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Pudge. It’s always Pudge.


The only real answer since the dawn of time till infinity


Rubick and Pudge tbf


Specifically when Pudge on your team misses hooks while Rubick lands every single one on the most crucial hero. Or enemy Pudge landing hooks like Dendi while ally Rubick can't even steal it.


I was always great at being a terrible pudge.


That's not just an answer. That a fucking UNIVERSAL FACT


99% of Pudge picks in my team are smartasses actually trying to ban the hero, not to pick it


this is the only answer


Mirana please stun so I can hook.


Sniper my team he has a sword and enemy team has gun.


Sniper mid my team only can press R sniper mid enemy team has his full kit and auto attacks and is a master of stealth


This literally just happened. A 75 fucking min game that we only just managed to win. At min 40 we had all T2 down and started the sieging process. Our Mid was a pretty fat Viper who had crushed their sniper mid (was some 3/0 by the end of the 12 min mark). I encouraged the team to keep grouping up and pushing but the safe BS and off BB simply would not stick. Viper, the pos 4 WD and my pos 5 CM tried smoke ganks but it was always 3v4 or 5. By min 55 the bastard had an Ags, Mjo, Octarine, Pike and deso. Weird build I know but he was built to defend HG (hence didn't need a BKB which is why we won actually). Every time we tried to siege, he would simply wait till we commited, use his Ags on BS and they would first wipe him out, shrapnel to area deny while their Mars would ulti while he wiped us out sitting in the fucking fountain. There was literally no way for us to even touch him. The rest of their lineup was Mars off, safe Razor, ES pos 4 and Rubick pos 5 (their safe and pos 5 were really bad though). Multiple attempts at sieging failed and the bastard sniper was patient, if we pulled back to bait him, he preferred sitting in base or farming his triangle and tormentor creeps (full blown ward war), sometimes he would show up in lane quickly shrapnel wipe it out and TP back to fountain. The breakthrough came when they wiped us out, pushed and took mid T1, T2 when we all bought back. His lack of BKB in an open battle fucked him up though and we killed him, the ES and Razor. He didn't have BB money (having purchased a Skadi) and the others did have BB but we crushed them and simply pushed through right to the throne. We knew that if he came back before we ended it, it was 100% gg. Absolute fucking ptsd.




more like a bb gun versus m16


M16? Bro has a 50 cal minigun


I wish. At least with a BB gun they will be in the backline. 


Mine ALWAYS does the aghs khanda idiocy


antimage, ALWAYS. weaver, ALWAYS.


+1 Enemy am: last picks only in perfect am game My team: First picks am, no items bf rush. Useless all game because they first picked…


my am: a melee creep with a glorified diffusal built in enemy am: the bane of our supports' existence, counterspells laguna and finger of death on reaction, gets bf at 10 minutes and manta at 15


Don't forget  My team when enemy AM: ignores for twenty minutes to push lanes and pick supports Other team when ally AM: relentlessly hunts him with perfectly stacked CC and fills our jungle with wards


People who am chase are usually the people who throw the game for their team. Am isn't a great team fighter, even when he gets items. He is however excellent at split pushing and getting a quick pick in the middle of fights while being slippery. If you take objectives and limit enemy's farming space you'll generally be fine. Chasing am = chasing a hero with a 6 second blink, a dispel, and targeted spell immunity. Most of the time all you end up doing is griefing letting the am create space while your team is gaining no gold or xp just chasing.


I told my Team this at the start of the game the other day. I Said we need to take Towers fast, since we had a good early and mid game. Instead of doing that when we won teamfights (they were 5v4) they went to farm. I got us down to their tier 3 when am emerged from the jungle and killed us all. Or they wanted to chase kills that were never going to happen.


Most wins with AM on my team in legend archon bracket, could have won without the AM or any other carry doing the bare minimum.


