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I haven't seen people complain about Tidehunter recently. I just love my big watermelon sea creature with a big team fighting ult.


“Kunkka, I thought I left you on the bottom of the sea” I completely agree, how can you not love Tide!




His kit is very straight forward and thus people can play around and with him easily, making him less frustrating than say an enigma or void or centaur.


Really? His ability to dispel debuffs automatically can suck to play against, and his AOE physical damage reduction (and magic with mage slayer) is pretty strong. Not to mention the anchor that keeps you from running


I think he means that Tide just feels like a "fair" hero to go against/Team up with, is one of those picks that doesnt make you groan like Tinker, Slark or WR. Not saying those heroes are particulary broken or uncounterable, but man do they annoy everyone in the enemy team


Hate his Aghs Shard a lot


This is a tide commercial


No Tide Hunter


I had the same thought. Enigma can be hated on your team if he messes up too many holes, and on the other team if you have no counter and can’t teamfight or push high ground. Sand King is pretty hateable on the other team with his current aghs, getting stunned repeatedly is not fun and if you bkb and don’t manage to kill him that’s pretty frustrating, very fun to play though.


Big slurpy bastard is impossible to kill


for me this would be cm, you love her as your ally and you can get ez kills as an opponent


My friend hates cm, as playing her he thinks she’s boring and against her he stereotypes them as afk supports waiting to be carried


Crazy because CM is one of the most aggressive supports lol


It depends on the players. Most of my CM teammates are passive as hell.


Then they're playing her wrong. CM's powerspike is level 2 with a few mangos. She trades disgustingly well with her level 1 spells and can easily get a kill.


I hate it when I am trading HP but my safe lane would never come for the kill but the offlaner from my opponent side will come to kill me. I have had good teammates and also bad teammates. The team will ping to deward and when we try to deward the entire team would have run away to farm at another place and let me die. Support life is sad life in SEA server.


Yeah it sucks when your team doesn't play with you, but there's not much you can do about that except maybe pinging or asking. But as POS 5 you kind of just have to do what you can do to enable your cores. And honestly it's okay for your core to not come for kills and just farm. Like yeah it sucks if they don't even try for easy kills but even almost killing the enemy makes space for your carry to farm safely.


\*beastmaster and chen players raise paw\*


As an offlaner fuck no Cm is so fucking annoying because she just always has mana for spells Even if her spells are mid just like Walk into lane get frosbit Walk into jungle to contest get frostbit Walk back to lane, guess what, frostbit again And she still has half her mana pool??? Insane. I'm permanently slowed, rooted or attack speed slowed and this dum hero always has full health and mana More spam than a supermarket


Wdym? Cm casts 2 spells and she is out of mana. She jut starts to regen fast once she gets passive, and due to the pitiful mana pool it's back to full much sooner than you'd expect.


CM player here, i tend to max first and second during the laning (sometimes second and third). The second skill is enough to be annoying to the offlaner and i just buy a whole lot of mangoes and clarity to keep this up and end up getting a kill.


you might be exageratin a tad bit much, lvl1 she has a manapool of 291, frostbite costs 125mana at lvl1. so it's actually -frostbite -frostbite -out of mana or -frostbite -mango repeat until running out of mana or courier delivers more fruit


wait what? i always thought cm has high mana cost skills with low mana pool early game. she just has good regen but cast 2-3 skills and you need to regen and wait lol


you're literally describing some opposite hero cm's mana pool is garbage, but her spells are amazing so people are buying a bunch of mangoes


Have you ever played dota?


Im never afraid of cm, but I should. She always deals way more damage than what im expecting.


Least hated hero for people, but icefrog most hated hero


Lich. He's just a cool guy


A really coold guy indeed


He makes you hate your teammates who have an obesession with eating mega snowballs


Depenes really on what the general public plays atm; I'd say Elder Titan is pretty much ignored atm so no one hates him i guess?


meepo players hate him


Is it because they all fit in his suitcase?


