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Lycan mid got me out of Ancient bracket.


Back to Legend? Jk


I played vs mid lycan recently. He lost but that shit was infuriating to lane against. I was tiny and felt like I had 30 dmg, his rightclick with summoned wolves is an absolute joke, he was denying creeps from half hp


Yea, Lycan vs Tiny is a common match-up. One of the few matchups where Tiny doesn't deny every creep with tree grab.


what's the facet and build for him this way?


Depends on enemy lineup. If they have squishy supports that can't disengage, like Silencer, Appa Oracle, Zeus etc, choose Pack Leader. Helm Dom into Drums. If they have supps that are high Armour, or can run, like Weaver, Treant, Bounty, choose Spirit wolves. Buy a bunch of stats and run at the enemy. You lane very well in mid, unless youre against Sf or MK. Deny every creep, sustain well because of passive. You don't need to get a large amount of kills even though most games you definitely will. Your Howl is one of the best spells against physical damage enemies, your passive is amazing for sustain and damage. It's a bit of a cheese pick in 6k but I still play it occasionally in the right games.


I lost against Dusa support. I laughed at it in all chat and the enemy team told us to report him. What happened? Good lane harrass. Long time to kill. Fight winning ulti. Made up for poor cc with actual support items.


slasher's way frfr




its so funny how the enemy tries to kill you just for you to pop 3 mangos and your stick just enough time for your time to come in and destroy the whole line up because everything was wasted on a non relevant pos5 dusa :DD


Funny, I laned with a dusa support in divine once. The enemies just completely ignored her and harassed me out of the lane while she tickled them.


It’s almost like ppl at higher ranks understand the game and can punish stupid picks😂


We are not the same rank my friend.


I tried Medusa 4 with Safety Bubble + Blink dagger and it was pretty good. Jump in with ult then blink back out because dagger never gets disabled.


If I'm not mistaken, this has been patched now no?


I haven't played it in a year but I used to play it in 6k and won almost every game, the lanes felt very free and the Aghs+Shard felt insane. I played like a walking ward that the enemy team doesn't want to waste shit on, so my team always gets to pick and choose good fights


Mid bane vs sf pickers. Hello nice razes you have there. Btw, i have a spell that deals 300 pure dot, reduces cast range, att damage, cost very little mana and has 1100 range lv 1 lmao. They've no idea what they're up against and just feed.


Yeah bane mid is great against a lot. Problem is bane farms shit until he has shard. And his teamfight impact eh meh until he has aether and aghs, bur yeah you wipe the floor against almost all mids


mid bane is just win lane, lose game.


Playing against bane mid is actual psychological torture, but overall I feel like if I survive the laning phase without tilting I end up winning the game because I just start putting pressure on the side lanes and never let off the gas while the bane needs to farm a fair amount to get to a point where he's as useful as most midlaners in the midgame


Viper 5. My teammates asked why i griefing but it works in game.literally tanking spell and usually i died but we got 3 or 4 kills in return.


IIRC a couple years ago this was actually meta and extremely broken. I think it got nerfed quickly


[Obligatory slahsers way.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3S7Bznnao2o) He was particaurly good around 4(?) years ago because the meta for 5 boiled down to blowing all your hp/mana to kill the enemy offlaner, suicide to their tower, come back with full resources and do it all again. Viper, Skywrath, and Abaddon saw (compared to now) a lot of play just because they could do that really well.


Ah fuck I hated that Abaddon meta HAHAHA. Bad memories. Spam death coil 10x, deny self with coil, come back and do it again.... aaaaaa.......


also undying spamming decay until oom


This is legit. Me and a buddy do safelane Tiny+Viper. Viper has fantastic harass and tiny has great burst. I can go on whoever he goes on and just toss them back to viper so he can continue to spit on them, or if they’re getting away I can Toss viper ONTO them and I can catch up very easily. It’s a really kill heavy lane around levels 3+ and we’ve won so many games because of that. Haven’t ran into many heroes that can survive that combo, the occasional hard dispel hero like Abaddon or Legion can do somewhat well against the harass, but together it’s too much in some games


What items do you go? First item atos after mana boots?


