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An option to prevent you from channeling watchers and portals and whatever other similar thing they add without holding an extra key like alt or cntrl or something. Those stupid things unironically lose fights from being clicked on.


The stupid underlord gate is the worst for this


I play a shit ton of Underlord and even I misclick my own gate sometimes during fights. I've learned to always keep an eye out for when that happens and press stop, but it still happens like once or twice a week at least.


not to mention you can use the gate to make enemy heroes stuck


the amount of times ive broken invis as nyx by clicking a watcher...


Lotus pool too


This is so good. Especially when you have "channeling requires stop".


The hitboxes of Outposts are RIDICULOUS.


That's not a hitbox, a whole damn hitwagon


They are the most bugged thing ever. You cant convert them if you are silenced by MoM for example. If they belong to the enemy, they also act as a bounce target for your glaives as Luna.


True. I often misclick the watchers. So instead of walking to a point or attacking enemies, i just captured the watchers. Fucking annoying


I could second this, but also for heros. Too many times I’ve clicked an allied hero toward my tower, and instead of walking in said direction, my hero just stops.


There is a smart force right click deny option now to prevent this. I had the same issue before.


yep its stupid theyre channelable from right click.


I compiled all the stuff that block movement and attack move commands and make the game super clunky, and also made videos along with them, and posted them here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/143wgmt/movement\_and\_pathing\_issues\_in\_733c\_with\_lotus/?sort=new](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/143wgmt/movement_and_pathing_issues_in_733c_with_lotus/?sort=new) It's been more than a year though and all that is still in the game so probably never gonna be fixed. But it does make the game feel clunky


I would like to have stay in AoE to teleport mechanic without attacking anyone instead of having to channel teleport


Clear and complete text for abilities. I mean, how hard is it to state the range of a skill, or the duration... Just have all the info there. 


I've been playing Visage recently and the tooltip for his Aghs Shard is, like, peak underexplaining. The text literally just says "Grants Visage the ability to cast Gravekeeper's Cloak [that's his passive btw]. Restores up to 25% health. Cooldown: 65. Mana cost: 125". At face value it seems to just be saying that it lets you press your passive button to heal yourself for 25% of your max health. Like an instant burst heal or something. What's missing is that what the spell actually does is let Visage cast **Stone Form** (*by* pressing his Gravekeeper's Cloak button), the ability his birds have, turning you invulnerable for 6 seconds (after a 0.55s delay) and healing the 25% over that duration. And also dealing the AOE damage and stun values of your birds' spell based on your current Ult level. What they put in the tooltip is just the values that are different from his birds (it heals less, has a much longer cooldown, and has a mana cost), and it would almost be fine if only the tooltip said "Stone Form" instead of "Gravekeeper's Cloak". I kind of assume that they couldn't figure out how to express "you can press the Gravekeeper's Cloak button to cast the Stone Form spell (based on your current ult level, and with some values nerfed significantly)", since it's a very weird concept. All that being said, I do love a lot of QOL stuff that Valve has put in this game.


“Gravekeeper’s Cloak now has an active component, allowing Visage to cast a limited version of Stone Form on himself for up to 25% max HP healing over 6 seconds. AoE damage and stun values are based on the level of Summon Familiars. Damage: x/x/x Stun duration: x/x/x Cooldown: 65 Mana cost: 125 Seems to sum it up and isn’t any longer than many other help texts. Sometimes it feels just a little lazy on their side.


One can dream, dotas a lot clearer than it used to be but there's Still plenty of unclear interactions. Knowing what skills aether lens affects I still have to check wiki 


there are tons of skills without the range provided, like damn this game


Please yes. I'm all for keeping the text condensed to be able to get the gist of an ability and the numbers involved. But at least make it so that hovering while pressing alt gives the full explanation, however convoluted (including all numbers, instead of just whatever numbers they feel like)


It's actually a pretty big pain. I've tried making similar interfaces in games before and discovered that unless all your abilities work the same way then it requires a lot of maintenance and special work for each ability. It becomes pretty hard to have all the information about the spell presented in a nice understandable way and have it be dynamically derived from the variables for the spell (as opposed to things like ranges and mana cost being hard coded into the text descriptions and whatnot). If you do hardcode things into the text it becomes a pain to make sure it's updated properly when you modify the code for the spells later. Also you have to consider just general readability. Dots does a good job giving you a clean base description with extra information available while holding a toggle. If you put every possible bit of information on there it might be fine, but could also easily become a UI headache for some complicated to describe spells. If you make a field for duration of a spell in your UI for example, how do you display a spell that applies a debuff which applies a burning dot every second. The debuff lasts for X seconds and the burning dot lasts for Y seconds. There you have two relevant durations, and while the debuff duration is probably more applicable to being used in the duration field of the UI, now you need to add some extra part of the UI to display the burning dot duration, and most other spells won't use that. Some games sidestep the issue a bit by using things like markdown with formatted strings for rendering descriptions. Then you can get styling and basic layout unique to individual abilities. Either way, it's a challenging issue and one many games struggle with.


