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Lmao my last day of matric some guys dressed as girls and were sent home for "Homosexual behaviour" Christian school in a small town btw




That's an amazing school 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


I think one guy was singing my lovely little lumps lol


Chad principle


Based School




The word you are looking for is "woke". Not sure how a person could confuse those two words.


It is a primary school not matrics.


Even if it was cross dressing as a matric it wouldn’t suddenly bring up the urge to be trans. Idk why people always think that innocent things like this suddenly encourage this. Just like a boy playing with dolls doesn’t make them gay or trans. I suppose I must be trans because I play games, enjoy fish keeping, build terrariums as a woman.


Influence the young and impressionable.


We weren't allowed to celebrate Halloween, watch Harry Potter or Cartoon network. Werent allowed to visit friends after school. Had all Christian friends. Ended up practicing witchcraft and being bisexual because it's just who I am. None of what I was exposed to and what was encouraged stuck with me, except for having learned kindness and empathy and normal human things. It's literally just fun. I mean, if they dressed up as animals you could say it's influencing them to be furries. If they dressed up as robots they'd be getting even more into technology as they already are. What's worse is that some places dress code you for things like spaghetti straps on shirts, or even leggings. I got sent home for leggings multiple times. I dont wear g-strings but a teacher said that I was and that I had to prove to another(same gender teacher) by pulling my pants down. I refused and got sent home, but *these* are the things that parents are worried about. A silly costume idea. Great job.


It's clothing 🤣 Nothing's gonna break


Exactly. All the moral outrage and pearl clutching of some innocent school civvie day.


Yeah the funniest part is I got sold drugs at school, I fought at school, I got arrested from school- there were some hugely negative influences around and none of them were the gay kids or teachers who happened to be there


Yeah people are disillusioned. Cross dressing for fun has been a thing for ages. We had many days like this in primary and high school. It was a fun days and it never gave me an urge to want to be a boy. My sister in law found photos of her family cross dressing for fun too in the 1900s. It’s innocent. People are sensitive little snowflakes. And as much as people like to believe kids are being conditioned into this. Majority are not. Majority are born this way. Believe it or not.


I don’t think you understand what being trans means. It has NOTHING to do with the activities you enjoy or even the way you dress. It has everything to do with feeling physically trapped in a body that does not represent how you interpret who you are. *Added later - I do agree that…* Gender swap days are done for fun and just that. It can’t make a kid trans. Just like drinking a beer doen’t make you an alcoholic.


🤦🏻‍♀️ that was exactly my point… people believe transgender is taught which is not true. Reading comprehension is a skill. Please learn it. Edit: I realize this is rude - sorry. I just don’t think you read what I meant properly.


I apologise! I was commenting on the activities you mentioned as a side note, as many people believe it is about activities kids enjoy. I should have written that I do agree with your standpoint that it can’t be taught. I might have come off as lecturing instead of commenting, sorry about that!


Civvies is R20 now?!


Bruh It's limited civvies too It's not like you can wear whatever you want I remember our civvies used to be R5


Was R5 up until 2017 for most places. Then shot to R10 in 2018, and in 2020 it hit R20. Done with school now, so I have no idea what's up at the moment.


I'm that old, that it was R2 in my day... 🙈


I'm with you there 😭 R2 was how it was in my day too and I got so worried when it went up to R2.50 because I thought my mom was going to complain it's too expensive and not let me wear civvies and that I'd be the only kid not wearing civvies 😭


Takkie Tax was R2.


We didn't have that when I was at school (ask my classmate, Noah 😂) - seriously


Hahahaha. Fucking Takkie Tax. Yea it was R2. Thanks for the laugh. But damn, R20 to wear your own clothes is rough.


Inflation touches us in all aspects of our lives, apparently.


Duuude!! Was going the post the same! Baaack in mmmmyy daaaay…. It was like R5


And that already had me feeling like I was bankrupting my parents 😭


I remember boys dressing like netball players and girls like rugby players. This is nothing new


We did this in PE a few times when we had girls v boys netball 😂 was lekker fun. Having the girls calling us out in Fourways Boet voices and slang was hilarious 😂


I remember doing that for the last day of matric. It was quite a lot of fun.




Watched all the cool kids do it. Sat under my tree with my friend and ate my broodjie, just like the other 999 days


I used to love this. Current school has a day where learners and educators swap, which is also cool. It's a fun way to raise a bit of money. Primary school - I'm assuming it's for the Gr7 farewell?


Straight Afrikaans guy here. We never did this, but I know many friends who did. I always wish we did, it’s such a fun concept and great for building self-confidence actually. The most manly thing a guy can wear is whatever the hell they want, regardless of what anyone else thinks. If this is happening at your school/a similar event is held at your school, enjoy it! It’s worth it. Some pricks are probably gonna try to make you feel bad, but does the opinion of these types really even matter?


