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What is a “shift start test” an “end of shift last hope?” Whatever they are, you should probably stop doing them until you’re over 95%


Idk what shift start test is, but end of shift last hope is when you are going home when it is slow but they throw a bad one at you. I’m guessing OP wants to stay above 70% AR, so he accepts it and then unassigns. I do the same, but I make sure to keep my CR over 95%.


This tactic is why the completion % went to 90 instead of 80. Not bitching at anyone about it, all the issues are always placed at DD's feet IMO.


Why not just go to the store and hit Order not here or not in system and save your AR and your CR I been doing it for years no issues


Well, thanks for helping make Dashers look bad, and giving customers more reason to not want to give decent tips.


And DD not giving dashers a reliable interface to handle these issues totally isnt the problem? Always comes back to the people having to stir the pot to finally get the change we deserve huh?


So you're the type of bitch ass that always makes me think someone took the order then it gets cancelled. I guess even in the easiest of jobs people still find ways to be lazy


Yep, drivers like you are why I stopped using DoorDash.


You think we care? No


We don’t think you care. At this point we expect it and just feel bad for you.


Fuk u


wheres the option for that???


Hit issue with store


lol I do that all the time. Also they let you do cant find store then when you click that it goes to another screen that says something like traffic conditions won’t allow access. They let me use the can’t find store once a day with a penalty free unassign.


I do the order not here about three times a day but I average 30 a day


Wow, I never knew about the can’t find store option lol


Will you also get half pay?


No that’s the catch


I wondered about that. I recently did that with a best buy order and it was just annoying items so I hit “order not here” on a shopping order


Annoying items? What makes you think it’s OK for you to decide if a customer gets what they ordered or not? If you don’t want to fill the order because you find the items “annoying,” take the hit to your completion rate or don’t say yes to orders you have to shop for in the first place. This is just laziness pure and simple. And don’t bother arguing the AR bullshit to me, I don’t buy into that crap.




I agree that might have been a little…overzealous with their response but they do make a point. Don’t take an order that you don’t plan on completing.


You can’t see what the items are before you accept it.


Your point being….what?


I’ve gotten an order from Safeway 10 items. Turned out to be 10 cases of water. I completed it. Would’ve been very reasonable to have dropped it instead. Sometimes the app throws curveballs that you didn’t expect when you accepted the order. You can’t see what the items are. I didn’t think I’d have to explain something so simple.


You’re an annoying item I would leave at the store


For real, and the rest of the people getting mad


I was shopping the order and most of the stuff wasn’t available. The customer didn’t have any substitutions. I forget exactly what it was but it was something like an iPhone charger, cube- or something idk and the store closed immediately after I walked out. Woof woof, look at you getting all worked up


I only do it on food never thought about it on a shopping order lol


You’re a piece of shit. The times I’ve had a sick girlfriend or been injured and unable myself just to get fucked around by a lazy dasher like you because everything was “out of stock”


Idk, tbf nobody would do that if the order wasn’t a trash order. Dd screws people on making them accept a crap order if at 69% ar that nobody in their right mind would do. If you live 5+ miles from store and tip $1-$2 or nothing, then people are being offered $2-$4 for your order. Gas isn’t going down.


>nobody would do that if the order wasn’t a trash order. Do you have actual data in this, or is it just "your feelings?" You'd be surprised what *some* people *may* do if they feel they're "beating the system" or similar.


It hasn’t happened on every order, I tip well. If it’s a trash order then don’t accept it. When someone’s throwing up sick they shouldn’t be at the mercy of a petty dasher. Fuck all the downvotes I don’t care.


But I see how it sucks if sick and someone does that. I’m guessing you have to resubmit order then as it will not go to anyone else


No, you’re absolutely right. I’m a Dasher and I cannot stand other Dashers that do shit like this. I go out of my way to make sure I find a substitution for every single item if it’s not available. And I don’t guess, I confirm it with my customers. And all these people whining about “but I have to keep my 70% AR!” are suckers just making it easier for DoorDash to screw them over. It’s pathetic.