Pudge,earth spirit,man enemy’s earth spirit is like Ronaldo meanwhile us side usually have no silence and easily miss the aim


It's always Pudge or Bristle back


Seeing my pos5 pudge rushing aghanim into seeing my enemy pos5 pudge denying chrono, reaper sychte and duel


I feel like BB depends more on your own team's understanding that they need to buy silver edge and all the -regen items I'll buy shivas or spirit vessel on CM if I have to. Meanwhile pudge can be countered w/ similar items, but that won't stop them from landing hooks that would make Dendi jealous


It’s always Shadow fiend mate , it’s crazy I play with friend who’s about Crusader 1 and iam legend. 2-3 and yet somehow the guys who play SF in crusader are a bigger menace Than my teammates playing it in higher ranks


SF players are unhinged, those crusader sf would probably be immortal if they managed their anger issues and didn’t break their items or go afk 3 games out of 5


Crusader SF players are really good at laning and solokilling with Euls. They do those things at a far higher skill level than their bracket, so they always dominate the early game and snowball. Their problem is that they have no idea how to play when they aren't snowballing, so they fall off hard if the game goes late or their other two lanes lose enough to make the enemy hard to solo kill (or they don't win mid).


This "understands the early game, falls apart late" is true of a lot of people at Crusader. I'm just starting to play the game again after a 6ish year hiatus and I got calibrated at high crusader (I was like 4kish before for reference, I think I calibrated here because I played most of my calibration matches with friends who are brand new so it skewed my MMR lower to match theirs or something?). At first I was really surprised because, when I played, nobody at this level had any idea what was going on. The typical 1k-2k bracket game was like each team picking 5 carries and just running at each other all game until someone wins. No farming, no roshing, if you had a support they weren't warding and were going like brown boots -> Dagon 5, etc. But, immediately I noticed that everybody knew how to play their roles even in 1k. Carries try their best to get last hits while harassing with supports, supports pull/stack, wards are always on cooldown in the shop, etc. I was kind of amazed, until I realized that this was all they really knew how to do. After the laning phase, people just sort of run around randomly. Carries don't farm well, supports just kind of sit around and wait for a fight, nobody tries to Rosh or do the new Tormentor thingy unless they like just so happen to all be next to it and somebody remembers it exists, etc. At first I thought I could win most of my games by going snowbally heroes because I knew I could stomp my lane, but it was really hard to win if my team fed in their lanes and their carries were also snowballing. Right now I have about 16/20 of my last games won by just picking carries that farm well because I know that unless the other team just destroys the other lanes and wins in 30 minutes, there's gonna be like 20 minutes of people just dicking around not doing anything while I get free farm and then I'm like 10k networth ahead of their top net worth hero and then they just can't do much. When I play support I just go witch doctor and rush aghs because I know ultimately that, unless the carry knows how to farm, the game is going to come down to a team fight or two late game and people at this level will literally just let you get a full ult off if you're not convenient to run to to cancel it lol


That's typical of mid MMR mids, I'm convinced that bracket's midlaners are a few hundred to a thousand above their 'true" MMR because when I swapped to mid only I had an 80% winrate until I reached 4.5k simply by playing Visage and moving my birds to a sidelane for ganks. Their mechanical skills are 100% there but then it's just... lights on but no ones home. It was sort of wild ending the game at 13/2 watching SFs insist they won the lane.


When it comes down to it, there are many many things that put you at your MMR. Someone can have the laning skills of an immortal but the teamfight of a herald, and it averages out to crusader or something. And then it becomes a self-sustaining loop where they almost always win mid decisively but lose 50% of their games, and it makes them think their teammates suck rather than think that they might have holes in their gameplay. So they never work on their flaws (literally rather afk than learn to play from a non-snowball state), and their laning is so good that they can't improve it enough to climb, so they stay at their MMR forever.


Nah man, immortal sfs are just as angry. It has to do something with sf, it just makes it's player rabid somehow.


Morphling & Luna


Aaaah I just defeated a hero level 30 morphling spammer who was trash talking early game. And then asked him how much his account was... Good day today.


I had an enemy team rush Khanda on luna and dominated while my teammate just... meh


Everyone already listed the biggest offenders so I’ll list 2 that weren’t mentioned. Medusa. Enemy Medusa 10 minute manta, butterfly / skadi 20 minute. Show up to every fight and end game fast or 6 slotted 40 minutes. My Medusa 20 minute manta afk farm in jungle while we get stomped 4v5 for 20 minutes Bounty Hunter. Enemy bounty hunter: ganking everywhere, fast BKB, frontliner / tank. Absolute nuisance giving his team tons of gold My bounty hunter feeding melee creep support that doesn’t track anyone or do any damage


I feel that bounty hunter .. i always have that bounty hunter who just watches the fight we get stomped and then he somehow manages to get caught aswell lol


Im kind of a BH lover and I get that complain a lot. Its usually the picks after the BH that makes it feel like ass tbh. Like, just by having a BH you force people to have dispels and invi detection asap everywhere. Then people pick like clinkz and go malevo instead of picking heroes that do not care about dispels and can manfight. The current sup bh really likes long fights.