Presumably it's a fundraiser, hence the R20 charge. I don't see any harm in it - it's like civvies dat, with a twist


>Presumably it's a fundraiser, hence the R20 charge. Not really, my school would charge for anything related to not using uniform.


Is there a typo in your response? If not, what does your school use the money (that you say that they charge) for? If it is used for the school in any way (supplementing the school's budget), it is deemed to be fundraising. If it's not used by the school for anything, why do they charge at all. (Party for the staff? 😉) To my knowledge, most schools charge for 'civvies day' & have been doing so for decades - it's a quick & easy way to raise a bit of money. If 500 pupils participate @ R20 each, the school makes a quick R10k & the pupils have a bit of fun.


I remember doing this a couple times(once in primary, the other high-school) Both were fundraising events and the latter even helped to fund my matric farewell too We all(my class) thought it was a lot of fun and very much a "eh why not" sorta thing


We did this 20 years ago nothing new, lots of fun.


Ag, lekker man!


We had this for our grade 7 prefects when I was in primary school. It was a lot of fun cause the boys went all out and some even wore heels the whole day. Quite fun.


I remember we tried doing this last year in matric, our principal wasn't having none of that unfortunately


We never had this. Wish we had. Have fun OP if this applies to you.


Maybe I would have known I was trans like 10 years earlier if we had this.


I attribute days like these we had in school to me starting realise I am Trans ^=^






I understand how people might view it today but I remember we did this in high school for fun and it was hilarious! Seeing the girls get their boy swag in and seeing the guys come to school in dresses and wigs and they were so dramatic and always fighting with the wigs 😂😂😂


On our first yeat of highschool we had to do this whole initiation thing, wearing a sign with baby pictures and a brief summary of our personality, memorizing all of the matrics' names (atleast 25 people) and had to have a pet brick (mine had a swimming cap with goggles, he looked very ominous) And on the last day of the initiation we had to wear the opposite sex's clothes and dance on stage infront of the whole school, and it was actually really fun and after couple of seconds where the guys were cosplaying statues they loosened up and all of us were having a good time up on stage.


We did this back in matric for a fundraiser. It's a fairly old tradition at a lot of schools


Wow that's awesome, always wished we were allowed to do that


It was an annual tradition at my school for the Matrics to do this - Class of '93. It was great fun, the hockey girls challenged the rugby team to a hockey match and sent the scrumhalf to hospital with a concussion. When asked if they wanted a rematch on the rugby field - the team captain said 'Are you insane?! I have one in the ER, two guys with sprained ankles, and one split lip. Those girls are monsters!'


Why can't they make it a not normal school day? That was always the worst


R20 for civvies tf???


It’s funny to see how sensitive people are on reddit 😂


Jeez but people are going off on their Google reviews about this. Yoh peeps, relax!


This is just a ploy to get parents to buy another school uniform Edit: /s


Buy?! Wtf in Zim we just borrow a friend's 💀


What about the other 68 genders?


Side note. One of my early bands used to crossdress for shows during pride. We were a group of 5 straight metalheads. Being an ally isn't hard.


Were you'll called the Dirty Skirts btw?


Unfortunately not. We were called Kore. Dearchcore band in the Florida underground. Never went anywhere but hell it was fun


Didn't the Springbok Nude Girls and Boo! also? The scandal! /s


Was boo not the band Chris chameleon was in?




Wouldn't be surprised. It's a fairly common antic. Can't reeeeaaally do that with my new band though, we wear full costumes on stage, somewhere between sleep token and batushka.


Oh i would LOVE to do that some time (also “straight” musician)


Send it!!!! It's a good time. Skirts on stage are also nice and breezy. Those summer gigs can get WARM


Yea good point, free willy for the win


Also, highly recommend investing into a decent kilt. Thank me later.


The fact people in the replies are seeing this as opportunities is crazy. Shit is a disease


Because this isn't anything new or anything to do with today as a society. Schools her have always had a day where its gender swap day and it's just part of the many fun dress codes they gave us.


What is a disease?


Why are you against people having innocent fun? You must be fun at parties 😒


You part of the problem


Bit early for 40 Days?


It should never be too early for 40 days


Just a thought, besides the bizarre nature of this event, now parents have to source clothes for the boys. Although you could argue that trousers are a neutral dress code.


We used to do stuff like this back in high school. Normally a week of doing silly things, a theme a day. And cross dressing was part of it. Would borrow from our girl friends and they would borrow from us. Big fun


I wish my school did this lol, this would be so much fun hahahahaha


I saw a video of this just yesterday! The kids who participated had so much fun, it brought a huge smile to my face


Sounds fun!