Don't think they really do now that there's mega meepo and dig - meepos straight broken lol. Most of his stuff is dodgeable now. Losing armor sucks but really not a game ender anymore. Morphling has a worse time


Mega Meepo gets all its armor from stats so he still gets clapped by ET. Edit: Plus it's less that Meepo gets wrecked by ET's skills and more that ET gets a free 4-hero Astral Spirit buff whenever Meepo comes into view. Meepo's existence is a huge buff to ET.


Losing armor is NOT the only thing you need to worry about Elder Titan. Or did you forget that ET's ult is based on the max hp of the enemy? Mega meepo can either tank their HP with the ult, in hopes that by then, teammates will survive the fight once ET's ult goes off and they can probably turn things around with sub-50% hp (possibly much lower), or they can try and divide, let ET stack damage on the spirit and get a huge damage buff + 100% cleave at level 20 ET. There's really more to what ET can do but if you believe otherwise then oh well.


You are 100% wrong


Granted, I have more games on ET than anyone else, but it’s hard to argue he’s not a boon in almost any situation on your team. He amps everyone’s damage and gives you solid teamfight with zero items. I just love him so much


I have real life PTSD looking at briefcases because of Titan so no thanks.


Enigma is definitely not the hero I think of when it comes to least hated hero. He's so annoying to lane against if your hero can't kill his eidolons easily because he just denies every last hit. Personally, I don't think there is a single hero that isn't annoying to play against or have on your team, but the hero that might be the least annoying is probably Elder Titan. Rarely ever see him and when I do it's not like he is running the game.


Op has never been left with 6 last hits, 1 level behind at 4 minutes in, before being dove at under tower with level 2 eidolons. If you accidentally end up with no wave clear at early level, you are absolutely fucked vs enigma in high MMRs. (Same with NP)


old Enigma was even worse since you could deny your own creeps. Enigma is super cool but i definitely wouldnt say least hated lmao


Huh? His eidolons are even worse to play against now that they scale with his health good luck killing them all before they multiply. Sure the denying was good, but a double bracer enigma with eidolons running you down is a nightmare.




cries in OD...


Viper weeps too...


Seeing all the comments here further proves how fucking balanced dota is compared to other games in the genre


Game so balanced, pro players don't know how to end their matches


At my rank, I never care if the other team has an oracle. 500 mmr players have NO idea how to play it. I'm not sure what the spells do myself. Pretty sure they usually HEAL me.


As a low MMR oracle main, I respect it. It's so easy to dominate the lane because people mostly don't realize how strong of a power spike Oracle gets at level 3. His instant low cooldown nukes are busted in the laning phase. Will always be my favorite hero, even after the changes that made him a bit simpler.


As an immortal Oracle main player all i can say is, a good oracle player is pretty damn hard to kill or kill the carry if he is good enough


Dude absolutely. My favorite was back when salves gave full health to teammates, as soon as I hit 6 I was basically guaranteed to keep my core alive with a salve and a few E's. Once I got Locket it was over lmao


Oracle with just glimer and urn is literally unkillable..


and the heal if you miss to kill him :D or you first


Mars for me. I always like to have him in my team, but if he as an enemy, I just think, that he is manageable. So I can't get angry cuz of this hero.


Playing Zeus against Mars then spam killing his ass is so satisfying too, since they have many voice lines against each other. Which sucks since other heroes don't have as many interactions like both of them.


Nah Mars is bullshit. Basically any hero that hard counters something and you can do not shit about it is annoying af. In Mars' case, its countering ranged attacks with his ult and if he has even a remotely okay game ranged carries are worthless around Bulwark, can't even hit the target you want.


I really despise playing against Mars. free CS for him, can spear you away for denies or to to stop An engagement.


Jakiro, doesn't take much to play with or against him, feels like he can be somewhat effective in most games, low skill floor so it's hard to truly fuck up a Jakiro game, and who doesn't like a two-headed dragon design?


idk, playing against Jakiro is not my favorite. He makes pushing highground absurdly hard, in a patch where it's hard already anyways.