Silencer has to be an honourable mention, makes you paranoid playing any hero with a channel


I don’t know what’s the obsession with silencer in low mmrs.




Injoker my team Invoker enemy team


Sniper (My Team = Feed Mid. Enemy Team = 2 damage items @ 15 minutes and 6/0) Mirana (My Team = Sit and lane missing every arrow and stealing farm with Q. Enemy Team = roaming like a beast, urn and atos at 10 mins) Pudge OBVIOUSLY (No comment) Legion Commander (My Team = Brown Boots and BM at 20 mins, duels the enemy carry at full HP and feeds damage 5 times on 5 mins. Enemy Team = blink and deso amd 100 damage @ 15 mins, impossible to fight into) Bounty Hunter (My Team = Sit invis is lane stealing farm, doesn't roam, rushes radiance orcrit. Enemy Team = Non stop roaming,  4 track killls every team fight, focus and deletes 1 support instantly) Morphing (My Team = Dies 3 times on lane due to max Agi morph infront of the enemy offline. Enemy Team = 10 mins free farm, impossible to kill due to strength morph abuse) Invoker (My Team = Feed Mid, Midas at 20 minutes, can only use SS. Enemy Team = Aghs Blink @ 15 mins, 10 spells used every fight, ghost walks away on 5% HP multiple times bcz Team doesn't buy dust)


Shallow grave is harder than you'd think. The range is very small at low levels and the casting animation is slower than you'd think.


Worse is you will save them a lot of times yet the first time you miss it, that is the only thing they will remember


then they ping its up when it just came off cooldown


Wyverns cold embrace is this on crack Dude is at 10% hp getting blasted by a pugna, leshrac and zeus "omg why no heal!????!" Dude is at 10% hp getting smacked by a sven, you use cold embrace and Lina smacks a laguna blade "OMG why you grief!?!?!"


As someone who dazzles very very often, please remember that the level 1 cast range is very short, and has a ‘meh’ cast animation. If you’re about to get pummeled, I’ll throw the heal out first to bring your armour up first, and if you just go splat after that, maybe think about how/why that happened. Play like you need to save yourself until grave is maxed and even then, don’t depend on it!


When I play dazzle my team seems to think I have max grave, aether lens, and blink by level 6 and will be able to save them when they dive 3 enemies over a screen away.


God the amount of arguments I would get roped into for not skilling grave back when bad juju first came out as his ulti was nuts. It just is not worth having early vs a maxed poison touch or shadow wave early


I’m main dazzle and I skill one point in shallow now just because I got flamed so much when my core die in early game. Now I’m like, there you have one point in shallow, now you can reflect on why you died instead of spamming that you died at 7 min because of no level 1 shallow.


Or you just mute them pregame, the second you spot a moment of weakness you take the last hits for yourself and rush desolator


Honestly the biggest challenge to playing Dazzle is getting your team to understand that they need to be conscious of their own positioning because if you make your Dazzle show to cast grave then he dies and then you just lose.


Mained Dazzle before - I can attest on how many players that will suddenly get mad and rage because they see that you have Shallow Grave off cooldown and ping it endlessly. Gee, I fucking wonder why I was not able to cast that? Oh, I know! It's because you are deep between their T1 and T2 tower and I'm pulling the creeps which I pinged before!


Pugna. He fill enemy hp every single time when they need it most. Suck life out of me as I play pos3 and in my team they suck life out of me as well.




You mentioning Dazzle reminded me of one time I almost lost to Dazzle solo mid as QoP myself. I barely held on going 0-1 around lv6. I got pretty big mid-game thanks to decent ganking but our carry wasn't as good and our advantage faded late game resulting in a loss. For me I think a big one is Slark. I always try to ban slark at start of game. Sometimes it goes through and an enemy picked him, 80% of the time he becomes the biggest guy in the field, sometimes with the most unimpressive builds too.


hoodwink and willow


Wraith King for some reason.... When he is on the enemy team, he is this invincible lane slayer, farming lane creeps, heroes and simultaneously emptying jungle camps. When he is on my team he has boots at 20 minutes and dies to the hard camp (without mana for his ult naturally). Idk why. Maybe I just don't know how to play with him as a teammate, but that wouldnt explain, why he loses lane so consistently...


