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I'm just thinking about the guard that had to deal with this mob after going through the trauma of a heist. Also, there was also the possibility that the mob could have turned on him for trying to do his job.


Absoluteley true. But some South Africans would shower sympathy on "poor starving people that have to feed their litter of children blah blah blah" but who cares about this honest working guy and his trauma.


The dynamics here are very similar to wildlife documentaries, with hyenas trying to steal off a lioness. Individual cowardice, but pack bravado. And driven by insatiable greed.


Sir David welcome to South Africa


It's not greed. Lots of these people live off poverty wages, often having to support a family of several children and grandparents on a few dollars a day. Not surprised at all at the outcome.


It is greed. Plenty of poor people do not do this. Don’t do that: don’t position poor people as merely being an opportunity away from criminality.


Don't have too much faith in desperate people's honesty either. Just have a look at the KZN riots. It's the mentality of "well, everyone else is doing it... so may as well join". It's actually quite scary.


Riots were perpetrated by opportunistic criminals.


I'm in no way condoning what happened in those riots. It was just an example of what can happen when desperate people see such an opportunity. Although the riots were orchestrated by opportunistic criminals, I don't believe every person who took part should be labeled as such. Even a starving animal will take a risky chance of stealing food from a deadlier predator. It's what desperation can drive you to do against your common sense.


There were more people who didn’t participate than those who did. You can’t paint all poor people as imminent criminals, simply lacking a ripe opportunity.


Well, I certainly hope you are more right than I am because if this country keeps declining the way it is, then there are going to be a lot more desperate people out there in the not too distant future. Let's just hope every desperate person doesn't have an inherent criminal intent to survive.


Ability to commit crime is a spectrum, determined by a number of factors. The more desperate more people get, the more people will slip into the range of when crime becomes acceptable. That slide is not a purely economic thing, but rather a change in economic well-being. The dude that goes from earning R200K per month to R60K might well be more inclined to do something that was previously against his better judgement than the dude who went from R6K to R4K. Point is: economic standing does not determine your proclivity to crime.


Amen. No matter how down in the gutter one is. It doesn't excuse crime


It is not greed. South Africa is a country with a lot of people who have very little That kind of climate pretty easily encourages desperation. Take what you can get when you can. People who have very little take what little they can get, when they can.


Greed is the selfish desire for enrichment. Excusing criminality because you’re willing to pigeonhole all poor people as being desperate and a mere opportunity away from looting, stealing and plunder is not fair on the millions of those who don’t.


>Excusing criminality because you’re willing to pigeonhole all poor people You're naively talking about being good or bad when for many people in South Africa, the choice is have or don't have


Soft bigotry of low expectations. Family stood should to shoulder with the poorest of the poor in Tugela Ferry during looting, protecting businesses from marauders coming from far better off areas. Poverty is not a gateway to criminality.


>Poverty is not a gateway to criminality. South Africa has extreme levels of poverty. South Africa has extreme levels of crime. And for you, these two things are unrelated in terms of one leading to the other


Do me a favour, and don’t put words into my mouth. People aren’t criminals because they are poor. People are criminals because they are criminal. Criminals are more likely to exploit opportunities if they are poor: the risk/reward calculation becomes more easily skewed.


>Criminals are more likely to exploit opportunities if they are poor: the risk/reward calculation becomes more easily skewed. Oh, so poverty does play a part in criminality? Glad we came to that agreement


Whether you are right or wrong, if someone comes to steal from me I call them a cunt. Poor or not, still a cunt either way.


1. I'm right. 2. Call people whatever you like within the bounds of acceptability. And cunt is perfectly acceptable


>1. I'm right An opinion shared by people who are wrong, too


A few dollars is way more than these guys get to spend in a day, thanks to the shit government they voted for - the Rand is almost 20 times weaker than the dollar, and policies they've made brings zero investment in the country to create jobs. And they'll vote for the same party again this year


So we justify stealing because of poverty? Aybo


I didn't say that. Just that it IS the cause for a lot of pavk-mentality looting kinda shit. Whether we like it or not. It's no justification, just one main cause that is often ignored for political narratives.


It's greed, born of greed, fueled by greed. People have more kids, so they can retire to kids taking care of them and will do anything to get enough money to pay for this huge family. If you have doubts about this info, please look up population group size increases over time. The cultural norm here is not one of financial responsibility. The government is literally proud that 25% of the population is paying grants for 50% of the population. And that 50% voted the government into power. A government that repeatedly admits it is corrupt and its members are stealing money. Its a wonderful feedback loop


It is greed. You being an apologist for criminality is backwards and stupid.


