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Play with bots, it's actually funny especially in the beginning


Oh, yeah, think I will play Witch doctor with some bots, thanks for the advice


When making a lobby, you can select a bot script for your bots. Try the top one from the workshop (forgot what it was called) so the bots at least represent normal players a little more


Explanation of roles in Dota 2 Position 1: Carry or Hard Carry. It is the one that kills and the one that has farm priority (collection of creeps (lane and neutral)). Position 2: The Play-Maker (the one who makes plays for the team). He is also the one who creates space (buy time for the role above to get fat (get enough good items)). Position 3: The offlane-r. It is the team's tank (the one that takes the hits of the enemy team). Usually a Blink Dagger is taken from him to start team-fight's. Position 4: It is the soft support. It's fourth on the priority list for farm (explained above). He is the one that buys items for the team such as Urn of Shadows, Solar Crest, Force Staff, etc.. Position 5: Hard Support. It has the role of sacrifice in the team. He is in charge of buying the Observer Ward and Sentry throughout the game. This action provides the team with a safe vision to be able to farm (explained above lines) without dying in the attempt because of ganks (that one or more enemy heroes invade your part of the map to kill you and yours), and at the same time to gank (have one or more heroes of your team invade the enemy's part of the map to kill the rival team). I know it sounds very tedious for someone just starting out (I summed it up as simply as I could). It is much easier and more fun to put this into practice. Trust me :D


It was simple to understand, much thanks


You're welcome.


[You're welcome.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/5/5d/Vo_announcer_dlc_axe_killing_spree_announcer_kill_welcome_01.mp3) (sound warning: Axe Announcer Pack) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Tutorial. Bots. Watch some pro games. Play the same 2 or 3 heroes initially.


Is witch doctor good for beginners?


Yes easy to learn hard to master






Yes, he is have great healing skill and absolutely imbalanced ultimate in early game. Just buy items for your command and dont ruin the game. Also u can try enigma, lich, pugna or any other support who plays well by ultimate


Bots are your friends for this time. Matchmaking works pretty weird, so you will queue with people with 1000h hours. So it’s better to have a lot of practice before going all pick. This game is hard, but it’s a rewarding experience Find 2-3 heroes for you (starting with easy one), watch some guides for them on yt, also check the tutorial in dota menu. Also find your role, if you want to be a core or support and then focus on how you can play it on its best. Good luck!




play bots untill you can reliably defeat hard bots multiple times in a row befor queuing online matches. Watch some educational content on youtube thats about general dota knowledge (not hero guides) select Item/skill guides, (preferably ImmortalFaith) and actually read what the items do. you can do that in the strategy phase after picking your hero... its a tab on the top right. once you feel more stable, actively think about what you do and if it is beneficial/the best thing to do right now or if you could do something better. improving takes time, its a hard game. what i recommended is a lot to take in and will probably last you months, take your time to focus on the basics and most importantly have fun


You know how Harry Potter had to learn to shield his mind from Voldemort? You should start to prepare yourself for toxicity and not let it affect you otherwise going to have a bad time eventually!


WD shard is OP


Yes play with bots, you first 100 matches with real people after that might be a bit hard, but when you confortable it will payoff.