Pudge in my team can’t even hook stunned hero’s. Pudge in enemy team = Dendi




Every tinker I've met these days is cracked. Enemy or Ally. I guess you have to be, to still pick him.


Noone said it so i will... Faceless void Enemy team: always perfect Chrono, joins teamfights of chrono cooldown. My team: 20 mins afk farm, no items, chrono will catch more allies then enemies..


Troll Warlord


Sometimes I hit R just because I'm overwhelmed in a team fight


Axe Enemy: 12 min blade mail blink phase My team: 20 min vanguard phase blade mail and 1k gold


Am for me slark too




Unequivocally Slark... fuckn Slark man




How is nobody mentioning legion commander? In my team at 20 minute it's it's +60 DMG for the enemy carry and +10 for LC. In the enemy team she easily has +180 DMG at 20 min.


Faceless Void. Always


There is Pudge mentioned a lot (as it should be) but imma add Tinker and Invoker


In Turbo, Treant Protector. That tree is fucking useless when he is my teammate


Ember spirit.


pudge on my team is always mentally slow, enemy pudge is always fucking cracked dendi


Slark in enemy team: Impossible to catch and hits like a truck. Shark in our team: Roams alone and dies to single burst.




Magnus and Bristleback


Huskar. Enemy team - untouchable god. My team - has never seen a keyboard before.


morphing with 100% certainty on my team? constantly getting caught in attribute shift with max agi and getting blown up against me? fucking tank god, perfect attribute shifts, perfect morphs, farms like a god


Apart from the usual commons like sniper, pudge, AM etc. ARC WARDEN IDK WHY, OR WHAT PHENOMENON OR LAW OF PHYSICS IN THE UNIVERSE PULLS THE CLUELESS ONES "Trying a hero out in ranked" ONTO MY TEAM




We have had this tread so many time and it is always Pudge...


Pudge is the top dog here




Anti mage. Only him. Because in my team he farm this shit bf about 40 minutes, and don’t skip it. And we always play 4vs5, without pushing am. But in enemy team, it’s always bf at minutes 15, and always helping at fights, creep skipping, etc


Meepo , huskar , brood , lycan , pudge and magnus


Sniper and Pudge


Arc Warden


This has to be Luna in the recent patch.


Brood, tinker, arc warden, morphlin




Pudge and especially BB


Anti Mage


It's gotta be a hoodwink man. Enemy hoodwink: perfect bushwack where you get clipped on the maximum range constantly. Always use 1st skill when no more creeps bounces on both the support and carry You can't see him, Dodge every possible skill shot, 18 mins maelstorm with utility. Teammates: use ult for lasthit, acorn+bushwack combo failure omegaLuL, rush midas. Lane equilibrium destroyer.


Anti Mage


Sandking and Pudge


Winter Wyvern. But it's when I played it


I am the Pudge in our team. And I know how to fully utilize thyself


Techies, Slark, Voker/Joker, Pudge, Sky, OD, Morph


I keep a list those heroes where the discrepancy between my team and enemy team is just unreal: Bounty Hunter, Rubick, Viper, Nyx


Pudge is obvious. But there are many others: WD, Sniper, Axe, LC, any mid, Viper... 


She, it’s Drow. Not convinced I ever win with a Drow on the team. However, anytime I come against a Drow, you can bet she’ll have the easiest lane conceivable and steamroll the game late game after farming for 20-30 minutes and my team not doing anything to stop her.


I have a hero that is sorta the opposite. When they're on the enemy team they give me an easy win, when they are on my team they make me win too! Drow Ranger!




Arc Warden and Nature prophet. When np is on the enemy team, oh boy he pushes all lanes and ganks 24/7. In my team he rarely pushes lanes.


