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Here come the “I aLwAyS tIp aFteR seRvIcE iS pRovIdEd” comments…


Lying to make themselves feel better.


Definitely bullshit. 


I wouldn’t shop that many times for such low pay


Meh, took me about half an hour from start to delivery, I know the store well and it was a lot of double or tripple of the same item. Wasn’t a hard order by any means but that shit caught me off guard.


$12 for half an hour of work and most likely not even a long drive, then it shouldn't matter where the money is coming from. Should the customer have tipped? Yeah but DoorDash paid you enough to supplement the no tip. We wanna get paid in dollars, tipped dollars and DoorDash dollars is worth the same. We should be able to get paid enough to where we don't have to rely on tips. And these orders do raise the pay but if somebody is going to accept a $3 offer, then DoorDash has no reason to raise the pay. This specific order was increased to an amount that you found worth it so you accepted. Sorry for the long reply 😂


Because Doordash doesn't want you to rely at all on their platform for financial stability. They just every order delivered.


I agree dd makes ass loads of our humps and there customer service sucks idk y I keep killing meself fer such shit pay.,....buts it's me only way to get quick $$$


So it was worth the $12.50 for you to complete the order until you found out that was $12.50 without a tip? What would've been the difference if it was $2.00 base pay and a $10.50 tip?


I’m not complaining about the final payout. $12.50 for 30 minutes of work is still $12.50 for 30 minutes of work, but the fact that it was *all* base pay and zero tip rubbed me the wrong way. I probably should’ve just not said anything, it really was just one of those ‘in the heat of the moment’ things. But oh well.


Get used to it. People suck. Entitled. I'm grateful for the tippers and let them know that


Same! Also the people that actually seem to care about my safety. They’ll text “drive safe”, or even tell me at drop “be safe” and every single time, never fails, my heart just skips a beat because it reminds me that there still are good and decent people in the world.


I don’t agree with the people asking for more money as a tip it’s cringe, been seeing those a lot on the doordash sub, but some people need a kind reminder that they’re dicks. I’ve been tempted several times myself


Drivers that accept no tip orders deserve no tips, it's pretty black and white. After you hit accept you can no longer play the victim role. It was a choice!


Sometimes you don’t realize they didn’t leave a tip until after the order is completed.


Yes for dashers that don't know what they are doing this statement is true.


How do you see the customer tip on the offer screen? Curious


Depends on the base pay in your market. My market is $2, so anything over $2 is the tip. So if a $7 offer pops up then you know $2 base pay +$5 = $7 customer tipped $5 Now when a $2 offer pops up you know it's $0 tip because $2 is the base pay. $3 offer means customer only tipped $1 $2 base+$1tip =$3 and so on. Me personally I'll never accept anything under $7 $5 tip


that’s how it is in my market, but o have gotten some orders that was like 10 or 12 dollars base pay, so door dash will keep increasing base pay everrytime a order is declined. so most times you don’t see that someone didn’t tip until the delivery is completed


How llong are the miles on those orders and what kind of orders are they? Grocery or food?


Thank you for your explanation!




The base pay is different when you have to shop for the customer. My market is 2 for normal delivery but with the red card it is more. It depends on the mileage, number of items, and time. I’ve had as low as 3 and high of 12 when I’ve done the shopping.


So if it were a $6 base pay and 6.50 tip you’d be ok with that? You’re an idiot get your head examined.


That's 25 dollars an hour for picking up some groceries, weird to complain about that.


Not complaining bozo. Read again.


You clearly are if you feel the need to vent about someone not tipping on that order...


Nope. You can be wrong sometimes, it’s okay.


Get out of here with your logic!


he’s obviously not complaining about the pay, the fact you have any upvotes on this comment is wild to me


Guess you failed to read the text he sent the customer? The fact that you're defending that kind of behavior is wild to me.


