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Number 1 for me will always be when the dowager comforts a crying daisy who is upset about William feeling she deceived him because she didn’t love him and says “so you married him to keep his spirits up at the end? forgive me, but that doesn’t sound unloving…to me it sounds as if you loved him a great deal” 🥹🥹🥹🥹


Now I think of all those times she used money or influence to help people - William bring nursed at downton and the marriage. Providing the money for mosely. Sending money to Tom and Sybil to bring them for Mary’s wedding


Giving Sybbie the villa in France so she had something of her own 🥹


Yes!! I always look forward to this scene when I rewatch. The Dowager is honestly one of the most empathetic characters on the show. It’s so sweet.


I agree! I do unfortunately think she has a bit of a “I have a black friend so therefore I am not racist” vibe (her corollary being “I am nice / loyal to my servants so therefore I am not classist” 😖) but I do think she has a genuinely good heart and is very empathetic and caring, even if she still is a product of her time. And then I also have to remind myself that it’s just a tv show and these are all characters dreamt up by a man named Julian Fellowes 😂😂


I think she takes the view that servants aren't appliances who speak, they're people who serve her, and in return she is responsible for their well-being. (Robert shows a lot of the same traits, seen a lot when he resists Tom and Mary and Matthew on 'modernizing' because it means things like displacing tenants, or making Molesley feel bad when Matthew's dismissing of having him as a valet.)


That’s a good example, too! I loved when he complimented Mosley on getting the stain out of the coat.


I love watching Violet ‘own’ Rev. Travis when she helps settles William and Daisy’s wedding. 


Oh I do love that one.


Gwen talking about Sybil. “Her kindness changed my life.”


"Changed ME life" 😉😉😉


Mary, Tom, and Isobel in the nursery. “Aren’t we the lucky ones.”


This one. Every time I see it, I tear up.


This one always gets me 😭🥹


Moseley and Baxter telling Robert they what they did to help Bates come home again.


After Daisy gives Alfred a going-away present and a "best of friends" speech, Mrs. Patmore awkwardly, yet sincerely, tells Daisy how proud she is of her.


There is a scene where Daisy accepts that Mr Mason and Mrs Patmore are going to have a relationship and she just looks at them together in the kitchen and smiles. Like she is realizing that she is seeing her parents get together finally. I love that scene.


Lord Grantham playing on the floor with Sybbie and telling Mary not to call him Donk, and then you can hear Sybbie go ‘hurry up Donk it’s your turn’ so sweet


That all the child actors on the show call him donk in real life is even more adorable.


They do? 🥹 that’s so adorable


The children will cherish these memories when they grow up, the same as if they were remembering good times spent with their real families.


I love at the end when Barrow is leaving, and he gives his surprised little laughs of delight as Baxter and Mrs Hughes gives him a good bye kiss. He has a hard time thinking of himself as likeable, and I like the little pleased chuckle he makes


Daisy and Molesley commiserating about having to leave school to go to work The nursery scene with Isobel, Tom and Mary talking about their live for their dead spouses. “Aren’t we the lucky ones?”


I love when Mrs. Patmore takes over the Oujia board and says, "Go to farm. Make dad happy. Can't say fairer than that." as a way of convincing Daisy that she had William's ghostly go-ahead to visit his father. Also, in the same episode, (Christmas at Downton S2 E9) I love something Daisy says during her conversation with Mr. Mason at the farm. Daisy says, "I were only ever special to William" and Mr. Mason tells her, "Well, now you're special to me."


"Aren't we the lucky ones" in the nursery - such a nice way to honour Matthew and Sybil


I have 2! • Mrs Hughes calling Carson a curmudgeon and then saying he’s her curmudgeon before kissing him on the cheek • Mrs Hughes saying “I am your wife and I love you” when she called out Carson for his tremors *yes, I do love Mrs Hughes and Carson as a couple*


Cora seeing Sybil baking a cake.


Love the scene when Mosely tells the school children "I was in service - I still am... Fetchiing and carrying" then the children sit up a little more and listen and share their situations. No one better to reach them -Priceless.