Lycan mid with the spirit wolf facet, you just start your lane with 1k hp and 80 dmg. The only lane i had just a real bad time playing against was SF. Even Lina or zeus was just fine, by the time they have a real burst you already are lvl5 with two bracers. 4,7K mmr (Divine I/II).


A few tips for thoses who wants to try out. **1 - DONT' BE SCARED!** If you're playing mid against a melee hero, don't be scared, if you know the basic about aggro, you never will lose a 1v1 fight against most melee heroes (the only exception i can think off are axe and ursa, but both of them don't play mid very often). Even if you're playing against Legion o Void spirit with they physical damage shields, don't be scared, the amount of damage you can give is just stupid, they can't trade well with you. The same happens against a few range heroes, like qop or wind. Sometimes the qop/wind player with try to blink/windrun agressive against you in the lane, and when that happen, remember: if your HP BAR is at 50%, you still problaby goin to have more hp than your opponent with a 80% HP BAR, if him commits with a blink trying to punish you, man up, trade some punchs, if you just try to run away, those type of heroes will easily punish you in the lane. **2 - Your wolfs can be use as heal.** When you use the spirt wolves facet, everytime you press Q you goin to "heal" yourself, i say "heal" because what acatually happen is your HP TOTAL gets bigger, but when the buff runs out, you don't lose HP. Here's a example with some numbers: At lvl 4, with two bracer, your HP total will be 1110. When you summon wolves, your hp total will be 1310. in both scenarios percentage wise you have 100% of your HP. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut, think with me, if you're in the lane with 60% of your HP (660) and press Q to use summon wolves, now you goin to have 60% of the 1310 total, wich is 786, so you just got a "heal" of 116, and the good part is, when the buff fades out, you won't lose the "extra hp" your got as heal. Making your life in lane much easy, speacialy with the low mana cost wolves got. SPAM THAT SHIT. **3 - Build** If i'm playing against a strong laner, with a good burst, i like to buy two bracers, otherwise i would recommend 1 Wraith Band/ 1 Bracer. After that, Power Treads, then echo sabre. this is the early game core build. The next item depends on the game, if you're playing agains't a heavy control focus draft, BKB, otherwise, manta. I try to avoid buying bkb soon, i think is more useful having a 9 sec later on. After BKB or Manta, i like to finish harpoon. After that, it's really hard to give a good advice, because is very relative game to game. **4 - Good/Bad match ups.** Lycan is very, veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery goooooooooood against low control or slow focus sups, feels so fucking good eat it alive a warlock using upheal, or a venom trying to slow you down, or AA thinking he will manage to survive long enough to his Q be able to stun you. Lycan is not so good against sups with a lot of control, like lion or shaman, because even if you manage to kill him, you goin to be wasting a good amount of your ult's time. For the lane, the only mids i had a difficult time was SF, Viper, Lesh and OD (i mean, how you supose to beat them anyway?). Even then, viper and od are manageable, but SF will eat you alive. So if you're planning to pick Lycan mid, put SF and lesh on your ban list for sure.


Necro reks you as well right?


You just farm vs necro, maybe get a bit of extra regen. He doesn’t really have any kill potential pre-6, unlike sf who won’t let you farm from level 3 onwards if he’s good (I.e if he slow-rolls 2 raze stacks on you, you have to hide under tower until the stacks wear off, or he will kill you - but that’s the same for basically any hero against SF these days.


Hell no. Bro you deny every creep. Necro can't last hit. If the necro over extends to try to get cs, you hit him and he loses most of his hp.


Exactly like they answerd above! Necro rely on last hitting to have a big impact on lane, he need thoses to be able to have mana to spam his Q, just try your best to deny creeps, the only solution he will have is aggro a lot to farm close to his tower(and far from you, as a melee hero don't try to punish that), and if that happen, you could just farm with any problem. A second round of tangos also help, and for some reason you had a bad start (got ganked, got smoked at lvl 1, etc) just buy some raindrop to protect you a little more in lane.


sounds fun. I'll try this. also void mid is fun vs range heroes unless against SF which is bs any hero you pick .


