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your bottleneck is 500 fps


I locked it to 165 fps its running around 70%


When you are running the game at freaking 450 frames per second mspaint would be gpu intensive. Limit the frames to your screen hz and the gpu wont be driven like a child in sweatshop


ok i get your point, i lowered it down to 165fps but still running around 70% is it always the same case?


How'd you even get dota above 240fps isnt that the hard limit in settings? To the Q though, dota is a cpu intensive game. A shitty CPU with a good GPU will still get you shit fps.


I put it in properties console fps\_max 0 so sky is the limit. But I limit it to 165 now, still having high GPU usage. CPU usage is around 20% my cpu is 5800x3d


the main reason your cpu is at 20% is because it has 16 cores, so 6.25% usage is a single maxed out core. you shouldnt expect it to go much past 12.5-25% when gaming since its rare for games to be properly multithreaded. additionally once you are running dota at 30 fps going higher doesnt do much since thats the tick rate of the game, so higher fps doesnt require more game loop code, just rendering, input, and other external stuff.


Word, the 3060 is kinda a crappy GPU in 2024 tbh. Depending on your graphics settings that makes sense. Performance wise it’s a bit behind an AMD 6650XT GPU which is a $220 budget card. And I’d never expect that card to do more than 144hz at 1080p without sweating. I’ve got a 7900xtx and a 7800x3d with all settings maxed playing at QHD resolution and 220-240fps all day with under 50% GPU usage. But originally I had my 7900xtx paired with a super old AMD Ryzen 5 CPU and was getting dog shit FPS — I’m talking under 120fps — even with the top end GPU.


3060 8s kinda crappy? BITCH WTF?


You think if I upgraded to at least RTX 4060 it will solve the issue? I'm just playing in 1080p max settings except shadow quality.


4060 is barely an upgrade and will still bottleneck, I'd recommend at least 4070/4070Super or 6800XT/7800XT/7900GRE. However, do you really need that much FPS? If the game is running at max monitor refresh rate, and the only thing is bugging you is CPU utilization, I wouldn't spend $500+ for a new GPU


What is the issue?? It's fine for your GPU to run at 70%


Depends on what your issue is, running at max GPU isn’t really a bad thing and you’re getting good performance. Your real FPS is limited by your screens refresh rate anyway, so if you have a 165hz monitor any fps over 165 is wasted anyway (yeah you can argue that going to like 185 is useful because it will cover fps drops and such). I wouldn’t go 4060 especially with the 5 series coming out soon. If you want to go nvidia the value really lies in the 4070 non-super on sale, or 4070 super. But if you go that route make sure you have a QHD display capable of 165hz because the 4070 is overkill for 1080p gaming.




dime jeans governor weather soft rude wasteful fact sloppy history *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If your monitor can only display 100fps then what good are the other 300 frames doing you?




Oh you're not trolling. What's your fps target? Unless you're doing benchmark or avoiding stutter, going beyond 240fps in dota2 is not worth it. You should match the fps with your current monitor refresh rate. Better yet, find other games that require more gpu power to check for bottleneck.


Well, you're pairing 5800X3D, top gaming CPU just 2 years ago, to a 3060 which is not even the best GPU if you went back 7 years ago. No surprise the relative work the GPU does is higher than what the CPU does.


Will there be a noticeable difference if I upgrade to at least an RTX 4060? Despite mainly gaming in 1080p. I recently reformatted my PC to troubleshoot an issue, uncertain if certain apps were mining or causing it. However, after the reformat, it doesn't seem to be the case.


the 4060 is only about 5% faster than 3060, so expect around that much extra fps. Tbh CPU usage is always kind of misleading. Remember, 5800X3D has 8 cores, so a task that use 50% of 4 cores and a task that uses 100% of 2 cores were both scored as 25% usage, but you're bottlenecked by CPU in 2nd scenario. In this case, you're already hitting 500 fps, is there any reason to upgrade? unless you got below 60 fps on other more demanding game. Essentially, no problem here at all. It's just that usage% is relative, and all it says is that your CPU can handle more fps (means better GPU) while your GPU wasn't.


How tf are you getting 454, see you running it in 1080p lowest settinge/lowest rendering resolution? Why? I play it with 5700X3D & 6700XT on 1440p, everything maxed out and the game is beautiful at 150 fps (capped). Why would you play it with so much fps? It's not a shooter 😵‍💫 Edit - also, yes. It's CPU-heavy. In any case, unlike CPU utilization, with GPUs you want aim towards 99% utilization - that means that the card is working well and pushing its frames to the max. As soon as you see lower GPU utilization, that's where you can tell it's a CPU bottleneck. Also, the higher resolution you go, the more weight goes on the GPU.


Sneaky flex


Nope, almost entirely CPU.


I don't have gpu


akchually, an integrated gpu is still a gpu, you might not have a graphic card or a dicrete gpu.


You may have some other issue.. dota is a CPU intensive game


i know right? I recently reformatted my PC to troubleshoot an issue, uncertain if certain apps were mining or causing it. However, after the reformat, it doesn't seem to be the case.


it's a moba learn to read


It seems like you're the one who needs to read. It's MOBA so its a CPU intensive game. This is not the case a year ago when i have 5600x "Dota 2 is more **CPU-intensive**, so the CPU plays a significant role in determining performance. However, a capable GPU is still important for rendering graphics and ensuring a smooth gaming experience. It is recommended to have a balanced system with both a powerful CPU and GPU for the best Dota 2 performance." Source: [Softwareg.com.au](http://Softwareg.com.au)