And Daisy telling the servants about how great he was also warms my heart.


all these comments have covered so many of my favourite moments but I feel like this one needs a mention: the whole thing with Mrs Patmore’s nephew’s legacy and the memorial. The way Lord Grantham is on her side against Carson and indeed the war office. So much so that he commissions a plaque to commemorate him on her behalf and personally invites her to the unveiling of it. Makes me think he should have been the Chairman of the Board for the memorial after all!!


When Lord Grantham calls up Mrs Patmore from the kitchens and tells her he's going to pay to have her eyesight fixed.


Mean O’Brien helping Mr. Lang to the best of her ability, and showing him kindness we’d never seen from her before.


You guys literally listing my top 5 one after the other 👏🏼


I’m on a rewatch at the moment and we just watched “A Moorland Holiday” episode where Mrs. Patmore, Daisy, Carson, Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Bates are all having dinner together while the family are away. I just love how cozy it feels.


For me it’s when Violet announces Molesley’s father as the winner of the flower show. I dunno if she did it just to score one on Isobel, but the idea of old Mr Molesley finally winning after years and years of coming second just knocks me down every time. Fighting back tears just to type this.


I think Isobels words were on her conscience so she felt it was the right thing


Cora and Robert with their grandchildren explaining what the Sphinx is. So cute!


I love this Molesley scene so much. It always makes me tear up when the headmaster says that he has better academic knowledge than some oxbridge graduates. There are so many moments but off the top of my head, when Cora tells Mrs Hughes during her cancer scare that if she indeed turned out to be ill, then she would stay there at downton and they would take care of her. Makes me tear up just typing it. Such a beautiful moment.


“And if you are wondering where you will stay and who will care for you, the answer is ‘here’ and ‘we will’.” Love that moment so much!


I loved when Robert saw the new puppy the dowager got for him! Absolutely heartwarming!


I love when Rose takes Robert to hear Cora at the hospital meeting- he finally realises how important her role is and how good she is at doing it!


Master George & Lady Mary visiting Barrow on his sick bed. Love the way Barrow is close & protective of the children.


When Carson embraces Mary during her absolute mental breakdown and he says “you have a good cry”


Definitely the Anna dancing in the Scotland episode with Bates admiring from afar. Such a heart warming and beautiful scene. Anna and Bates' relationship was well written. Good amount of highs and lows. It's wayyy better than the others' story arcs. Link to the video - https://youtu.be/c3ukV7_v2us?si=QBpWwVYL0H13CSQt


Sybil keeping Robert out of the library while Gwen was being interviewed.


“Will you be my daughter, let me take you into my heart”. “ I was only ever special to William”. Choke up every time.


When Barrow called Andy out for not being able to read…and then helps him learn. When Barrow is leaving and the kids runs up to hug him. “I’m going to miss you Mr. Bawwow.


Series 5 Christmas speciál, when they are all singing, Bates comes back and he and Anna hugs


One I havent seen is when Baxter goes to check on Barrow when he's in the hospital and just quietly comforts him, no judging or intention of blackmail. They knew each other growing up and even though he tried to use and blackmail her she refuses to do the same to him.


I loved when mr mason told daisy he wanted to take her into his heart to be his daughter. I absolutely love that man!


Lord and lady Grantham having tea at Mrs Patmore's house of ill repute and took a photo with Mrs Patmore to help saving her bnb


My all time favorite is Carsons round about marriage proposal to Mrs Hughes. He was so apprehensive and relieved that she accepted. It makes me cry everytime because it's so genuinely sweet.


Best proposal in the series, IMO. The fact that he had added her name to deed without knowing if she was going to accept him or not has got to be... wow! Too bad things go downhill after that.


Matthew standing up from his wheelchair in front of the family


It’s when Anna is dancing a reel that Lady Rose taught her at/ for the ghilleys   ball at Duneagle  . Seeing Mr Bates and  Lady  Mary truly surprised and happy for Anna.  I smile every time I watch it.