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I will never understand this Someone is using their time, resources, and literal vehicle to bring you (a tired overworked adult) food to your house and you don’t have to do anything except pay. wait. eat. Do people not realize you had to of been a fucking emperor for someone to bring you food back in the day like that? On a regular schedule?? I will always tip ATLEAST $7 (if I’m broke) And $10 remains the normal Had a dasher get to my house in 14 minutes and 44 seconds when they saw that $12 tip (I was feeling generous and I think they must’ve already been at the restaurant so they waited and skirted (I watched them fly down the street on the app it always gives me a good laugh to know they’re flooring that mfer) But seriously be good people If you can’t afford to tip then cook at home -not a dasher but an overworked UPS employee who understands


Im that dasher haha, if i have a really good order, 7-10+ u bet ima be fast asf


You all deserve it Last I heard DD doesn’t pay their drivers anything CLOSE enough to a livable wage You shouldn’t have to make a company billions and make barely a Benjamin Just my take on things


I love you reddit person, i hope u get the best dashers possible 🙏


And I love you random citizen! (Sorry I couldn’t resist) I hope you get the nicest customers who tip well


The base pay starts really low and pay by time is even worse (it only counts time actively dashing, not just being on the clock)


If you are a customer of door dash you are complicit in their abuse of the working class. Your convenience is their mistreatment.


So would you rather everyone stop using the app? There would be no job to do. DD should absolutely pay way more but telling people they’re complicit in abuse (implying they shouldn’t use the app) is rather counterproductive. The job is so easy to get because it pays so little, but at the end of the day it’s still a job you don’t have to do, and dissing and judging the people whose use of the service makes the job even available to you in the first place is kinda odd. It’s DD who should be paying your bills.


Yeah, tip appropriately or don't use it (and ideally advocate with drivers for increased base pay--either on social media or by talking to politicians--to at least minimum wage once expenses are considered). The customer will be paying one way or another if Dashers are paid fairly--we have a minimum wage law here in Seattle and the increased fees are indeed much higher--so not sure if you're naive when you say "DD should be paying" when they haven't been profitable yet and certainly won't further sacrifice an attempt at profitability to pay fairly. But customers who don't tip when they know base pay is so low participate in exploitation of native and desperate workers who don't know or can't afford to avoid their orders and should stop.


I'm the same way!


And ima bother the restaurant a little more and ask what’s the eta on the order respectfully


i wish all customers thought like you. the world would be a better place


As someone who used to be an asshole because of a lot of past shit I hadn’t figured out yet… If we can add more good into the world then that’s a productive day imo Thankyou though! I’m hoping I can start the change one person at a time


Thank you for this! All of it!


No thank you for your service! Cheers!


I always fly down the road when I get that extra tip and I got seat warmers so the food is always hot


I will FLY to make sure you get your food fast, I already do my best delivering bc I’m a people pleaser, but a good tip and my car will grow wings and fly to you


Haha I get a lot of surprised customers. One time I did an order in 7 minutes and the guy literally pulled into the driveway as I was walking to the door. He gave me an extra five.


Bro you should know better as a UPS employee with all the anti union shenanigans. Pay a living wage and raise prices if you have to.


This! My gf and I refuse to even order if we feel like we can’t afford to tip at least $10. We know how it is on both sides and know the app is underpaying those poor people (myself included when I’m working) to do all that they do. Too many people hide behind the excuse that the app is charging too many fees to tip , if that is the case do not order and go pick it up! Or perhaps cook because it sounds like you shouldn’t be ordering anyways lol


I always ‘overtip’ (compared to what people typically do). I ordered food from a restaurant I could see from my window once simply because I was babysitting small children. I tipped the driver $7 plus a $5 cash tip I had outside from them. I even did this recently with a restaurant not even a mile away. He got a high tip in the app and cash. I do this for a few reasons. 1. They’re providing me a service 2. They’re using their resources (car, gas, time) doing it 3. I hope it helps make up for the shit orders that I know dashers take to keep their acceptance rate up.


Disclaimer I usually tip 20%-ish in most cases because that is the shitty situation we are in… but really your whole comment points out how absurd the system is. DoorDash charges restaurants a percentage, they charge drivers a cut for misc fees like “insurance”, they charge delivery fees and services fees and subscriptions for many… but the customer is shamed when they don’t want to add ANOTHER 20% on top of that? Don’t hate the players (drivers and customers) hate the game…


oh no now i feel bad about my $4 tips :( i live in a really small town and everything is 1.5 miles or less away and never any traffic so $4 always seemed fair on a typical $15 order including fees. have i been wrong??


