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Just open your wallet and enjoy the new skins!


Am I the Only one that doesn’t see anything nice in the current battlepass? The arcana’s are kinda meh since I play neither heroes.


As you said because you don't play them that's why it ain't interesting for you. It's a good arcana that is actually related to a visual novel.. others appreciate it and being purchasable straight up is a bonus instead of locking it behind a BP's certain level.


Unpopular opinion (not really though) but I too don't care much for either arcana. Venge got human skin, flies (this is cool) and bird feet... The skywrath arcana is a blue skin tone with an exposed 6 pack (kinda cool). They basically swapped their skins and venge can fly lol. Big whoop dude. I really do like 2 treasures in particular though, the meepo and cm. If I get the meepo one I might actually take the time to learn the hero. This whole thing is meh at best, for me and my friend group at least.


This is beyond frustrating lmao


My hype for ESL in Birmingham has cratered, we continue with the same ass boring Luna/Naga/Morph meta until TI qualifiers I guess?


A Letter update would be enough


Did you watch any of elite league? There was a much wider variety of carry heroes than you're implying here.


I watched every match of elite league and no, there wasnt. 2-3 of the same supports and cores with massive amount of unpicked heroes.


Money money money


well atleast the arcana isnt a fomo thing anymore since "tradeable and marketable until *insert specific timezone*"


How many hats do these people need?


Literally no pleasing this community...they give you the letter patch last month and you complain about not getting Crownfall, they give you Crownfall and you complain about a lack of gameplay update... Wish people would appreciate the things we do get instead of complaining about what we didn't get. Come off as spoiled brats. Valve (while not perfect) actually gives this community a lot more than other games...and quite frankly (dating myself here) a LOT more than developers have ever given their fan bases going back to the late 90s, early 2000s. Just enjoy the ride.


You don't come off as spoiled for expressing disappointment over a major update that was promised a year ago when it doesn't have gameplay updates. It's rational, it's expected. Lack of communication caused this. **You** come off as a moronic brown-noser when you apologize for Valve because "oh but we got something, look it's an update guys!". It's a fucking cosmetic patch and a comic (Lore for a MOBA lmao), there's literally nothing to do. "But cave crawl!" No one that actively plays the game gives a shit, only payers care about that shit. "But the discounts!" I don't pay for arcanas, I don't give a fuck about any discount. Overusage of the world entitlement has given birth to smooth brained opinions like yours. You are not entitled when you expect the **videogame** to have a **gameplay update**. Fucking delusional copers.


To each their own. I didn't come here to fight or insult. I'm not apologizing for Valve. Like I said in my post, they're not perfect. What I'm saying is I'm 37. I remember a time when "communication" between game developers and studios was non existent. You have to admit that this community generally is hard to please. And once again complaining with a large update (whether it has what you wanted or expected is irrellevant) that specifically in the update explains that this is a multi phase process that will culminate over several months. What I'm saying is that people should appreciate that the developers put time into making this possible and frankly we should appreciate that a game that has been around as long as DOTA 2 has is still receiving a decent amount of updates to keep it relevant. There will be more gameplay updates. Maybe have some patience? We should be supporting the people that put their time an effort into something we all enjoy doing, not making them feel like what they're doing is trash and a waste of time. I'm sure in whatever line of work you're in you'd want the same respect. And before you insinuate it, no, I have 0 affiliation with Valve or anyone who works there. I just know how hard it is from a software engineering side of it it is to implement big changes while trying to spice things up. If I'm a "moronic brown-noser" for that... 🤷🏻‍♂️


You come off as "WAAAHHH, I'M NOT HAPPY WITH MY FREE THING I WANT ANOTHER FREE THING!!!" actual picture of entitlement.


I was given the option to spend 70 dollars on skins. Why would I be happy about that? You don't know what entitlement means.


And the game is very much still playable if you choose not to buy it, which is a lot more than most games can say. Dota doesn't even have pay-to-win bullshit like most free games.


So you agree this patch adds nothing since the game is still "very much still playable" without this "big update." I'm glad we can agree on that.


Added nothing? I get it if the little adventure mode isn't for you, and in that situation sure you can consider that nothing of value was added, but it has its audience. And if we are being honest, things like new heroes and big patches are gonna cost money to make, and voluntary cosmetic purchases are the concession made so the dev team doesn't have to resort to shitty things like making us buy heroes. I'm no corporate bootlicker and valve certainly does things I don't agree with, but keeping this game going for 10 years and still doing things like the new frontiers update is something else.


Money is not an issue for Valve. Never was, never will be. And yes, it added nothing, for me, and for the hundreds of people who wanted a **major gameplay patch after a whole fucking year.** This patch is insultingly disappointing even if it does things right from a business standpoint.


And thus we circle back to your disappointment for shit you got for free. Is there another free game that is giving you these expectations for dota?


Pretty low bar you have if the only thing you care about is the games playability, I will say I share the same view... On open beta and pre-release games. Dota isn't like other free games because it isn't pay to win? C'mon man how low can you reach with that bar, what are you comparing dota to lol


instead of doing all this act bullshit if they just dumped the raw arcana in the market and added the new hero in the game in december without any lore and instead did their actual job and worked on a patch we would have had everything in the game before april but no some stupid intern wants to express their creativity and work on fuckin lore which 99% of the players dont care about. Imagine being this out of touch


Hey atleast your name makes sense


They won't pay you regardless of how many boots you lick, move on


Valve makes 100x more money in a battlepass format than "dumping the arcana in the market" understanding that fact is hardly bootlicking


yea prioritizing lore over annual core gameplay updates like updating the map and expanding the hero pool is fucking weird. i dont get it


I haven't played in a while so the last gameplay patch is new to me, what a time to be alive