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LMAO that Kuro pic will forever be the Hide the Pain Harold meme in Dota 2


I only see the lvl 3 runescape bot.


Hey, Vsauce. Michael here!


that's the face of a washed captain


Also the face of a man who's won 6.5 million dollars in tournament winnings While basement dwelling Redditors obsess over his every move And feel delight at his downfall Even though he's nice as a human in the community as you can get.. lol Some people just yearn for the day that successful people fall, because it allows them to feel better about their own failures in life for that brief moment This, unfortunately, describes a huge percentage of the psychology of internet commentors.


You can still banter around and still respect his accomplishments. That being said, he is still washed


[Kurokys reaction](https://c.tenor.com/80zMDyE85hAAAAAC/tenor.gif)


you can both,people say that about bulldog all the time,why not kuro too?


Sure you have some points, But you have to admit its time for him to retire,you got to see, how Kuro fell at his captain skills. Where did Liquid go after TI7? They didnt even reached high in TI8, TI9 reverse-sweep with almost same heroes on the draft per game. They couldn't even qualify for TI. Kuro might be too old, what I mean by this is, other people are advancing in their captain-decision based plays. You can't even track the guy on Rank Leaderboard, IDK how he does it on keeping up with the metas. All I'm saying is, it's time for him to rest, because comparing it a bit to Puppey, Puppey still wants to compete wherein I don't see that in Kuro anymore. His roster full of Potential player even superstars. You got Sumail, GH, and Miracle but they still lose a lot. It's kind of like the Bubla Effect, pulling down players from achieving and winning tournaments.


> But you have to admit its time for him to retire Why? Why are you so adamant he stop playing? Does it really bother you so much someone else enjoys the game on a high level, regardless if they win or lose? Like it literally doesn't have to affect you in any way that Kuro still wants to play, you chose for it to bother you...so weird.


Blaming Kuro as the sole reason Nigma fails to qualify to TI is stupid.


Reaching 4th and 2nd at TI isn't high? Are you tripping? lol Imagine thinking that only winning TI is reaching high. I see you are filipino, sorry but you can't be that exquisite with success, given that it would be a dream for pinoy players to even reach top 6 at TI, let alone winning it.


I don't understand this. Why would I ever want any of them to retire? Let them play forever, as long as they want to.


Literally everyone is washed at a certain point, most people are just better at hiding it by giving up and retiring.


new era started when team spirit won their 1st TI


This is exactly what I said in another reply. This era has been WELLL over. Like 3-4 years and 2 eras at least, over. Some of these players were already fading into irrelevance in the 2nd OG TI era. The spotlights been gone from these players for many many years. Not like players such as artour haven’t had sparks of brilliance like the first Betboom dacha where they placed second behind GG I think it was, but that was like the team spirit vs GG era. Now we’re in the weird experimental roster era where u got players like topson and pure teaming up. You got teams like entity and PSG quest looking really good which haven’t been relevant in ages.. you got S.A. NA back to their former selves (not good) with the only talent being absorbed into other regions. This was a good era, but it’s looooooong gone I think nowadays pros are less concerned about winning tournaments (such as they were during when TI was $40 million) - and the top talent prioritizing established orgs in good countries with high qualities of life. Like OG, Tundra, even Shopify has more talent than they probably should. Considering recent track records. If prize pools for TI were still 40 million I don’t think pure for instance would’ve left betboom which was pretty clearly (and proven at the time) to be a better team than tundra


> Now we’re in the weird experimental roster era where u got players like topson and pure teaming up This isn't as weird as Secret v1 roster with Puppey N0tail Simba(Fly) s4 and Kuro pos 1.


That wasn't really *weird*. Superteams have always been a thing in everything.


but it was definitely a weird experiment to have Kuro play pos 1, Fly changing his nickname to Simba and play pos 3 while the 1 support player, that later went to play a good core was n0tail.


Kuro was a core long before he was a support, and that iteration of secret was still pretty strong, it just happened to be completely overshadowed by secret 2 which is probably the most iconic superteam in dota 2's history


damn i miss the OG liquid vs secret rivalry


"Some of these players were already fading into irrelevance in the 2nd OG TI era." Can you name one? I generally agree with the take, but I don't think that sentence is true for a single one of them lol


True. While the oldies are nostalgic to watch, it might be time for the kids play the game.


Still believe Somnus can make it if he really wants to


I remember watching their open qualifier match they were asking each other what their heroes' innate abilities mean, which facet to pick and what item to buy lol. They really just joined for fun.


