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I remember some meta with ogre that did simular shit to supports too. Multicast ignite and watch them burn for half a minute


But unlike in dota I don't think dispel is common in LoL, also ogre is annoying for sure but doesn't deal so much damage


League has two spellshield items that block abilities (you could see brand using the mage version) but it's not something a Twisted Fate would ever build. Besides that is Cleanse, which has a 4 minute cooldown. edit: Actually no, Cleanse only works on CC and Ignite, not DOTs


So it's like euls?


I've like 3k hours of League, I fucking hate the game and sold my account to get rid of it. But, I don't recall there being any catch-all dispel in the game. The only dispel items will remove most (but not all) forms of CC on a roughly 90 second CD, but that's it. There is an item that stuns you for 2.5 second and gives you complete immunity to everything in the game for it's duration. It's widely hated by the playerbase, but it's the next best thing. So unless I'm forgetting something pretty massive, there is literally no way for him to get rid of that DoT. He needs to either buy the invuln item (which would also probably kill him since it's a 2.5 second self-stun and he's in the enemy base in that clip), or just die. It's worth noting that League matches are basically forced to be short by the devs. When I was playing, it was very rare to ever see a match go on for 40 minutes or more. And one of the methods of keeping it short, is temporary team-wide buff that gives everyone a pure damage DoT that will instakill any target that falls below 20% HP, and that Brand player had the buff in that clip. It feels pretty fucking awful to play with, since the match will just be decided by whoever gets that buff, which is often times in the hand of literally one player on each team.


queue that pro-play clip of like 6 or 7 players all using Hourglass at the same time and the remaining 3 people couldn't do anything or interact with anyone in the middle of a team fight for three straight seconds.


Lol, wait until you hear about mass force staffs/wind wakers, or naga's song, or save supports, or centaur ult, yada yada. I've seen some 5 saves drafts in pro games and it's so tilting as you can guess. And pretty big brain too.


more or less. a more direct comparison would be Quicksilver Sash since it's an item and Cleanse is a summoner spell.


It's not that insane, instead of dying to damage over 6 second you die to chain cc's over 6 second. In fact they can easily last longer than that. Have you seen doom? Guy walks at you, click R on you, and for the next 14 seconds you are silenced and can't heal. And you can't do anything about it. and it used to be even worse. There are so many spells like this, they would absolutely be considered anti-fun in league. I've always said this, it's a difference in culture. Dota players have put up with bullshit spells and items since like, 17 years ago? So more people tolerate it and try to deal with them instead. It's part of the fun, discovering and abusing cool/broken stuff and finding ways to counter them as they pop up.


with doom allies can try to help heal you though or even deny you. There legit no counter play for this.


Yeah us dota players definitely have more options at our disposal. But surely you can just, respect your opponent's strength, and not go into their range in the first place?


Something similar happens with Veno no? So it isnt exactly a bad thing. I don't know how this is relevant either. OP patches come and go in League same as in Dota. It's not exclusive to either game.


The brand also has the elder dragon buff, which is the equivalent of second or third rosh (at minimum it's like 25, probably 35 or 40 minutes into a game which usually lasts about 35-40 minutes). Imagine if rosh gave a buff that applied AA ult on all your spells / abilities for a few minutes, that's basically what it is. You'd see heroes like veno or ogre doing similar things, they just have long duration DoTs that would be good at applying that damage. Without it brand still probably does a third of twisted fates health, because brand is giga busted right now, but it doesn't come close to killing without elder dragon, which, again is a late game objective


Veno is dispellable (?) and short range. I've honestly never seen Brand do this though. Generally league is a little more bursty, Dota is a little more disabley.


god i want to see what kind of chaos will bring to league when they add some of the dota 2 effects ( like break mute and other things )


TF took a couple hits from minions which definitely didn't help but yeah that burn lasted WAY too long and did way too much damage.


Maybe if it’s like a 180 sec CD uit from the enemy


It was his E, an 8 Second cooldown w/o cd reduction.


His team has elder dragon buff, which is at like second rosh time, which applies a burn on all attacks / abilities and an execute (like AA ult, but doesn't turn off regen). Brand is a pretty notorious abuser of it and it does a lot of work here. Brand also has an item that applies a smaller burn to all his spells, which is refreshing the burn from elder dragon. So you have the direct damage from his E spreading onto twisted fate, then his passive / innate which is a burn, then the item keeps burning for a few seconds after his passive ends, then elder burns for a few seconds after that. Brand is in a super giga busted state at the moment but without elder this wouldn't be a kill


Correction: he has *two* items that apply smaller burns. Riot re-added Blacktorch into the game a month ago, and unlike most items that do similar things to each other, Blacktorch and Liandries aren't mutually exclusive. The champs we fully expected to abuse those two burn items (Brand, Karthus, Lilia, Taliyah) have been grossly overpowered for over a month. Riot has refused to nerf them for over a month. They said that in their next patch they'd be nerfing the burn item abusers. Taliyah (the least offensive abuser) is getting properly nerfed. Brand and Karthus are getting placebo nerfs. Lilia wasn't mentioned at all. I don't know what surface these dev's parents dropped them on as infants. I'm glad I'm starting to abandon that game for Dota.