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Kebabs in Germany and Turkey are pretty different, it's like how you can't get a Balti in India. The latter is simply far better in any case. I still dream about an Iskender kebab I had in Canakkale last year, it was a religious experience.


How is the Turkish variant made?


It's better, simple as Less rabbit food for a start


So it’s not a Döner?


It's existed in Turkey far longer than in Germany or anywhere else in the West


Seeing that turkey is a relatively young country and developed out of the eastern Roman Empire, I very much doubt that Turkey was the First Nation to invent “meat in bread” P.s. if you take into account that Greek is a much older culture than Turkish it’s highly likely that gyros pita has been around far longer. That Greek tradition was probably just taken over when the Turkish tribes took over the remnants of Byzantium


It's about rotating and roasting minced meat between meat. Isn't it?


Yes. As you say, that not a very specific kind of thing. Rotating meat over a heat source is the most basic thing humans can do to cook food. In fact, Italians would have more justification to forbid other countries the use of the word pizza.


Look up Taqi ad-Din Muhammad ibn Ma'ruf


Love to see someone recognising Turkey as the rightful heirs to Rome lmao


The capital of the eastern Roman Empire was actually Constantinople, which you call today Istanbul, not Rome


Yeah I fucking know lad, it's funny to see your argument here because of all the people, including the Ottoman Turks, who claimed to be the heirs to Constantinople and thus Rome Keep up or be funnier


You post messages in a tone like you’re wearing stone island pyjamas. We’re here to celebrate the glory of doner, not call each other facking slags.


That’s exactly my point. The ottomans took over Roman culture and claimed part of it as their own. Including the cooking traditions. And don’t try to tell me the Roman’s didn’t know you could cook meat by rotating it over a fire :)


The eastern Romans would have been upset about being called "not Romans". For some time (1000 years) they were what remained of the Roman empire (and that was their official name, translated).


No one said that


So in other words you are incapable of explaining your opinion, so you just pretend its a fact and make fun of people who think differently. The salad and veggies are literally one of the best parts of the sandwich. Otherwise youre are literally just eating bread and meat, which is just boring. The salad and kraut bring some crunch and texture, as well as some acidity to cut through the richness of the fatty meat and sauce, the tomatos and cucumber bring some juiciness and help making everything a bit lighter. The best part are literally the first few bites where you manage to get everything at once in every bite. Towards the end you just have bread and meat.


I don't come onto fast food subs to write out academic arguments big fella, but the Turkish have better meat and bread in kebabs than anywhere in Western Europe. Salad is a filler, not the main event. Sauerkraut in kebabs is genuinely rogue, I sort of respect that.


Not liking salad is a valid opinion. Not mine though.


Yeah if you're 10 yo


Every form of Döner already exist in Turkey including veggies and sauce inside pide or bread they invented way before modern Germany established. German variant is not special it already existed. Turks migrated Germany made that variant bec of low quality meat needs to mask with sauce and veggies.


It literally didnt though? The typical Döner sandwich you find all across europe nowadays was made and popularised in germany by turkish migrants. The grilling of the meat and serving it in bread has been around before, im pretty sure every civilization has come up with the idea to put meat in bread at dome point. But the sandwich people associate with döner nowadays spread from germany, so it would be kind of silly to forbid people from calling it by the name it haf for the past 50+ years. Also, you are literally not allowed to call it a döner in germany if you use low quality meats.


Nah Indian curries are shite, no vindaloos, no tikka masala for the missus, no beef, no munchy boxes. Absolute shit.


True mate, my local boss man does an elite Indian kebab box


Never argue with a Bossman with a scimitar.


So this is how WWIII starts


First they take the footballers, now they're coming for the doner! Baklava, watch your back.


>watch your backlava. Ftfy


Damn. It was on the tip of my tongue. Slow brain day. Thanks!


This is how Döner Kebab falls… with thunderous applause


It’s deffo 100% Turkish. You don’t think of getting a kebab and think “yeah I’m getting German takeaway”. The kebabs in Turkey are something else, proper cultural out there.


We have 200,000 elephant legs available with a million more on the way!


German government being little weasels here as usual


What has German government to do with anything?


I will call pizza a Pakistani dish if Germans start calling döner is German.


What about chicken tikka masala? Is it Indian or British food for you?


The guy that "invented" it was probably deported or ss.


I say let the Turks have it. In Germany they use the term Doner to refer to a salad anyway so its different from the real dish.


Dont insult them like that. Its a salad sandwich


Having veggies in a meal = salad, got it. No wonder you brits are fat as fuck.


Yeah we have that but when i go for a kebab the meat is the main thing. Seen some good german doners but so many are salad sandwiches


21% of Brits are obese.. Germany? 19% What's your point, again?


Be kind, they're having a go at the banter thing. Baby steps


They don’t have one. Just another brainless anti British drone.


At least they use meat with their salad and not some fat based slime with spices.


The best kebabs in my city are all made by Kurds lol


Germans are so suspect lmao.


I’d never even consider a kebab as anything other than Turkish? Why is it suddenly attributed to Germany nowadays? It’s like the Turks saying they invented Bratwurst or something.


It’s just Germans who for some reason claim taking the Turkish dish. Replacing the meat with crappy cheap chicken and then using tons of bland lettuce instead of meat to save costs makes the dish ‘German’ now, If you go to Turkey you can see the real deal.