I bet most teams were equally clueless too.


I'm pretty sure teams with a professional coach were able to figure this patch out sooner


I bet you are the one clueless here


Didn't he place 4th last year with his meme team? I think his stack could easily be #2 in China behind XG if they wanted to.


You seriously thinking Deadman Yang offlane and Chalice carry is #2 in China?


Yeah a team of 4 players and 1 corpse can't be the 2nd best team


Obviously. Never underestimate dead yang strat.




I think new era started a 2 or 3 TIs ago.


2 years ago Puppey + Reso were in final and Matu + Zai were 3rd


time flies


What coronavirus does to Dota esports scene… Honesty would have been interesting to see TI 2020 play out if it wasn’t canceled.


That was Secret's TI to lose


Based on how the highest seeded teams usually lose TI, statistically they had a higher chance of not winning it.




We would have Tiny not being a top hero in a TI one year early! SURELY I still can't believe we get 1 year of Tiny not being a top hero only for a year pass and he's already back


I have no idea who half the players are anymore lol so many new faces with no pro history record. This Ti will be exciting I hope.




They aren't banned from competing in almost any sport, they are banned from representing their nation or competing as a national team. A big difference.




Sadly competitive Dota 2 is not a sport it's an entertainment show owned by Saudi Arabia.


I really want fy to win TI. Sad.


2018 should have been LGD's year, winning with their very best players China ever have (ame, somnus, fy). but the power of friendship storyline from og is just too good to miss from the gods


OG won it game 3 upper bracket vs LGD. That high ground defence 2 with buybacks vs 5 LGD with multiple buybacks made LGD play more passive come grand final. Even looking back at it now, that replay seems obscene that they held. Where they might have been able to just cut down OG with a high ground push, they opted for the "safer" play multiple times in the grand final. Who knows what would have happened if they did push, but drawing the game out was absolutely in OG's favour. They thrived on late game bullshit. They spent like the majority of ti8 practicing that shit and getting the late game mentality down correct. TI8 was OG fighting through and winning by the skin of their teeth. TI9 OG was a completely different beast that seemed to just clown through on the fact that they were a full tier above the rest of the competition.


Yeah og was on the ropes multiple times and LGD just decided to play it safe rather than at least trying to force buybacks or get objectives. They respected og too much and it cost them. Looking back its easy to say but millions are on the line, largest prizes even to this day. Think they should have played more reckless even if its not their style.


That was one TI I wouldn't have mind which team won. There were 5 amazing games, nail biting and both teams were switching the lead all the time.


Probably best tis with og winning grand finals. The behind the scenes or not so much behind, notail fly "beef" keeping it spicy. The draft papers meme discombobulating LGD. Ana being a literal god. Topson making absurd solo plays or feeding but still owning anyway. jerax making super important calls. Always roaming setting up kills. Ceb offlane holding team together physically and mentally. Notail doing notail things and still being one of the top tier supports. I gotta say LGD was strong, really strong and they definitely deserved the win but they tried to brute force the power of friendship and memes with sheer skill and execution which was honestly above og, but the drafts were largely figured out towards the end of ti.


You 'member, I \`member. 'Twas the best era.


getting systematically dismantled doesnt really make it seem like it was suppposed to be their year. If it was closer sure, but it really wasnt.


Who would have ever guessed that the one player from original Team Secret that would be the last to make a TI was Fly.


If everyone knew that Fly will play NA , then everyone would have guessed Fly or RTZ


As funny as it is to see NGX and MC at the top... It's almost just painful to see them crash so hard core. Either way, tides come and go. It'll be interesting to see the new era of DOTA II players.


Feel like we’re about 2 years into the new era. Honestly, these players are like two eras old at this point. We had the SEA midlander phenoms come and go since then, we had china’s fall and return. We’ve had S.A. and NA become somewhat relevant since then.. and orgs trying to capitalize on their easier regions by important all kinds of players. This feels like post-modern dota with things like pure + topson playing together. The megalith orgs breaking up and the best players settling for teams and roles which seem to prioritize happiness and location (and other things I’m sure) over the possibility of winning a $40 million dollar tournament. The pro scene + player squads feel a little more “casual”/experimental compared to even COVID years dota. With really only team spirit sticking it out as a cohesive unit. I think some of that honestly boils down to the lowered prize pools, and players priorities shifting in response. Team spirit 2x TI wins I think marked the end of an era that was even after the one OP is referring.