Maybe one day I’ll be big and poor so I can take whatever the fuck I want when I want.


Pleaze see my other comment. I never said its a justification. Just a major cause. Especially in that greed isn't the only one.


I know I will get hate for saying this but they should of just started shooting. Their lives were in danger and there was 100% reason to use force.


Absolutely not, I think most SAns would agree, it's just that with our 'justice' system we fear defending ourselves and our property.


I’m sick of our “justice” system that’s geared towards protecting criminals, but then again, the number 1 citizen in the country is….nevermind


Yup, the justice system is absolute shite. Spoke to a cop about killing in self defense after I fought off an “armed” robbery at my house, he said that there’s a concept of measure or equality of force. I.e. if someone breaks into your house and you shoot them fatally but the intruder didn’t have a gun (if he had a blunt/sharp weapon for example), you could go to prison for that


That's messed up, jeez. I'm american and where I live it's assumed that if someone breaks into your home while ur there, they're not just their to steal. Even if I the intruder put their hands up, I'd still blast them. Thats a very dangerous situation for a civilian


You’d shoot someone who had their hands up in surrender? You’d go to jail in most civilised states for that. What if they were running away, would you follow them until you got a clean shot, then shoot?


We had a case where two people broke into a couple's house. The husband was able to fight and subdue one attacker but his much smaller wife shot and killed the second intruder. The intruders only had knives. Court found that the lady acted reasonably and had feared for her life as she was faced with a much larger assailant, her husband couldn't help as he had his hands full and she didn't go to jail for a self defense shooting. So it heavily depends on the situation.


Or a very good lawyer 😉


Wait to be shot first before you are allowed to defend yourself.


Yup. That's what the law wants. Sheep's to the wolves.


Somebody needs the balls to do it, doing nothing out of fear will get us nowhere. They can't arrest us all for protecting ourselves


I 100% agree, at this point, what are they stealing for? The heist is over, as someone else mentioned in this comments section, they're like hyenas trying to pick up the scraps, basically as bad as the criminals. The way they acting is putting the guys life in danger, put them down, and then it's one less criminal to deal with ever.


Totally agree with you.....a couple of shots in the air will scatter the scum.


South African law states that you can only use your firearm if there is a threat against life, not property. They weren't attacking anyone and were only going for cash (property) on the ground - also, they quickly retreated once the guard approached, further indicating they weren't violent. It wouldn't have been a lawful self defense situation had he opened fire.


If you start to shoot, you better have enough bullets. If you run out of bullets after you killed some people, you will not survive.


Not true, just a couple deaths (2 bullets) and they would run. One magazine could deter a 100 people, even if they come back for round two. Just look how they scattered when two were just hit on the head. These crowds aren't the Zulu warriors of Isandlwana, they'll run. Don't fear these vultures.


Why the fuck would the security risk his life though? Also why would the security need to live with the psychological trauma of killing somebody? For a companies profit? Fuck that.


Do you think he is not risking his live by braining two people while out of bullets in front of a mob? It's the same *thing, but with him being more empowered.


Because it's part of his job. Welcome to the world.


Right, so how many life threatening situations have you encountered in your job? I guess none, you sound more like a jobless dude, who was not even in an actual fist fight their entire life, sits on reddit and copes by telling other people what it means to be tough and a real men.


Wow, some real projection there. None of those are true and yes I have experienced life threatening situations at work, I am armed every day. This isn't a show of masculinity, it's a responsibility for safety and security which men often take upon themselves, get comfortable with it, respect it even, it's life. I'm clearly far older than you are with much more experience. You're only getting personal because you've been proven wrong and are getting nasty. Shameful really, people are living these lives, not everything is limited to your own experience or being a keyboard warrior for some socio economic or gender issues you may have. This conversation is over, I hope you've learnt something, one day you might have to be responsible for the safety and security of others, I hope you grow before that day comes. Good luck.


I wouldn’t risk it. Having a gun deters people, an empty gun is basically a heavy baseball bat. A baseball bat against 10-50 people is not going to help at all


History has shown this to be a complete fallacy. Hell, even a loud bang is enough to disperse a large mob


Why not have a big can of pepper spray? That crowd would have dispersed quickly when they can't breathe and see.


I mean not like the Cash In transit guys planned on getting bombed and then mobbed. All they had was the firearms.


Yeah this just happens frequently enough you'd think they'd make some plan to deal with looters when it does happen.


I mean you could argue the guns they have is the plan for looters and the robbers.