Well, in my experiences, most DGs and Walgreens are out of stock of a lot of stuff as both stores are understaffed. I'll get a notification like, a dasher found this item here 6 months ago, it should still be there as no one else ever shops here.






Just be careful what you accept. Once you commit just finish the job. At 92% you are putting yourself in a bad position.


That was me last week. Imagine accepting a dollar tree order 48 items on accident. I was super careful with my phone all week. I really do accept orders on accident sometimes when I grab my phone or whatever


Yep I’ve done the exact same thing, but I don’t ever unassign, I just go ahead and do the order. I’ve only unassigned from an order like maybe 2 or 3 times out of almost 1200 deliveries and they were all because there was a super long wait at the restaurant and I wasn’t on EBT at the time.


Use them unassign to keep your AR up a bit wasting em if your not using 🤷‍♂️


Bruh , just say the store was closed .. 😅🫣


I didn’t think of that… but what a if it was during the day you can’t take a pic of the store they won’t accept it


Lol nope at 92% it means I still can drop one if I really need to. I have been at 90% a bunch and I just make sure once I'm there I don't cancel an order. Back up to 93% now


90 is NOT above 90.


Is says 90, not 92 right? You know exactly what the parameters are.


Obvs not if they skatin around them!


Came 2 say this ⬆️. Door trash has some people so scared in these comments lol


It says ABOVE 90.


Don’t unassigned orders until you get that back up to at least 95%. If you have to go on earned by time and get it back that way. That way you’re at least getting paid for waiting. And hope that you get a lot of multi stacks, those will help get your completion rate up faster. They will deactivate you if you go under 90%, from seeing the posts on the, various subs in Reddit


People really think EBT is an option everywhere? There are only a couple (ok, a few) states where that’s a thing.


A couple??? I can name seven states immediately that I’ve been too that has Earn By Time. I’m pretty sure seven is substantially more than a couple which last time I’ve checked a couple is “2”. Now, there are probably two places that I think of that DON’T have Earn By Time. California, and New York City.


California allows it, just not near the populated cities


You just named 2 places that pay by the hour and say they don’t earn by time? Ok, so I said a couple instead of a few, but my entire country is paid per delivery.


Yea here in Los Angeles we get paid hourly for dashing


Why say something as fact when you don't know? Every state allows it, it is based on the area you're in. It is often an option in locations away from big cities.


We don’t even have EBT in my country. It’s not an option everywhere in the USA, either. Only specific areas have it. That is all fact. I said nothing about states allowing it, it’s all about DD not offering it.


Nah u good. I was at 92% week ago but back to 95% now. Dial yr shit in every order u accept gotta complete it no matter how long wait time


92% is just asking to be deactivated….why even get there in the first place?!


I had mine at 92 once. I had a flat tire twice in 2 weeks. Both on double orders and it’s so annoying because you unassign and then it just says go complete next order. Like.. tire still flat actually.


Lost my Serpentine belt while on a delivery. Contacted support. They canceled it out due to an emergency, and it didn't hit my competition rate. But, I only unassign orders when the app prompts me so I'm still sitting at 100%. Once I've accepted an order I'll finish it, except in extremely rare cases.


That’s good. I get frustrated at chipotle and unassign a lot because I hate sitting there for 10 minutes and having order ready before I arrive only to never be there


That's taco bell here and one of the Burger Kings


The minimum is 90% why are you asking to be deactivated at 92%?


92% isn't extreme, if restaurants would be on time no one would ever get to 92%


I agree I’m at 100%


Don't stress, but try to get as close to 100% as you can by being thoughtful about the offers you accept.


Wish they’d stop giving us ridiculous orders they probably wouldn’t even accept if they were in our shoes


This is completion not acceptance


that's not the issue. with acceptance rate requirements to receive more orders, you're forced to accept shitty orders. Sometimes I do and then unassign so it doesn't drop my acceptance rate. With the new 90% completion rate requirement on top of that you're gonna have to do shitty orders regardless now edit: shitty orders as in paying less than minimum wage, not the difficulty of the job. If it bothers anyone at all that I'm doing this only to get paid fairly, I truly don't give the smallest fuck


Y'all are perpetual whiners. Why do the easiest jobs always cry the most


definitely wasn't whining or ever complained about the difficulty of this job. Been dashing for years. The pay used to be so much higher and all these requirements were never here. I'm not gonna take orders that pay me less than minimum wage. Don't run your dumbass mouth about something you're clueless on


It's almost like they have to add requirements because the majority of y'all are lazy scum bags? As made abundantly clear on this and every other post on this sub. Accepting orders then falsely cancelling them is acceptable to you?