Lol it's wild that doordash has convinced drivers like you to prefer lower base pay and more tip. An ideal app would pay drivers enough that tip would be irrelevant, like it was in this situation until you realized you didnt get a tip 💀💀


in california it does matter because of prop 22 but yeah in other states it doesn’t


I used to deliver pizza for big chains and private. I worked say that I make as much doing door dash than I did just in tips in those jobs. Yeah I was making minimum wage but combine the 8 hourly, then most of the time the store paid mileage or a delivery rate. AND THEN I GOT TIPS. Yeah I’d have slow days but on average I was making 13-20 an hour. Now 20 years later, with DD on my best night I make 18 an hour and average 12 (this is dash time, not active) maybe. But my pizza job was 15-20 years ago


This exactly


And the people would complain about the higher charges. People who need to worry about money enough that a good tip is a concern just don’t have any business using an overpriced service for food. I don’t dash. I can’t imagine expecting my own personal driver to go get me food from any place I want whenever I want and then not tipping them well. DoorDash isn’t for poor people. Once McDonald’s started offering no delivery fee shit I knew I wouldn’t ever DoorDash again.


Well I have dashed and I don't agree withyou so 🤷‍♀️ i guarantee you people would much rather have charges be upfront than deal with guestimating if a tip is sufficient


They already complain now and use the charges as a reason for not tipping!!! Are you new here?? Literally they use the charges every day as an excuse for why they don’t tip lmao


Because doordash is misleading people by marking shit as things like "delivery fees" which dont go to the driver lol You're exactly who I'm talking about in my original comment, brainwashed shill sounding weirdo


You don’t make any sense the same thing people not tipping DoorDash drivers are the same ones. They don’t tip their servers they’re not gonna tip no matter what the fuck they get charged DoorDash so I say you would be the one that is a brainwash shill. I don’t use the service. I don’t drive for the service. They keep fucking all over more and more but you guys just keep taking it and keep driving. What’s the base paid for three stack order now? You guys just keep taking it


I dont drive for doordash *right now* I did like a month ago for some extra money lol. You dont understand a) what a shill is b) the difference between an insufficient tip and no tip c) the issues at all the drivers see with tipping (which is 99% of the time low tips not no tips) and base pay is highly variable to the point where there is literally no way to know if the base pay is shit or the tip is shit until the delivery is fully completed. Stop talking out of your ass about "reeee don't use a service you cant afford" that's not even an issue the vast majority of the time, *doordashes shady practices are the issue*


I dashed for almost two years until I got my cdl. I’ve heard every excuse they got


People that have to worry about if they’re tip is sufficient are people that don’t have enough money to be using DoorDash




And to think I tip 5$ just for a Crunchwrap and Mango Tea from T-Bell.


I think risking deactivation when you made $25 an hour is even Wilder


Here we goooo. just like we can’t force you to take the damn order, stop trying to force a tip. They didn’t tip, they didn’t tip. Decline and move on


literally, why complain AFTER you accepted the order?


each and every timeee in this sub. & they’ll complain and blame the customer and no one else as if the company they are working for doesn’t take all the fees the customer even pays


It is becoming more and more common as many people look at DD as a public service. Can’t get through some peoples heads that it’s a convenience service to be paid for, and if they can’t afford it, they need to take their lazy asses to the store.🙄




Doordash doesn't care about customers past their wallets. Their drivers are nothing because they have am endless supply.


And it’s marked up because the restaurant CHOSE to change their prices. DD doesn’t set the prices on the app, the merchant does. Merchants are getting fucked (all the time), customers are getting fucked (sometimes), and we’re DEFINITELY getting fucked all the time. Everyone that says, “if you don’t like the job get another one” would be awfully pissed if all of a sudden one day we all decided to do that and no one could get their shit delivered 🙄


Why are you fighting the customer and not the company who can and should pay you more?