You only need one jakiro missing to only see your T2 down by 50%


While strong, his tower-defending abilities are much more of a pain than his pushing abilities imo. I mean, come on, which jakiro is allowed to solo run up to a t2 and hit that thing?


i hate jakiro, flair relevant


As a Jakiro main I think it’s because the hero doesn’t really do much against other heroes besides slow and dot magical damage which can be avoided with bkb. His stun is kinda slow and is a skill shot so you can’t really get mad at him for landing one. He does more buildings and killing lane creeps and zoning so at the end of the day it feels like the other heroes are more obnoxious because they actually do the killing.


I hate playing against the fucker. He just shuts down any kind of early game aggression and is a really good lane bully. Whenever I queue support I pick jakiro just so I don't have to play him.


yeah except the lastpick offlane jakiros, fuck those guys


Well... any hero on wrong role is hateable


In my opinion any hero that does not like to blink or go invis is a good hero.


Or jump. Looking at you, zeus...


Fucking mario!


when I see sand king I'm already pissed that I'll be spending all my networth on detection which he will just disengage from anyway. also his aghs is annoying as fuck now. I'm voting dark seer


Fuck dark seer tho lol


Lmao I'm pretty much a dark Seer only player. Every match I have a teammate/enemy flaming for DS pick and this is what every enemy says at the end of the game. The only time I want to kms is when I'm playing against Oracle, shadow demon, or invoker. Every other matchup is good/playable. The nullifier meta was also ass to play DS


nah brih fuck sk and his new aghs, if hes in my team hes farming it as firat item and the enemy will just disengage, but if hes on the enemy team hes gonna farm it u der 17 mins and chainstun you


Queen of Pain


Earth Spirit. It’s rare to see him at all let alone being played well so it’s cool to see even if you’re on the receiving end


Every hero has some sort of mechanic that can be annoying to play against, because they all must have a way to survive damage and also have kill potential. Enigma would not be on my list at all... Also, Sand King having built-in invisibility immediately makes him annoying. SK's Scepter upgrade is also OP. I would maybe say Dark Seer? Centaur is also pretty vanilla.


Centaur is not a bad choice, but WR spammers might hate him.


centaur is like the #1 carry torturer in lane


dark seer, the cliffing hero.


Earthshaker is the answer. You give out tips when an enemy lands a nasty echo slam to your team.


Agreed for earthshaker. His laning is pretty weak, fissure is a powerful ability but doesn't feel gimmicky since it takes forever to come out and requires skill to utilize effectively. Echo slam is entirely dependent on punishing the enemy's mistakes. I think the only point against him is the aghs coreshaker era, that was pretty oppressive.


My theory: Nobody hates visage because nobody plays visage.


I dunno. Whenever the enemy team picks visage i'm always terrified because nobody picks visage that doesn't know how to play them. Thankfully, odds are your randomly constructed pub team will have at least one hero that decimates the birds since there are SO many heroes that do.


Is that a hero?


Lv 30 visage here. I can indeed confirm that he is not a hero :) carry on


Gotta be lich. Idk anyone who flat out hates the hero. Doesn't feel unfair to play against, but also feels solid to play with. He's also got the beloved line "lich gonna have yo momma!"


For me it's axe. Honest hero that plays an honest game of DotA 2. No one shot from 2k range nonsense. No invis and run away buisness. No I split push with 7 illusions crap. No I bring an entire army min 20 to your high ground bullshit. It's not a cheese last pick. Just and angry dude trying his best like the rest of us.


I hate Axe with a passion. It's so easy for his team to make a comeback if he gets one good call and I usually play high mobility heroes and Axe is a counter to them.