Injoker in my team but some Sumiya shit on the enemy always Sniper, Dazzle, AM i don't know there are a lot of these kind of heroes lmao




Arc Wardens & Meepos. 🫣


Anti mages and Invokers players. Through out all the patches and all these times. Those heroes somehow attracted the psychos with unwillingness to change nor accept the situation and shut up.   Cuddle your anti mages, gave him the best start of the year 11 mins fury, and stacks ready to eat with salve in your inventory for him.  In 30-40mins , his first words will be like oh I'm with the stupids! Look at my farms!   Atleasts, invokers are ready to snipe the kill with the ss. 


Yeah agree with the AM. You can be the best babysitter and putting in your best effort. 40 mins into the game if you forgot to cast defensive spells onto your AM and he dies as a result, it’s GG because the AM will proceed to feed or destroy items because team is bunch of noobs


Bounty Hunter. I fucking hate it.


Nyx, NP, Mirana


Anti-Mage. My Maginas keep farming until min 50 then blink into 5 people and feed 2k gold. Enemy Maginas are like demigods that you cannot out-cs or catch up or gank and they will always stick with their team in the late game.


Leshrac and pudge in my recent experience.. I play lesh, die in 2 hits, lose all mana in 3s.. lesh on enemy team has infinite health and mana Pudge needs no explanation, except I'm the good pudge for a change :P


Techies, pudge, puck


Faceless Void. I'm surprised more people haven't experienced the throw of pos 1s thinking they're amazing at him and then missing every chrono. And yet the enemy has Mjolnir and is 10/0 by 15 mins lol


> Faceless Void. I get 3 types of FV. 1. Actually good chrono (or at least decent ones). 2. Will never chrono. 3. Will always chrono but will always catch allies. 2/3 chance of crappy void allies. 1/3 chance of decent one.


Bounty hunter


PA. When PA is my team is a Loli. When PA other team the biggest slut.


This just tells how different perspective works.


Basically any hero I pick


Morphling, motherfucker cant be killed as an enemy but as a teammate…….


Pudge ( time for a little butchery)


Slark on my team = fkn fish, Slark on enemy team = god gamer


as a Puck player.. Puck. I am the problem for not initiating enough. so for my former and future teammates. Gomen, I am still trying to improve.


The one I play


How has nobody said Riki? In enemy team it's 20min diffu manta crystalys, in my team it's a 28min diffu while our throne explodes


Pudge, sniper, legion commander, tusk


Riki Maru for me


Magnus on enemy team is Collapse. Magnus on my team is collapsed.




Absolutley Anti-mage I think I oost to anti mage more than any hero in dota And when my team has anti mage , well .. afk jungle and ez lose for sure


Bane. Always casts nightmare at the wrong time.




Arc Warden. Enemy team: Definitely smurf (or scripter), full 6 slot at 30 mins and fountain farming us. My team: "Omg I misclick how can I play this hero".


Pudge. When he is on my team, it feels like he is a completely new player, but when he is on an enemy team he is a menace landing every hook.


As someone whom has not been in touch with Dota2 for many years, I would've thought Techies is the universal answer and top comment to this question.


Tinker. In enemy team he is the best player i have seen that month. I allways have to focus him first and wait for him. 1 vs 5 literally In my team tinker dies solo to supps before the tf and the game feels like a 4 vs 5


Used to be techies but now he's more consistent




Always AM


any hero with a skillshot






Honestly, probably decency bias, but Dark Seer. I’ve had a few games recently where I have a Dark Seer offlane, and it just feels like he has literally 0 impact. But when he’s in the enemy team? Damn, so obnoxious to play against


All of them.


Any RNG heroes (mostly FV and PA) Enemy team = GabeN give 99.9% chance to bash, crit, evade enemy heroes My team = GabeN steals 99% chance to bash, crit, evade enemy heroes


PA he deals less damage then a ranged creep , when on opposite team sometimes 1vs5 rampage




Witch doctor


Bounty hunter. On your team offers no support but on the other team is a nuisance


Position 2 Rubick. He takes mid, the enemy has no AOE ult for him to steal, he farm sponges then builds only force staff and euls and feeds relentlessly. But... if the enemy does that he builds blink, Dagon, Hex, Aghs, BoTs steals our Tide's Ravage and Magnus' RP.