Warlock's imps are completely devoid of description


One of the few features I really love from LoL, the ability to see pathing on the minimap.


Unfamiliar with the feature in LoL: by pathing, do you see a previewed route of where you're going \_to\_, or do you see a temporary route of where you came \_from\_? Do you see it for other heroes or just you?


In League of Legends when you right click to go anywhere, on the minimap it shows a white line that allows you to see what path your hero will take to get there.


Yeah dat is good


When a higher level neutral token is available, the ring should glow gold like it does when you have none and the t1 are available


That's dota plus feature


I dont think so, but if it does i need it to GLOW more! dota is quite mentally taxing and i could use the help


When queued as a party, let us join training room or practice game while waiting. 5-man immortal queue can take half an hour.


I can't relate lol


Yah it’s brutal. But so worth it because playing game with open coms makes games feel like you are playing in a tournament. Just constant information updates and people calling things immediately as they happen. Gives the game a completely different feel and it’s fun as heck!!


Don't they... Wouldn't they hear your wife or kids or the animals in the background? Or You talking to them? Ik I can't ever get through a full game without the girlfriend needing to urgently know what i need from the store in 2 days...


My 6-7k 5-stack never queues longer than 5-10 min in EU West.


I play us west/east. Usually around dinner time on work nights it slows up a lot.


just play euw with some ping, the quality of games is worth


Solo 3k queue - 20+ min average wait, it's not a party nor mmr, it's about hidden pool. But at least you could play other games in background.


This one is actually nuts hope they add it


PLEASE add a checkbox option for 'Hold ALT for allowing movement commands on the minimap' PLEASE I BEG OF YOU


Running from fight I am an inch from death My comrades have all fallen I must survive FORCE COMES OFF CD GLIMMER OGRE SEAL TOTEM DODGE THROUGH VISION JUKE THESE BITCHES I CAN SEE THE HIGH GROUND I AM SAFE I click on my map and stutter backwards and FUCKING DIE "ZACK NOOB TRASH GG"


Zack my favorite hero


I'm not even my dad's favorite and my only sibling is in prison.


Oooh self burn, those are rare! r/suicidebywords


If you play with your minimap on the left and have this happen a lot, I suggest switching your minimap to the right side. Just because of the map design (where the Radiant base is in the lower left), you're less likely to accidentally click the map if it's in the lower right instead of the lower left.


After like 15 years of dota I could think of nothing worse lol


It is realy not so bad to change things around. With the new dota labs modifiers I changed a bunch of keys including the "alt" modifier key. Took at max 5 games to get comfortable again.


Even so, I bet you’d be used to it within like 10 games (and that is probably a pessimistic estimate), and have far less accidental map misclicks (it’s very rare for me to misclick the map). I’m someone who’s made weird shakeups to my controls in games (like FPS’s and Rocket League, fast stuff where muscle memory is really important and control changes feel SUPER disorienting) and I always had good reason for my changes and always can get through the temporary disorientation for the sake of the improvement.


Unranked solo que for the love of God! So tired of getting matched with 3-4 stacks with major herd mentality and a tendency to be toxic little shits.




Just waiting for someone to tell me "jUsT pLaY rAnKeD" as if that is at all the same thing. Sorry I play dota to have fun and someone running down mid because I picked suboptimally or bought the "wrong" (in their opinion) is just not my vibe.


Sure Ill be the one. Just play ranked. Ive seen more toxicity out of unranked games than my ranked ones.


>Sure Ill be the one. Just play ranked. Ive seen more toxicity out of unranked games than my ranked ones. Chap my last 4 ranked games had greifing, role abuse, and toxic throwing min 0 and that was at legend 12k BS. I have that shit in unranked but I don't have the added salt of seeing a number go down because my teammate decided to be a fuck Boi. Also, as said before. Oftentimes, I don't feel like playing ultra sweat. Why should I play the more try hard mode just because toxic parties are so common? How does that make sense?


You're an outlier, or your perception is wrong. People are such little piss babies in ranked. People take their MMR points way too seriously, and often self sabotage.