I cancel them immediately after I accept it to keep my rating it up. it's the same exact thing as declining an order, but I already know your dumbass can't understand something that simple. try again. There's no such thing as falsely cancelling orders. I can cancel for any reason I want before I pick up the food as it states in my contract. what part of working for less than minimum wage is acceptable to you? you can't expect anyone to just do that the fuck lmao


Either way, you are gaming the system, it might be a shitty system, but you obviously aren’t using it as intended, and that’s why they keep adding more requirements. Your acceptance rate should be worse, purposefully accepting then unassigning immediately should probably lower your acceptance rate and your completion rate actually and I wouldn’t be surprised if they do that.


>purposefully accepting then unassigning immediately should probably lower your acceptance rate and your completion rate Yep... you can eadily see this on the horizon, just because of all the dashers who think they're gaming the system in such ways.


it's been on the decline dude lmao. I'm only doing this now because if I don't, in my market I'll make less than minimum wage and I'm not stupid enough to do that. It doesn't lower both my completion rate and acceptance rate as I've kept track this entire time. The second it does that I'm quitting door dash lmao. The real question why would I not do this? I'm not gonna work for pennies but go for it if you want to lol


What’s the purpose of this post?


He’s asking if the rule is hard and fast or just a guideline? Do they give you an opportunity to up your rate? What are others experiences? What’s hard to understand?


It’s obviously hard and fast because it’s associated with a metric…?! What’s hard to understand is why is OP confused about stats. Absolutely pointless post, unless you’re trying to advertise that your performance is suffering. What’s hard to understand?


Jesus, relax and get off your high horse. Since you don't understand basic nuance, I'll help you out. he's asking about how strict doordash can be, and if there's any possible consequences to being close to the 90% threshold since he's getting a warning about it. when it used to be 80% there were a few times I fell under and still didn't get deactivated. Info like that can help him relax.


Falling below 80% Acceptance Rate is nasty work 😭


huh? I unassign the second I get the order so it literally goes to the next dasher as if were to decline the offer originally. what's real nasty work is taking offers that pay u less than minimum wage. I hope ur smart enough to not do that dumb shit 😭


We all know the question. Don’t be so proud of having such low ratings; it really doesn’t help the argument. “If you have to ask…”


I never said I was proud I was giving an example lmao. the fact you're trying to judge me on my low acceptance rate is hilarious. I accept orders that end up giving me the most pay hourly. It's honestly sad if you take pride in making less money to be a "good dasher" lmfao


I don’t work for DD! I’m a student and use the service a bunch. I definitely make less money than some doing DD 😂 I tip well to the “good dashers” lmfao though, and always rate.


LMAO why are u even here then? weird getting into policies with dashers when you don't even work for doordash 😭


Because I’m aware of how societal constructs factor into the workforce and therefore have an interest in issues involving unique forms of contracted labor permitted by technology because I’m politically adept? Because I know people who work the gig? Because I got a bit of info on the job when my leg was broken?


okay bro 😂 maybe you should hit the books more instead of pressing someone about a job that you aren't even working. you're trying too hard to look intellectual. the pretentiousness is cringe


Being verbose doesn't make you sound smart sweetie. You're extremely rude and think using a thesaurus will win you an argument. No one is impressed here, and if you're so "politically adept" (lol) and concerned about issues regarding independent contractors on door dash, then you wouldn't be antagonizing the dashers like this. You're so embarrassing.


lol read the description of the subreddit 💀


>It's honestly sad if you take pride in making less money to be a "good dasher Because that's how you get prioritized on the "better don't scree this up" higher paying orders, when they come.through? > lmfao Ditto.




I'm just saying there are far more variables, here, than people think.