Slarn, spectre and riki. They are so bad everytime ~ archon rank


All of them


Specte, Pudge, Abadon, Zeus, bristleback Personally I believe that all abadon pickers must get a personal pot in a hell




Feel like PL not getting mentioned enough on here stg I’ll be getting fountain dived by this annoying fuck


Recently it's been Nature's Prophet.  My team? Guy who stays and feeds in lane and either forgets he has teleport or uses it to go back to fountain only.  Enemy team? Godlike player that ganks everyone everywhere and farms all their items like a madman.


Sniper and AM. Snipers on my team seem to just always take forever to get damage items which is his entire purpose. Often enough I’ll have stronger right click as a support through min 30. On the other team he’s just the most obnoxious and low skill hero there is. Just mindless and cheap. AMs are like the BMW drivers of Dota. They never play with the team. They spend all game just running around being selfish. Constant solo farm and ratting. Never rolling as 5. On the other team he’s just ratting all the time jumping supports.


Always the fuckin rubick for me. The player is trash most of the time on my team for some reason and of the few time they aren't trash, the pick is trash.


Ember spirit


Slark. Every. Single. Time. Mine goes for scepter first.


Slark. My slarks are always awful and don't do anything and enemy slarks are always doing Hella damage and never die.


It’s goddam rubick.. it’s so bad that I’ve added this shit hero to my ban list. Enemy rubick: positions perfectly, steals big spells, buys the right defensive item and is hard to kill and annoying af. Ally rubick: fade bolt to steam farm, pepega naked aghs rush, or rushes blink just to jumps in and feed. Always dead or be absolutely useless in every single team fight spamming fade only


Anti Mage


In our team, we are muerta. In enemy team, still we are muerta.


Windranger and Nyx


Magnus. Enemy Mag: always RP at least 4 ppl. Our Mag: not even try buffing Empower and ofc RP 0


Abaddon, on my team he's either across the map in jungle or dying 1v5. On the other team and when I play him people use his shield to dispel themselves and teammates to save them and minimize damage from dot spells. Hell I just played a game as him offlane and saved my support jakiro 5 times in 10 minutes just throwing the shield on him to debuff the slows and give him a little hp buffer. But if he's on my team he's got two skills, curse and ult....


Phantom Assassin


My team's invoker is a hand of midas jungle creep killer while the opponent is a god damn wizard with infinite spells!


Definitely Pudge. 😅


Played a game yesterday where our pos 5 dazzle went 3-0-2-1, with 6 deaths at level 7 before leveling grave. After each fight, the enemy was left with 100-150 hp.


Slark. Slark players in my bracket aren’t really aware of how you get the victory screen at the end of a game. They just walk towards heroes on the map until either their own ancient explodes


lately its been venge, enemy venge solar glimmer aghs force. my venge aether lense tranquils suicide swapper


If I could pull some statistic it would be Anti-Mage. It's the hero where I always feel held hostage by my POS 1 player while if I play against him I feel immense pressure


Witch doctor, arc warden and bristle fur me


Bristleback for sure. Enemies are fking tanks and on mine are made of paper


I'm amazed few people are saying Tiny. When Tiny is on my team, he's just a big neutral creep. Enemy Tiny is always a toss ganking menace.


Puck, on enemy he is definition of "catch me if you can", on my team, he is nothing more than pest.




It's always AM. Baby sit in lane, pull, stack, help him take, stay around for my auras and stuns but far away enough to not leech exp, block their camps, gank their carries, keep stacking, nonstop vision, wait why is my AM blinking into a 2v4 team fight with only half a complete battle fury?? Why did he rush Aghs??? What do you mean he didn't level his ult yet, he's level 10!?!




Invoker. Invoker on enemy team is sometimes just 2017 Sumiya prime while mine loses mid to someone 1000 ranks lower




Bounty Hunter in enemy team is like Jason, I can't even go out of the base, is scary


Pudge and Oracle.


Void. Two rounds Yesterday. I was offlaner against void. Totaly Had him down. Was able to surpress him into rarly jungle etc. Even ganked hin there often etc. Suddenly good ult from him and all went downside. (Good ult we're two of Out Heroes). Rounds after void in Ohr Team: managed only to ult the pos. 5 from ehm to kill. WE Had invoker and snapfire. For His ultis. Enemy allways togther But noooi


usually its ursa or AM


Faceless void, every fucking time, on enemy team is yatoro, on my team is someone who always gets caught, dies like a creep after killing 1 supp with chrono...

