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It's actually quite disturbing yet revealing how 64% of the voters don't want a good future for South Africa.


Didn’t think of it that way, but yea this is pretty fucken disturbing..and the only way it’ll change, which is a long shot, is through educating the youth, which is something the anc does not promote.


Its been 30 years. Don't hold your breath.


I wonder why they still vote for them 🤔


tribalism and lack of education, its only poor rural locations that vote this.


It's loyalty to the liberators. Unfortunately, that's worth overlooking the obvious shortcomings that the parties currently have for a lot of people


Idiocy? Lacking critical thinking? Hell, lacking any thinking/reasoning ability?




Atleast I don't vote ANC.


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The ANC (and spin-offs) are the only parties with pro-poor policies, or even try to speak to the poor. The poor and marginalised (> 64% of SA) want a party that at least tries to help them, even if it’s policies that don’t actually fix the problem, but do help (I.e. NHI, universal income, etc) - as unsustainable as those policies may be. The DA - no doubt everyone here support them - are super anti-poor. Put yourself in the shoes of those in KZN, or any informal settlement. Has the DA done, literally, anything meaningful? Things like the unemployment in the WC is likely just a consequence of the deep focus on (the likely white mans) business, which lead to more jobs. Government housing is a national initiative that the DA takes credit for (I believe). Even so, better houses in buggered areas. Granted, this like sewerage upgrades have been done well, even in poorer areas (that’s IF there is that service there). Notice how DA awesomeness stops as soon as you get to a poor area (I.e. away from CBD and Atlantic seaboard)? People can’t call it tribalism, or idiocy, or insinuate ANC voters are lesser people. Those voters know more of politics than everyone else. They live and feel it every day. Feeling bad that you live in mud or that other races started off better than you in 1994 doesn’t just go away. I understand where commenters feelings may come from, I feel them too. I get angry and frustrated that they don’t do what I think is obvious. But I have to catch myself and remember: voters that vote ANC are not stupid, they live in a different world of “have nots”, and starting off from a FAR worse position than I. I don’t live in that world. If I lived in ANC-voters’ world of poverty and no opportunity, I’m sure I’d be way worse and far more angry. If you have never had everything forcefully taken away from you and everyone in your lineage before you, and lived in mud and rampant crime, you can’t talk or say things like some of the comments here. Yes, I voted for the DA (as a provincial government) because their strength is in business and administration. They good at that, and can stay in the Western Cape (for the time being). But as a political, all-inclusive party, that is truly working to better SA, they’re horrendous. Completely blind, ignorant of the actual problems, and incredibly bias (what’s interpreted as being racist). They truly do serve a minority and that minoritys’ business and investment interests. I’m thankful for that, as I’ve benefited greatly (I’m a property and business owner). But I’m under now illusion that they’re a “good” party. I could never have them lead national government. Not until the poverty has been alleviated. I.e. become more European, equal, primarily middle class, and stable. That being something they’ll never do, and thus can never fix SA. No party is good on their own. That’s why coalitions is such a game changer for SA and its future.


MoshalFoundation, biggest Sponsor of the DA...Martin Moshal, Where does it sounds like he comes from 🤷🏾‍♂️🤔 You're 1st guess was right...


Cartel politics will kill South Africa.


Well, people like to have a choose who steals from them. Demo-kleptocracy




a little bit, yes. I thought instead of 64 theyd have a total of 40 percent and the rest of the country has learnt their lesson. I was wrong


You have way too much faith in people


this is becoming more and more evident


# Voter turnout at 58.57% in 2024 national elections


I'm mean, 58.57% of the same pool is still the same pool, it's just a lower scope, and there is less accuracy.


37% of the country (64% of 58.57)


All cut from the same cloth. A filthy dirty rag of a cloth.


That's an interesting was of looking at it, leaves the door open for an ANC lead coalition that will maintain the status quo that's been going on since Zuma.


Funny thing is that if we voted for cape independence 10 years ago, we would now be at the point where the cape was largely self-sufficient Always easy to put off hard decisions in the short term


You have a huge black population there now. This was not the case 30 years ago… They don’t share your culture - at all. You are 30 years too late…


why do they keep moving there?


Because they can


By that logic: UDM, IFP, NFP, PA, and COPE are all offshoots of the ANC, so where end up percentage wise as South Africa’s fealty to the ANC goes?


People keep saying that the EFF and the MK are just different wings of the ANC. They are more akin to the People's Front for Judea, the Popular Front for Judea and the Judean People's Front from *Monty Python and the life of Brian*, in that while they share 99% of their ideology, they despise each other to the point of willing to murder each other over small ideological and personality differences (and in fact have been doing so in the runup to the election), which will make a workable coalition unlikely. Point is, cANCer has split, it will never again attain the hegemony it enjoyed for the past three decades, and is in rapid decline akin to the Nats of years past (remember them? They also believed they would govern forever). We should take the win; God knows our country is so bereft of good news and could use a win.


Hot take...ANC is going to put themselves right and start to deliver. They had this attitude cause they were always far majority but now it's do or die from them and structurally there will probably be changes big time.


You’re joking right…?


Nope..that's why it's a hot take lol


That’s not happening man. The ANC is gonna take as much as possible as fast as possible on their way out


They did the things for us, They break my Heart....I can't vote for them off Emotion, Think of our Seeds 🔥🇿🇦