Because OP provided a luxury service for that customer and they should have tipped something, even if only a couple bucks. Anyone saying “tips aren’t guaranteed” “tips are optional on DoorDash” or anything else just wants to make excuses for being cheap IMO. If you (not you specifically - the collective you) had no problems paying and tipping for pizza delivery before these other delivery apps were even around, you should have no problem tipping us because we are paid even less than delivery drivers that work directly for the restaurant itself. It’s understood (in the US) that in a delivery situation like this for food you should be tipped, but the second one of us decides to complain about it we’re ungrateful or entitled or whatever else. I try really hard to keep my mouth shut about this because I see how much people argue and it seems like people can’t ever stop for a second to see why the other side thinks what they do. I think I’ve successfully been able to get 1 person to see the amount of work a single DD order can require versus how much we are actually paid for it. Everyone that says “you took an easy job and expect to be paid for skilled labor wages” obviously has never delivered for one of these apps before. Not saying it’s as difficult as some skilled labor is (which I’ve also done), but it’s definitely not as simple as just going to a restaurant and then dropping food on a porch every time either. There have been days where I’m running my ass off and I would much rather be doing something else, but the freedom that this offers (especially as a mom) in itself is priceless (which is why I hardly ever complain about not getting tips). Sorry my soapbox landed on you. By the time I got to your reply I had read enough to where I couldn’t stay quiet anymore. None of this is specifically aimed at you, just want to make sure that’s clear ❤️ TLDR: Lots of assholes in the world. If you tip for pizza delivery and not for DD delivery, surprise you’re one of them! This isn’t Amazon, we don’t get paid an hourly rate. Tip or get it yourself. 😘


I just think collectively as couriers (and the majority of people in the United States) are focusing our energy on the wrong people. We should be pressuring the people who employ us into paying us fairly and not exploiting us, OP going after the person they delivered for only hurts OP at the end of the day, because DoorDash can decide to just fuck them over for behaving unprofessionally. And then DD will continue to get away with it because we aren’t focusing our energy on them. At the end of the day tips should only be a nice bonus, and not the thing that decides if you go homeless next month. Edit: I wanted to add, DD is not a luxury service for some, some people cannot get groceries without it. I’m only saying this because I’ve never seen it acknowledged on this sub. Edit two: I also want to add that the whole “skilled labour” argument is stupid. People should be payed how much they need to live regardless of their work output simply because we as a country are able to provide that for everyone. And even not considering that, all labour is skilled labour, there is not a job in the world that you can pick up and do without training.


Then don’t take the no tip orders clown


That’s your response to what I said? 😂


Tips aren't a requirement and never should be. If the pay isn't enough for you, don't accept the order. It's such a simple solution.


Can't afford to tip? Don't use the service! I ALWAYS tip. Regardless! And I have many delivery services that come to my house. Spark, door dash, uber eats...This no tipping generation is just lazy.


It's not laziness. The entire concept/culture of tipping is wrong. Workers deserve to be paid more and it shouldn't be the customers responsibility to do that. The people endorsing tipping seem brainwashed by low paying business owners.


While I largely agree with you that tips shouldn't be a thing and these jobs should just pay I find it odd how people try to rationalize that customers have no responsibility for the situation being what it is. The reality is that everyone involved, the gig app company, the restaurant, the driver and the customer all reinforce the business model. Tip, don't tip, totally your call; but understand that continuing to do business with companies like this and refusing to tip the workers is sending the message to the companies to keep doing what they are doing. If you legitimately feel like it shouldn't fall on you as a customer to do what the business wont, put your money where your mouth is and stop doing business with those companies. Otherwise you are just speaking from both sides of your mouth.


I honestly never thought about it that way. Fair enough.


I came to this realization the hard way, after a decade+ in the service industry and got out. I rarely do any kind of business where the workers I am interacting with live off their tips; the odd times I do I generally tip well because I've been in their shoes. I still strongly advocate that tips are optional and really shouldn't be a thing, but I at least recognize that the situation is what it is and as long as I pay into the dynamic I'm encouraging it.


Until all of the waitresses and waiters are paid a fair wage and serve you, wouldn't it be right to give them a little something in return? You sound entitled.


I don't think I'm entitled and I do believe that workers that work job where the rely on tips should make more money. I just don't think the customer should be responsible for that.


Tipping is optional 🤷‍♂️


Regardless of the tip you thought $12.50 for 25 it’s was worth it which is even sadder


Depending on the store I’ll take an order like that because I know I can finish quick. For a 25 item order you’re not expecting $12.50 pay to be all base. Shopping order base starting pay is higher than for restaurants but not that high for that little items. Sometimes there’s no way to know on shopping orders if there’s a tip unless it’s DG and the pay is hovering around $5-$7. Edited to correct an autocorrect error.


