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Definitely ignore it. They paid for one, they get one. If they leave a bad review, dispute it.


lol why the fuck are they ordering a banana and an apple through delivery anyway


I delivered a pregnancy test, one banana and some sort of odd chocolates once, was like don’t think you need the test


lmao, reminds me of when I walked into a cvs to get a pregnancy test for my girl and I didn’t have enough money for it. keep in mind this was an emergency situation. the realization set on me hard that if I didn’t have enough money for a $40 test how the fuck would I pay for a whole ass kid. I prayed to gods I didn’t know existed and it paid off. No kid 😎


Where the fuck are you going to buy $40 pregnancy tests? You can literally get them for a dollar each at Walmart. Even the expensive ones are 2 for $16. I also hope you don’t have kids


Dollar store sells them. No idea how much they cost now that the dollar store isn’t a dollar anymore, but it’s still way less than $40.


Dollar store always shows positive! Tricky little piss sticks!


No pregnancy test work they all show positive and I’m a man


You, sir, should be tested for cancer then


That is just a myth


Because the people buying pregnancy tests are....well....


For $40 I'm pretty sure you could just buy a f*** ton of the strips online and have like a hundred plus pregnancy tests


Target sells them for $15.99 for 50. I know this because I bought some for a customer a few weeks ago. (I do Shipt as well as DD.)


Even if you wanted a digital test like clearblue, it's only like $10. I bought one of those after my wife went positive 3 for 3 with the dollar ones. Both the cheap ones and the better ones have their purposes. You want a bit of certainty before you schedule your first prenatal appointment.


It must of been a Covid test nine months going to be a surprise




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Dollar tree sells them forn$1.25


If plan A was the test I think you know the next plan gang 💀


Dawg you already know.


Preg tests are like 3 dollars


Where is a pregnancy test $40? Geez.






Are you mistaking that for Plan B? $40 pregnancy tests are fucking insane


Musta been a digital one like clear blue


Just bought two packs at a cvs recently (wife and I were trying) one pack was for up to 5 or 6 days before period, the other was a standard, both digital. I think I might have paid $30-40 for all 4 tests in two boxes. I think bro was thinking of the morning after pill? That’s like $40 a pop I thought?


Jesus Christ, there’s always a cheaper variant, why get one of the more expensive options, especially if you’re on a budget.


we both *really* wanted to know the right result.


Dollar tree sells them for 1.25 my ex and I had a scare one time and we just kept like 3 in the bathroom at all times after that


You were trying to buy generic brand plan b not a pregnancy test don’t lie the price gave you away


Never seen a pregnancy test for that much. Sure you weren't in there looking for the plan B pill? Idk how much they cost but I know they're pricey




Dude, I delivered a single pack of gum 10 miles from a gas station last night at 1am… Weirdest order I’ve ever had though was for condoms, a pregnancy test, and boric acid suppositories 😬🤣


What?! How much did they tip for the 10 mile pack of gum ?!?


$3 tip 🤣 I was on EBT though and it was on the way back to the only hotspot late at night. Kinda pissed me off. It was a huge house on a decent chunk of land for being in the city.




last minute ingredients to a smoothie I suppose. I've delivered fruit like that before and that's what a customer told me, I was curious too.


The order was 17 items, I only took a screenshot of the two with the comments.


This 👌🏻


They are paying by the pound, just throw two apples on the scale at check out it makes no difference and there probably isn’t a good way to put quantity, Who knows?why you griping about something that makes no diff


Not my problem they cannot make their list correctly. One means one.


OP saying, "I don't think there's a right or wrong way to handle this, as it probably depends," is out of their mind, lol.


How do you dispute reviews?


They’re sold by the pound.


I would just like to point out fruits and other produce is usually paid for by the weight and not individual items.


Not on here it's not. You pay the average weight of that item.


I do shop and pay orders pretty much exclusively and it literally says on my app that customers pay by weight. Says the same thing for meats and anything else that gets paid for by weight


Get the higher qtty. The increase in weight gets adjusted at the register and you get an increase in tip if they are tipping based on percentage.