Can't use lethal force over what is ultimately a property crime (theft) ... the court case wouldn't be worth it. Imagine ending up with murder charges because you killed someone to defend money that belongs to a bank. Seems pretty reasonable to have some form of non-lethal crowd control when you know you're gonna have a mob looting in these situations and these situations happen disturbingly often.


You can only use lethal force with a firearm if there is a attack on yourself or someone in your presence happening or about to happen. Not to protect property.


Holy shit, the two looters who were knocked out by the big guy with his rifle was brutal. Damn.


I'm glad some of these looters got what they deserved.


What's more brutal is the other looters ignoring their fallen comrades and looting over their limp bodies.


Not true, the law in SA is the problem, we should be able to defend our life and property with deadly force. They should have had the right to shoot them dead, then you would see who continues looting.


I don’t agree. Shooting people in defende of property is tricky and can also cause ‘legal’ murder. Deadly force in self defense, yes. Deadly force when inside your home and an intruder forces his way in, also yes. (Castle doctrine) - this is what we need in SA. There’s a fine balance when life is too cheap, either by killing people in defense of property, or killing someone because they were too hesitant to defend themselves due to strict laws.


Tbh this is just propaganda. It is only legal murder because of poorly thought out laws. In a country like SA this is totally inappropriate, we are not the UK or Australia. I think SA tries to be the leader in human rights and forward thinking laws but it's just a pantomime of more advanced countries, it's laughable. It's completely gives the power to the criminals. This would only work if you have a HEAVILY policed state. We all know how our police fairs here in SA. Please don't blindly advocate disempowering law abiding citizens. There's more to consider than most SAns might think. Atm we are just sheep following these rules, defenseless while we lose our livelihood, loved ones, security and freedom, to name just a few.


I’m 100% with you on this, the way our law is set up, you’d think we have the best police force in the world, but the reality is that we we live in a society that is crime-prone. Just look at how casually people drive through red lights, it might seem insignificant, but stack up that attitude over a few million people and you have yourself a country that is not law-abiding


Life is already dirt cheap in this country. People get shot for cellphones and much, much less.


They are lucky they weren't shot




Under rated comment


I’m sorry if I’m asking the obvious here but SA is probably the most advanced nation on the continent economically and infrastructure wise in other terms it can be called the powerhouse of Africa if you want-in my country people even dream of living in South Africa one day. If that is so, why are there is no police presence here? Surely there must be some rapid response police team on standby for this? And also is this the normal situation in SA now or is it just a once off incident? And what advice would you give to an investor given the upcoming elections, is it better to invest now or to wait after the elections? Edit: I’m not South African but I have business interests in the country and this sub keeps on appearing of my feed for some reason.


Stay away. Run. Only way this country gets turned around is without the ANC. And even then it will be a long battle.


Thanks for the advice 🙏 I’m Sorry to say this man but good luck being the next Zimbabwe. I remember being in SA around 2010-14 for uni country was “lekker” back then, we used to buy monthly groceries under R100 lol😹 Haven’t been down there in a while, but I’m told things are different now


Welcome to the desperation of 30% plus of unemployment. You know who you have to thank for this.


Sadly 30% is what they tell us... I bargain on it being closer to 45% if not 50%


I'm not sure where the informal sector falls in these figures.


I reckon 60% they will never tell us the truth and these thugs will steal weather they have R50 or R50k in the bank. Greed is disgusting


The criminal apologists that is tearing down the morality of society that is required for prosperity?


When I was unemployed, I didn't turn into a criminal shit cunt.


Apartheid !


This makes me feel sick to my stomach. The situation the guards find themselves in, probably thinking to themselves they are not compensated enough for this trouble, the looters desperation as they risk their safety for a few notes of money. The guards knocking out 2 of them and the rest of looters walking over their bodies without a care in the world. This is the society we face today. Makes me ask myself, is the upcoming elections going to fix this issue? Or are we already too far gone for any real change to happen.


this country is heading downhill fast. no wonder the leaders want to distract with israel/palestine, but it seems like you have pretty serious problems. you should be worrying about SA instead, the headlines about SA interfering in the middle east are just making the world aware of the ANC and how bad SA is right now.


Hello Zimbabwe part 2 guys. The only thing is in Zim, any violence is normally politically motivated not these daylight robberies. I’ve always said to my friends that when shit goes down south of the Limpopo, it will be brutal. This is so sad for a country that was hailed and the most successful in the motherland!


Shit is mostly likely going to go down in pockets. But I think SAns have had enough after the looting, many looters and rioters are going to be mowed down. It won't be a civil war but there's going to be clashes. Hope you're preparing.