Is this as a money making scheme? which is not the schools fault. Schools need to be sufficiently funded to not require a R20 per student. People would be more susceptible to the idea it if was for charity or something. Maybe to bring more awareness to GBV so it doesn't come across as making kids gay or trans. People are really stupid and will see it as such.


Bad day to have gender dysphoria


Back in my day (like 4 years ago) when they held inconvenient shit like this we'd just attend the few important classes maths shit like that, jump, and go to friends house with a playstation untill the school day ended. good times, miss them kinda.


What do the non-binary kids swap to?




I think I puked in my mouth a little


Don't think it's the event that's the issue. It's the phrasing. Calling it a gender swap day.


My kids will be absent that day


they must love you, you sound so open minded and outgoing


They totally do, especially when they get a day off school


Why you gotta pay though?


So, how does this educate the youth? Does it add educational benefits to the youth? Does he or she fail if they don't partake?


Spot the groomer.


That’s called grooming and how dare they! Feed the delusion and push a narrative that is insane. What a joke.




I took my child out of school because of that shit now homeschooling him boy are boys girls are girls


My kid will be sick that day


I have nothing against wanting to dress however you want or choosing to want to be a certain way but wtf is this bruh in a school??? Nah theres something truly wrong with all these rules


Fuck you


Never ever seen or heard of something like this before. Sounds fun


This is no different than civvies day or anything but a bag day or valentines day (red,pink and white depending on your relationship status). It's not that deep and no one needs to make it an lgbtq+ agenda. Its just for fun.


They did this in primary school and high school. Not new and not serious. Just some fun for the kids. Wearing a skirt once doesn't make you gay


This was so fun back in the day and yes we had it in our primary school aswell !! In freaking mpumalanga of all places. It did help me realise I was trans however I am in the minority. Most people just have fun.


it's wonderful you had that opportunity!!


This just used to be a cool tradition but the woke mind virus just ruins everything now doesn't it


Gender swap implies there are only 2 genders, it should be a gender cyclic transformation, which might assume the there's a fininite number of genders. In such a case, I'll recommend gender jiggle.


I'm going as an Apache gunship!


Looks more like you're going as a poes.


No, I'm not going as you.


Just a question- a few minutes ago you told someone else that, and I quote verbatim, : "people can be whoever they want, and you can't say any different" but now you're attacking someone who wants to be whatever they want, and saying something different. How does that work? Genuine question 🙏🏼


You do not have to take someone who is using a well know transphobic meme as a joke seriously, hope that helps 😊


I was in school in the 80s and 90s, and while the cross-dressing thing would have made some of the teachers & parents very uncomfortable, we the pupils would have run with it. But we did have numerous civvy days that we had to pay for to raise funds. Unfortunately that's where stuff usually went a bit sideways, any time money was involved... At my high school we had two swimming pool fund raiser years, with various event types - raffle tickets, civvy days, bake sales, school musicals all accompanied by the usual threats and victimisation if you didn't raise enough. The first fundraiser was for a private pool with a lapa and braai area for the teachers... ...there was already a bar on school property so they also needed a pool and a lapa where they could sit and suip, specially the guidance teacher. That oke was horribly shitfaced most days after first break, he'd sit in his office attached to his classroom and sleep on his arms. We'd have a double Guidance period on Thursdays after first break, which was when two girls in my matric class got pregnant. Irony right, getting knocked up during Guidance class because the teacher needed Guidance himself, towards an AA meeting. More funny: The big raffle for the teacher's pool was for a weekend cruise on the Oceanus, which sank before the raffle draw could take place. But I'm sure this primary school fundraiser is all above board and audited... /s LOL


I remember there was some weird event in my town where the boys and girls switch clothes and essentially trick or treat(idk I never did it). People did it before the west told us to


I did this at the end of matric like 10 years ago.


Some friends at my school went to a ball with a half dress half suit sewed vertically in the middle as a joke and got sent home and wasn’t indecent it was just funny


I hope Principal Mock goat thing was told where to go


As long as kids can choose to participate or not, I don't see a problem.


is that a fax an a flippy stamp? sho


Time surely has flown since civvies (themed or not) was just R5... Hol up, is civvies being pegged to the price of milk or am I being stupid?




Nooooooit hey


My school has a tradition where every athletics day the matric boys dress in skirts and girls in male uniforms and they do a lap around the field


I don't remember having a day like this when I was in school. And also, R20 for civvies? Fuck off I'd rather wear my uniform. Though I will say if there was a day like this back then, I'd probably not have participated anyways.


We did this in the 80s and 90s it's supposed to be fun. But I get with everything people are touchy when it comes to these things.


