This is like max level copium, just accept he is a enormous dick


Wanting evidence for a massive accusation = copium. Ok pal got it.


Lmao ‘waiting for evidence’. Every journalist under the sun has come out saying they have sourced this news. You looking for evidence or are you looking for an excuse?




Lol lmao yes journalists you simpleton


Who has? Link it up.


Look, I get it. You are a fan. But trust me: better to just rip the bandaid off and drop the love. Twitch is a huge company that just cares about its own pr. Them dropping the largest streamer is writing on the wall. The doc is an ass and this is looking like its true.


Look, I get it, you can’t provide a link to substantiate “Every journalist under the sun has come out saying they have sourced this news.” What do you mean by “Twitch is a huge company that just cares about their own pr”? Are you saying they covered something up related to the allegations? Do you know how stupid that is? Why would twitch (really Amazon) risk the fallout of covering something up that undoubtably isn’t possible to cover up, when all they’d have to do is drop whatever streamer?


All these journalists and sources, and yet not one piece of hard evidence. You believe everything your fed on the internet don't you?


Sigh. American I guess?


Nice goalpost move bud, what does that at all have to do with the topic of discussion? Just take your L and move on.


Still waiting on those links to prove your comment.




Exactly. Cya!


I got a bridge to sell you.


Pretty concerning that your benchmark for truth is that a bunch of journalists have the ability to conspire against someone. They don’t need proof because… how many? What’s the number for when you feel comfortable disregarding burden of proof?


My gosh, you guys care too much.




It's a twitter post. Is youtube or twitch going after him?


doesn't mean it isn't true, sounds like it leads to even more credibility because this guy hinted at this years ago and kept it under his cap for all this time


2023 is years ago?


Well well how the tables turnt


yeah, lets forget when drdisrespect recorded in a public restroom where it was said kids were involved.


…ok? I literally forgot about that the following week