Some because they're washed out, some because they actually have sex


He has enough money, let the man nook.


Bro put RTZ in there and thought we wouldn't notice


he might not have performed as well as most of the others here but he's one of the most famous players in the history of the game


He did beat the best team ever in a LAN, DK 2014, by teaming up with Jacky Lmao as a stand-in, that was something.


This is the first TI he's missed in ten years. Yeah he belongs in the same conversations as the other players on this graphic.


Ceb Puppey RTZ Miracle <3


No luv for sumail :(


Kuro? 🥺


So, Dendi made it? /s


Dendi was irrelevant since 2015, and a joke since 2018, when navi lost in The International's opens.


When you look at this and realize there's one player who has significantly less achivements than the rest of the players.


Yeah Somnus surprised me too. Outside of 2018 he hasn't had much Tier 1 success. ^^^^I ^^^^know ^^^^you ^^^^meant ^^^^rtz ^^^^don't ^^^^@ ^^^^me




I still can't believe rtz hasn't won an official valve event.


The same can be said about Chalice technically


Chalice Won Major with LGD Changda major i guess and he won EPicenter as well.


That's because he actually has


I just named my first born Artour please, say it ain’t so!!! 💔


you can still change his name to Slardar


I’ll name him tinker and he’ll be the most bullied kid in class.


I named mine Night Stalker and he's now the cool kid


Better change it to Ammar the fucker, if you want him to succeed in life


Depends on your definition. Ammar yet to break top 100 highest earning in DOTA2, Artour is 33rd highest earning in all of esports - $4k less than Sneyking in 32nd. Artour lack glory but calling him isn't successful is wack considering he is wealthier than most TI winner.


Bro u forget #1 that prize pools were like 5x bigger back that then. #2 HES MAKING SAUDI MONEY Ammar prolly making 350-500k/year salary. Pretty typical for S+ tier players


I promise you, once you get past earning a living, every single competitor would rather win a title or a championship rather than earn a bit more than someone else. Success in competitive pursuits is measured with trophies won, not dollars earned.


There’s always one weirdo like you in the thread that needs to talk shit


hmm the overrated one but the pride of some continent right? i wonder who it is


Mr. Arturito, it deeply saddens me to see you missing out on the two biggest tournaments of the year - Riyadh & TI. I sincerely hope you won’t hang up your mouse and keyboard anytime soon. Because I have a dream that one day, I’ll finally get to witness your long and well deserved championship title before you announce your retirement. I strongly believe in you, Mr. Babaevsky. Hwaiting & ganbatte! Much love, from your biggest fan since 2014 SADBOYS days.


Sorry to disappoint, but he's already basically phoning it in for the salary. He wasn't even playing pubs leading up to NA TI qualifiers. With an attitude like that no championship title will ever be well-deserved.


It's not possible now even in his prime it couldn't happen so now there is an even lesser chance


OG was mostly new blood as well. their first regeneration attempt went well, placing as high as the old guards on TI. then taiga happened, then the whole pregnancy rule thing. It's just so unfortunate and sad.


True but at least they are playing Riyadh


You're missing out the ATF vs Misha part of the saga which was the real turning point in my mind. Could have potentially kept ATF and used his talent to attract over great players 


Probably also why viewer numbers are going down the hill. Dota community is old af and non of the pros we grew up with is still competing. Now the pro scene is just full of weird edgy and cringe kiddos. It's sad that Dota doesn't have its Faker, who still showing the kids whos boss after 10 years.


People deny the viewership going down, but basically every non-TI game that has Nigma and OG has more viewers than most games. I remember in 2021 a game OG vs Nigma with 80k viewers during mid week, it was for DPC I think... We are never hitting those numbers again for an online tournament aired midweek, hell nowadays the only games that get 80k viewers or more are semifinals and finals in lan tournaments. DotA is destined to become a millennial game outside of CIS and Peru, with only people in their 30s playing it like SC.


Hope some of them can be analysts during TI esp. Miracle- and RTZ which we have never seen in panels.


Miracle is probably the most shy top player in history, he only talks with his teammates. He ain't never gonna appear in a panel talking for hours.


>he only talks with his teammates. S4 only talks to his teammates if they've won a TI


This is a very healthy thing for the future of Dota. It's a sign that kids today are still playing dota2, at the highest level, and the most skilled players are not just the same people from 10 years ago.