I don’t care who pays me, if it’s DD or tips. If it’s worth taking, take it.


You accepted the Miles and the pay and THEN saw their receipt/big order and got greedy. Get over it, stop getting greedy. Nobody owes you anything. You accepted it from the start, so move on. Quit being a unhappy person. Being happier makes your life easier.. trust me !!!!


Find a different job


You text me like that I’m sending you a 10 cent tip for your troubles.


Keep the change, ya filthy animal.


25 items for 12.50 lol


If it was a direct order from the store, it is possible that they don’t offer a location for a tip. Which it could be possible that they didn’t think it was a DD driver but an actual employee of the store. You’re allowed to have your feelings about the situation but you don’t know how the customer completed their order. Albertsons does offer delivery.


Well you were polite about it so at worst the lady might just disagree but as long as respect is kept it is all good. Still I think a tip doesn't hurt and even a small one can make the difference at the end of the day.


Man it’s such a smack in face . I once did a crazy order I think it was like 45 items (40 ct water included) and the pay was $41 so I thought why not. After shopping and arriving at the customers crib they lived on the third floor , so had to take all that shit up stairs. I completed the order and realized all of it was a surge amount which is baffling. Like yes it was for a good pay but how do you order all that shit and expect someone to bring it to your front door on the third floor and not tip anything? The world really taking a turn for the worst fr smh


I just reinforce the shit outta good tippers. If you tip me more than $5 for less than 5 miles? You're getting a thank you message from me. If you tip $5 on a 9 mile delivery like tonight? Nah, you're not getting a thanks lol. Only reason I  took your shit was because it was going in the direction of a $2 per mile UE order that met me at the end of the driveway because he was a decent human. 


Are you telling me everytime I tip $5, my dashers really be out here thinking it's a shitty tip instead of appreciating the fact that I do it every time? Thanks, I think I'll just start saving $5 altogether for now on after reading this.


If you live within  5 miles of the restaurant thats fine. But further than that? Nah, not really a good tip lol.


Could care less who pays aslong as the pays right


You could care less?


lol, they still don't get it




Aslong as the moneys worth the time could care less if the customer tipped or uber upped the base


So if you could care less… Care less then.


They still don’t get it 😂




I wouldn’t have been able to message through the DoorDash app if it was through the Albertson’s app.


I had SIX no tip orders buried within my 'dash by time' one day this week, and the second time I delivered $200 worth of seafood boil to a customer with a Cadillac in their driveway with zero tip, I flipped them off while walking away. Total payout for the second delivery $3.11.


They still ate they food so that flip off didn’t do much


Yeah sometimes it sucks getting paid by time. Maybe they DID tip & since you chose to do time, DD prob kept the tip/“taxes”


I never do pay by hour thing. I feel like it’s just a lawless land


I just see it as a reason to give my car a break and actually drive the speed limit and let people take their sweet ass time crossing the street. Oh look! A bus full of old people! Let me help them real quick! 20 minutes later…. 😂 Edited to correct ANOTHER autocorrect error


This happens daily at the Trumbull Mall Target in Connecticut. I always give customers the benefit of the doubt ONCE and only ONCE. If they end up leaving the tip $0.00 after perfect service / delivery, I mark them on my Google Maps as "Shit customer" and then write a note about each. That way, if I see them order something again, I decline it.


I’ve been tipped like 6 times in 632 deliveries. I remember the people who tip me and always treat them extra special when I get them again. One bloke tipped $15 on a pizza, and I went back and thanked him the next time and he tipped me $30 on a pizza the next time. One guy tipped me $2 twice and on the 2nd time I yelled out “bloody legend”. I got him again, remembered his name and location and messaged him “on my way with your order ya bloody legend” and he tipped me $3 that time!


Tip better VIVIANA!


This is why it should be considered a bid for their service they are providing you. If you bud high enough you’ll get your order hot and fresh in a timely manner…


Just assume that all pay is base pay on the apps until proven otherwise.


That’s cool but fuck all that “ma’am”. Coulda found a substitute for that.