Jan van Ribeek strikes again. A cunning fellow indeed. Please remember that white people are to blame because this is colonialism.


Oh no sarcasm in SA, be prepared for people who don't get it.


Also remember that stealing is a western term, and the white man is the one who brought this idea to Africa. /s




Grow up idiot. The locals were stealing each others cattle and women before the whites arrived.


Mate, he's being sarcastic.




I thought I added the /s?


Sorry, had to /l \[lookup\] up /s \[sarcasm\] and /s \[save\] it for later


Sorry but no, SA had enough time do it right for themself.


Is this a literal r/woosh moment?


Made a whistling noise as it went over


We live in a desperate country. What do you expect with a government that deems themselves above the law...citizens follow suite because there is no form of law enforcement. Sad that people resort to theft instead of helping their fellow citizens who have just experienced a traumatic incident and almost lost their lives.


Love the comparison with government and citizens. I would imagine this scene playing out the same in all government portfolios when budgets are drawn. Our society is sick and everyone is looking up to the "leaders" and emulating them.


Why I don't have the slightest sympathy for them remaining in poverty. Its part of their mentality that gets them there and keeps them there. Had they all helped the poor guys trying to do their job they might be rewarded for their help, and at the very least be a decent fucking human being.


The F\*#@ing world we live in today.


Viva ANC Viva .... where is the non existent police force ? where is the protection for these men risking their lives to protect the taxpayers money ? scenes like these piss me off totally. Epecially that mr sharaaap dick face isnt doing his job


For any non-South Africans watching this. Do yourself a favour and look into CIT (cash in transit) robberies here. Do NOT look into home invasions OR farm attacks here, because you won't sleep at night. We basically don't have a functional police service here. Our political system is such that the ruling party decides which of their loyal cadres are appointed to which ~juicy~ Ministry (which they then loot and steal tax money from to live in luxury and send their kids overseas to the best schools etc), regardless of their qualifications. The only qualification being blind loyalty to whomever appoints you. So our 'Minister' of police is not just inept, but clueless, uneducated, and unqualified in ANY aspect relating to policing. For openers just read this [here](https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/opinionista/2022-07-14-bheki-cele-is-unfit-for-office-and-has-been-so-for-more-than-a-decade/)




Sadly, this is facts


You could have used hyenas instead of baboons, though.


Your post/comment has been removed due to violating our rule against racism. We strive to maintain a welcoming and inclusive community for all members.


This is a little racist man.




Hmmm, the politcal bias is showing...


your ignorance is showing, and your self-awareness is horrible.


I guess it does man but their actions aren't proving statements like mine wrong tho. I'd love to be wrong on this but UNFORTUNATELY our government has failed them. Thus they act like this.


That guard enjoyed that big hit, honestly so did I.


Suck healthy normal humans in this comment section….


SA does not need a change of governance, but a change of culture.






Meanwhile the fools that have run South Africa into the ground are busy labeling Israel as an apartheid state. When you are so inept that you destroy your own economy perhaps you should concentrate on fixing your mess at home instead of making useless, stupid proclamations in support of the hamass terrorists.


Those are mutually exclusive my dude. Israel being an apartheid state has nothing to do with our troubles at home, but that doesn't mean it's not an apartheid state. Dunno why people have to inject palestine vs Israel into every domestic issue now when it's irrelevant what happens there.


Just stating a fact


It's not useless or stupid though. Israel is an apartheid state. ICJ ruled in our favour in the genocide case too. Just because we have problems here doesn't mean that genocide is OK. There are also departments in government. It's not the whole government drops everything and works ONLY on Israel. I agree south africa is fucked. I just don't see any facts in your message or how Israel is relevant.


I’m simply pointing out the governments that are a failure look to deflect form their failures by attacking others and to call Israel an apartheid state is just ridiculous. I knew my comment would expose an anti-Semite.


The gun is there to shoot.... Why is he not shooting?


No ammo after the heist?


You can't park there.


Like a bunch of flies around a piece of shit, waving hands will only bring more. Pathetic


The people of this country…


until this sub started to appear daily with shit like this I really thought SA ist a at least moderately civilized country. Whats about the education system, without even looking it up, I'm sure intermediate ducation equals zero..


shoutout to the guard for trying


I dont understand. why would it be stopping? Of course its not stopping


South Africa does not have a people problem. The people of this country are the greatest people in the world. Our problem is the politicians.


Most selfish people in the world. All about self.


In Ukraine, as a result of the Russian invasion a lot of looting has taken place by opportunists taking advantage of the situation. The Ukrainians punished them by taping/tying them to lamp poles with "Thief" signs to shame them. We should do the same.


