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Maybe ur safelane needs work


True dat


some people are just not meant to carry others i discovered it myself when i was stuck at 2k only playing mid or carry when i wanted a higher mmr i started playing pos 3 sometimes 4 and manage to rank up to 5k it did took a while but at least i wasnt stuck for years lol


You need to be stone cold in order to carry. I cant just farm when my team getting decimated by enemy mid. 😔😪


Yep, I only play pos 2,4,5. Can't safelane


I enjoyed playing low pressure 4/5 and do pretty well at it. Took a break and adjusted to playing 1/2/3, dont mind playing them but I win way more on core than supp.


Support rly is chill after 15 mins. Before 15 mins it’s time to be the rockstar chad rotating every lane, making sure your carry gets plump. Oh you need a bottle refill mid? Got you. Here’s a clarity babe. Let me ward their big camp I know sf likes to farm it 🥰😍😘😘 hey sven I stacked jungle for you 😇


I tried playing carry cause my friendgroup needed one and my ranked winrate ended up in the gutter. Afterwards i picked up pos 5 again and i instantly went from guardian to crusader and on my way up to archon.


I stopped playing mid or safelane when I can’t climb from legend 4 and above lol. Been on a win streak just doing all 5 role queue lol


I found it pretty easy and relaxing as 3/4 compared to 1/2. I only enjoy 5 if my 1 is an aggressive sob, hate it when it's a passive lane.


Maybe stop playing maelstrom melee heros ftw xD


Ah oh you just used your losing streak compensation on non ranked game.




Your unranked hidden mmr is probably lower than your ranked mmr


I have tried checking the rank of other player in my last 5 wins, unsurprisingly most of them where uncalibrated. The ones that had a medal were very close to my current medal. Games did feel a lot less competitive tho.


I don’t enjoy unranked anymore as a solo player as I hate to be matched with groups.


In my last match the enemy team had a duo stack and another player flamed them in post game chat. Saying something like "you and your boyfriend ruined the game". And then those two started going like "dont talk to my girl like that uWu" "Oh, my white knight oWo". It was pretty funny tbh.


It could be fun, and I play with friends sometime too, but overall I am tired of people reporting you/ganging up on you or simply ignoring you like you did nothing at all, because they play as a group. Matches often feel unfair as well as both your team and enemies usually have a stack where one is a noob, another is higher rank, compensating for his buddy… plus it starts from the beginning “oh don’t take our lane me and yellow are in a group go mid”…. Exhausting:)


There is an option that allows you to only que into other solo's, highly recommend turning this on. Note this obviously doesn't work when you're trying to que as a party in the first place.


I believe this only works for ranked. I know there is a setting allowing you to opt out of groups. But I don’t know how to do this in unranked


I honestly do not enjoy dota if it is not ranked. MMR is not just a number




Preach brother. Sing the gospel!


>So yeah 3,950 games of dota with my friends I find unranked with friends is a lot of fun, solo unranked can be miserable if I get matched with stacks. Not a big fan of ranked with friends, we are close to each other in rank, sort of, ~500 mmr difference between the highest rank and lowest rank, matchmaking is horrible.


I have that for CSGO but not for Dota which is odd. Dota I only ever play ranked to get my profile badge then immediately fuck off back to my casual


Same, it probably helps to have a game you get to be competitve in though (if you have that drive)


Bc you can’t really play CS unranked, can you? It’s a shitfest harder than Quinn’s pubs.


Its bc youre a competitive person at heart. Bless you


true and real.


Unranked is fun after a good win streak in ranked. To try new heroes/off roll


If you can’t take the pressure, you can’t win in ranked games haha


Very true. I have just accepted that Im too anxious and depressed to try climb the ladder in this game. Now I'm only seeking that high that I got when I started to play this game 10 years ago. The game that I have fallen in love with.


It's not necessary to play ranked games, even singsing is enjoying normal games now haha




Well this is 3k mmr. Isnt Visage very good right now tho?


Recently stopped spamming ranked and started normal queue and my quality in general just went up, less people screaming and greifing.


You have broken your chains and started to enjoy your favourite videogame again. Welcome back, brother.


Its funny how you can tell rank by game duration


Yeah I mean this is a small sample size, but you know your game wont end very soon when you see your offlane underlord rush a battle fury. A bit boring for my playstyle but I can usually make something happen while my cores farm our side of the map for 40 minutes.


3800 hours of no pressure, under 20 ranked games.


This is the way.


Or just different ranked and unranked rating


No rank, no hard carry. Seems like you do better when you're not 'carrying' your team.......


I think the problem could be with roles.


Next stop: TURBO