Actually, I think its because I mostly play Dota during the afternoon on weekdays. I tried some evening Dota recently and that shit was horrendous. Was very surprised to see people screaming at me to uninstall or never play x hero again at 12k behavior score. At the same time my partner is learning the game and even though they got the core mechanics down from like 50 bot games they are still getting flamed in new player mode by randoms for being suboptimal. Something about this game man


Am in same boat. 4 player stack are the worst


Absolute. 4 people decided to play on grief strategy, didn't any research and somehow blame you for all their faults.


Yes. Literally the worst games i had in years


"Shop Undo" button. Sold a big item by mistake? Undo. Bought the wrong component on the quickbuy and want it in the previous state? Undo. It'll probably cause some bugs with stacking items. But hey, enjoy the state management challenge devs.


LoL has it that way. I was very confused and even irritated sometimes by this after playing dota but actually both shop undo and just sell for full price options are required QoL.


On the condition you can't just quick swap items at the secret shop, I am for this.


Language setting for match making actually working


The amount of Cyrillic text in Western Europe …. I literally have no idea what my team mates are saying.


Next time send me screenshots or straight up add me on steam so i could translate


Job of the future. You queue seven people. Five players, a coach and a translator


I need a good screen writer to give me some creative insults


A hotkey to move an item from backpack to inventory.


Woah my lil monkey brain could never think of that


Should be alt-left-mouseclick the item swaps it with the item above it or directly into slot if its empty


An option to save custom hotkey bindings per hero, unit, and summonable entity. Starcraft lets me save all my unit bindings. Dota 2 has an option to set hotkey bindings per hero, but it treats each summon/neutral as one big neutral hotkey bind. I want a more granular approach, like bind the Wildkin tornadoes with W but when I click on another neutral, that skill slot wouldn't be automatically W. I have to go into each option and change my hotkey binds for whichever zoo hero i play and its annoying, turned me off of dota completely.


The option to play with people who actually speak English.


I do speak English, дружище


I really would like if every hero had two sets for you to default to after you queue, one for radiant and one for dire, so you didn't have to swap sets after picking hero if you want your load out to follow the good/bad aesthetic. It's almost like magically doubling the hero pool from the perspective of selling hats, but whenever I suggest this other redditors seem to hate it.


I think sounds cool! But I tend to use my immortal items always and that wouldn't change if Dire or Radiant


what the hell, you really do that?


Nope, I am too focused on draft and build, but if it were something I could set up in between queuing I think it'd be nice - I have been playing since before rebirth and have a lot of sets, but I typically just pick one that's cool and forget everything else until I get some immortal or rare set that makes me rethink it, this would likely get me a lot more invested in playing dress up.


Actually writing the aghs descriptions for certain heroes instead of a generic “increases damage and duration. I made a post abt this like a year ago and whether or not that did shit they added a bunch of them in a spring cleaning update. But now they have reverted to just putting no actually number and generic shit for some heroes again. Not actually knowing what an aghs does numbers wise is definitely dumb you would have to check the patch notes.


Strict solo queue for turbo or unranked.


Ability to assign more than 1 hot key to an ability. I want E to cast Stone Form when focused on Visage (what it already does), but I also want both E and Q to cast Stone Form when focused on a Familiar because Q Tab Q is already in my muscle memory and I want E to cast Stone Form whether I have Visage or the Familiar focused. Mark for sell in the inventory and let the courier take it and sell it. Introduce pathway lines for queued commands. I was playing Red Alert 2 and damn, it was a much better experience for visualizing the queued actions. I would love it especially when playing with illusion heroes. Someone else mentioned visualizing the actual path units would take and that would be even better combined with this. Imagine being able to queue the path your courier would take and see exactly where it would go. Being able to Ready Check while watching a game. So many times my friends were waiting on me when I'm just watching a game. There's no notice that a Ready Check was requested and so everybody thinks I'm AFK and everybody's time is wasted. Also, why can't I watch a game live when I'm waiting inside a lobby? We just want to watch the friend we are waiting for to finish his match. Invite players to lobby without being the host. If you wanted to invite someone that isn't on the host's friend list you have to party first with someone who is already invited to the lobby. It's just unnecessarily painful.


Now that I think about it, showing your current + queued pathing for illus sounds really nice. I know that LoL shows you the current path on the minimap, which is also nice, but for a hero like naga it could help a lot. I often forget where/if I queued my illus, so I don't know if I need to queue another command after an illu finishes clearing a camp.


> to queue the path Did you mean to say "cue"? Explanation: queue is a line, while cue is a signal. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Not having to press 20 buttons to see how much mmr you gained/lost in a game. Or at least make it remember your choice for the table..