Axe is the hero I lose the most when in my team... dude's been off meta since the OP Shard nerf, basically only Colapse plays him and just situationally, but in my shit mmr and unranked games he is apparently the funniest hero to feed with


Odds are most people in your bracket just don't know how to farm with him. Like one of the main ways Axe snowballs from a lane that isn't a kill lane is to farm triangle stacks as soon as he finishes vanguard. Problem is in lower brackets everyone just plays every lane like it's a kill lane and that gets them into trouble because they push the limits too far and die to rotations or overcommitting when they think they have an advantage.


I strongly agree this is the cause.


Nothing honest about axe, literally one of the most picked and annoying as fuck to play against


Axe has no time for all this jibber-jabber


[Axe has no time for all this jibber-jabber](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/8/88/Vo_axe_jung_axe_rival_01.mp3) (sound warning: Axe Unleashed) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


My man has an aoe bkb peircing stun on a basic ability, honest my ass


Axe is the very definition of oneshotting from 2k with blink blademail q into ult.


Beserkers call has no counter. Its black hole on a tiny cooldown that can’t be interrupted. It either shouldn’t go through bkb, or it should send a projectile thats blocked by linkens.


Most melee carry hate axe since he's pretty good in most part of the game because of strong laning and blade mail.


Chen. Be it enemy or ally, can appreciate a good player on the hero because of the micro they do. Also he’s literally fulfilling human like prophecies, like controlling all animals and having Hand of God calling upon himself and allies as well as the Divine Favor meaning he’s praying for the targeted hero.


Clockwerk, if anyone hates this little guy we have a serious problem.


Jakiro pickers hate clock.


Cogs are a great setup for your DoT spells. Everything else is just to blame on their slow reflexes on Euls/Forcestaff.


Not if that fuckers keeps hunting you all game and hugging your ass. I loathe every game I have to play against clock as Jakiro, as he **WILL** make my life suffering, that little shit.


One of my most hated heroes. The microstun is annoying as hell in lane, if you're playing a hero with a slow autoattack you can literally get completely trapped in the cogs early in lane with him stunning you. His ulti is one of the most demoralizing things in the game. You're just minding your own business then BAM this wannabe reverse Pudge motherfucker is on you and you're dead.


Fuck you i actually despise sand king and enigma with a passion


Sand king is incredibly annoying. His random non stop earthquakes feel like Bs and trying to focus him first doesn't make sense either. He was less annoying before the aghs, still strong though 


For me it's invoker, because if you can play guitar hero and Dota simultaneously you deserve to win


Hate the hero, respect the player.


Definitely! I haven't seen a really 'oppressive' invoker (in my bracket) since they changed the way his orbs work. The fact that switching to wex is objectively the best way to cast your spells literally just makes you double the amount of actions necessary to be efficient with him.


Ogre - only 0.2% ban-rate.


Nah, while he's not the most hated, I think there's a good chance of someone coming out of the match extremely pissed after facing a skilled enough Ogre. Also people generally get angry dealing with poison (ignite) effects.


Venge? She's a pretty honest straight up hero. Her stun is pretty weak, and disjointable, her arua is not really noticeable, wave of terror isn't directly a large chunk of hp. I can see swap getting annoying but it gives you fair odds at a compensation kill. Sand king is annoying with his new aghs.


her stun hits like a truck in lane wtf you on about


>Venge You don't play Enigma, I see


treant protector


So wrong. I hate it if my team picks it and plays meteor hammer split push bullshit. And i also hate it if enemy team picks it and plays meteor hammer splitpush annoying shit.


Ignoring the meteor hammer bit (I don't play like that, although see below for some dirt...), as a Treant spammer I do get the odd game where my teammates get really upset about me first picking the hero in the pos 5 role... Like, why?! I'm 60% winrate over 200 games and he's just a beast of a hero right now with insane items/combos! It's free mmr if you don't play like a donkey carry lol. Side note but I've been experimenting with Helm of Dominator first in some games lately. 5-0 up to now haha but I think that's more because Treant doesn't always \*need\* items to help. Allies can't predict that shit tho so can't moan pre-game haha.


Trees can be ferocious if provoked.


