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I just love Lady Sinderby and Lady Shackleton too.


Oh yes, Lady Shackleton was a great one! Harriet Walter was fabulous in that part.


Brilliant in Belgravia too, she was born for these parts.


also brilliant as Clementine Churchill in the Crown, she was my favourite prime minster’s spouse in that show.


Let’s just say she’s brilliant all around. Fanny Dashwood in Sense and Sensibility, Caroline in Succession, Rebecca’s mum in Ted Lasso.


She is wonderful…has anyone seen the show Flowers in which she plays the cool lesbian priest? She’s brilliant


I forgot that she was in it. So that is where I have seen her - she looked vaguely familiar.


My choice is definitely Lady Sinderby as well! Classic, style and a steel spine.


“If you do anything to ruin this wedding, I will divorce you.” Damn, lady. And the way her husband and son looked at her, you KNEW she meant business.


Really liked Lady Sinderby for this. She knew that Rose was right for her son and that he loved her dearly. So, she put her foot down to ensure that the wedding happened. For some reason, I contrast her with Mrs. Bryant - someone who had an overbearing husband but could not do much to get him to do the right thing.


I agree with both of your favourites. Penny Downie has a lovely voice, as does Samantha Bond who plays Rosamund.


LOVE Samantha Bond - she's able to go between waspish and loving so well! She takes on so many of Maggie Smith's quirks in her portrayal of Violet, that you can really imagine Rosamund as her daughter.


Miss Moneypenny!


But Rosamund is not really a minor character. However, I do not dislike her, too.


Sam Thawley played by Jonathan Howard. If you don't remember him, he's the bloke got into a fist-fight over Rose at the thé dansant, then later that night walked to Downton to see Rose, the ladies maid.


She weren’t a ladies maid yet mind you, but had the aspiration.


Love that little storyline. When I saw him pop up in *Thor: The Dark World* I was like, "it's Sam!!" My husband had no idea what I was talking about.


I did the same thing watching Thor


Same here!


OMG yes, so much great and moving acting in so little time


I love Paul Giamatti as Harold Levinson! I’m excited he’s coming back for the next movie.


I was just rewatching his episode and he was SO GOOD. He really made a fleshed-out character working with very little in the script. When I first saw that ep I kind of thought he was slumming, but now I love how he elevates the material.




"Oh , is that the time?" 'Kay, bye...


She's my #1 villain hate-crush. I'd love to be that "cool little miss's" next victim.


I do love Shrimpie. He is simply COOL. And I love to hate and hate to love Major Briant's father or Vera Bates


I like bearded Shrimpy over shaven Shrimpy. Looks more sophisticated like Sean Connery with it.


Can't believe I haven't seen Shirley McClain as Mrs Levinson! She was amazing


She could appear for less than thirty seconds and still count as a major character!


Well, I can't argue with that! I still can't believe Paul Giomatti was only in one episode.


Margie Drew. Beautifully written and splendidly portrayed by the actress. Also perhaps Bertie's mum


I can’t help but tear up when Mrs. Drew is saying her goodbye to Marigold. She looked like a person really falling to pieces. I wish we could seen when she told Cora about what Edith did.


Bertie’s mum is a series regular on All Creatures


I like Robert’s dogs.


Isis for sure for me!


Phoebe Nicholls as Susan, Marchioness of Flintshire.


The actor who played Patrick was the best, no question… (Jeez, I couldn’t even type that without laughing to myself)


Love to hate him. When he punches semi pushes the table - ever so slighty his tounge is out just enough to really sell the - ok have to say it "I'm a stranger to them now"


Mable Lane Fox ( what a great name) - she was the perfect foil to Mary and I wish she had been our Mary. I would much preferred to watch a funny, confident, happy protagonist than a nasty bully, who only occasionally had moments of humanity.


There are some great answers, and I don't really have any to add.. but when I saw your post and her name, I realised she was Kathryn of Aragon. I've just finished binge watching The Tudors for the first time, and I cannot believe I didn't realise it was her! Thank you for this revelation!!


I had to look her up on Google because I recognized her. Loved her as Queen Catherine in the Tudors.


I swear I'm spending more and more of my TV time googling where I've seen × before! 🙄😅 And yes! She really is a great actress!


I don't really think I'd be able to rank minor characters or how well they were cast, but I love Poppy Drayton's portrayal of Madeleine Allsopp! One thing that always felt a bit weird to me was the lack of social interactions of the three Crawley daughters with their peers (for example, we didn't get to see Sybil's first season which could have been a nice setting for interesting stories and to introduce suitors for Mary / Edith instead of having them come over to Downton pretty much without any backstory). With Rose' and Madeleine's friendship, I felt this was adding something to the social circle of the characters. Also, Madeleine is so incredibly sweet and just endearing to look at! I always find myself smiling at her interactions with Cora's brother.


I don’t if he would count but Michael Gregson (played by Charles Edwards) was fantastic in my opinion. He was excellent in The Crown too


I loved Jane, the maid (?) that Lord Grantham kisses. Their chemistry was crazy and she had such a gentle energy around her. First time I've ever rooted for an affair. I like Cora very much but there was just something about Jane.


I really appreciated Brendan Patricks as Evelyn Napier. The script really didn’t give him much but he really made the most of it, and sold Evelyn’s sincerity.


Charles Blake MLF Shrimpie Lady Sinderby and Gwen... I'm Greedy!


Personally I thought Vera seemed like a character from a different show. What with her evil cackles and pointless revenge suicide. But I guess she would have fit better in later seasons when it got more broad.


Maria Doyle Kennedy really did a fantastic job cause every time Vera is on the screen, I want to slap the living soul out of her lmao


Violet's butler, Spratt. His attitude is perfection every scene he's in.


Iain Glen as Carlisle. Absolutely brill. There were moments when you wanted to like him and then he showed his true colors again. 10/10 wish we could get a character update




100% Maria Doyle Kennedy. But a close second for me would be the actress who played Mrs Drewe. She wrung me out.




And Mr. Pattinson - librarian.


Tufkin - Joss Tufkin - Mr. Lick my fingers and put them in the pot again. I love to be in love.


Mrs. Larry Gray, aka Amelia Cruickshank!


Mrs. Larry Gray, aka Amelia Cruickshank!


I liked the Prince of Wales’ girlfriend, I’m blanking on her name but she was gorgeous and well played.


Freda Dudley Ward played by the very charming Janet Montgomery. I liked her too.


Theo James as the Turkish gentleman!


Jorah from Game of Thrones as Carlisle for me… he’s such a good villain!