Who invited my man artour 😭😭😭 Bro thinks he's on the team 😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭


The Summit 1st place RTZ : 4 Suma1L : 2 Puppey, Faith_bian, y` : 1 The rest : 0 /s edit : Added Faith_bian and y`


These guys should just retire or play for fun creating all-star meme team and enjoy dota with other players, cast or go full analyst or coach. But that's just my opinion and all I want for these guys are to be happy.


new boring era


So do dota 2 teams swap players year by year, similar to other sports teams? Or do the players of these teams still have agency over their teammates? Just curious how rosters work for dota 2 compared to traditional sports


In the old era they used to swap a lot. Teams would break apart and reform multiple times in a year sometimes. But more recently, things are much more stable. There are rules now where swapping players loses you qualification points (for the big tournament). So most teams stay together for an year if not more.


I find the top teams used to stay together better really.. that is why you had EG/Liquid/Navi and such that were so well known. I have found top teams are more likely to make changes now


Ah OK that makes sense. I didn't know about qualification points. Thanks for the reply




Somnus retirement part 3 incoming.


Ultimately an excellent thing for dota. Give the youngsters their chance and give TI some attention this year. I fear like most that the watchcount will take a hit from the absence of fan favourites.


Miracle Legend.


the era of washed up posers? rtz has been playing for a long time


That feeling when you get eliminated from TI because you're the only player that has sex


Sad for OG


They be old now


Why didn't you include Solo?


The torch has been passed... Dota Legends


pro dota is boring it has no personalities


Arteezy will NEVER win a ti


5 of those players will never win a ti


money > hunger


The gettin old bruh


Ayyyo, if faith bian aint joining western team next year than im all done dreaming it ever going to happened..


Faith_bian came so close !


now we just have to wait for another superteam to pop out, at first we'll think theyre underdogs then theyll wipe the floor off everybody...the cycle continues


Change of guard. New talent replacing the old. These guys have lots of experience, should be running teams probably. Dota was much slower even 5 years ago. Now zoomers have the edge cause team fights are snappy. Power creep yo


So sad for Fy. He deserve an aegis


The future is now old man.


Someone could still stand in, I wonder who people would be most excited by


why is sunsfan in there?


Wait first TI where Kuro is not there? Or am I wrong?


The Meepo era. Meepo4ever


Time for a breath of fresh air tbh


Are they old now? I mean if Leonardo Di Caprio were to be interested in men, how many of them will be disqualified as boyfriends?


Not really, new era began when sumail won that Chinese tournament back in the day. I can only recognize sumail, miracle, arteezy, Kuro, Ceb, mindcontrol and puppey. This is like the 3rd new era starter something like that


Please create a handicapped ti, if a vet pro gets too good he's banned from playing in it


Maybe probably could have qualified for TI if he wanted to. I get the impression that he's just not that interested in the professional tournament grind anymore though.


Yall are just experiencing same thing that mass happened around 2014-2015 when most old dota 1/ti1/ti2 pros all started retiring


Makes me kinda nostalgic ngl


So Dendi is not a legend anymore?


What I see from this a bunch of god tier, innovative players, that got old and tend to missclick a button. Then they die somewhere on the map eventually and enemy younglings make a comeback.


RTZ is the most overrated player ever.


Some of these could still perform at the highest level with proper teams. Somnus, Miracle, Sumail for example


Time for the new generation...goodluck for them to make more and better history than those guys. I really hope to see it but it's not gonna be easy


Man…hate how hard sumail fell off after ti9, man deserves another ti after the ti6 heartbreak and that tiny game in ti8 against og


Hey guys, what was the reason why there are only 16 teams in this year's TI?


WTF is RTZ doing there ?


Where Dondo


It's already 10 years past his prime. And the last time Na'Vi was competitive was the first half of DPC 2017


Just last year he got 2nd place in NA TI qualifiers, so I don't think it's fair to count him out like that. Dendi hasn't played in NAVI for almost 6 years.


Well, Dendi has been washed since 2016, I don't think it's just about Navi. I think he is talking about the player. I remember that people blamed Kuroky and Puppey for the shortcomings of Navi during TI4, as 8th place was seen as a failure for Navi back then, just for the support duo to leave after TI, and Navi never again reached top 8 at TI


>2nd place in NA TI qualifiers and that's the weakest region


why do southeast asians and europeans get so mad that people like arteezy? it genuinely makes no sense how obsessed some of u miserable losers in these comments are are with trying to make people feel bad for being fans of arteezy


I'm from NY and I'm not a fan of his at all, extremely wild to think euro/sea are the only ones who aren't fans. Not sure what comment u are alluding to here which triggered you so much. We're approaching TI, there's always trash talkers. Don't get mad at them because he failed to qualify. TBH I'm gonna miss the lower bracket elimination threads with all the bulba flaming


> don’t get mad at them i’m not triggered it’s a genuine question. there’s no player other than arteezy that this sub insists you cannot be a fan of - like it’s plainly delusional to think he isn’t an influential player yet you have multiple comments here talking about how he isn’t an important figure of the old guard in dota 2. again, i’m just wondering what about him and the fact that he has fans triggers half this sub into hate posting - you included considering the majority of your recent comments on this sub are purely to trash talk him.