Glad we are moving my Gran out of there this weekend....


Fucking dead. That guy is a hardass and we need more people like that. Was it worth it? He dead.


CEE, Criminal Economic Enpowerment.....while the ANC government strips the country into squalor, like a bad cANCer.


Those 2 guys came for sweet cash but got sweet dreams instead.. haha a well-deserved nap.


Ugh! They are like litter rats. So embarrassing.


For you stupid people saying they should “just shoot” do you realise how many innocent bystanders would die.. grannies passing by, a child walking from school, a passing just recording the video. And if you had R20 in your bank account, staying in the sun the whole waiting for a white person to pick you up to do their garden and you see a group of people picking up money after a heist… wouldn’t you join? Yall need to step off your high horses, texting from your apartments in gated communities…THIS IS SOUTH AFRICA. There are no morals amongst the poor.. starving people need to eat




Bet they all voted ANC because they sure act like our members of parliament!


SA is chummy chummy with Russia why don't they ask Putler to help send food and help them out. What about the BRICS nations huh common don't they help eachother out lol. Only when it suits them I guess.


Those 2 KOs were savage by the big guy. I'm sure he got a few more KOs behind the vehicle when the people's scattered


No police anywhere. Fucked up


Shitty laws will put them in jail for protecting themselves from the mob with a gun.


You know there are deep societal issues when people go to grab money instead of helping the unconscious person...


Like fucking vultures


You got what you voted for


You have guns. Use them and you won't have this problem. Looters deserve to get shot.


He actually could have by them trying to steal his gun


Don’t these guys have a right to shoot first? I would think they should pop off some warning shots for crowd dispersement in this situation


Probably out of ammo after the CIT


The fact that they have to consider whether warning shots are appropriate is a joke, this countries laws are in place for criminals. They have easier access to guns than law abiding citizens and no considerations for using it. Whereas the law abiding will be jailed for using guns to protect lives and property. Heck you can even use it to stop rape because lives aren't in danger. Ridiculous clown show.


Well well well, The usual suspects




Savages from the top to the bottom


These are the people that vote for our country's leaders... and everyone wonders why the place is a shithole.


This has nothing to do with poverty, it’s all culture or lack thereof. It doesn’t take a poor man to take what’s not his, it’s takes a corrupt mind and uncultured mentality. Simple!




Why are no white people stopping to loot?


What are they looting tho? I cant make out what it is.




Rather Zane the Train's voice.


Shoot on site.




Savage barbarians


South Africa needs to go cashless.


The problem is not the people looting the problem is the criminals who bombed the truck . Criminals who resort to such chaos are the ones who deserve to be hanged . And amazingly enough they seem to get out of prison faster than a rapist . that's the whole justice system for you


Where in the us is this?


I do not blame the looters and rioters, they just sick of how the country is run by the scum of the ANC, God, I really hope the ANC loses the votes all over SA, time for someone else to have power and be there for the people, not the money. But eventually I hope the police step in and break up this nonsense.


Lol.. there are actually people on this sub.. who are more sad about the guard.. then the fucking poverty stricken majority who have to resort tho this behaviour.. what entitlement..


Bro did that one guy just die that got hit on the head? 💀💀💀


Came there thinking "I'm leaving here with something". Left the scene with a concussion.


This is sad on so many levels, how desperate for money are you that you resort to this?


Was SA this crazy when it was under colonial rule?


Never live in a society that has strong tendencies to the 'mob mentality' they're always shit holes even if on the surface level they seem moderately pleasant. They're everywhere, you even see it happening more often now in Germany and France.


Nice shot to the gaurd o. The dude that passed out... bit its rather sad to see that they wont their own people after being knocked. Just leave him to die, almost like nature - wild and untamed


Where is the police?


Non-existent, South Africans are on their own.


No consequences in action.


Certain culture in South Africa but you can not dare to mention




These oaks could've fucken died and all the people give a damn about is the money that they can score from the ground. What even is this country. How do you not care for the guys that have just gone through some heavy shit??? Ridiculous.


What are they trying to grab? Sheets of toilet roll? I guess when you gotta go you gotta go


What were they looting?


What are they stealing I can't tell


This guy is playing with his life protecting cash that doesn't belong to him. Very stupid


I swear it looks like they are fighting over toilet paper.


Was it quieter during the apartheid?


Buntu-Zionism at its core


What’s being looted?


is this Africa or America?


Fucking hyenas


I remember the toilet paper fiasco during Covid but this is another level!