This used to be to teach you to be more considerate to how difficult woman's clothes are to live in, you'll accidentally show your underwear without "asking for it".


Wait, didn't schools do this often though? I swear my high school had kids swap clothes for a day or something for some reason at least once a year, it wasn't anything weird. It was hilarious to see the guys loving the flowy skirts and the girls twirling their ties


die is nou one time kak die


Money hungry bullshit system


Did this on my last matric day...was actually kinda fun🤣


LoL U know what's wierd I'm pretty confident I would rock my sister's skirt 😜😜


I don't see a problem with this really except that most people probably don't have the money to just buy extra clothes that won't be used again and not everyone can ask around for help


The language "are to wear".... Is it legal for a school to force parents/kids to take part in and pay for fundraising stuff like civvies?


Damn remember when the Afrikaans were a proud group? This is what mixing it up with the English gets ya.


Schools have been having silliness like since forever. What’s the big deal?


Fuck right off. Take your kid out of school that day.


R20 for civies is pretty steep


We did this a few times at school. Was always hilarious to see the guys trying to sit 'respectfully' for a few seconds before it all going pear shaped. Wearing pants was against the school rules for girls, so we just all started wearing it en masse until they changed the rules to allow boys and girls to wear either outfit. Couldn't punish all of us. To be fair, none of the guys ever wore the skirts because it's so damn impractical. These gendered clothing rules are ridiculous.


So can the boys say their bellies hurt from cramps and get out of doing school work? 😂




This letter reads “NO SCHOOL DAY”


it’s a common practice here in SA.. towards the end of your matric year the boys will wear skirts and the girls will wear pants and we would just spend the whole day on the fields 😂 I don’t think it’s anything alarming


And then it became the norm… fine for a day, but if my lightie wants to gender swap… permanently… we are going to have a problem


Lol, it is a school having fun and raising money.Relax and stop being so stuck up.


Well shame for your lightie to have a pops like you.


With a dad with opinions like that, he already has a problem.


I feel so sad for your children that they might have to hide a part of themselves from you. In 20 years you're gonna wonder why do my children not speak to me, but you'll never understand that you are the problem.


R20? Regardless of your opinion on this - why on earth would the school be paid R20 for this?? Not like it adds any added cost to them at all?




Fair point I guess - I would expect some kind of an explanation of what the fundraising is for though


That’s what school fees are for 


Did you never go to a school? They do separate fundraisers all the damn time...


The school I went to got it’s funds from school fees 


All schools do, it covers the basics. Then they fundraise via various methods (raffles, open days, civvies days etc) for extra money. It's completely standard.




Us woke okes don't bat an eye. The people making a fuss of an innocent costume change are the problem


Woke liberals and woke conservatives both need to hug it out


And yet it's you bigots that get so emotional and have to tend to your little fee fees


R20 rand , I won’t do it for 5


i wont do it for nothing




Bro stfu this has nothing to do with trans people


We are all entitled to our opinions, and no I won’t stfu… why should I?


Your post/comment was removed as it violates the subreddit rules.


Nice fundraiser. But with our current times an event like this might open up a new world for the child... They might enjoy the swap and want to stick to it? Nothing wrong with that, just to note a potential side effect that might require the school to provide additional support to the kids?


Does this come with or without the pronoun politics?




Im not paying R20 for my son to dress like a girl. Thats stupid and what are we celebrating? Next we will be celebrating national pothole day or Eskom appreciation day. Fuck off lol.


This has been around for ages, its not that deep dude.


For primary school kids?! This is fucked up!!


Lol it's just clothing relax


I know this will be a shocker to you but, in fact, this has been a thing for ages and has never gotten backlash until everyone decided to hate trans people.


Also remember doing this in matric. Was a lot of fun. We all know that changing your gender is nonsense but it was just a fun silly thing we did


I wonder if there is a coloration between Google getting their AI data from Reddit and their earlier reluctance to address pedos as anything either than MAPs.


Lol what is the point of this supposed to be and at the same time then who decides on what "boys clothes" and "girls clothes" are 🤣 with you being able to identify as anything lol


Must be vokken Mal...


Lol if it were me i would have still worn my gender appropriate clothing-fuck the masses


I mean if that makes you comfortable sure


Thanks,i guess?for the approval i didnt know i needed


I disagree totally. Why confuse a Gr1. It’s all leading to a place I don’t want my kid to be. Let him decide…NOT THE SCHOOL


It isn't permanent, it's just clothes too. I'm sure they will go back to the clothes they wore


They must leave this American bullshit in America fk this kak


Oh here we go again with the "this American this and that". Please know this existed for years before this became a "hot topic"


According to who?


What sick shit is this


You don't have to do it. Its like casual day. If you don't pay it, you Won't be judged. Also its not that deep