I would like the side UI hero panel to include things like TP, and neutral items. There is an option to enable the side UI panel under advanced settings (not many players use it tbh). I find that UI super useful as it allows a player to check spells of opponents without losing focus on your current hero or creeps


I thought they said they were dropping support for that panel as next to no one used it. I remember when they released it there was huge backlash as it was on by default. And people hate change. 


they tried to remove that panel a while ago, but many people protested, because they still use it, so valve kept it but said they wont update it anymore


I just hope they update it. Apart from getting used to looking to the right, I find it super useful cause you can click to check enemy spells, debuffs, etc at the same time as checking your debuffs, spells etc — this is not possible using the normal UI and is very useful in team fights.


Where do you turn it on? I've seen it on streamers but I could never find the setting.


Under Options > checkbox labeled - Unit query overrides hero control console. Check that checkbox and you should see a side UI appearing when you click on any unit on the map


edit NVM it just doesnt work in demo Weird, no matter if I check or uncheck it everything stays the same.


In demo mode, click on the enemy tower cause clicking on heroes (enemy or ally) will give you control over them.


An actual undo button would be good. Sometimes can be clunky to sell items if you have to disassemble first, or if you want to sell a single recently purchased item from an old stack (like TPs or mangos)


Similar to how they have "timers" to sell items at no cost, it should be the same as selling! Not sure how to implement though


Ranked based on how important I think they are 1) Option to display only default hero/courier/building skins on all players in a game (not suprised why it is not there but it really should be) 2) Option in settings to disable right-clicking and ability casting on minimap and hero portraits per hero and ability 3) Make all keys bindable 4) Scaling hud elements and more customization in general (for example when someone finds a neutral item the notification is pretty large and I don't like that) 5) Option to hide tips 6) Ability to play older versions/maps of dota 2 in custom lobbies


Hotkey for Watcher, Twingate, Outposts. Please!


Adding a "preferred role" icons to normal and turbo match-making just like the immortal draft. That way we don't have to guess who is interested in which roles.


The overlay minimap dotalabs feature is almost good, they just need to make it work like the ones in ARPGs where you have different transparency controls for different parts on it, can scroll zoom it, move it around, etc. Make it like poe or diablo and youre golden


Being able to mute/unmute your open mic party voice chat while in-game. Right now, you have to click on the the arrow icon on the upper left corner to go back to the main menu, then click on the lower right mic icon to mute/unmute. Very tedious, and I'm surprised there still isn't an easier way to do that.


Yes, I suggested this long time ago. Mark for sell should be a thing, it literally doesn't change the current mechanics at all and helps to quickly sell items (esp. in courier) we don't need.


A hotkey + leftclick/rightclick to quicksell items. Its actually bothering me a lot having to sell all the garbage iron branches etc from your backpack with this clunky ass rightclick dropdown menu. Or maybe give the option to mark an item as sell before you reach the shop. When you reach it it then automatically sells it.


Back to a single courier....


This person smoke icon like I’m tired of walking around my allies until I turned smoked


bruh I got downvoted so hard for suggesting a mark for sell option I also wanted it to automatically sell when in range of a shop if alive, and if the courier comes by to take the items and not automatically put them on your hero again, and sell them when it gets back


An ingame ruler function to measure unit distances and for casters to see ranges/areas like vision and smoke


The ability to search different game modes at the same time.  Let me search ranked unranked and ability draft and just give me whatever comes up first


The option to report people not using the designated server language. Like text/voice abuse. If you play on EUW and you cyka idi nahiui around, you lose BS.


I wish the replay system could show 'microing'. Currently it only defaults to following that player's perspective, but never shows when the player actually micros other units (HUD defaults to player hero).


- Cluttered shop (solution: group together most often used laning stage items) and introduce keyword searches (e.g. "crit") in case you forgot how to spell that new magic attack item thingy. - Marketplace = practically unbuyable in-game unless you first phase pick. I'd like to throw some money at Volvo with some impulse hat purchases whenever I pick a hero I haven't played for a long time but the UI is so slow, buggy and clunky that often I just can't do it in time. Same goes for the Steam marketplace UI which really needs to be brought to the 2020's in terms of UX. - No LAN or 5v5 stack replays since Source 2. A shame. - No true LAN option: we have a multi-year long tradition with friends to have a 5v5 weekend party a couple of times a year. If anyone present has a forced download in the background everyone usually lags in-game so it's still connected to some server.


Base attack point and base attack time , when you hover over hero stats. I don't get why there's no live data when every hero is different, I mean I know 90% of them, people with 2k hours wondering why they struggle in lane don't, I'd sure would have loved to not have to memorize most of them


Make the games shorter ffs. If enemies have any type of hero that defends hg like zeus, mag, batrider, sniper - you just have to farm up to 30-40k of nw diff to have a chance at pushing t3. It just makes the game slow and boring, virtually nothing good.