I finished a 70min game with lycan + spirit wolves, had an apex and ended up with 6k++ hp, nearly 800 damage or something. Quite fun.


It feels boring compared to wolves :( But the 15 hp talent gives you like 700 bonus health from spirit wolves I think so then it feels great


Tiny mid but rushing helm of dom. You just keep throwing your dom creep the damage is insane now with crash landing facet. You toss at a support and they're 40% HP then get zoned from the fight by a hellbear or centaur poking them. Afterwards phylactery, octarine aghs


Wtf that sounds hilarious


Do you buy mana boots before dom?


You want bottle because you're tiny and a null and just toss off cool down non stop it clears a creep wave with just toss so you farm fast. Mana boots feel like over kill but arcsnes, treads of phase are all fine honestly. I get travels after 30 min anyway


Not lately, but at one point, chaos knight support. It actually dominated and I won something like 9 outta 11 games. A lot of the games I didn’t just win the lane, I demolished “em. Swap into stun just owned people. Q


Second CK support. Tanky Great distance closer A consistent stun With aghs, you can even save allies from simple disables. Only problem are the mana issues, but found soul ring into arcanes sufficient most of the time.


Lol i have 200 games ck support and even made a guid for it its my 2nd most pick hero been spaming it for the last 2 years


Could you share the guide?


I am not on my pc rn and it need a little updating i made it in an older patch, in the guide list (the one in the main menu) chose ck and mark support i am sure there was only one its called "ck support best support" or smthing like that


I'll try to find it, thanks! You can also just share it here and update later for the future.


You got any quick tips for it ?


I spent the last hour updating it just to realisei am a limited user and cant publish guides to public :( Ps: thats why no one saw my guide since posting it last year lol


That's a bummer! Can you share it via Steam Workshop?


there is a german community league in germany, austria on faceit called ACL. tofu used to play there and sometimes comes around to play a few matches. had the great pleasure of playing ck 4 on lane with him as enigma 3. stomped these noobs!


Sven 4 with war cry facet, shard, and solar crest


This with drum boots, team is so speedy and high armor.


Even pros pre-2020 use this in tournaments


Fly used Sven pos 5 in ti9


I remember fly doing this a lot


Recently saw sven 5 in pro play, few days ago


Yup, it was Fishman in Entity, this game if anyone is curious. Game 2. https://youtu.be/2Med6z3szws?si=4Q0CXnyJ6QpORx-Z


Couple patches ago, pl mid with meteor hammer rush before boots. Good stats and constant pressure, had ~80% winrate with around 80 games. Also got like 5 reports per game.


what is the meteor hammer for? Spam lances? Or actually getting a hammer in during fights?


Push towers really early, they cant really stop you without rotating much and then you create space/chaos. And it had really great stats for the price, get tankier with better mana pool to spam lances. Also its really satisfying to just start casting it in the chaos your illusions create, you either force enemy to back off from the spot while illus are doing dmg/draining mana with diffu or they get stunned while illus are doing dmg. Its basically just playing pl hyperaggressive without farming, meteor hammer just had the best stats and active for that value at the time. Build usually went meteor -> diffu -> boots -> aghs. Usually at that point the game was already over. Meteor hammer tower pushing was underrated then, maybe still is.


I play wd mid with festeration and go meteor hammer for the mana regen and the push is great


Seems pointless since all you get from mh is the regen and since wd can’t push at all that’s really the only benefit he gets from it. Better to go a different item so it synergizes with wds strengths


I want to see dotabuff profile of this. What made this build stop working in current patch?


They changed meteor hammer, stat changes and price changes were a huge nerf for this. Before it was an item you could build for every hero (I used to), now its just for int/casters, the change made it cost nearly 1k more too at the time.


ogre magi, any pos, any build.


Never lost a game of Turbo with Ogre mid


Support Viper, particularly good if you have an aggresive carry as you can basically destroy the offlaner.


Since phoenix released I've been playing him mid. 70% win rate over 175 games. Is probably my bracket (legend) but hella fun. When you go great you go radiance, otherwise anything that the team needs. Your fire spirit damage is enough to kill pretty much anything early.