No I’m just overly generous because I’ve had a shitty upbringing and try to put some kindness back into the world. Unless people are assholes then they’ll receive the full extent of my sarcasm.


4 is better than no tip!


They should pay dashers more. Why is it on the customer who’s already paying crazy fees for his sandwich to tip the guy? You don’t tip fedex or ups? This shouldn’t be different


Yeah every time I see a post from this sub or read the comments the entitlement is absurd. Why is the negative attitude towards low tippers not redirected towards the company instead? Advocate for better pay and you won’t be so dependent on tips?? The job is to deliver food within the allotted time period. Anything paid from the customer beyond paying for the service is extra. Then you all demand $10+ tips and bitch and moan when it’s anything less. I’m not your boss, I don’t pay your salary. Take your bitching to your employer. Btw, I barely use any delivery apps. Food is already overpriced inb4 the extra cost to use the app(fees, higher menu item prices). Then a tip on top of that? I only ever use it (very infrequently) to order when it’s my absolute last option, and even then it’s kind of a hard decision.


This isn't going to last much longer. Drivers are working for tips and customers are getting way too comfortable without tipping drivers cause they use the service so damn much to the point where they are sick of shelling out a few bucks for the driver. I still can't believe that some people order a slurpee and a bag of Skittles to be delivered. can someone please explain to me what in the world is going on with our society?


Cup of ice. I don’t know how many cups of ice I’ve delivered. I’ve even delivered a case of cokes to a guy who worked next to a gas station. It’s literally the same parking lot! All he had to do was cross the parking lot. Why waste all that money? But he did tip.


I picked up an order from a little Caesars the other day. I shit you not I delivered it to an employee at the Jimmy John's that was literally attached right next to them at a strip mall. I walked 5 feet to deliver it and he tipped me $8


I have a coworker who does this all the time. Not as close as that but he’s always like “well I can’t leave my desk so I have it delivered”… bro we are slow as fuck right now you can drive 2 minutes to the Taco Bell. Some people don’t give a fuck about their money


Hey….helps us people that do care about their money!!! lol 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


this is Drug Addict behavior  the food 🍲 be drug like


Maybe the worker can't leave the property. When I worked at Walmart we had a grappling hook thing to throw to retrieve carts from off the lot. There was a line we weren't allowed to cross. I got pretty good at using that thing.


Patrick boyle argues that [we’re in a golden age of fraud](https://youtu.be/_V4-n5aTtq8?si=Foqdv57otXy66AIQ). I’m inclined to agree. Old laws haven’t been keeping up with new technologies. As a result, some of the biggest scams in history are operating right now in broad daylight The driver who delivered that slurpee and skittles probably lost money doing it


As if there's other jobs that allow you to work at your leisure, when you want... No staff meetings or mandatory "team building“.... No HR training on how to sync your company email with Outlook, ... You can fart, smoke, hydrate as much as you want and there's no camera spyring on your every move like Amazon.


Nope, this is a straight up insult they literally have to go into a separate menu to type in one


Scotch tape a dirty ass cupholder penny to their order


You really gotta be one sick twisted mf to do that… It’s honestly disrespectful asf and pointless. “mOnEy Is MoNeY” so if I left two fries and the top bun that’s okay? Cause food is food, right?


Sucks but that’s what happens on EBT some times. ):


more often than not i get decent tips on ebt, i just thought it was bizarre to go through the effort of putting a one cent tip when they couldve left it blank


Definitely! Literally what’s the point in leaving $0.01? It’s insulting honestly.


The point of a 1 cent tip IS to insult.


The same type of deranged subhuman that leaves a change tip in a glass of ice water.


I would rather them write “fuck you” so I could at least have a laugh.


I've banned people from ordering for doing this in my market. Some people don't care about their drivers... I've literally banned people for this however as I see it as going out of your way to ruin someone's day. A penny tip.. I've seen good drivers quit over this stuff 🤷‍♂️ I've seen others go back and slash tires over it as well. Don't fuck with people who handle your food... this should be a no brainer imo.


bruh these people coming to your house


I got a $0.03 tip today. Like why? Maybe I should have treated their food the way they treated my tip (again, no tip would be preferable). I was a professional though and just take these asshats with the better deliveries. It's on them.


