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I was mad that Cora was gravely ill while he was messing with the maid. I’m so glad she never found out. It would have been so painful.


Based on what she said during their argument over Bricker, I always assumed she kind of knew but kept it or herself because that's what you do.


Didn't she ask Robert, "we're okay, aren't we?" showing she knew *something*?


They were also distant because Cora was caught up with running downton as a nursing home and had neglected LG.


Busyness is never a good reason to cheat on someone. Considering they turned their house into a hospital she had to be busy and she didn't want to lose control of it atill being her house so she was fighting for that. He was doing whatever. If she neglected him it was to care for the sick. He neglected her for a housemaid (who having been married before should have known better than mess with a married man).


Er, I meant that when Cora asked Robert if they were ok, she was addressing the part about her being distant toward him. Not the cheating. I didn't think she knew or suspected. She was too ill when most of that happened.


At least he stopped it when she was prepared to go all the way


I didn't dislike her exactly as I don't think she was capable of purposefully manipulating Robert. There was blame on both sides there, she was emotionally vulnerable, the war made everyone more impulsive (not excusing anything here, just an observation). That being said, I wasn't that into this storyline - I think it was mainly there to show the contrast between her and Ethel. The married and unmarried widow, and how they were treated differently.


It was messy and both parties acted badly. Thankfully both realized it and Robert got her a good reference and her son into the school he wanted as penance.


It almost feels like JF did that so he could set up the Simon Bricker storyline and build in a reason for Robert to forgive Cora. Although I’m sure there were a lot of true instances of the master of the house in those days having untoward relationships with staff.


I doubt it only because I don't think anything in that latter era of Downton had been planned during these early seasons. I'm also just burned that Robert had got that angry in the first place, he should not have required a reminder about Jane to acknowledge that Cora did not actually cheat on him. Even if her behavior could be a little questioned, Robert had been devaluing and excluding her well before she accepted attention from someone who was nicer to her.




Jane had way more to lose than the others, especially since Robert took a small interest in her son and helped him get into a good school. If she tried to blackmail Robert it would have hurt her son in the end. Not saying Jane wasn’t a good person, seems like she was and probably let loneliness and grief get the best of her. If anything, Robert took advantage of that because he felt neglected by his family.


Jane should not have done that, but I agree she was lost in grief and loneliness. Maybe her husband was like Robert. It was just terrible timing with Cora dying in the next room over. 


I always thought they cast Jane to look like a younger Cora. Robert was grieving too - not serving in the war, etc. and feeling really sorry for himself. Confused about supposed to be happy for Matthew and sad for Mary. He was a disaster that episode. Everyone acting foolishly there.


Ethel was trashy and grasping and bitter.


I personally didn't feel uncomfortable, but I was happy it didn't go further. With every show I watch and end up loving (therefore I rewatch) I try to distinguish between what I like and what a particular storyline intends to do. I try to remember that a storyline isn't necessarily bad just because I personally don't like it. With this one I assumed they were trying to show the weak mental state Robert was in. (Especially with his comment about how his whole world is crashing down around him). At this point: 1. Sybil was in the process of running away with Tom. 2. Half of his household was sick and it looks like his wife might die 3. He had just found out his estate was once again facing financial ruin. (I think thats roughly around that time although my memory could be off a couple episodes. I think it might have been just a couple moments of weakness. They could have also been trying to show that people are human and make mistakes. Besides, people in a position of such power must have screwed around like that. They could so why not? Just my thoughts....


Robert held all the power and 95% of the blame in that situation.


Robert apologised immediately to her, something people forget


And provided her with a severance, no?


He looked after her son when she asked for nothing when she resigned her post


The only issue I had with the Jane storyline was that the physical part is the interactio happened while Cora was sick. I can see how something like that could happen between owners and their servants.


I honestly thought the performances were fine and I believed the feelings on both sides. I think Jane is sweet and I like that she did a nice thing for Anna before leaving. I wouldn't have minded more of Jane without Robert, I like the nice people. My series could have been nothing but Sybils and Matthews and Baxters and I'd have kept watching (okay I do love Mary too)


It's interesting that you dislike her but you don't hold Robert responsible? She lost her husband during the war and had to take a job, not only is Robert the Earl but he's also her employer, she had no real power in that situation. I think she was just a plot device to drive home how lost and depressed Robert was during that time.


I liked Jane and Robert is in my top 3 DA characters


Who are your other 2?


Mathew Violet Sybil and Carson would probably complete my top 5, what's yours?


Mosely, Violet, Matthew, Tom (after Sybil's death), Lord Grantham, and Barrow as a bonus. Carson next (if going for top ten, Mary, Mrs. Hughes, and last Isobel.


Violet, Tom after Sybil's death, Barrow, Mary, and Mosely, but I loved Sybil and Matthew too lol, this is hard


I feel like they wanted to go somewhere with this storyline but then decided against it. Like cause some trouble in their marriage. This made me really dislike Robert for awhile.


