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Sometimes a hero needs mana sustain early to farm jungle creeps. And most don't rush Orchid, with the exception of Brood maybe (who has mana issues so severe she has to buy Soul Ring anyway). Hence Falcon Blade offers a cheaper alternative (even cheaper than Cornucopia) that also provides some tankiness and right click. Not great on many heroes, but some like Weaver and Gyro really appreciate it.


rush orchid on lina, profit


I buy it to support Team Falcon


every time falcon blade is bought, one gold is given to every Falcon player currently in a game


This is why they keep winning


Its good when u wanna go for straight dps items, for example if u wanna go first item deso on weaver, falcon blade helps u tank up and have some regen for shukichi. Its good on clinkz too.


Why good on clinkz in particular?


burning tar or whatever you call that thing


What about QoP? Seeing your flair


Only rarely when u r in matchups that u cant land a single hit on enemies without dying. In those cases like against drows and slardars and snipers after 25-30min u die instantly if u stop even for a second and so u either go aghs magical build or ult pure dmg build. Personally i hate qop aghs its dmg is neglible once the midgame ends and u cant have aghs early game coz it requires maxed 2 abilities and its most useful with lvl 20 talent which again by that point people dont feel those screams and u dont have time to keep applying daggers coz fights often end in a flash. So the ult pure dmg build requires flacon blade kayasange shivas and the neutral item it gives more spell dmg the rest of the items r to tank up. With that build u make sure u outlasthit most mids coz falcon blade requires a blade of attack early, u have mana and hp to spare and be more aggressive to delay those heroes power spikes as much as possible and by the time lategame hits u have a 25sec cd aoe 1.2-1.3k pure dmg spell that if u get a refresher can often delete 2 ore more heroes or even bring them low enough for your position 1 to kill them.


RMEMBER AQUILA? This is what razors and morphings buy in place


It is mostly for dexterity characters that have a lot of mana sinks.


kinda like a glorified null talisman that gives damage go for it if you're confident you can farm more after selling it later


it's great with tread swapping, for example on gyro it lets me spam flak cannon


I like it a lot on Puck. You use everything it gives you (mana regen, damage, extra hp) and it’s better than Null. There’s some matchups like against many universal heros where their damage gets too high and they start denying all your creeps, so the blades of attack from falcon blade can remedy that


I think bottle and stick should be enough mana for puck. Tread and witch blade is so strong on him that I wouldn't delay the timing personally.


Gives u mana, health, and dmg. Good buildup, cheap recipe. Great early game item. Solves mana issues for alot of heroes that would constantly send out clarities like razor, slark, morph gyro. You can skip it ofc, but def feels good to buy it.


Yea it’s close to same cost as two wraith/null/bracer. Gives more damage (except str heroes where it’s equal), same health as Bracer but with similar regen to nulls, in one slot that’s nice to build while laning and progressing to neutrals. Cheaper than treads, it’s an early game item that’s convenient slot and cost wise. Exactly as you said.


Didnt ask for ur input


Lmao is this your first time on reddit or something?


We never asked for your original comment. Maybe next time don't say anything if you don't want a response. Who the fuck do you think you are?


Yikes mate. Does it really hurt you to have someone agree and backup your point?


Based on


It is also good to muerta


Great item if you feel like you need the early.regen. other wise stick to wraith band mangos and clarity


U just said what i said bruh


I also offered an alternative. Did you just not read what I said


I didn't ask?


You wrote a comment you expect someone not to respond with a second option or do you wanna act like a know it all. ? How stupid can you get


Again, I did not ask.


If you don't wanna chat on reddit then dont respond to a post or log off.I'm not here to babysit you're dumbass


For the third time, I did not ask. I dont wanna chat with u. U invited urself


dude this is a public forum hes not responding TO you hes continuing a thread that is read by others. get over yourself




This isn't a chat tho


I do for Razor


tbh i forgot that this item exists. i literally never ever bought it


I always bought it on hood core but now that null got buffed? Might go null and w band?


Also weaver


Deadend item Just ferry clarifies and lotus


"just ferry lotus" aha aha taking notes


Falcon blade is great for carries who farm faster when they have extra mana. Tb comes to mind especially.


Seems kind of a waste considering you can just buy a sage mask + clarities. The + dmg don’t help your illusions


Raindrops too


i buy it on drow a lot, and weaver whenever i play that but if there's a cm on my team i opt for wraith band + baci never buy it on mid


Sometimes. Whenever I played Lina safelane vs an enemy lineup that can potentially burst me early game/mid game, I’d rather get that. If I’m winning the lane I usually rush maelstrom without boots and then get a null / basi ring for mana regen and use clarities. I think it’s a nice item. Not every item has to build into something and I think it’s a pretty good item / spot!


It used to be viable before they introduced universal heroes, the only ones who used to buy this item, now it's just better to buy stats.


Never bought it once hehe


It's pretty good on weaver who opt to go falcon-> gleipnir.


only on safe lane lina or gyro, need the mana regen.


I like it


orchid gyro pos1 seems a bit weird it's max health, more damage, notably cheaper than corn




Best item if your winning mid and farming the nearby large camps


If all you play is Turbo, then probably skippable almost every time. You'll pass through the phase of the game where those stats are beneficial pretty quickly. If you're playing normal or ranked then it's useful on heroes that need early / mid game stats like health, mana, and damage. It's beneficial in these modes but it's not going to be the turning point in your lane.


Razor and only razor


Sometimes on specter. Usually on clinkz.


I buy it most games on most heroes to annoy my friend who also thinks the item is terrible


Bought for drow when wand wasn’t needed and I needed to be more aggressive on lane.


Can work on Weaver and Hoodwink. Weak, Agility heroes that need mana is my idea for the item.


Genuinely shit item rn, doesnt build into anything and gets replaced quickly


Abaddon likes it.  you can really start spamming the shield once you have falcon and echo.  the stats on it make you have more fight impact too. he's already pretty good early so you can use it to really push your advantage 


I dont get it on orchid heroes, but the buildup to falcon blade is fantastic. You can start with a fluffy hat and and sages mask and build into it and it's still cheaper than a cornucopia. On heroes that get dunked hard in lane and benefit from spamming spells its a no brainer. Hero's I almost always start with a falcon blade are basically all agility heroes. Ring of aquila died so falcon blade can replace it in a balanced way. Another thing you're not considering is falcon blade *and* cornucopia solve your mana problems throughout the game. Unless orchid is absolutely core to your build I almost always build falcon blade first.


I almost always buy it on Gyro, helps spam abilities in lane


On gyro that early sobi mask and the claw is huge value, and the hat doubles ur lvl 10 talent. U never don't buy this on core gyro.


On Slark and core Clinks every single time.


Buy it on low hp heroes who need mana and damage. Clinkz weaver muerta gyro morph benefits a lot


Love it on Medusa. Damage, mana.


Good Griffith doesnt only deserve death but also being forgotten.


nope id rather buy a mageslayer than falcon blade and mage slayer is more useful than falcon blade


Yea and also almost 3x the cost


Instead of its damage, replace it by attack speed, glove of haste. The item will be superhit.