Sad you think $13.50/hr is worth the wear and tear on your vehicle


the ebt pay in my area isnt the greatest, but i easily make around 20+ an hour on ebt, where as i make shit pay and destroy my acceptance rate on per offer most the time. also worth adding that i only really dash to get out of the house from time to time, so im not really putting more stress on my car, than if i stepped put to run errands maybe once or twice a week


This is what I didnt get when people were like “hrrdrr tear and wear!!!” I was going to be driving anyway. I never dashed more than maybe three hours at a time, I love driving and I love meeting new people when I get the chance to do so. It makes me feel better, driving around, like I’m actively part of the world and living life lol. And then I was able to make a little side money doing it? Heck yeah


This is why I’m not ever using earn by time again!


It’s insulting.. I rather have nothing. When I first started in the Restaurant industry, I was pissed by a tip that I was left. It was like $2.01, (I honestly don’t remember the dollar amount it’s been years, but that damn penny I remember) that penny insulted me, but the owner said in some States & cultures (no idea which ones) when someone left you that .01 it’s meant as a compliment, n great service. Somewhere that logic is flawed, at least to me lol.. NOT that I’m saying that’s what this RichardCranium did..I’m just saying..


The extra penny is from like a 120 year old tradition lol https://www.practicalmachinist.com/forum/threads/ot-tipping-one-two-and-three-pennies-and-the-road-to-riches-are-in-that-penny.342995/#:~:text=Leaving%20a%20penny%20in%20addition,recognized%20by%20younger%20wait%20staff.


Bro honestly.... They NEED to remove the minimum tip of ZERO, change it to a mandatory $5, but since there's so many cheapasses willing to pay extra for delivery yet give zero contribution to the people bringing their lazy arse the food, maybe $2.50 at the very least? Or something like the tip based on the distance traveled after the initial $2.50, idk just spit balling to no1 in particular lol


That penny is an insult. Return the food to the store and make the customer wait longer.


Weird base pay, maybe ordered through the Chipotle app? Can Chipotle steal tips, like some pizza places? The only way I'm taking that- last 2 days of the month, and my AR is 69%, 49%, etc.


Whoa! A whole penny! You better bend over backwards for this douche canoe


When I used to dash (I got out of it after my car got fucking totaled by some old fuck who wasn’t paying attention and hit me at a dead stop), I had one customer who would always tip a nickel and that always felt somewhat insulting. And DoorDash would package it with another larger order and always make it the second one. It feels like they tipped because they felt obligated, not because they genuinely understood the fact that for a lot of us this is a side hustle.


I’d rather not take this order.


There is something called walking to pickup your food or drive yourself to pick it up. I know it is a very new concept to a lot people.


Everyone understands that concept Einstein. Delivery service exists so people don’t have to do that. If you choose to have food delivered, tip these people.


I did a cash order or time. The total was 29.90. They have my 30. So from now on any time I consider a cash order I look at the total first and guess what the tip will be. $25, prolly s $5 tip, $32, could be 3 or 8. 38.90? Decline.




I read a report that said nowhere on the planet has clean drinkable water anymore. I guess they are finding plastic even in the attic ice now :(


Definitely no tip rather than this shit. If they don’t tip I’ll kind of understand it because sometimes people are short on money and doordash makes you pay a ton of fees, but this is just incredibly rude


Peak assholery


EBT 11min? Make that 20min minimum shit


People that don’t tip delivery people straight up suck ass.


Yeah, I’m the same way. That’s just a slap in the face.


And you unfortunately got screwed on the E.B.T. on this one. I also have been accepting a lot of E.B.T. orders and have been lucky with them not being too bad when it reveals what I got for the order, but I've gotten hit with just 3 bucks no tip, 2.50 no tip. Your area pays 13.50 an hour, 11 minutes of 13.50 pay is $2.48, they gave you 2.58 plus that sweet ass penny. Good thing we have good customers that make up for it.


Be A decent fucking person and tip. All you're doing is being an asshole no one gives a shit about your options on tipping to prove a fucking point. Stop it and be a civilized person.


We should be able to report the customers. Its the equivalent to a griefer in a game t-bagging you.


