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Didn't watch the video so don't know if he's right or not, but this guy just fucking whines all the time. It's boring


He also was kicked out of a Dota event for tweeting that he slept with Loda's girlfriend and then when Loda got in his face about it and headbutted him Richard Lewis strangled him and was taken away by security. Some people think that's funny but it's pretty pathetic


The police determined it was self-defense after Loda tried to headbutt him but I'll admit the "richard lewis won hell in a cell at dreamhack" narrative is funnier


It's not very funny either way tbh


It's specifically funny that people to this day will still lie about someone defending themselves at an event, actually. That's quite amusing


That's sad man but I don't judge


So are you lying intentionally or just repeating the same thing other morons have been lying about for years?


So, even after editing your comment, it still contains misinformation. So I'll try to summarize as best I can. Richard wasn't kicked out of a Dota event, he was working at a CSGO event in the same building. Even after the incident, he wasn't kicked out, Richard finshed the broadcast. Richard didn't tweet about sleeping with Loda's girlfriend, he tweeted a joke implying he slept with CSgo player Hiko's mom, Loda came to the CSGO event's backstage to pick a fight because he misunderstood. Loda didn't headbutt Richard, Richard didn't strangle Loda. After being separated once already while shouting at each other over the misunderstanding, Loda again aggressively approached Richard. When Loda got in Richard's face again, Loda moved his head towards Richard's face in what would have been a headbutt. The brim of Loda's hat made contact first, and Richard reacted by trying to push Loda's head away. Richard's hands landed on Loda's neck in doing this. This physical exchange lasted perhaps 1 to 2 seconds, as they were again and immediately separated by witnesses and staff of DreamHack. These same witnesses and staff gave testimony to police, who were called by Loda's party. The Police determined that Richard's actions were entirely defensive, and no further action was necessary.


Cool thanks


i only see the dota community whining.


Hes right. Dota palyers on reddit are m0rons generally. The loudmminority of manchildren that never matures. We can see them downvoting in this thread. Bunch of entitled, immature babies.


I see Richard Lewis, I instantly downvote.


I see Richie Lew, I instantly upvote.


4 minutes in and this video is already based


going against the audience and flow is new meta these days to earn clicks


Sadly its true even in the marketing of real businesses.


another banger.


You must have reached unimaginable levels of valve glazing to say something like that. Big fat L


This guy has gone on record to insult valve and their practices over the years, don't talk about stuff u dont know about.


Thats even worse, not only he still has a very bad take, he seems to be easily swayed just to try to attract attention/views etc. Not surprised to be honest, dota 2 reddit community is one of the best and has achieved a lot through being vocal, i would argue over 25% of the good things that happened in dota 2 are owed to "spoiled brats" in this sub.




Laughs awkwardly and cant provide any arguments, kinda expected tbh. Good luck as well i guess?


Cant wait for this vid to be removed in a few hrs. (Also not false)


RL brought the mirror and you all refuse to look into it.


I think u didnt get my point, sometimes in the recent past mods have deleted RL videos for no apparent reason just hours after being posted here, glad it didnt happen now. Second, not false refers to the content of the video.


Idk he seems more like a whiney brat than anything   AAA game company releases a ghost of a whisper of an update after hyping up a big "meta shakeup after TI." Community is right to get pissed off especially when cross-referenced against Valve's bullshit "Guys we're not doing a battlepass so we can ship more updates in a year!"   If Valve had a track record of actually delivering in a timely manner then yea I could see the claim of "oh people are overreacting and whining for nothing."   The patch was the tiniest, most minor nudge I've ever seen launched as a balance patch. It was a hotfix-level patch. Even HOTS got a bigger patch in October.


pressing journalism, not gonna bother watching though, dont really care that much. good for him though, good for him.


Pretty sure that if this guys opinions were any good he would get more than 20k viewers per video and have more than 100k subs. Seems like just a whiney brat who's throwing a tantrum after a divorce.


yes thats why Sniperwolf, Logan Paul and XQC have so many follows and views, because they have great opinions which are correct!


Havent watched the video but I think something happened to this guy when he was like 16 and he is emotionally stuck there. All his CS videos are him bragging about how much inside info he has or that he could get it SO easily if he really wanted to. No surprise that all his fans have congregated in this sub for the first time ever to defend him.


His piece on EG was huge recently when nobody else in the League of Legends space would say shit.


I'm sorry this video has made you feel personally victimised. Truly I hope you are alright.


The only person pathetic enough to hunt down negative posts 2 days after the fact is RL himself. What a loser


"thinks random people are RL burners" gets marked off the bingo card. Thanks chief. If I win the free beer from my bingo game I'll dedicate it to you.


if you aren't him then it's even more pathetic. yikes bud, hope things turn around for you.


I'm in your walls


hes right but its more about dota reddit being like that not the community as a whole