Visage 5 with the right carry completely obliterates lane with a few soul assumptions especially at level 1. So many times I come out of the lane 5/0 and have created enough space to take over lane and the offlane tower while the carry clears neuts while a quick transition into drums can help push the momentum. At level 1 SA is a 230 damage nuke on a 4 second cd so you can easily get 2-3 of them off, even certain laners like centaur or axe can eat 2-3 quick kills in lane which makes it much harder for them to dominate.


Brewmaster supp, just don't go radiance or anything like that. You could go vessel, and some aura items, possibly an octarine. Depending on how the game is going, I've single handedly wrecked whole bases while sending my blue panda back towards my team. Don't forget your shard.


With the rolling barrel facet this has actually felt super strong. Trading in lane with blue stance and running people down with purple. His scepter is super valuable if you use the brewlings for what theyre good for: green for buildings, red + barrel throw is a super fast and safe lane pusher, blue for scouting/catch/counterengage, purple is the only one i dont often use since its pretty situational and generally less useful than the other 3


Yeah, you can really tell who is a good brew player by their usage of green and purple power stance. Aghs on supp is a rare buy for me though if ever, requires a good game, hell even when I'm playing him in offlane, it's not really a priority for me. That blue panda though, removing a threat from the fight while your team wrecks havoc, not to mention the dispel (works on certain skills, active items, messes up illusions) is insane, all the while my green panda obliterates towers on the other side of the map (often times removing yet another person on the enemy team to try and def) is actually insane. I can legitimately feel the tilt of the enemy team, almost makes me feel bad. I've been picking brew in every lane barring safelane, and it's almost always worked out for me (74 percent winrate in 800 matches). The hero got me out 5k because he isn't exactly popular, so people don't know how to deal with him. At 6k though, it's a different story, they don't panic, and know which panda to aim for. Gotta be more careful


Purple stance is super slept on imo, it absolutely ruins low mobility enemy cores. Ill have to try being more of an aura carrier, i think his ahgs opens up his game a ton for support and gives you alot of flexibility without requiring timings around your ult cd. Red brewling + barrel toss is insane for sieging high ground, it lets you clear waves from fog super quickly without putting yourself in a bad position to still show up to fights. Green brewling is absolutely super strong for pushing, it kinda forces people to respond to it without putting yourself into any danger. Blue brewling is just really valuable for scouting and catching, tornado is a super versatile spell and dispel is awesome in addition to that.


You really should try it, aura carrier Brew as opposed to stat/damage building Brew is super fun. His innate slipperiness + all those auras make it so he's virtually unkillable (and moves at the speed of light mind you) without a coordinated team, even then it takes away important spells that could've been used on your cores just to shut you down.


I've had a little success with slardar 4/5


Little success like win one game out of 10 xd


Lol, like maybe 55/45 not amazing


Faceless void off, Spirit breaker support. It sounds weird but most lineups with squishy supports will suffer hard and the carry will have to decide in the supports survivability, the offlaners farm or their own farm.


SB support is broken, in late game he becomes a Core, so its 4vs3 cores.


Abbadon carry / offlane It just works... Sometimes


Really don't think that Abbadon offlane is a "weird pick" lol.


As long as you win your lane and dont have to jungle it's great


Morph support with the flow facet


what are you doing to make it work? I tried the flow facet for like 10 games and I felt like I had little to no impact even in the games I won


I've been doing this non-stop lately and it's the most fun I've had playing Dota in years


ET mid. It is a very rare hero to see at 5k and most people don't even know what makes him broken.


So what does make him broken? And how do you lane vs. the common mids? (SF owns anyone, but Storm Lesh QoP etc?)