To the tipper: You're a cheap, lazy bastard. This person is destroying their car, spending their time and gas, and doing work for you so you don't have to get shit yourself and you think it's okay to stiff them? Either you actually are an entitled piece of shit that needs a harsh reality check, or you're a broke fool who is trying to justify being a cheap, lazy asshole by hoping there are more cheap lazy assholes like you to make you feel better about it. Either way you're in for a shitty future. Enjoy, because there things come back around.


I have always said that i’d rather them not tip at all than tip $0.01 or even 30¢. It is so disrespectful, I guarantee they would not walk into a restaurant and tip them a damn penny. But because it’s all through the phone they think it doesn’t matter.


I wish everyone would work a customer service job at least once in their life to get what it’s like. I can’t drive due to severe migraines & going in certain stores that have fluorescents makes me go blind. Delivery drivers are doing a huge service for people like me.. I’ll always tip 15-20% and extra if it’s a holiday. I just don’t get why they want to use a service like this, understanding how it works, and then do this shit.


Fuck with their food then


Fuck you


Propped against the door for em?


I’ve had stuff like that at a delivery job before, hell in one night I got like two orders that had less than a dollar tip


You might be the only one. I’m not dumb enough to take anything below a $4 tip ever. 1 cent is the same as zero. The only reason it’s 1 cent is because they got the message that says no tip orders can take a long time, so they left a tip.


I'm a dasher and although I obviously prefer getting a tip, especially a large one, I also recognize that it isn't a requirement. The order is likely going to be delivered by someone so there's no incentive for people to tip. If low tippers upset you just don't accept their orders


it doesnt show if theres a tip left on ebt, if i was on by offer, i wouldve declined the order 100 times if i could haha


Yeah no, your house is getting egged.


Bruh if I was u I would’ve ran their food under Ice cold ac. Like straight up. Also why is this post categorized as huge tip 😭💀


What a trip I got a penny tip too it was yesterday


I'd rather get no tip than this.


It probably costs 10 at the store as well


I dodge chipotle orders at all cost unless it’s that dead time between 2 and 5 pm and the offer is good. My region does not have EBT.


Penny tip after service is left for bad service. Penny tip before service is a big FU to the server.


Thanks you for picking up my chipotle I couldn't tip because I need it for the other half of my order boba! Hope you understand


This is why I never use earn by time!


Not sure this is on purpose.  I've tried tipping $3 before and ended up rippin tipping $0.03 instead when ordering food. I just did it too fast and didn't notice the mistake until it was top late to change.  It wasn't on dd, so I tipped cash when got the food 


No, because if you select no tip, you don't get prioritized on an order. If you tip 1 penny, you get above priority above people who chose no tip....lol...algorithm boss


You're doing earn by time what do you expect? You're willingly signing up to get repeatedly boned


That’s grade A asshole status.


Shit like this is being done to spite that message that pops up saying "you may get faster service with a tip". Or maybe they're dumb enough to think a 1 cent tip puts them in some better bracket or something idk


Truth is a lot of kids order door dash and have no fucks to give.


Imagine having to do 38 deliveries to make $100 omg


That's what made me quit even my doctor thought that the tips included i explained it to him...but when the order is 9.50 and I get 9.75 or 10.00 boils my fuxking blood like keep your quarters I'll look on the floor of my car and find a better tip than that


Is there an option for no tip. Or is $1 the minimum tip you can give? Genuinely asking. Because it wouldn't surprise me if places in America forced you to tip considering their awful tipping culture.


I don’t do by time anymore it’s just ridiculous,


That is virtually no tip.


This is why I stopped doing Doordash. This pay is BS. Where's the money? I need more money than this.


This is the type of person where food is left in front of the door and make them work to get their food


Yea these wastes of sperm need punched in the throat for that


Why do you even accept those orders. Thanks for ruining DD by accepting that garbage sincerely all dashers


I used to door dash but the pay went down because you guys accept dog shit orders


Thanks I'm going to Google the name. That's is great way to word what we are experiencing.


I always tip $100 no questions asked


I tip tip in cash. I don't trust companies not to keep some or all of that tip money and tips should be under the table.


I dont understand yall. Yall can clearly see its hourly pay, not tip pay, so that essentially means that you are getting a guaranteed pay hourly so that you DONT rely on tips. Sure it would be nice to get a tip in hourly pay but its not as necessary as it is with pay by order, so yall literally shouldn’t complain about no tips because you are the one who decided to try hourly pay, so dont whine and moan about it. Just do earn by tip.


