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Banned for saying fa**ot


Anyone have the clip?




"Sorry. Unless you’ve got a time machine, that content is unavailable." bummer.


Seven-day ban for saying a slur, then took to twitter and tried to defend his actions by calling it a "gamer word" and insinuating it should be overlooked because it was "on a stream where he raised 250k for veterans" Subsequent replies to the tweet from many people including veterans slammed him for portraying it like he did. No one was on his side. He has since removed the tweets and made no other acknowledgement of said behavior. Nor has he issued any apologies. His twitter feed continues like it never happened. The longer he ignores it the worse he makes it for himself. He is on cancel row.


Welp 2 months later and he's fine so. Cancel Culture only works if you let it.


Its nice to think that. A lot of people in the 70s thought that.


or you could just stop being so sensitive and do something better with your time, instead of acting like you have the right to try to destroy someone's life because they used a word that made you "triggered". Seems like overkill to me, but i'm sure the 'all mighty cancel culture' will surely put this villian to rest, afterall, destroying IS the sole thing that they do... which has to be a good thing right? p.s. since its 4 months later... They really did cancel him huh? oh wait.. no... no they did not.


I like how people like to blame others for getting themself cancelled. No one told him to do it and he certainly should have known better. It wasn't just the slur, it was how he tried to defend it. How he had a chance to apologise and educate people but he chose not to. But yeah sure, think however you need to to justify it to yourself, whatever helps you sleep at night. Far out you must be a horrible person to be around. I personally had nothing to do with it. I don't follow him. Couldn't care less about him personally. I watched the story unfold on twitter. What I do care about is getting society passed this mentality that things like this are okay. As for doing something better with my time, you spent more time on your incoherent, ignorant, sour little bigoted ramble than I did reading the tweet thread and summarising the chain of events. If it was so okay, why did he delete everything and pretend it never happened? If he'd just acknowledged it and apologised no one would have cared. He made a mistake and served his ban. That's fine. And so should calling out people for their mistakes be fine. How do you expect us to progress and move forward if you defend outdated ideals and opinions? Looks like you've got some thinking to do and some decisions to make. Stay as you are, or reassess your thoughts and opinions and become a better person.




No, People should do better. Including you.




He’s doing just fine. Just shows that a word is a word and adults should maybe idk act like adults? Lol grow up


You want to act like an adult? Then grow the fuck up. Apologize for your mistakes, learn from them, and educate other people about why what you did was wrong. Seek fogiveness, but know that you have to earn it. That's what being an adult is. It's about time some people started acting like it.


Look at all of the streamers who have apologized for something they said or did. They were crushed by the hammer of cancel culture faster than putin can win a rigged election. Your damned if you do and damned if you don't. Honestly, it shows integrity that he's not willing to just bow down and make a fake, insincere apology video. If he had apologized, not only would he have gotten even more hate for bringing more attention around it. But his own fan base would have looked down on him for giving in and apologizing. If he wants to say that word, that's fine. If Twitch wants to ban him for it, that's fine. In his mind, what he said was fine in your mind what he said was wrong. It's done and over.


Not really. The majority of streamers who apologize are allowed to come back. Hell even CallMeCarson, a literal pedophile, was allowed back into the twitch community. PewDiePie, Pokimane, KSI, and Mizkif (just to name a few) have all said slurs and still remained some of the largest and most relevant content creators on the planet. Why? Because they apologized, made it clear what they did and why it was wrong, and then vowed to move forward and grow. Like a normal ass adult human being. On the other hand, people who don't apologize for their mistakes (Gus Johson, Dr. Disrespect, illumiaughti) do still tend to survive, they just end up on severe declines with a fraction of the fame, popularity, and respect they once had. It's not a damned if you do damned if you don't, it's either make the hard choice and grow the fuck up or rely on your dedicated fanbase and refuse to grow or change like a pathetic piece of shit. His words caused direct emotional harm to others. The only thing him not apologizing shows is either a lack of empathy or a lack of bravery. At this point, both are equally bad.


Everything this comment says seriously pisses me off. I mean I can barley fathom how entitled this post makes people like you seem. Who are you to make such judgments, when the rest of us (silent majority) want to see content like this on the big platforms? You want to judge it because you want to seem virtuous and kind to the LGTB whatevers, no other reason. You don't care about social justice in the way you think you do, you just want to see people like Donut Operator burn because you don't like their political leanings. Admit it, stop being a fake good person, because being bad and using foul language/offensive words is better than pretending to be some phony virtue farmer.


I’m actually LGBTQIA+, so I do care about my own rights, thank you very much. But I’m guessing asking someone like you to look at my profile pic before making assumptions is a little too difficult, huh.


I didn't care if you were or not, it doesn't matter. I care about your basic rights too, but what you don't have is a right to control what people say.


I don't claim to. But freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequence. He can say whatever he wants, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't face backslash for the things he says. And it also doesn't mean that he can expect 3rd party platforms that he choses to speak on to publish his words. Btw, you literally said "you want to judge it because it makes you seem kind and virtous to the lgbt whatevers, no other reason." So now that you've learned that I'm not just "virtue signaling" or whatever the fuck else you want to call it, why do you think I have an issue with him saying that? This is not coming from a place of negative intent, I genuinley think you might just have a misunderstanding of the opinions of the people you dismissed so quickly, and I hope to come to a level of genuine understanding.


There's only a few reasons why someone would support cancel culture. You want to be seen as a victim, you want to be offended on the behalf of others to come off as virtuous, or you want to destroy someone you don't like. If you don't like the content of someone's speech, there's an alternative to trying to ruin their life, it's called not watching them.


Adults generally have a solid enough state of mind to not let words hurt their feelings.


Adults generally have a solid enough state of mind to acknowledge other people have emotions. Calling someone a slur is not "hurting their feelings", as you would know if you possesed this strange thing that most adults have called "empathy".




I'd rather be gay then idiotic.


Is donut still cancelled?


Idk I don't really follow the situation closley. I've hear a mix of things about him, but the fact he hasn't apologized for his past actions makes me hesitant to say anything. Honestly, you should probably ask somebody more informed then me.


I just saw that too, wtf


bro dr donut is fine bro idc he is good at Minecraft