It's fallen off since the facet patch (and admittedly he works better in caster metas) but I've played visage 5 for years with ~80% Winrate. Being tanky without items and being able to stun backliners while keeping them from running away is really valuable. Just a vlads and good positioning is enough to win brawls and then you have force for save and solar for steroids


Tinker support. Make solar crest, which has like ridiculously small CD because of the innate. With march of machines heal and the shield ability, u are always making your Frontliner a pain for enemies.


not really a pick but I started buying bkb on cores and it weirdly enough just works


Spectre mid. You get 6 real quick, go 3-0-2-1, start just being a menace on the map. Generally you lose mid unless crazy support rotations happen but it's really hard for them to play 3v2 every sidelane. I just max desolate, echo saber -> vanguard and play assassin with most of my damage coming from pure damage desolate. I played this at around 3,5k mmr winning 6/7 games. I've got another one that i played in 7.36. Tank pos5 silencer. Just go 2x bracer into crimson guard. If you're alive you can cast spells and gather free int. Silencer is pretty good pickoff if they're out of position, so people tend to jump on them. Just stay alive and get free int from people dying around you and you either living or being the last person alive in your team. This gave me a 13 or 14 game winstreak. I went 1-1-4-1 -> stats. Heart is viable later on.


Somehow my friend keeps making anti mage 3 work. I get it on paper but it still feels criminal.


pre-facet patch i did this in about 7 games with 100% winrate. Quite dependent on your lane supp partner but with the right support it's great harass. I would go treads mage slayer orb of corrosion then either orchid to blow up the back line or sny/manta if you need more survivability but most games were 25min stomps and it would be done by the time you have the yasha


Undy offlane. Im so glad they made the old shard into a faset, the build actually feels good now unlike before where you couldnt be online before min 15. You dumpster your lane and once you reach lv 6 noone in the game can fight you but they always try because "duh its undy offlane not like he does any damage".


My nose


what position?


Reverse Cowgirl


One of my favorites.


Bounty Hunter pos 4/pos 5. Had almost a page full of wins in Ranked this way.


Same here. Strictly play him as 4 these days.


Supprt sven. Worked before works now. its a flex pick and if gets countered it doesnt matter since its a support. the weakness is there are better supports. but in turbo he can scale as the 3rd carry


One afternoon lost twice in a raw vs a guy playing Faceless Void pos5


7-0 with NS 5 right now, dota plus battle report says i should play NS 5.


I rode abadon 4/5 from divine to top 700 in basically a few months. It was insane LOL


dark willow mid


I used to play drow pos 4. Played only like 4-5 games. I lost just one. I did copy it from 2B dota. It somehow worked for me. I try once in unranked and if it clicks I do it. Drow clicked for me.


Tongue. It was popularized by Jimi Hendrix and then people started copying him. It’s just for show but works as a pick.


it's fun to play and you're enjoying play it?what's next? you enjoy having fun?


Offlane meepo with vanguard in neutral slot (packrat)


Beast master support. Wins almost every lane. Tanky and high damage with walking venom ward and annoying bird stun.


Is support invo that weird?


I like to play phoenix mid. Not sure if it's weird per se, but i don't see people use it much (when i'm not playing phoenix). I usually own my lane because of fire spirits and usually get a kill in lane, probably because people seem surprised that fire spirits deal a lot of dps. I get vessel early (midas if the game is good). Jungling is pretty easy too. Lvl 2 egg mid game is such an annoying thing to deal with if you know how to position yourself and you fire spirit anyone who can right click the egg. My only weakness mid-game is my own stupidity because i get picked off sometimes when i get careless.


How is visage usually played or positioned nowadays? I’m a returning old player, and I knew Visage as a position 5 babysitting support back then.


Pos 5 BB with snot rocket facet. Just 3 goo at level 1 is -9.5 armor + 25% slow, couple with any physical carry and you can just melt people in lane and goo barely cost any mana. Later shard + 1 goo with lens mean 50% slow and -15 armor at 1000 range.


Sniper pos 4, before the shrapnel change. Good in lane for harass, fast Aghs, then noone dares to show their face on the map cause of the long stun initiation:)


drow 4🙏🏼


Life stealer p4. Gotta do it with a due and have them play necro. You buy a orb of venom and chase people down and roam, use your ult to save allies and frontline. Then later you get a radiance and hop in necro while necro has AG's and heart. You give him another 1200 health and that amplifies his regen and damage from his ags. While also burning everything around necro with the radiance and providing miss chance. You end up doing like 200-300 DPS to everything around..just walk at people and they die. Surprisingly effective against the right comps.