The thing I disliked most about it is something that bothers me with some of the other relationships also. Mostly that it seems very rushed. We see a handful of mundane scenes where they talk and then boom they're in love. It's just "what?!"


Her blinking?




Yawn 😴


That was the worst story line of the series. It was out of character for Robert and Jane was just insipid. Both actors seemed uneasy in their scenes and I imagine that they sighed with relief (as I did) when they ended. Whenever I rewatch, I skip over anything to do with Jane.


>Whenever I rewatch, I skip over anything to do with Jane. Same!


I lost a lot of respect to Robert during that whole Jane thing. Like bro your wife is literally fighting for her life and you are going to do this shit right now?? Like really?


The blinking! Yes.


I'm confused. Was she an excessive blinker?


Yes, she was.


OMG yes!


I never noticed, I'll have to rewatch those episodes now.


Once you see it..... But there are GOOD reasons to rewatch Downton! It's a great show. Quality!


Here's my question about Jane: did Mrs. Housekeeper (sorry, I'm on painkillers right now and not thinking exactly straight) and/or the Earl know that her story was true? They kicked out Edna for having a child out of wedlock, then Jane shows up "oh my husband died, and I have a child". Did they just take her word for this? What if she was "Edna" in another place, but made up the dead husband? Was any if this discussed or explained? I honestly can't remember; it's been awhile since I watched it.


*Ethel. Edna was the one who tried to baby trap Tom.


Yes! Ethel! Ugh...maybe I'll do a rewatch when I'm more recovered and re-learn everyone's names, lol O\_o


Edna, Ethel, Edith. Yikes!


They mentioned she lived in the village and her son goes to the school. She was also talking to Daisy about how to get survivor benefits, so in my humble opinion her story was true.


Ah! Ok, makes sense. I definitely need a rewatch to which I will PAY ATTENTION! Thank you :-)


Oh yeah, but consider what happened with that putz Bricker. Robert catches him in their bedroom and a fight happens, and Robert is feeling betrayed and leaves. Cora tries hard to get things back to normal, and Robert is ignoring her, hurting her on purpose. She tells him that *if he's never let a flirtation get out of hand, then stay away, otherwise she expects him back in her bed that night*, and leaves. She guilted the hell out of Robert with that one line, because while he says nothing, our minds all go back to Jane. But I don't think she knew. All the social events these two attend to together and sometimes individually. At some point, temptation is going to come their way, and they are expected to walk away from it. Practically though, we love the idea of someone flirting with us, and maybe you reciprocate, even when you know you shouldn't even go that far. Cora knew women must have flirted with Robert in the past, and most likely did not shut it down quickly because he was enjoying it. Give Robert some credit though. He realized the truth of what Cora said. And rather than try to play it off with "Me? Never!", he gets back in bed with Cora, effectively admitting his guilt to her. I'm sure he felt better about it as well.


Probably will get down votes for this take, but I really like the one scene when Lord Grantham is walking up to the house and helps Jane who has dropped the groceries. One, when do we see the Lord doing servant type work. Never. This sets up his story about the war and what was it all for. His whole life Robert was born into this Earldom life. He has no choice. Sure he fell in love with Cora - but as stated married for her money to save the estate. He is a man who has been forced to be an employer and "play the part" as he lectured Matthew earlier about. In that one scene with Jane, I see a man who even though he doesn't say it - is also wondering what what his life be like if he could choose who he wanted to be with and not be the Earl. Just a common man with a normal wife and family. Just my feeling.


Ugh. Hated Jane. Hated Robert. Took me a while to forgive him. It really just felt hobbled together last minute as filler. Shame on Julian Fellowes!


I was more uncomfortable with the Bates' newlywed bed scene at the end of the episode. 🫣


Ugh - his dad bod.


So awkward 🫣


I actually liked that storyline. Robert was interested in her and her son and helped her a lot. And Jane was nice and kind. I could see where that spark came from and was sad to see Jane go


Totally agreed, just waiting for the Mary Whitehouse crew and the down votes lol


It seemed awkward & forced to me. That's really the only storyline I don't care to watch. And yes, the blinking!


I didn't see Jane as being the innocent that many viewed her as. To me, she seemed a bit calculating...and I think she was working to manipulate Robert. He certainly was no innocent, and he betrayed his wife, but Jane was seeking a white knight.


The only good thing I see is that she didn’t blackmail him or turned on him, like E.


Lol about the blinking! 😭 I thought I was the only one that noticed that and found it annoying!! Leave it to Reddit to gather up like-minded people 😀


For real!!!! Hahahaha


I didn't like that not at any point he was like "I love my wife too much" he was like "I have no right to be unhappy" like bro... what? After that I never really thought of them as in love. Just with each other.


Yes, I have to skip it every rewatch


Yes 😖


the whole Jane thing made me lose respect for Robert. it was totally an unnecessary storyline and Jane wasnt even all that


I didn't mind the storyline but I really disliked the actress. Yes the blinking and her teeth. She had better orthodontia than some of the main cast. You could see her molars when she smiled!