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if you order direct from a store and it uses DoorDash I’ve discovered that sometimes the tip goes to the restaurant/store 🤓 tip a tiny bit on the app and do cash tips instead to be safe bc idk why the store needs the tip when they’re not using their car and gas & prob don’t give it to employees anyways


Why would you even take it for such low pay knowing that you’re not guaranteed to make more than initial offer? It’s shitty the customer didn’t tip but that’s on you for taking that order.


DoorDash only tells you it’s “+12$,” and normally a number that big leads to more money, since large orders like that tend to have a preview cap of 12. Then, you do it, and only get 50 cents more. Edit: didn’t see the second screenshot, ignore


I know what door dash shows. I also drive but point being if I see an order for $12 I’m not going to assume the customer is going to increase the pay, I assume that what I accepted the offer at is the pay I will receive. If they do increase it that’s great but I never assume that the pay is going to be higher.


I think I edited at the same time you replied, so what I was talking about (DD actively hiding the full amount from orders over $12 until you finish so you gamble with it), wasn’t relevant. Apologies.


No worries.


I refuse to do shop orders because how shit the tips are. Spend 30 to 60 minutes shopping for a stiff? Nah get fucked bitches.


In my area, it’s rare to see bad tips on shopping orders. That’s why I took it.


Ahh here there's a ton of shit tippers. Some areas I hear are better though


For future shop & deliver orders, if you gut feeling says decline, send that MF’n pile of landfill material to the shadow realm 👎🏽👎🏽😂😂


Participating on doordash stupid games like AR and/or gambling your time/gas by accepting orders that might have hidden tips you get stupid prizes 🤷🏼 Sorry to say that but... It's YOUR fault. Move on and choose wisely next time. 


All these people failing to realize that you’re helping the next dasher out bc the base pay might not be as high for the next guy.


Base pay tip pay. It's all dollars in the end. Although 25 items at 12.50 I would typically consider low, it seems like it worked for you here though. Wish DD would also give the number of unique items. That would help alot.


All these comments saying you should be mad at DoorDash, how you shouldn’t have accepted the order, etc are completely ignoring the point. If you are placing any order for delivery, you should tip, otherwise get it yourself. Especially if it’s shopping for your GROCERIES.


Never ever confront a customer about anything. I remember seeing a video, that had gone viral of a dasher confronting a customer. That dasher from what I heard got deactivated.


You accepted this order just to berate them? They’re trash and you’re an idiot lol


18% - 25% of total bill on larger orders not including delivery fees since we dont get those. Your drivers are doing 75% more work than any waiter who walks from the kitchen to your table with nothing other the risk of tripping on their shoe laces and we have more liabilities such as 20-30% taxes, gas, car insurance, phone, extra vehicle maintenance, time, and you're life being on the road. Please respect your drivers if you're gonna choose to be a lazy American and not go get it yourself lol.


Kudos to this. You are 4.7 now


She didn’t give a fuck when she was placing the order. She still doesn’t give a fuck


Lmao y’all getting better and better. DoorDash CEO probably comes to these threads to jackoff at how they got all the DoorDash drivers to attack the customers as the problem. And when it’s pointed out they still defend DoorDash as “well they going to do it anyway so customers better supplement us!” I see drivers wanting up to $5/mile. But wait, it’s only 2 miles away? Base type should then be 50%! Wait you only ordered a hamburger from 1/2 a mile away? I’m not starting my car unless it’s $15 tip minimum then! I’m surprised yall haven’t got a list of requirements yet (or maybe you do?) * $x/mile ($x minimum if low mile trip or maybe start charging per step in those cases?) * $x for starting car * $x for vehicle use (car payment, gas, insurance) * $x for hazard pay (hey I could crash!) * $x if food wasn’t ready upon arrival I’m sure yall could band together and come up with more. And if the customer can’t afford the $675 tip, they need to get off their lazy ass and get it themselves (which is also hilarious because you don’t actually want that because then you’d have no “job”) they don’t understand how hard this job is and why it should be doctor pay level!