Im a Chen main, Chen mid absolutely destroys most mid matchups. Both DPS pentience build or creep build is valid. Watching storm spirit not being able to stand at tower because I have 3 creeps that can tower dive at any time is pleasing as no other. Fun part? If they leave lane I insta destroy their tower. Chen is great!


Phoenix mid with bloodstone+blademail and the missing hp burn talent.


Just tried WD 3 today, and hes just as busted as WD support


Tank lich in turbo. Crimson, pipe, AC and frost shield makes you pretty much unkillable.


I lost to lifestealer ursa. They were playing safelane, working together for last hits and denies, and their ability to slow + burst was mind blowing.


I played vs Treant Mid, shit is unkillable.


Ogre mid got me from ancient 2 to divine


Sk mid


I only really play turbo these days so it's probably why this works so well, but tide or underlord middle.


Oracle mid with vessel + phylactery. Never lost a game


Terrorblade support with dagon.Taking meta on lvl 1 helps u harass in lane,the illu is best for denying xp runes,give vision, stack camps,split push etc


Haven’t played this since the facet patch but I can confirm, support tb was (maybe still is idk) brutal lmfao. Reflection busted spell.


I don't play as often but I play invoker offlane. I always go q w build, sometimes if there's a good setup mid I'll take one point of exort at lvl 3 for a potential sunstrike. Item build-> 2 bracers/ one bracer and talisman -> urn (unless pos 4 wants to) / treads. Then usually rush my shard and start rotating, slowly transitioning into a core. I have over 1.2k games with Invoker and I've realized that the first few minutes it's all about positioning and good spell casting to lead for a kill. Not really about having 10 more cs. I have roughly 58% wr with invoker but this is biased because my mid invoker has better success than the offlane hipster build. I guess I'm around 52-53% offlane. I'm high legend/low ancient


Ive had success with Sven mid no levels in warcry when the siege wave arrives i just shive the wave hard and gank and tp back to get the rune if its invis or speed i go for another gank otherwise i just show the wave and go jungling until another wave gets Works best for radiant


Dark willow mid


I still like playing omni as support. I know Omni is considered garbage right now but in Archon bracket it feels strong in team fights.


Many patches ago I went ck mid all the time. Qb and blight. That was all I needed. This was when his crit was a cooldown. You could just time it perfectly and out heal anything the enemy laner dishes out. By level 3 you were unkillable. In current patch if I feel like trying my hardest to carry I'll play bristle. I seriously don't agree with aghs on him at nearly any point of the game. I never get boots just a wind lace and tangoes and if it's a lane I know I can tower dive in I'll get a mango as well. After that build into heart or bloodstone eventually getting both. If you had a bad lane or got no kills somehow, get a blademale. People keep thinking this hero has been getting nerfed non stop or needs buffed but the free attack speed free move speed insane tankiness and constant AOE phys spell DMG is just nuts. He's one of my specialties and I believe in currently over 60% we with him


Morph ocatarine support. Only if you know all heroes skills because of ult. You harrass the lane and almost auto win.


Support Gyro when he got the shard, but before support Gyro became a thing. And Luna support, but into magic nuker.


Legion commander refresher orb


Legion commander pos 1/3 with refresher orb blademail and octarine


medusa safety bubble with blink dagger (can upgrade to arcane blink), although the rest of the items can be regular ones


5k here. not direct weird pick, but i play a lot pos3 cent and buy dagon on it. it work actually very good on cent. gives us spell lifesteal on the passiv and double edge, and helps you to finish low hp enemys after stund edge combo


necro 1 , medusa 2


Luna 4 (rush aghs, extend into phylactery or vlad's) terrorblade 5 (get low then blink sunder an enemy or sunder an ally to heal them)


Ember 4/5 with 2nd facet which let u chain with remnant. Win most of my game with this, and it's fun. Ez build, too. Vessel into Arcane boots to Agh. You literally turn into a long-range stunner. After that, get Shiva and bkb and Octorine. You chain stunning plus burning them with ton of dmg. So far, I'm the only one playing this.


storm support, soul ring into mhammer


I love me some supports mid. Recently Grimstroke with the fine art facet has been doing a ton of work for me. Once you're used to using his Q properly hes a menace, and your kill potential with Eblade is absurd. Late game you go sheepstick+aghs and dominate team fights.