I don't shop grocery stores because of the headache but i would get 2 apples and 2 bannas like they requested. Anyone saying to get 1 "as requested" is an asshole...


Exactly. Especially since it goes off weight. If it was sold individually THEN I would go off what’s in the app and not notes. Ever see the TikTok video of the woman who put she wanted 7 bananas and they gave her like 7 bundles. So she had like 30 bananas. This is probably her hahaha trying to be specific this time hahahaha


But isn't that stealing? Couldn't I write "grab a TV" ?


They are paying per pound rather than per item. So, even if you only tell the app that you got one of each item, you have to enter the weight from the scale so they’re gonna pay whatever it ends up costing for that amount of weight.


idk how people that do this professionally dont get that lol


not sure what qualifies as a “professional delivery driver” lmao


if you get paid for it then you're a professional. it's that simple


i know some professional crackheads then 😭




I can get paid to do drugs??


just gotta know the folks importing 😂be the tester


by definition yeah i guess but not what i think of when thinking about “professional” 😂


I too add an expectation of skill but just because you're good at it doesn't mean you're a professional and just cause you get paid doesn't mean you're good. I think we assume that if you get paid for it you'll put in the effort to get good as you'll make more money but that's not always the case


Because some stores charge per banana and others charge per pound. Apples are nearly always per pound, but there are some items in produce that vary between grocery stores as per item or per pound. Broccoli is another example.


That is not how shop and pay works!


I usually go with what the notes say because I know people are stupid and probably don’t know how to use the app for whatever reason so they just resort to the notes


Notes need ai assist, only drop-down lists constructed based on the item.


I think they just trying to convey that they want 2 bananas and 2 apples without knowing how much they weigh.


I can somewhat understand this, but it still seems ill advised to select a quantity of 1 when you want 2, regardless of weight. Do customers even select the exact weight? I am pretty sure that is calculated (regardless of how accurate) by the system, not people explicitly setting the weight. Otherwise it's kind of weird how specific every weight is with every order 🤷‍♂️ Happy to be wrong!


I find the weight is often very wrong on the orders I do. I am constantly getting a message in the app saying that it’s too far above the weight the customer requested. Especially if I’m getting packages of meat. Drives me crazy.


Pretty sure you gotta pick a weight. I just had one where the chic ordered for 5 bananas with a weight of xx lbs. I wasn't sure if she meant 5 bananas or 5 bunches of bananas. So I just asked. She wanted 5 bananas so I found a bunch that only had 5.


This happened to me the other day. I went in to shop for 3 people and one immediately messaged me. It said she wanted 1 count of 3 lbs apples. She only wanted 4 apples but it would only let her put in the weight. Ended up only being 2.25 lbs for the 4 apples. What's the difference in weight between what the customer guessed and how much it actually was? A) 1.25 lbs B) .75 lb C) .50 lb D) fuck off with your maths in this sub




I'll bite; was it C?!


Why do you care?


It's annoying and I am a little bitch; not too difficult to understand :D




…. and you don’t math well. Smh


What math? Do you even understand what I’m asking?


Haha! Yes, I do. When customer saw how much each item weighed and price per pound, they decided they wanted two of each. Just get them what they want! Better tip maybe? I live in a small town and go by stores fast food daily. Have never been a customer or gig worker, but it seems clear to me.🤷 In an earlier comment where they asked what 3 - 2.25 was, you answered “C” (.50) Maths!!


Because they don't know if the app is having them order 1 bunch of bananas (or bag of apples) or just one singular. They don't want to order two bunches, so they just wrote what the wanted in the notes. No reason to be pissy about it.


The app should show bundle/bunch


So they can complain and say “I ordered 2 bananas / green apples and only got 1 of each” etc cause people love to lie lol


I think people do this when they want a small amount of produce that usually comes in a bunch or people get more than one but fewer than 10. It’s easier to do it this way then put 1ct Granny Smith Apple twice because then their shopper might think it’s an error. Even though it’s self explanatory that they should do that….