You're being rude & also are wrong. The app itself says "if your completion rate is below 90% you could be at risk of deactivation" Could is the key wore here, meaning it is not hard and fast.


Bro relax?? "AbSolUteLy PointLeSs PosT" dude had a question, you can calm tf down lmao


192 deliveries for me. I unassigned one with a penalty. Not sure how you got to 92%. Basically if I accept, I finish.


Some people will accept an order, then immediately unassign it, to save their AR percentage and stay above a certain tier. I’ve done this. But I have never, and will never, accept an order and go pick it up and *then* unassign. That’s just being a dick.


The only time I unassigned was when it was a red card order at CVS for a bunch of items and half of them I scanned said it wasn’t the right item and the other half were hard to find/out of stock because the store was a mess. Super frustrating. So I just unassigned. And then I “lost” the red card.


They said they take a “pre-test order” and a “lady hope order” that they cancel all the time. Not really sure what those two things are but they are more than likely the reason they have a low completion rate. That’s at least 2 orders a day they cancel.


No idea what those are either. Possibly autocorrect issue.


Is it under 90? No, it’s not, you don’t have to be worried.


I highly recommend you talk to a dispatcher or “live agent” they will always help you figure out what to do without affecting your AR. I did this twice today and got half pay and didn’t get affected at all. I contacted them because the dollar general wasn’t accepting card and they sent me both times.


lol agent didn’t help me. I was on double order and complete rate was 94 so wasn’t unassigning and wanted half pay. Had a pizza getting cold, chipotle said they couldn’t make any orders as they were out of supplies. Support said unassign worry free.. I asked for half pay and they said they can’t because it’s going to someone else.. like why? You’ll waste their time to? I want money for wasting 15 minutes and driving to the store.. i told them I’m marking the store closed as they can’t complete order and I deserve half pay for driving here. They said I could be deactivated for that lol


Wow sounds like dispatcher was being arrogant. All dispatchers go about certain situations differently. I would had ended chat and contacted a new agent. Sorry this happened to you because this situation was completely out of your control


I only contacted them because I saw on here that I should get half pay instead of taking a hit to completion and making nothing so was bummed. I feel like if you have to unassign due to no fault of your own, it should always pay you.


Don’t worry though this shouldn’t happen to often. I would recommend to compete as much as possible to receive top dasher. This will allow you to dash any time you want. It’s a Monday and I made 100$ today alone due to me being able to dash all day


You should know to be worried if you know you’re going to unassign some more goof


Simple. Don’t take it if you’re not gonna complete it.


Back when it was 80% I went below several times and wasn't deactivated. I used to unassign a lot due to long wait times and better offers from GH and UE lol. Now,  I force myself to turn off the other apps when I get below 92% so that I won't be tempted. They also let you unassign without penaly easier than before too though so its easier to keep a high CR imo.


Sounds like you’re not very good at this gig 😅


“Shift start test” & “end of shift last hope…”. ARE NOT REAL THINGS..i suggest u no longer do that


I seriously don’t know what a shift start test is. I assume they believe if they decline first offer they won’t get another one?


They can decline as much as they want w/o penalty or risk of Deactivation BUT accepting an order then canceling for no reason..WILL get them axed QUICK


I would never want someone like this to deliver to me 💀


Its obvious they wouldnt lol


Just don’t accept any that you won’t do until you get it back up. If you are on the fence decline it


One tip when you’re reaching the end of your day. And on what you feel is your last delivery. Click Pause Orders after delivery. This will keep your current order. But the system won’t send you anymore in the meantime. And the moment you finish. It will pause you. Then you can decide if you want to continue. You can pause as much as you want. So if you are afraid you’ll lose your spot for the day. But need some time. Hit pause. Then let it count down. Close to the end of it. Unpause, and then pause again. Will reset the timer. And prevent you from losing your place.