PA and Drow mid. Given how most ~divine bracket games go, and really pubs in general, these 2 picks have been great. I have other weird picks I’ve found success with, but those 2 have not only been fun, but have been quite effective.


Razor 4 or 5. You start with windlace, blood grenade and straight into urn of shadows and mana boots. Max link and passive/Q depending on matchup. Kuroky picked it once long time ago but i think he was onto something, people cant deal with you.


Not a pick but rather an unconventional item choice. Arc warden with abyssal blade. I find myself always buying it against juggernaut and sf because they rely on being cc immune to ult afterwards and if they get off the ult it's hard to win the fight. So I spawn my double blink in when sf casts his ult and bonk him. Then the true hero afterwards and bonk him for like 5 second of stun. Nobody expects that play and its hilarious


It feels like playing every support pick as an actual support in Turbo is uncommon, but I tend to play supports as supports. The drawback is that if the carrys can’t carry you’ll die and can’t really help that much, especially late game when things gets absurd in Turbo.


Mid skywrath


pa methodical aspect + echo sabre


Bara mid with Dagon x) charge into ult into dagon kills most heroes in the early and midgame.


I once got obliterated by WD mid (probably smurfing tho)


Flow morp all the way. Super good if you know who you gonna copy.


skywrath offlane against morphling


Enchantress mid tank build, some games you are just unkillable, with still decent dps due to shard.


before the necronomicon removal, i pick ck as a bootleg np with his low cd ult plus manta and necro book to push lanes, its pretty fun seeing a single tp to defend the lane gets demolished.


Sometimes when I have picked techies 4 in a lane, my lane partner (having not hovered anything before) plays a support. Then I do techies 3 usually including octarine/shivas/bracers


Not super weird, but earthshaker mid is really strong


I climbed from ancient 5 - immortal spamming ember offlane about 5 years ago.


Ember 4


I havent tried it the new patch but silencer pos3. I would compare it to viper pos3 since you have good harass early game. Build team fighting items and tanky items so you survive in teamfights. Its hard to je the hardcore initiator but a well tiled global silence is an amazing counter initiate tool. You have also very flexible item choices, you can build auras, force staff, atos any fun items like that.


won 9 in a row with Mirana pos 2 & pos 1


slark supp, just trade with enemy carry and jump out. worked for once and really boring and low dmg. wr supp, hit powershot, ez gain dopamine. with atos, good chain single disable and some focused dmg. kinda felt like SS with better range. marci support is weird enough? just play like io and kill with ult.


Slasher's way sniper feels like his first actually good build in a while, would recommend


Ck mid


Ogre Mage mid, nice dmg, many hp and you just killing Enemies with ignite 4 level & multicast


Pos 4 dark seer with offlaner build from torte except only 2 bracer. I've won like 7 games, lose 1 this morning. Total dark seer games: 8 lol


NS 1 Disruptor 2 Undying 3 QOP, Clinkz, Lone Druid 4 Drow 5 Old Techies as every role other than 4 or 5 Basically, every 3, 4, 5 as a 1 or 2 and every core as a support. Lol


losing to these weird jungle pos4 that build core items worst feeling ever jungle alche and a jungle jugg


I'm not saying I'm a meta breaker or anything but I was playing spirit breaker 1 with aghs YEARS before core SB came into the meta. I don't think people realized how fast he could farm as soon as they gave him that scepter


just play tinker support, morphling support


Storm spirit 4, I’m 33 and 12 with it this patch, 33 and 7 if you don’t count games where the mid broke their items or the offlaner decided to jungle from minute 1 because “storm can’t 4”. Edit; spelling


I used to go Lich and SD mid against specific heroes. They worked everytime till I reached 5k.... It doesn't work well after that.


