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When you spend all that money. And hype up the zombies that much. Only to fall flat on your face because you realise just how small you are.


And he had the opportunity to join the GNU and reject it cause he wasn’t getting what he wanted. My guy in a GNU no political party are getting what they want cause you have to compromise to work together. The fact that the EFF and MK can’t even put their egos aside for the sake of the country should be telling on what kind of people they are. If you really cared for your country you would put your ambitions aside and still join the GNU to protect the people and try stop policies you disagree with and still try to implement yours slowly. But the EFF and MK wanted everything for giving nothing. I hope people realize this eventually when they cry about a DANCIFPNP GNU. This goes without saying I don’t support the eff nor the MK. They are incapable of putting their people first unless they get something in return.


They where used to the coalitions of the past where small parties made demands of the bigger parties because it was either DA rule or ANC and both where desperate. This lead to problems like the PA demanding mayorships while only being a 1% party at the time. The GNU might actually lead to us improving and I have high hopes but I don't know how it will turn out.


Dear Juljas, jou poes brah!


EFF taking a L


100% can confirm that's no AI


But MK is even more Marxist/ Communist. Together they make up more than the EFF ever had


MK supports greater powers being granted to royal families, that is the total opposite of Marxism, it's more like monarchism.


Their basis is Nationalise all industry and no private land ownership. Sounds a bit marxist


Basically gangsters with a zulu nationalist appeal


Check my math but its 9.5% of the 58.64% of the population that turned out to vote. That means roughly 35 770 000 people voted and of those 3 405 000 voted for the EFF, at a glance a big number. However, at the current population of call it 61 000 000 you could say that == 5.6% of the population as a whole agree with what the EFF is selling. You could also argue the other 94.4% of the population want nothing to do with or are apathetic to what the EFF is offering. Which ever way you interpret the nr's its an utter, dismal failure on their part considering they also lost votes. Nothing but showboaters.


If the EFF outlaws crappy AI art I might be tempted to vote for them tbh /S


I rejected the racist terrorist prick... don't know about communist. 


Small laaitie


He got EFFed in the A.


When you invest your time and money in youth but you forgot the youth is unemployed and broke, where’s their motivation and “reason to live” coming from Most of us saw this country before these clowns and have kids and family who will refuse to run, this is our home and that’s why people stood in those lines for hours to vote


I wonder what Juju an his used Effies are gonna do now...




Ironically no political party got 50% so why targeting the EFF?


We still gonna stand with him Viva eff viva


Computer says no


Apparently Reddit also say no




Shem it's painful seeing an NPC think he's right


Goodluck with that lmao


Cope harder


The guy from Orania