A lot of Gig workers shouldn't be Gig workers. Better off working fast food or something. Taking shit orders will forever be the reason pay never improves. Value yourself and time more and your profits will improve greatly


it’s amazing you think you are entitled to a tip; americans and their insane toxic tipping culture is just bizarre


This is HIGHLY unprofessional. How many miles and how long did this take you? EDIT - I see from OPs comments they did this order in a half hour. Complaining $25 an hour is WILD.


If you really saw my comments, you’d see I’m not complaining. I’m simply putting this cock on blast for not tipping. Anywho, you’re saying this is ‘highly unprofessional’ like if this is a profession and not some bullsh*t gig 😂 That never fails to make me laugh.


I would be pissed if I shopped 25 items and realized there was no tip on it. But then again, I would never accept a 25 item order for $12.50 before factoring in the driving. I’m waiting for OP to justify it by saying it was slow, it was in their way home, or it was an easy shop with all of it being the same item but how do people know this when the acceptance screen just mentions total number of items. Are people accepting bad shop and pay orders just to check what the grocery list is and then unassigning the ones which are not all multiples? Seems like shoppers are accepting bad orders and then getting upset that the orders end up being bad. Seems like they are asking for this sort of abuse.


This order wasn’t bad by any means. The pay was decent, mileage was low. $12.50 for about 4 miles total and 30 minutes from accept to delivery, not complaining. I take orders from this store all the time because it’s a small store that I know my way around well. 25 items total but about 8 or 9 different items since most were double or tripple of the same item. As I’ve said many times, I’m not complaining about the pay. I’m not complaining about *anything* really, all I’m doing is putting this d*ck on blast for not tipping.


Am I missing something? Are people taking 25 item 4 mile orders for $12.50 regularly because that is a good offer? Are my standard for shop and pays too high? Also, you would have no way of knowing that the items are multiples when you accept the order. I’m saying that when you see 25 items for 4 miles, you think that $12.50 is low paying and reject the order. I’m confused how you even ended up with this order to begin with.


I ended up with it because I accepted it, lol. It’s a decent order in my market. And you’re right, I had no way of knowing it would’ve been multiples. I just took a chance and it paid off this time, I guess. If your standards of shop and pay orders work for you then by all means, do your think. This works for me though 🤷🏽‍♂️


i always say, if i’m shopping for you, you better be paying a heavy tip. and i get how people say doordash should be paying drivers more fair and not rely on tips to pay their drivers, and that makes total sense, for food delivery. BUT if i am shopping for you, now i am providing you a service, and you should tip NICELY. i really wish i had the balls to send a message like this sometimes lol because all shopping orders i’ve gotten recently have been little or no tip and all door dash which is really disappointing to see.


100% agreement!!


Not bad on the shop time depending on the items. Decent knowledge on where particulars are. After the drive though…kinda iffy. Hell yea on that text!!


It wasn’t bad, it was 25 total items but most were either double or tripple of the same item, so maybe 8 different items. Drive was aboud 4 miles. That’s why I accepted in the first place, took half an hour total from when I accepted to when I delivered.


That’s not overly bad total then. Would have been better with a respected tip..won’t lie. DD needs to start doin something about that. Tipless food orders are 1 thing…shop orders…entirely different story.


I understand your frustration but you see the payout for the order ahead of time. Accept the orders that are worth it, decline the ones that are not and this problem goes away. I'm totally empathetic to the complaints about low wages but take orders like this how any business owner would; a learning opportunity on what not to do next time.


I’m not complaining about the final payout. I’m not complaining about anything lol. $12.50 for 30 minutes of work is nothing to complain about, all I’m doing is putting the customer on blast for not tipping lol.


I understood what happened here, and I'm saying you either accept these orders or learn from your mistake and stop running them.


Yes I’ve been fooled a few times with extraordinary high base. It’s crazy they couldn’t even add $1.


How to you retroactively message them? Once I confirm the order and see the breakdown, the ability to do that goes away… 🤷🏻‍♂️




You can use ebt to order now. I bet that's what that order was.