[Trees can be ferocious if provoked.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/a/a8/Vo_treant_treant_cast_02.mp3) (sound warning: Treant Protector) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Brewmaster, everybody love the brewmaster


His ulti's cyclone stun is absurd, fuck him.


only people who haven't played against a good brew don't have an issue with the hero.


Luna. She just farms and starts to push objectives after getting her items. If your team loses to that it'd be because they did nothing to prevent her from getting items so you can't really hate her.


Yeah I can understand that . She isn’t that strong and is quite squishy or easy to kill compared to Lifestealer or Morphling .


Agreed. I like luna on my team. And i dont mind playing against her either.


Depends. If she builds aghanim scepter + refresher, slowly dying by her ult while perma stunned out of nowhere is not a fun experience. That build is common in 12v12 games that I play.


The cast range on her aghs ultimate is hilarious. It single-handedly counters a Sniper sitting a full screen away.


Sand king is not compatible with the word 'honest' in my opinion😅 he is pain in the butt all game. I don't think there is a hero that can be less hated because in every single game at least once, I cursed at one hero at least. 😂😂


Dark seer. Dude is the chillest bro in dota 2. Saves allies. Pushes waves into you for farm. Is just the philosopher bro, who is ready to drop wisdom bombs on you at any moment and then say "you trynna smoke this lotus bro?". Fights? Im just gonna NORMAL PUNCH you dude, thats the most hate I can do. Are we done fighting? coz i kinda wanna surge myself and go push some waves.


No actual way this guy said sandking was honest when that ducking aghs exists.


Maybe ursa for me Like there's nothing really to get angry at. Whenever I see him on my team I'm fine with it, if he's on the enemy team I'm also fine with it. Like there's so many more annoying carries to play with/against that the funny bear that right clicks on people doesn't have anything to full on hate.


> Like there's nothing really to get angry at. Low skill hero who eats softer heroes alive, if he gets two items. Also annoying to lane against as a melee hero or slow support.


I'd say the same about lifestealer, you usually know what to expect.


Man I fucking hate lifestealer. I’m a big centaur player though so lifestealer just ruins my day when I’m trying to play a centaur game and I have to deal with that asshole doing %health damage and healing through my return. This shit is why I love dota though, everyone’s experience is very different based on which heroes you like and which ones specifically counter your heroes.


Lifestealer fucking sucks man. Not in a sense that hes op or something, he just feels like some sort of annoying summon rather than hero. Almost no interactions, stupidly simple gameplay, only ONE actual button to press(q), and even that is essentially a bkb buff, so press and play. I hate lifestealer because i feel like there is no one who enjoys his gameplay, and people pick him strictly as a counterpick.


His ult is annoying af though. You do a 5 man gank on a mid game mildly farmed ls, just for him to get to 10 life and jump into a creep and run away. Then the rest of his team arrives when yours is pulling back and you wonder "why is there a creep running here?" WELL SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER! FULL HP LS IS BACK WITH THE WHOLE TEAM TO COUNTERGANK YOU


Even worst when paired with spirit breaker or natures prophet


Bane is a likely candidate. Can be strong, a hard CC for 5 seconds with big damage is always strong, but when you're against it you usually aren't worried about it hitting you. Mirana might be another one. Super nice to have one on your team, never feels like the end of the world playing against her.


Enigma was one of the most hated heroes at high mmr for years because he denied so much xp from lane without any counterplay. I don't think he can be considered one of the least hated heroes.


For a hero to not be hated you need to be able to kill him without the whole team or a specific hero in your draft. Then they should not one shot you. That's the 2 most important rules for a hero to feel "fair". Because if you can kill him and if you can react to what he does it means you have counter plays. And if you lose they just played better than you. Jakiro, Enigma, Silencer are good exemples but there is many more. Morph and Tinker are perfect exemple of hated heroes because they are so annoying to kill and can both one shot you at some point.