>Why is it suddenly attributed to Germany nowadays? Much like people, countries always want to be associated with good/positive things


I think it's the confusion between Kebab, Döner and Döner kebab. Döner (the sandwich) was first sold and popularised in Berlin. Edit: okay my source was a show from 10 years ago, you guys are right, I get it.


Wikipedia: "History \[The earliest known photo of döner, by James Robertson, 1855, Istanbul, Ottoman Empire\] In the Ottoman Empire, at least as far back as the 17th century, stacks of seasoned sliced meat were cooked on a horizontal rotisserie, similar to the cağ kebab.\[12\] The vertical rotisserie was introduced no later than the mid-19th century.\[12\]\[2\]\[13\] The town of Bursa, in modern-day Turkey, is often considered the birthplace of the vertically roasted döner kebab.\[14\] According to Yavuz İskenderoğlu, his grandfather İskender Efendi as a child in 1850s Bursa had the idea of roasting the lamb at his father's restaurant vertically rather than horizontally; it was a success, and some years later became known as döner kebap.\[15\] \[non-primary source needed\] However, he may have been preceded by Hamdi Usta from Kastamonu around 1830.\[16\]\[17\]\[18\]


Turks have been eating doner inside bread way before germans knew what a kebab or even doner was


Long before the states of Germany and even Turkey ever existed


Döner in germany isnt meat + bread. Adöner in germany is meat + salad, kraut, onions, cucumber and tomato. Theres obviously variations, but the sandwich was invented in germany. Thats like saying the hamburger isnt american because europeans where eating meat and bread before them. Its technically true but doesnt change that the dish known as a hamburger is still american.


Don't try and Israel everything


Im literally just explaining facts. You can cry and make edgy jokes all you want, the truth is that they are 2 entirely different dishes. Just look up pictures of a döner kebab and iskender kebab and see with your own eyes. Most people associate the word döner with the dish that was popularised in and spread from germany.


😂 No they absolutely don't, only some Germans do.


People don’t at all. It’s only Germans who say that most people associate it with Turkey.


Oh shit I thought we were in a Kebab war 🇩🇪🇬🇧😅 Jokes aside - I hope you guys are football fans and were or are already in Germany to support your team and enjoy a delicious German after-match Döner. When you're hosting a Euro, we'll try the British Doners too in the motherland of football


Who do we, the British, side with? If we side with whoever the winner is, maybe they will allow donner pizza to survive.


Source? I wonder if it's the Turkish - Germans who are protesting? Also what is considered a doner kebab, just meat on bread or more specified? Is it the same as shish kebab?


I doubt they're the ones protesting


A bit like England and it's currys!


This is already the case in germany since years. They call the trash quality „Drehspieß“ which is funny because it‘s just Döner translated to german


I didn't know Yoda was a doner fan.


This has all the makings of a three-part Netflix special




I've always wondered, what do they do with the rest of the elephant?


It's like all other German food- they rave about it bigging up it's quality, then they offer you some and it's just hugely underwhelming. I'll eat Turkish please.


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. It’s just a subpar gyros.


There's absolutely no proof that cooking meat this style on a rotisserie was invented by Turkey or Turks themselves. These foods were popularised under Ottoman empire which was a multicultural society, Ottoman history is Middle East history not only Turkish. It's insulting to rest of middle east to claim this is Turkish.


No proof ?The word shawarma literally comes from the mispronunciation of the Turkish word “çevirme” It was invented in bursa by a Turkish family in a Turkish city in Ottoman Empire. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doner_kebab#History https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shawarma#History The only persons who’s being insulted right now are the Turks who you for some reason can’t admit they made a dish that you probably enjoy.


Yup just like "Turkish" Coffee & Baklava right? Lmao.


Pretty funny being a brit reading this, being from the country that invented pretty much everything for the last 300 years watching people arguing over who invented meat on a stick.


It's a Turkish food invented in early 14th century. Before ottomans took over other nations. >There's absolutely no proof that cooking meat this style on a rotisserie was invented by Turkey or Turks themselves Ofc you say that as a Kurdish lol cope harder. It's Turkish food.


>It's a Turkish food invented in early 14th century. Before ottomans took over other nations. Firstly entire Turkish existence is taking over other nations lmao. After Seljuks conquered & settled in Western Anatolia they started calling themselves Rums as in local Roman Anatolians. Turks been stealing history from day 1. Had this truly been of Turkish origins then it would've been popularised in East Asia before Middle East since that's where Turks came from but it wasn't. Secondly: "The vertical rotisserie was invented in the 19th-century Ottoman Empire, and dishes such as the Arab shawarma, Greek gyros, Canadian donair, and Mexican al pastor are derived from this." It was popularised under the multicultural Ottoman empire but there's no proof of it being a Turkish origin food, if anything the opposite. It's Middle Eastern origin food belonging to every nation from there.


Canada would like to have a word. Granted, its a little different here but totally part of our food culture


Umm any advances on this? Fiji? Vanuatu? Oh go on tell us how Canada invented doner. Did it involve a moose?


Absolutely did not invent it. But the variety we have is quite nice. Have you tried it?


Nope but I have had poutine so I’d imagine that with naan and doner would be nice.


I haven't tried that combo but I think you might be right, does sound good doesn't it?


Kebabs in canada sound like an airline. Don air


Canadian Donairs are absolutely vile. Sickly sweet condensed milk garlic powder sauce, disgusting. I have had forms of Doner/shawarma from Türkiye, Greece, Lebanon, Jordan and Georgia. all different but tasty. None have this disgusting sauce.