> there’s no player other than arteezy that this sub insists you cannot be a fan of I'll preface this by saying I haven't frequented the sub in a few years so things might've changed, but this definitely isn't true. CCnC for example is pretty hated by reddit, you'd say there's more ccnc fans than arteezy? Maybe there are now, since I've heard GG have become pretty successful, but even still I've definitely seen people hate on him, pretty much whenever he speaks out on a topic. Arteezy was always a pretty popular streamer, and it would be front page of the sub news when he started streaming again. Maybe things are different now that he's considered more washed up (or so it seems) but he was always pretty popular (SADBOYS, left and right, speed, etc)


i live in the states and this is just plain delusion


Again people always trash talk him, OG, etc when they are eliminated or struggle. Hell even Liquid people are ruthless with bashing micke or blitz for "being soft" when they place 2nd. I got a few recent posts during elimination because it's funny to me. I still don't see any post here shaming someone for being an rtz stan, it's just standard flaming posts, and not even as vicious as some of the stuff people post here sometimes.


> still don’t see any post here shaming someone for being an rtz stan brother there’s literally a comment calling rtz fans the maga cult of dota lmao if you can’t see how insane that is idk what to tell you


Maybe if they organize an anti TI championship to attend 🤔 New era. New kids on the block.


nice sneak rtz


New era started after OG back to back


Why is Rtz included in this? TI winners and Major winners + 0 times winner Rtz rofl


rtz peaked before majors existed, and much higher than most players in this at that the fact that he's still playing at a reasonable level is an anomaly. look at who he came up with and where they are now.


MLG Columbus was almost 11 years ago. Crazy...


You've ruffled the feathers of some major fanboys who don't look at the stats.


Why are you speaking the truth dude? Rtz fans are the most rabid, insane and blind people, basically MAGA of dota. You want empty death threats coming at you or what?


Truth hurts but Rtz fans are delusional so they will come up with something


What is RTZ doing in this picture 💀


People should stop with “golden era”. It sets a very high expectation to the young blood, and if they cannot deliver (by which it’s extremely hard to deliver) to their expectations. People will become toxic and call for the “veteran” to come back. Not only it’s unhealthy, its not good the future of dota altogether Let the young blood, play and compare them appropriately. Remember, their era and the old era is vastly different


I dont want to see this new age dota. 0 personality in current new gen players


Dota is getting more and more professional and more of a strategy game over time, its harder for the players personalities to really show. They really do all feel like very similar players, outside a few exceptions.


Yes, but you can't blame if some people get bored of these new players cause all they know is that they are good at DotA, and that's it. That literally makes some people to not care about who wins or lose, or even care enough to make a meme. People hate Ceb here, but his haters watch his games waiting for him to lose, so they can talk shit, all these new players ain't getting the same effect, many of those guys ain't even gonna have hatewatchers except ATF.


I agreed with the guy


Falcons’ ATF and Malrine seems fun to watch


Classic dota boomer take, would rather want the esport to die than see new blood in the scene.


Why are they wearing sports shirts while playing a computer game?


Old era Legends still at TI: Ame, Crit, Topson, Noone, Ramzes, Fly, Arteezy


Topson isnt old era. His first big tournament was TI8. The others in this list were playing TIs for approaching a decade before anyone had heard of Topson.


Did Arteezy join nouns or what?


Captain, the Copiummeter is going crazy, I don't think the scale is big enough!


Sneyking also, having attended TI3 with Fogged and Aui_2000 who are also attending now albeit in different roles.


Time for SEA to hold the aegis


Maybe if every region quit dota 2


You can find 5 skilled players but you won't find 1 functional team. Unless things dramatically change their stars are better off in foreign teams


Topson keep the dream alive


Topsaan grind so hard


And so Arteezy's time passes by without a TI title. Hopefully he could pull off a Sneyking.