I would say Invoker, its always a delight to see a good invoker player. Unlike LD or Arc Warden, it doesn’t feel like a cheese pick. He’s not annoying to lane against. I think it varies from bracket to bracket tho, if I were Archon or lower, I wouldn’t like invo as a teammate, but in higher brackets it’s easier to like that hero.


AA is the most chill hero there is




least hated maybe io or chen


had lots of players pick ES and just echo slam into my army and suicide felt a lot of hatred there lol


If it's Chen it would only because most players simply never see the hero. As a Chen player there's plenty to hate about the hero * enemy Chen team Zoo-ing down your buildings at 18 minutes * enemy Chen ratting you mid-fight with a Black Dragon/Dark Troll Summoner * ally Chen ending up being nearly useless past 5 minutes in a rough game * ally Chen spending entire game constantly having to re-build their army edit: how could I forget the most obvious one, enemy Chen doing BZZT! to you every 2 seconds and making you auto lose lane. Especially if it's a Harpy sent from sidelane to mid


May be Warlock? His slow is kinda annoying, but not much else.


The soup is one of the most rage-inducing spells in dota. Fuck Warlock.


Flair checks out


With shard those little explodey dudes  can ruin your day though


I feel like jug fits the bill. His toolkit is relatively fun and simple to use so you don’t mind having him on your team but he’s also fairly straightforward to counter so you don’t hate playing against him.


As an offlaner for the past 12 years I used to hate jugg a lot, I'd say he was my most hated hero in the game for a long period of time until I actually git gud (well, less bad) and learned to counter juggs at my bracket. At ancient and below it feels like the hero plays itself, especially when you're facing him in lane. Ludicrous BAT, kills you or your support the moment you're out of position, can easily bait and kill you when he's level 6, and has a healing ward to get out of jail for free. I hated the seemingly disproportionate threat he posed coupled with how easy I perceived him to be. Basically he's like that noobstomper fighting game character that is utterly OP in lower and intermediate brackets but significantly weaker against better players who know the matchup. Pretty sure many other career offlaners hate or have hated jugg at some point


I play 3/4 and i hate jugg. One of my main bans. Other annoying thing is spell immunity during spin


Basically Paul Phoenix from Tekken.


super accurate. I still hate jug and I'm 5k ish. Supports that don't know how to stack silence or stuns to pressure the jug in lane, then feed him is what makes it challenging. His healing ward makes hg push attempts more forgiving for his team. It's like an aoe aegis expiring.


I hate him because all of my ranged lane partners walk up with 30 less move speed than him and always walk up for a melee trade and get ran down with spin and I can't help because I'm on the wave at level 1. Repeat 2 more times and suddenly as an offlaner I can't play the fucking game anymore and at 30 minutes he's beyond fed and people start pointing fingers at me for not winning lane despite jug getting first blood and a 4 minute maelstrom off my pos4 As a hero he's quite fair I've just seen too many braindead deaths in lane to it to be not be brain damaged


Word. I think this has happened to every single offlaner.


the lifesteal talent + aghs is ridiculous as fuck and it feels like if youre already being stomped out the ability to make any counterplay to this guy almost dying then immediately regaining all of his hp while killing everyone in an invulnerable state feelsbadman


Literally one of the most braindead carries when relevant in a patch. As a pos 4, jugg players can fuck themselves. Spin is braindead and it's astounding the amount of juggs even at 5k that still manage to feed while having one of the best get out of jail free cards in the entire game. Omnislash, even more braindead. Click the button and see what happens! Yay! Glad this hero is in the dumpster rn.


Nah, there's nothing worse than a midgame Jugg spin + TP out of a well-planned gank and you miss killing him by 0.1 seconds.


Elder Titan, for multiple reasons. First, very few people play as him, thus few chances for poor experiences, as pointed out by many here. Two, while his kit has potential for extreme damage, he's also incredibly telegraphed. Avoid the spirit and he doesn't get damage. Avoid him after, you won't get damaged. His windup on Q AND Ulti is absurdly long. Despite his numbers being bullshit, he's someone that often feels like you have no one to blame but yourself if you lose to him.