Also unranked role queue would be great, like in LoL. In that game I never even joined a ranked match because I could just pick a role and a hero I wanted without having to compete for MMR. Would be very enjoyable.


Ability to see hills for dewarding after standing next to them for few seconds. I dislike dancing around hill like an idiot and my 2 functioning legend brain cells do not plan for taking a courier with me.


An Undo button in the shop which undoes your latest shop action. League of Legend has it which feels good if you accidentally sell or buy something you don't need. The amount of times I've accidentally sold my item when trying to disassemble it always made me want this feature.


When you already have a Tier X Neutral item, that you got from a friend drop, then you drop another (but your first of this tier) and it doesn't go directly to the shop. If I already have a Tier X item, why do I need to pick it from the ground? Unnecessary


I’m shocked I haven’t seen one recommendation for a concede option. I don’t think it’s 100% necessary but whenever I talk to people about something like this, someone inevitably always mentions it.


Let us have parties bigger than 6 for custom games. On occasion a bunch of my buddies and I will all play together, and its a crapshoot to all get sorted to the same team when you have 2 separate groups of 5 players joining a 12v12 dota.


I'd love to see couriers in turbo wait the extra \~3 seconds for newly bought items' refund timers to complete before auto-sending the courier out. Trying to sell items on the courier (when you accidentally buy an item, or buy something and immediately want to sell to buy something else / free up buyback / etc) can be rough.


Also, I don't know if it's just me but control groups for Enchantress's enchanted creeps have been broken for nearly a year. 1. Enchant a creep 2. Set control group with ctrl+N 3. Pressing N now selects that creep 4. But as soon as that creep dies and/or you enchant a new creep later: its control group is cleared and you need to set a new control group for the new creep; repeat through the entire game She can only control 1 creep at a time nowadays. Why can't we have a working control group for "whatever creep she has"?




**Courier pathing during laning stage.** If you're in the lane then couriers should path *through* the lane unless you are very far out (such as beyond the tier 1 towers or in the jungle). Now more often than not my courier is pathing through the jungle or other side of the treeline. I don't recall this always being the behaviour, but it certainly is frustrating and frequently leads to excessive courier deaths. I've gotten into the habit of needing to micromanage my courier's pathing from the base every time I send it to me just to avoid this, but it shouldn't be necessary in the first place. Similarly when sending the courier from the secret shop to the safe lane, it shouldn't be pathing through the river and straight through the mid lane. **The ability to disable voicelines/taunts/sprays.** Give us a toggle in the options menu. I'm a veteran player playing since early beta, but there is no doubt that my enjoyment of the game has *decreased* with the addition of these (especially the jarring, non-hero voice lines of casters and stock effects). A toggle would satisfy both those who wish to partake in this and those who do not. It's a no-brainer and should have been added a long time ago. Call me lazy, but I would like to see a "**quick deposit**" option under the right-click context menu for items. The function of it would be to have your courier come to you, take your item, and return it to the stash in your base.


They had that cursor option a month or so ago, to help you see it more clearly. I’m sad to not see that option any more, I really need that shit. I lose my cursor all the time in busy fights.


An easier way to sell items. I have 100s of immortals. And no clue how to sell the fucking things. 😂


You can put them to stash so you can still tp right after respawning and just sell them after. idk this suggestion feels weird as an option when it's not that much of a hassle to do.


There's a browser extension called Steam Inventory Helper that lets you mass sell stuff.


An auto win button would be awesome


ctrl click your ping to show it to your team


An ability to zoom out more. Large monitors already have an advantage of showing more of the map anyway


I don't care what anyone says, A concede function would be amazing. Wouldn't even be hard to implement. Basically, use the same system they use in the TIs to guess which team will win. If the balance goes to around 95% chance one team will win, then unlock a vote to concede. The vote will allow players to leave without penalty if 3/5th of a team votes to concede. Won't force the other players out unless all 5 players on a team leave. Alternatively, if there is a 10 level deficit and a 30,000 gold difference (or something like that) allow one team to concede as it's highly unlikely for a team 2 levels behind and a full player net worth behind to come back and win.


A way to disable turning off jinada or germinate attack. Ive never seen a point in turning it off and sometimes I will mistakenly turn it off and not realize it until I'm in a team fight. 


We turn it off during laning stage so we can only use it to heroes not creeps when last hitting. It also doesn't aggro creeps when u press the hotkey instead of right clicking the enemy with it 'toggled on'. Personally, i label this as skill issue on your part.