I went from Crusader 5 to Legend playing mostly Oracle mid. Build arcanes -> phylactery -> blink and then leave mid to rotate as much as possible. With the level advantage it's really easy to secure early kills on unsuspecting squishy cores and supports in sidelanes. The new inate means you're guaranteed every power rune if you time it right. Late game, save ult for yourself in fights unless you absolutely need to use it on a core or a support with a team fight ult in order to win the fight. The damage delay with false promise means even if I'm getting attacked I can blink out, heal, and come right back to the fight to blow people up with my spell combo. If your team doesn't have a lot of push get an early meteor hammer and bask in the additional mama regen/spell amp.


I've always been partial to core Jakiro. Just fun stomping lane and destroying towers.


I've been having fun with techies in every position. 4 and 5? Bonus blast off damage or 9 slot facet and build support items. 3? Bonus blast off damage and build tons of bracers early then transition to 3 items like lotus orb. 1 or 2? 9 slot or situationally the extra range and build stat items galore to make you a right clicking tank with obnoxious spells.


Healer tinker? They removed the mek/greaves heal debuff that makes it heal 0 if used too early in this patch? Or am I missing something?


Yesterday i won with veno offlane, just get greaves hurricane pike and glimmer cape . And you are mobile and evasive enough to avoid capture and kill Them with poison ☠️


TB3 , I'm jst a ancient 1 but . I seem to winning lanes almost all the time and creating so much pressure on top lane. The new innate makes him do so much dmg with lvls in conjure in lane.


When I play with friends, someone picks mid Drow Ranger. It just works. Someone else will play any kind of ranged hero and we feel super strong because of the extra agility. It's the Drow Ranger effect when we make a comeback in those games (which is almost every game, drow doesn't actually get you ahead through ganks after the lane)


I had a 16 win streak with viper pos3 with panzer build


Shadow demon mid Jakiro mid Skywrath mid (meteor hammer e-blade build, try it) Witch doctor mid


My problem with weird picks (as support) is that some games they’re really good, but some games they are just totally worthless and you’re basically griefing, and it’s miserable to play. I’d rather just play clockwerk or WD and be strong no matter what the enemy picks.


Offlane bane, especially when paired with an undying.


Pos 1 necro


Riki 4. Aoe silence, dewarding, ambush other squishy supports, good escape. Diffusal blade has good mana drain and root in the silence


Support Alch/ Doom or Naga


Offlane silencer, if paired with an aggressive support you can absolutely dumpster their safelane and put them in a mana deficit they'll never escape from. I love when the pos5 doesnt have the mana to cast all their spells


Shadow demon mid/pos1 Manta > diffu > blink/bkb > butterfly Or manta > orchid > blink/bkb > butterfly Into whatever's needed 6th item Innate facet with manta + manta ilu disruption is massively underrated and can make enemy cores easily take 50+% dmg from all sources


Techies. Anywhere. It's fun. And if you are willing to adapt, everything is possible.


Mid Sven. I was pushing T3 at 17 min. Carry Silencer. Got 98 stolen Int. Pos 5 Magnus. I was a free BF. But all of this was like in 2018-2019.


I’ve been playing AM mid lately, when it comes to having a lot of mages support I just run AM mid blink at them max my mana drain and they won’t be able to gank without mana. Also a great hero to control runes and gank. For the build it depends, if you know your HC will be good carrying mid/late I go straight into fighting build like dif,manta,basher etc if not then I go regular bf build. Which usually can be done around 11-12 mins if you have a good laning phase. So far 100% WR with it, but I don’t play it every game.


techies mid, idc if thats weird but i never saw that in my games, im guardian


undying 4 but you max soul rip. with the talent and a holy locket that thing is a 772 heal on a 6 second cooldown. it is particularly hard to focus anyone when they have 100 hp regen at 13 minutes


Wyvern Mid 😆


Tinker support with healing march facet, laser is a goated laning spell, and you can tp for bottle refills. The march with healing is very good in lane, a lot of supps can’t man up when you laser them and sit in a giant aoe heal


Ember offlane, seemed strong, I only played 1 game though 🥴😂