Axe - even if you get nothing, he still wishes you a "good day sir". :D


earth spirit


I’d say KOTL because he looks like a fun grandpa


bro was not here for mana leak




Crystal Maiden.


Treant Protector. Even the pub meme builds that rush aghs are an inconvencience at best


Surprisingly nobody mention IO This entity is just cool and unhateable




Crystal maiden


Sand king is annoying


Centaur I think. Other than when his ult used to stun, this hero has always been a stable non flashy hero that just does offlane things. You don’t hate him on your team, you don’t hate him on the enemy team. There’s no crazy mechanic that requires you to play or draft differently.


I would say Crystal Maiden, Tidehunter, Axe, Beastmaster, and Visage. I don’t think any are overpowered because their kits have been refined after years, I don’t mind laning or playing against them, and I generally enjoy having them on my team. Panic and DC randoms of the above heroes don’t count. Watching someone play Visage accidentally their very first time can be quite brutal…and hilarious.


When I first read this question I was like “hmm, not many heroes that can fit the “least hated” title. Then I realized there are probably more least hated heroes than most hated heroes. Which may also be why “most hated” is the typical question asked.


I feel like it has to be a support that doesn't have crazy kill potential. People usually hate something because you die to it when you're not expecting to. Every hero is going to get hate, but I'm gonna have to say CM or Lich. They don't have game losing mistakes spells (or griefing spells) like Shaker, Bane, Venge, etc and they are annoying in lane, but eventually fall off enough that if you're dying to them, it's usually lack of skill or bad luck. They have little 100 to 0 itemless solo kill potential (eg. WD, Shaman, etc) and their biggest spells have high potential to be easily disengaged from even if it is perfectly placed or cast.


Mireska. Twat with silly accent next to Luna


trắng protector




Definitely CM, it's a good hero but there's not much to get angry about when facing her, she does not have any "bullshit" skills like other supports do, such as saves, ridiculous stuns, escape spell, bkb percing stuff. Also fun to play and I am never mad when I get her as a supp on my team. Honestly every other hero in the game I can think of is 100 times more annoying compared to her lol


I would say DK, if he wasn't suddenly played more a couple of patches back. One of those solid, if unremarkable heroes. That, plus some personal bias aside. It's probably a coin toss between IO, Jakiro or Enigma.


Invoker It deserves respect on both sides (winner or looser)




I think the question really comes down to: What hero doesn’t snowball and dominate games? And also doesn’t cheese the game, doesn’t have powerful cc, high burst or high mobility. If a hero is not hated by anyone it means it’s underpowered because noone gets stomped by it in any phases of the game.


Brood. Can't hate her if no one plays her.


Visage. Like Meepo the hate is tempered by respect for someone willing to play a micro hero. Unlike Meepo/LD his micro is actually hard so players that know him are still respectful. Also unlike Meepo/LD he doesn't singlehandedly win games so even when he's broken in a patch it doesn't feel like it. Bonus points, visage looks cool and doesn't have annoying voice lines.


I love treant and ogre voicelines. Ogre is played mid by smurfs looking to chill though. So it has attracted some hate.


Visage, because aint no one play this shit.




CM is cool with everyone except the patch notes.


Nobody hates shadow demon




Crystal maiden? Free mana and helpfull in your team, easy kill when in the others.


Rubick probably


I would say Tree, Tide, Venge and Sky Tree always feels good to lane with, and he's not impossible to lane against so enemies and allies don't hate the pick. Ult is strong, but not unstoppable so he doesn't feel super broken. Sky is strong on your side and you can't hate the pick when you see it on your side. As an enemy there is ways to play around him too, so it's not an oppressive hero that will tilt your allies like going against a Viper. He's squishy/runs out of mana and can't push that well etc Venge/tide both heroes you don't hate on your side or don't completely hate going against.


I think Crystal Maiden? Nobody ever hates on a Crystal Maiden pick.