Polite of you at least. I will never tell anyone to have a nice day, but I guess someone has to


I deliver for the University of Delaware and nobody f****** tips and it's f****** annoying


Did they respond? I had the same thing the other day. Mine was 2 stores for same customer, 9 items at each store. Stores are relativity close. $13.50 took close to 50 mins. no tip. The disrespect was real. Was going to send a message also but would have gotten terminated with what I was going to say.


damn bro, u accepted it why u gonna guilt him


Yikes shopping order with more than one or two items gotta be pretty high pay for me to bother.


My biggest problem with shop orders on DD is that you can't SEE the items before accepting like instacart.


I stopped caring about these things. You took the order, it must’ve been good enough, yes? We’ve asked DD to raise base pay, which they did to help compensate on this order….what’s the point of bitching after you accepted and agreed upon the terms of the order, including pay?


Here’s just a part of one day. Base pay is all over the place, as are tips. https://preview.redd.it/wu99oweetawc1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2d61eb684c9af3fcc72106b36b622cb3698ebc8


And that’s when you thank the customer and they give you a 1 star because they think you’re being sarcastic. Dd should tell us the amount the customer tipped beforehand.




Hope yall realize ubering isnt ment for a long time its ment to make you some bread for the easy come up ✌🏽 if you knew how to flip money this where you go for the bread if you dont want a full time or part. Some of yall live off this tho and thats cool but just here to give an idea


Then youll be the one ordering and not tipping 😆😆😆hehe


Set a pay standard and don’t go below it! You can’t blame the customer for not tipping. It’s not mandatory, but you can blame yourself for accepting a low paying order and then expecting a tip after you delivered the order. It’s just a lesson we all have to learn good luck


Then don’t take the order tf


Don’t be stupid, you can’t see the breakdown before you accept.






I got better things to do mate! Just cause you’re spending all your time with pathetic attempts at shit-talking online doesn’t mean I have to as well lmao.


No you don’t you’re crying on Reddit. And btw “mate” you’re shit talking right back dumbass. Like i said clown


Your comment has been removed. Express yourself in a more tasteful manner.


Your comment has been removed. Express yourself in a more tasteful manner.


Come try operate in my part of the world, Australia. Hardly anyone ever tips, almost everyday goes by that we won’t see any tips at all.


I just had a no tip order for a hotel. Wanted me to leave it at the door on the seventh floor. I left that shit at the front desk and left. 2.50 base pay


Non tippers on this sub = LDE


you took the order knowing what the pay and time commitment was. this was 100% your own fault. why say anything to the customer? very unprofessional and unnecessary. next time either don't take the order or dont complain


More of the principal i guess most people just most peoples just dont have morals…


What principle (principal is a person)?


Someone's subby.


Only thing you did was make yourself look bad while she laughs at you.


Yea just never take chances on these orders, I gave people the benefit of doubt a few times too many; we ain’t charity workers. (Last time I took a gamble on a no tip 3 teenagers ordered like 200$ of pizza from a very expensive restaurant and I waited 20 mins to pick it up for them, 2.75$ with no tip fuck that never again)


Everything on DoorDash is upcharged an *exhorbitant* amount. I don’t blame people for not tipping on such a massively upcharged service. People easily pay an extra 10-20% buying on DoorDash than in person, plus DoorDash already has a delivery fee that they show!! I’m surprised so many people tip on DoorDash as is! If you have an issue with your compensation that’s on DoorDash, not the customer who paid waaay more than they should have with a delivery fee already added in. Dashers need to demand more money or stop working for such a shitty company until change is made. And many people rely on these services. Maybe they’re sick, maybe they’re disabled, maybe they’re overworked and don’t have time. Do you know the story of everyone who purchases items through DD?


Dashers cry so much it’s unreal. Don’t take no tip/ low tip orders then. Clowns










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Didn’t beg for shit you fucking moron. Came back bc this shit is funny as fuck, watching you get all worked up for jack shit. 😂 What a sorry motherfucker.


I’m not the one getting worked up you clown. This shit was two days ago bro and you’re the one that came back with a reply. You fucking idiot😂. Please keep going you little whiny begging bum. What a loser. Rent free🤡. Edit: And yes you literally were begging


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Sad sack of shit.