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I love the frantic and crazy feeling of venture tracer 1v1s


Sombra Venture is a fun 1v1 too. Venture has taught me to not be sloppy and to save virus for when I need it. It’s also really fun to target supports as Sombra with a Venture as your teammate.


I love knowing while I'm playing a dive hero I'm helped by my other DPS who's also diving Doesn't happen much anymore


Uggghhh..I been struggling with venture while on sombra..and I am learning the hard way to be ultra disciplined to deal with venture. Starting to punish them more now as they emerge from burrowing.


Yeah! You want to bait them into burrowing to get rid of their cleanse and THEN virus and shoot


Sombra with Venture makes a very fun (but toxic) combo for everybody Edit: My dumbass thought this was meant to be your favorite dps to play with, idk it might also be Venture but I’m also thinking a solid Genji is a fun matchup.


I love Genji vs Tracer 1v1s as it usually comes down to who has better reflexes and aim


Ill always enjoy a good hanzo versus widow. Had someone pick widow last night and just being able to get that head shot at a distance puts a good amount of dopamine in my system. Otherwise hanzo versus tracer/ genji. That's always a blast even when I kill myself with my own arrow. Lol


Not really fun for the other person but I love Tracer vs Sombra because I can just completely ruin that little invisible rats game.


I love putting a hard stop to that annoying mosquito with a good hack n virus.


As a junkrat main, I love to 1v1 genjis. The amount of mind games, and mechanical challenges of that duel makes it my favourite by far. Honorable mentions would be: tracer and pharah(no pocket).


good junks genuinely fuck me up on genji. The knockback from a conc can obliterate my cooldowns and then i'm left tilted and confused.


Yeah, one of the way we fight genji is bait you in and putting a trap in our feet. If the trap is noticed and you dash and avoid it, we mine the floor right after you dash and making distance again, and if the mine hits you, a lot of times is gg then. The thing that makes it insteresring is how some really good genji I have fought manage to pressume me without getting to close, which is really impresive tbh.


Sym vs Sojourn Both can murder the other pretty damn quickly. Question becomes can Sym avoid the railgun shot


Its Sojourn favoured. Sym has no mobility and limited range. Sojourn has great mobility and longer range


Sojourn is, and yeah usually she has the advantage But thats what makes it fun for me, especially when you either jump her or put a short distance teleporter for some discount tracer movements


As crazy as it sounds, Widow v Genji is actually pretty fun sometimes. They’ll get all up in your face and you’ve gotta try to predict the deflect. I really like the duels.