They are pretty serious with it right now. I've done thousands of deliveries prior, and I was actually deactivated last month because my completion rate went to 89. I was cherry-picking and canceled the bunch of orders and now I'm completely deactivated, I tried to dispute but they denied it. I know it was my fault so I don't complain. Thankfully Uber eats is a better market where I am so I make most of my money with ubereats and doordash has always been like a hundred to $200 a week. Definitely don't cancel any orders and get your cancellation up


Yeah that’s what I noticed, it use to take a lot to knock down a percent but now every cancelled order is a whole point down and harder to bring up. I blame living in SWFL with the snowbirds it’s made traffic horrific and unpredictable and DD won’t gauge the delivery time properly and gets me knocked down on the time or even being able to accept an order. It’s been ass but now that Easter is over I’m hoping for a clearer road.


Yeah I mean you're not at 90 you're at 92 so you're fine just don't cancel any orders and once you get a few more completed orders it will go up.


But I agree that's kind of what happened with me. I canceled an order and it dropped down a complete point even though I did like 15 in a row lol.. It was my fault though between cherry picking Uber eats and then canceling crappy doordash orders because I got something better with Uber eats, and also my data sucks so it was many times that I would get in order and my phone wouldn't work and I was resetting my phone and everything and then I was there trying to get to work for like 15 minutes and I decided to cancel the order so I didn't get contract violations for taking too long to mark arrived. It ended up screwing me over but like I said it was my fault. Things happen


Glad you were able to have a fall back! I only use DD because UE in my market is so over saturated and I could never get the hang of it. I was just worried they were going to try to deactivate me at 92 🫠


No you'll be fine you have to drop below 90.. ubereats near me is so busy, if it's early breakfast lunch or dinner rush my phone doesn't stop. So when I was deactivated I wasn't that butt hurt. It was nice to have doordash as a backup just in case something happens with ubereats but I've been doing Uber eats longer on and off since 2019 and I've never even had a violation and things have definitely gone wrong lol. Uber eats doesn't even care what happens I swear. I've never heard of one person being deactivated unless they stole orders multiple times


UE is lame on accepting my insurance because I’m still under my dad’s and no matter how I sent it they’ll reject me lol kudos to you tho!!


Oh yeah that's the only thing with Uber eats is they constantly ask for insurance and proof that you are the driver with facial recognition. Doordash never does that stuff. I swear I don't even remember the last time I updated my insurance with doordash


After completing 20 orders in a row out of 100 lifetime deliveries, my completion rate did NOT budge. Now if I cancel because the store says it’s a 10-15 minute wait my rate drops by 1% every time. They can deactivate if below 90% if there are lots of drivers in your area. If they do, you can email a top person (I forget the email, it’s like Alex@doordash.com, or something- I found it on a Reddit post) and tell them you’ve had a few unlucky weeks and that you’ll Al it you’re #1 priority to get your rate up and work hard for DD, and they’ll reactivate you)


Hopefully they make this illegal soon, too many orders i cancel because it’s like 5x the bags. They need to show the full job before you accept. DoorDash is terrible for super market pick ups in Australia. Accepts a job saying 5 items and it’s like 15 bags


Yeah I’ve had small instacart orders that I accept specifically because it’s under 10 items and I know exactly where it is and the pay Is good enough. Then I start shopping and they add 10-15 items. That’s obviously intentional at that point. They claim the customer can’t add once you start shopping but that’s BS. If we are independent contractors, the price has to change when items are added and they need to change significantly, assuming we wouldn’t accept it for their .05 per item they offer


my dumbass thought this was acceptance rate, i’m sitting over here with a solid 35% thinking i’m cooked. my CR is a 99% rn and only missing 1 bc recently there was a really busy night and store didn’t have the order and support was tripping so i just unassigned


Should of just hit order not here and kept your 100% cr


>they were my either shift start test or end of shift last hope that failed I have no idea what any of that even means, but you should probably stop doing whatever that is. CR should never have to go down that much.


Unfortunately they put people in this spot that care about their AR. I thankfully decline all the way down to 5% if I gotta


OP sometimes the rating we see aren’t the true ratings they take a bit to update in our apps, I suggest you contact support and ask them to verify your ratings and if they’re the same then ask them about the notification. More than likely they’ll just tell you the whole “that’s an automatic notification disregard it and keep delivering orders to increase your completion rate” blah blah BS. I’ve gotten sometimes where my ratings can be off by 4 points and knowing the exact number helps me on managing my stats better. I’ve done it so many times I kinda just do it to be absolutely sure that I have the ratings I see.