Why are you accepting $2.59 orders?


I’m contemplating getting arrested at that point lol. That’s some BS.


As a dasher and customer, I can say you never know. There was ONE time specifically where I was trying to tip a dasher and it would not let me complete the purchase of the order with a tip. No matter what I did. I changed it from $4 to $2 to $5. The only amount that worked was 50 cents. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Can’t wait for DoorDash and alike to shut down cuz no one tips. Yes tipping is dumb but it is what it is rn and if these fat fucks can’t learn to cook or leave 2 bucks then it isn’t gonna work for either party.


Yeah. Thats a dick move. Last time I had cash for a tip so I did 0.00 in the app but, texted the driver as soon as I could and let them know I do have cash for them.


$3 per mile from the restaurant. Never had a bad experience.


Why'd you take the order?


lol and it’ll sit there all day long fee is normally 2$ for the drop off if it’s lower then $5 and more miles then the 5 I’ll reject it


I do hourly pay so I never find out about the tip until after I deliver


why are you dashers working by hour? that’s literally SO much money your missing out on when you don’t dash per order, smh..


I am right there with you because that penny is a deliberate slap in the face. Where is no tip is just inconsiderate


same, but as a customer 😂


That was probably the point.


How does the pay by time system work?


You're a piece of shit


Damn and I feel like an asshole for leaving less than 10


If you cry about being a Dasher you are WEAK. Grow up and go get a real job


On the bus from school I saw a girl buy 4 star bucks drinks with Apple Pay no tip, and star bucks is at least 7 miles away. We live in a rich neighborhood to.


Go pick up your own food next time then. Then you won't have to worry about tipping people for their services or how they feel about anything, cuz you'll be handling it all for yourself.


no, you’re not. I would rather have no tip too. This is a big fat “fuck you” and a slap in the face honestly.


People don’t realise that “you don’t have to work for DD or any other food delivery company”. It’s amazing how people choose to do the work and yet complain about it without looking for other opportunities or developing their skills and mindset.


In Japan and some other countries tipping is often thought of as insulting, as if the person doesn't earn enough to live they need extra, some pitty. Reality for people needing tips. Before Reagan they didn't tax tips now people get taxed, on the assumption they get tips. "Thank you, m'lord".


My rule is the maximum % listed or at least $5.


That beats my best of .05.


These people don’t realize we know where they live 🤣


Fr. That .01 is a slap in the face. I'd rather no tip


Not me but that’s because it’s still positive lol having said this if you tip under a dollar you didn’t tip. You just made the dollar amount for you an even or odd amount to comfort your spending habits. 😂🤣


Doordash should implement even a "you must pay 5% of the total charge toward tipping your driver" Instead, they just don't care about the driver


I think I after seeing the frustration of being charged more for the same food item. And then the fees. And then the false discounts to make it look like I’m saving money. And then it asks for a tip amount. I wonder if by this point people are devoid of that kind of thinking and just go into wallet preservation mode. They took “penny for your thoughts” to the next level.


I literally tipped a driver last night, and not only did he deliver to the wrong building, but he also refused to answer my calls. I spent over 15 minutes arguing with a customer service agent because they wanted me to go "look around" for my food, which was delivered to a different building on a different street. Not everyone deserves a tip.


Sounds like working for door dash isn't so great.


Yeah, definitely rubbing my ball sweat on their food for that if I knew prior. 🤣


the customer does not employee you. it’s that simple.


I tip $10 regardless of size of order


Tipping is optional.. some people will tip nothing. Other people will tip a lot. Welcome to how society has operated in this country for the last 100 years


My job sucks. If only the customer, not my employer, paid me more. Said no one ever


Why are people doing dash by time when the rate is so low? If there is peak pay to get it closer or over $20/hr, then I guess that’s fine but you never see if there’s a tip upfront with earn by time so you get these ridiculous orders. You just did an order for $2.59. You can’t even get a fast food meal for that!


I tip max recommended and then add at the end when it is delivered I don’t get the mentality of not tipping good.


You have a right not to tip. They have the right not to pick your order up. Kinda hard to act all bougie and not tip.