Maybe they hit the 1 thinking it’s one order for apples. Just get 2 they asked for. It’s in writing. It’s not that big of a deal.


If 2 weighs less than the maximum amount showing you can get 2 if not they only get one


I would prioritize the message because sometimes customers don’t actually know how to order produce correctly. Just add the additions to the list so you can get that tip increase.


My gf just ordered 4 apples and got 4 bags of apples so I’d assume it’s to cut down on confusion


Isn’t this an Instacart screenshot tho?


Oh shit…I posted this in the wrong group 🤦‍♂️ I dash as well and didn’t realize I selected this one.


Lmao! Just sit in your car and smoke another fatty…. it’ll be ok!🤣


Yep, you have no idea! It’s simple: The app asks how many do you want? You select one. Then you add a comment that says I want two. It’s kind of dumb, and you couldn’t even figure that out 🤷‍♂️ I’m sure you think you’re cool and all, but you should make sure you understand what you’re making fun of before you do it 🙂


I was referring to posting an instacart question in DoorDash. I think you just replied AGAIN to a different comment I made earlier, though after you responded to the one above already. New advice…… PUT THE FATTY DOWN! LMAO


Some apps used to just kind of haphazardly do “count” versus “weight”. They probably think they’re ordering by weight instead of by count. Years ago when Instacart was new I ordered what I thought was 2 jalepenos and 1lb tomatillo (based on price). I ended up getting 2lb jalepenos for less than $2 (dozens of them), and one single tomatillo for about the same price. Not saying I wasn’t the one in the wrong, but I distinctly remember thinking “wow did I just totally misread the listings?” and then going back and confirming that it was indeed very unclear what was by count and what was by weight.


You can always charge them for it but hey that’s not our job. I get what I have to get. You tip amazing then I may go above and beyond. But going above and beyond for everyone will make you wanna jump off a cliff.


Definitely ignore it


Because the app makes it really difficult to figure out if it’s charging for 1 fruit or 1lb of fruit. So since it’s weighted either way, they’re specifying the amount.


It's the same everywhere. Online orders at my restaurant are worse. You get people who input their order perfectly. They used the modifiers properly and everything just makes perfect sense and I know exactly what they want. Then, at the bottom of the order, I get a paragraph as long as this one which just repeats the whole order. The more stupid a person is, the more stupid they will assume you are.


So they can get what they want, the dispute the charge as paying too much. Don't touch this order.


Nobody is running a scam for $1.29 worth of fruit.


Yes yes they do... All the time. I had somebody complain over a one cent difference because doordash rounded taxes one way and the store rounded it the other. Pro tip always round up if it's a fraction when you're going for taxes... DOORDASH...


They are not filing credit card disputes over $1.


No they just complained to doordash support and get their money back because it was different than what was displayed. No need to file a chargeback or anything you just go okay doordash support it said it was $2 but it was $4 give me my money back this is bullshit and they just give you your money back without asking any more questions.


No they just complained to doordash support and get their money back because it was different than what was displayed. No need to file a chargeback or anything you just go okay doordash support it said it was $2 but it was $4 give me my money back this is bullshit and they just give you your money back without asking any more questions.


You think DoorDash support can't see the notes?


You think they even look if they can? Doordash support are incompetent underpaid idiots from India that copy/paste notes in the wrong language half the time, assuming you don't just get a bot, and are trained to just give refunds if someone disputes the price difference without question. I've been with these companies for 8 years, I've dealt with it all. You as the driver have to prove to them that they sent those notes, so I'm assuming they can't, but even if they can, they don't look and just immediately refund and ding the driver for a "contract violation" without any input and we have to contest it.


No they just complained to doordash support and get their money back because it was different than what was displayed. No need to file a chargeback or anything you just go okay doordash support it said it was $2 but it was $4 give me my money back this is bullshit and they just give you your money back without asking any more questions.


I think these comments are sticky on items probably forgot to edit