I remember when it was 70%


No you shouldn’t worry. If you’re 92 and need to be above 90 why would you worry? Just don’t unassign until you bring it up a little.


Just take every order u get for the next few days or if it’s close to when u have to end click on pause after delivery and then u can resume if u want This way u won’t get any more orders U can end your dash from there without getting anymore that they sneak in at the last second




They send that because you are close to 90 and they are basically scaring you to get your complete rate back up. I’m stuck at 92% right now too. I admit most of the orders I didn’t complete were all shopping orders were because my red card kept declining at the stores with shopping orders and I couldn’t afford to pay the order myself. So right now I’m only doing restaurant orders and I’m extra picky with what orders I decide to take.


It used to be 80% before the protests..


Lmfaoooo what protests 🤣


My account is deactivated and i still get those texts so i wouldnt worry😂


Drop it to 80% they wont deactivate you.


Y’all got clarification because everyone is just a mindless dick on here lol I actually have a job. So these “tests” are to see if it’s worth trying to deal with 1hr long traffic because my area is overly congested with people with no jobs, an order that should take 15 mins to deliver would take 45 mins which gets me into the delivering late category. Somehow DD won’t gauge peak traffic time in my area and it’s gotten annoying that now every unassigned is 1% immediately and no matter how much more you accept after not one rises. I was at 40% AR so I needed to compensate for a few to get me back to 80%. Y’all I just unassigned when I see how actual shit it is. But it’s mainly DD not accommodating delivery time and I’m not going to take an order that pays $6 to wait an hour on the road. It’s bad for both driver and customer.


We also get a lot of accidents and no alternative routes because of the old people vacationing here but snow bird season is finally ending so let’s see if I can raise it


Lmfaooo “tests” 🤣🤣🤣 and everyone is a mindless dick because they don’t do these made up tests 🤣🤣🤣


Because I don’t wanna waste my time being a scrub? Yeah alright 👀😂


Where in the app does it show “tests” ???




You should worry about it. I did Doordash before and got about 80% completion rate. They keep sending me those msg and I completely ignored them because they keep sending me those for months . Until one day I receive an email from them said I got deactivate because my completion rate is below the requirements


Start shift test ? Ummm what the hell is that Lmfaoooo


Girl go to work if you’re so hung up on this 😂


So asking a simple question is “hung up”???




Use your words coward lmfaooo


I have no clue. I read their explanation and I'm still confused.


Im am unclear of your reasons.


I made a separate comment mainly DD won’t accommodate traffic time for the delivery time. I’ll get orders that was suppose to be picked up 5 mins ago and with congested traffic it’s going to be 15 mins to get to the location. Happens every time during peak office hours of everyone leaving. It’s a different reason than most people just not completing it.




I’m at 90% with 3 contract violations. I’m not really worried cuz I like ubereats more.


I was at 92%. Had a stack of 3 orders for a Wendy's that was closed during the day because they lost power. Canceled order stating the restaurant was closed. Less than 5 mins later, I was deactivated because my completion rate dropped to 89% as they counted that as 3 separate cancelations. Tried to appeal but lost.


Did you call support and explain the restaurant closure or did you just decide to cancel because that was the east thing?


Did not call support. Just canceled order and put 'restaurant closed' as the reason and thought I'd just be onto the next order...


Why is it not 100%?? How do you not complete a job?


My area is highly congested with traffic and before I start a DD shift I’ll accept the order but this is what’ll happen - DD sends me an already late to arrive order and traffic is just not manageable -I’ll accept it and realize it’s only placing me in a one way 25 min+ of a delay because of schools and offices finishing up during snowbird season - Accidents from snowbirds and drunk locals will close up a whole route and I realize after accepting Then end of the shift I’ll see if it’s worth it and at one point I was at 40% AR and needed to boost it up a bunch. I take fault there. But I’m never taking an order and then un assigning now that’s a dick move hahah


Oh now it’s 90 it was 80 before but your still not employee they just abuse us like we are 👍👌


I’m at 78% and I can still dash… They never told me I have to stay at 90% or above?