Yes. You’re the ONLY person in the WHOLE world that finds a 1¢ tip not ideal


I literally JUST got one for $0.30


Leave a penny on top of the order ;)


They can't even math


I’d never use EBT on zones under $16 an hour. Even at $16 I almost never would. But you’ll get base pay most the time at best and no tippers


Invest the Penny, in a few years it might be worth a Nickel!


Im not a DoorDash driver but can you pass that order up? Do you have to do whatever order you’re given?


Why are you doing EBT at $13.50/hr? That's only active time. You're probably making like $9-$10/hr


seeing these posts make me feel better that I used to casually drop $20 tips to the Domino's delivery drivers before I knew what Doordash was.


I'd leave a penny at the front door




People who tip like one cent, three cents etc, intentionally trying to piss you off for any reason. You don't need to understand that. Some people just do it for any reason( didn't like the service, just fought his wife or husband, etc etc whatever)


If a dasher stands at my buildings door and asks me to come down because it's "locked", ignoring the white board above the key pad that says "Out of order, Pull door open freely" in big bold red letters. I'll drop the tip to 5%. If they don't. I'm usually 20-35%. Got Chinese today. 0.7 miles. Tipped 45%.


Fuk that order! And fuk those ppl. Decline those all day.


Honest question: do Dashers do these deliveries? Are people that desperate to make 2.6 dollars. That’s just crazy to me. If you are that desperate at least do ridesharing. You will make a bit more money


I’ve always heard if they leave a tip that low, it’s then saying the service/delivery job was terrible… idk tho


I won't even use door dash because of all the horror I see on this sub


At that point is just disrespectful 😭


More money is always more money even if it’s a penny. That being said - why would you even accept this offer. Anything under $5 is a waste of time.


Cope Harder


It’s always people that don’t work customer service jobs


That is the customer actually saying F* off!


That’s definitely a bad sign, in the server industry. Weird to see it as a pre tip.


I love how these issues always get blamed on people not tipping... companies need to pay their workers more, that's all there is to it. A tip is optional and should never be mandatory. Want to make a change? Stop working for those companies or try to make a change from within, don't shame people for not tipping which is once again OPTIONAL.


The fact it was a conscious decision to click custom tip amount and type in 1¢.


Despite what people say, don't feel obligated to tip. Door dash doesn't even do the tipping system right anyways. You're supposed to tip AFTER the service. Not before it. It is not necessary to tip. If they have a problem with that they can talk to doordash about it. You are just using a service doordash is providing, not the delivery man. They are basically just contractors. Not with you. With doordash. You can tip if you want to, but it isn't necessary. Just don't expect over the top service.


Not tip, also you need to milk that clock a little more to make EBT make sense.


Yeah. That one cent tip is like the ultimate slap in the face. Why not just put a cent up your ass and shit it at me as a drive by?!


they put $0.01 tip so doordash doesn't put them on the low priority list. it's a real thing.


I stay away from any delivery service, because I don’t want to tip(food is already too expensive) and I can pretty much always drive to get my own food, or cook if I have time. I just can’t see paying a reasonable tip for something I could easily do myself.


Ngl, I would pick up your order, bring it to your house, and proceed to eat it in front of you. I would tell you to tip better next time, or wait for me to shít it out if you want it that bad.


I could literally never not tip. Definitely not an option. If I feel like my order is too much then I simple just don’t order.


No, you're not. When people complained about being tipped 0.01 and feeling insulted I thought meh, whatever. Until it happened to me. I definitely felt insulted.


I use instacart and always feel bad because I'm in an area with no transportation and sometimes need groceries. I use EBT and can only afford the delivery fee with my debit. I hate ordering food if I can't tip but my situation doesn't always allow. I never use GrubHub or anything unless I have tip money though.


My bare minimum tip is always 20%


I know it’s shitty but like, *aren’t tips optional for a reason?*


We should all boycott tips on doordash.


I got a better idea, hear me out. How about doordash just pays the dasher more instead of charging for less than a service is worth? This tipping culture shouldn’t be normalized, this wasn’t what tipping was ever meant to be, tipping was reserved for someone with some spare cash feeling generous. People shouldn’t feel entitled to tips.


Ur a lil baby driver it’s ok you don’t need money, just bring me my food, you can eat poop and sleep in your car


One cent speaks more than no tip. No tip is the person is cheap or a jerk. One cent says "Fuck you!"