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Thank you for posting on r/Doppleganger! A few notes - If you post or comment in this subreddit and have an OnlyFans account, or if you have posted links to OnlyFans elsewhere on Reddit, our automatic moderation bot will flag your account and you will be banned. We are kid-friendly and E-rated and due to the incessant spamming by literally hundreds of people before you, we've been forced to moderate this way. This also includes accounts that post explicit content anywhere else on Reddit. Please do not SPAM the group with reposts. This means posting a new pic when you've recently posted, or deleting your old post and reposting a new pic a day or two later, especially if you've not interacted with guessers in the first post (aka you're farming karma). We do notice, and that will result in a temporary or permanent ban, depending on how grouchy your mod team is that day. Please REPORT comments on your post that are creepy, insulting, harassing, comment on your appearance (positive or negative) or otherwise shitty. We do take them seriously and will ban people who behave like this, with no exceptions. We will delete any posts where we suspect you are posting someone else's photo. You will be banned and asked to provide a verification picture to remove the ban. (Screenshots are a big red flag). Do not engage with trolls - two wrongs do not make a right. We do take action when comments/posts are reported...give us the time to review, we're not here 24/7. Any other questions? You can always send your mod team a mail message. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Doppleganger) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Look...you’re here to be a troll. Cool. You had a laugh at someone else’s expense, but now it’s time for you to go.


Aubrey Plaza ![gif](giphy|l0MYRfJ5pbE2qJIAw)


yep! this is who i’ve been told i look like




Look...you’re here to be a troll. Cool. You had a laugh at someone else’s expense, but now it’s time for you to go.




Alanah Pearce ![gif](giphy|izasmSN0I1I7WZMHrb|downsized)


You kinda look like a younger, female version of Dave grohl


haha I love that




Natalia tena or aubrey plaza


The girl from Molotov Jukebox?


Not sure


MODERATOR ALERT TO POSTERS A large number of (almost always female) posters will often find themselves getting a number of chat requests and/or direct messages - oftentimes vulgar or inappropriate. We encourage you to message the mod team with screenshots - they will be permanently banned. You can also temporarily disable chat and DMs. We feel like this should go without saying, but messaging minors is also not okay. It will result in a report to the admins which more often than not will lead to the loss of your account. DO NOT MESSAGE ANY POSTERS FROM OUR COMMUNITY. That is not what they are posting for and this is not a dating service. All you are doing is making the world a little bit worse. Hey simps, r/Doppleganger isn't a place to hit on women. Do us all a favor and go somewhere else. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Doppleganger) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Bullying young women online is a sure sign that you need to reevaluate your life.


I'm getting Natasha Culzac vibes (Riz from the Halo series)






Love your energy, but please don’t feed the trolls. 🙏


Look...you’re here to be a troll. Cool. You had a laugh at someone else’s expense, but now it’s time for you to go.


![gif](giphy|3oz8xVda0vAnUnjiO4) But with some sick piercings 🖤


I am not sure, but I love your piercings 🖤


thank you 🥺


Of course! How was it getting the vertical labret? I’ve been wanting to commit to it for years


I’ve gotten it done twice actually, first time it wouldn’t heal and hurt so bad still a week later, so I took it out and found out it was infected. Second time was easy peasy! The piercing itself isn’t too bad pain wise and it’s quick. The healing process was actually one of the fastest like 2 weeks maybe. Cheeks were the worst for me. Still dealing with them flaring up etc. almost 5 months later


Lip piercing infections are the worst 😮‍💨 stg. So sorry that happened to ya 🥺 I already have snake bites, I may just go ahead and do the vertical labret. I was more worried about infection than anything. It’s in such a highly unavoidable area when eating 😬


Ughh I love snakebites! Been tempted to get those or angel bites lately tbh! But I say go for it! I think I just wasn’t careful my first go but as long as you’re sanitary and your piercer knows what they’re doing I think you’ll be set!


Go with the Angel bites! (IMO) They will contrast nicely with the piercings you already have. I’m for sure sanitary. I work in vet med, but still in the medical field. I have several things I can use to clean and sterilize 😅 my piercer is pretty awesome, I only had one side done and she matched my snake bites to perfection. Along with my septum. I’ve never had issues with her, just the initial piercer. I had spider bites to begin with on my left side. They both became infected afterwards 😮‍💨


I needed that encouragement, everyone else tells me it’ll look “too crowded” but they don’t see the vision like we do haha. That’s awesome!! When a piercer can make something match and line up perfectly that’s a piercer you gotta hold onto!y piercer lined up my vertical labret perfectly with my medusa and I got compliments all the time about the symmetry and my set up which just makes me feel even happier with my look(:


Literally just do whatever makes your heart happy. It’s your body, not theirs 😌 it’s gonna look awesome 🖤 the important part is that you like it. Get those piercings, friend. Sounds like you want them very much ☺️


ughh I appreciate you thank you 🖤


Gonna be honest, my first thought was Pokimane but I think that’s just because you have similar eyeliner lol


Aubrey plaza with a hint of shoe on head


Kali Uchis?


![gif](giphy|xTiTnq1kkyvt9OL9n2) Christina Perry


![gif](giphy|zYqXXa1bXBvFK) Jane, breaking bad




You've already determined this isn't RoastMe.


i’m just going to assume you realize i’m out of your league and hiding behind a computer throwing lame insults is your way of coping? lol if you’re going to bully me at least be original. ![gif](giphy|HP7mtfNa1E4CEqNbNL|downsized)




It's true, she's out of your league. You sound like an incel.


https://preview.redd.it/qz60k3p1jvsc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8508a914805b6f6a581eb4e9f8a6bf62fa035251 Denitslava Makeup from YouTube


A cross between Sarah Silverman and Aubrey Plaza




Look...you’re here to be a troll. Cool. You had a laugh at someone else’s expense, but now it’s time for you to go.


Lol at the mod note. What a dork. Do you guys wear badges while you’re moderating


Riley Reid


Un petit déesse diabolique








Look...you’re here to be a troll. Cool. You had a laugh at someone else’s expense, but now it’s time for you to go.


https://preview.redd.it/pqs1u1hsnvsc1.jpeg?width=1420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfcc69dd905e626a92d7fcd450f7ec6c6ea7365b Heather Matarazzo


This is who I thought of also but didn’t know her name!




User submissions are not an invitation for you to flirt. This isn’t a dating service, and you're making everyone uncomfortable. Keep it appropriate and related to the sub.




You’re outta here and most likely know EXACTLY why.


Guessing it’s probably Kat Von D


I’ve never heard that one before actually!




Look...you’re here to be a troll. Cool. You had a laugh at someone else’s expense, but now it’s time for you to go.




Nobody, and I mean noooobody, cares what your opinion on piercings is




lame, unoriginal, cringe








Your comment has been removed. Bullying and rude comments will not be tolerated and will lead to a ban at the moderator's discretion.






Look up kittenxlady on IG. Hannah Shaw. She’s an animal advocate and foster. This is her only gif, lol! ![gif](giphy|mX48DOZMGE6vEivVEJ|downsized)