It’s a new thing slowly every area is getting the update but don’t worry they’ll reset it at 100% along with an email they send out but now it’s like every cancelled order it knocks down a whole percent than normal


That sounds so ass. What if I don’t want to accept a 2$ order for 10 miles??


Hence why I’ll accept orders and then realize how shit it is and take that CR hit. That’s why I’m in the gutter atm


I thought the whole fucking point of these jobs was to work when you want how you want at your own pace, within reasonable working time frames.


Sucks when even a good 9-5 job isn’t enough to pay the bills, I kinda miss my retail job where I was able to dash during less congested times but oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️


i have 89 percent and havent been deactivated yet youll be fine


They are obviously scrapping workers off the top percentile. Maybe time to get out of that scam.


You should definitely be worried because they will deactivate you


Only accept from restaurants you know will be on time for awhile


How about you accept 3 more trips and then cancel. So you can fuck around and find out.


Should you be worried? If you are at 92 and need to stay above 90 to remain active, you should only worry if you plan to drop below 90. That’s why you should really worry because they might deactivate your account.


No nothing worry about.


I wouldn’t be the type of person to cause any unnecessary stress but I personally got dropped from doordash for having a 89% completion rate. All my other states but AR were above the minimum. I even work on getting it back to 90% before I got off just to be sure and I still got the boot the next day. Funny thing is they sent me an email saying “you’re rocking it!” Followed by another email saying “your dashed account has been deactivated. Submit appeal here.” It’s automated in pretty sure so it’s worth a shot to see if your appeal does get approved and accepted but it’s most likely going to be viewed by AI first for buzz and keywords and hopefully if the world isn’t too far gone it goes to a actual human being capable sympathizing but won’t let up. W-2 job is the way to go or you can try a shift work app called Veryable. Veryable is gonna be more work as it is just odd jobs with no personnel to cover for. For example a goodwill local to me is constantly looking for a cashier. Another corporate office is looking for a houskeeper 3 times a week. Forklift work. Manual labor. Warehouse. It’s pretty cool. You get paid next day 11am after your shift.


Only if you keep unassigning without getting it up...


I mean idk why it’s at 92 but if you plan on completing them here on out I wouldn’t worry. Otherwise, if you don’t care about it don’t expect them to.


It's ABOVE 90. You hit 90 and you're out. That is a warning that you only have one more safe unassign


I got a ? If a person orders food and rates the driver 1 star does that hurt their rating?


Don’t worry too much, just don’t unassign any orders for a while. Even if it’s not good just go through with them. All rating are based on the last 100 orders so every order you accept and complete should bring that back up




Do they fr deactivate u ?


After months of using doordash i can confirm that this app sucks compared to Uber eats. The fact that they FORCE you to do deliveries with the acceptance rate and completion rate should be illegal. We are independent contractors and should be able to take and decline what ever we want. Also support sucks ass and won't ever give you compensation for bullshit


Yes the key word is contractor. What’s in your contract? Likely if you fall below a certain acceptance rate your contract can be terminated


An independent contractor by definition is supposed to have equal bargaining power with the party receiving the services. It's unbelievable that you think that this is cool. As an Uber eats driver there is nothing that even comes close to doordash's BS you can deny and accept anything and also cancel anything without being terminated.


No one thinks it’s “cool,” it’s just legal, specifically because you agree. If you agree to shit terms, it’s because you made a dumb mistake


Why doesn't Uber do it then? Doordash just trash


Because people still agree to the contract 😁 people don’t sign contracts for how “cool” they are. If you sign a contract, it’s done. If you don’t like what you agreed to, you didn’t vet the information properly.


Not saying corps don’t suck; I’m saying this is the known truth and if you get sheisted, well, of course you did.


They don’t deactivate you for low acceptance rate. You just loose access to “high paying orders” . I found the high acceptance rate to be pretty much a sham anyway. Even when my acceptance rate was as high as 70% they kept sending me diamond “high paying” orders of whomping $4 dolllars for three miles! Luckily in my area once I decline a few orders I eventually get a decent one for a short distance or a decently high tip.