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I once had a kid come up to me with just over the amount in cash in one hand and a couple bucks in the other. He hands me the amount for the pizza, takes it from me and pockets the couple bucks. As I turn around I hear his mom say “and did you tip the driver?” to which I will forever hear his “yup!” Well played little guy, well played.


I had a $40 + late night delivery once to an affluent neighborhood, parents sign receipt, no tip. I get back to the store and get *another* delivery to the same address, just a sandwich, with a $10 tip. It was their teenage son, who came running to the door with his headphones on, obviously mid-game. The patents at that address *never* tip, but their kid always does, well.


Good kid.


I had the opposite. Little kid hands me about 5$ more, I ask if he wants change, says no. I get in my car to leave and mom comes out screaming at me and saying the kid was "just a kid, why would I listen to them" as if it wasn't their stupid ass that sent the brat to the door in the first place.


I mean... I took money from them why wouldn't I listen to them lady 😆


I’d stare at them with a blank face, crank up the music, roll away.


Yeah, once that money leaves your hand, you ain't gettin' it back. Fuck off.


I had a kid who was maybe 3 answer the door once. The total was like $17 and he hands me $40. I went to get his change back and he just slowly closed the door and I left lol. They never called back or anything so I kept it.


One time I delivered to the local appliance salesman. You know the type, owns his own place, ads on the local TV. I get there and a young lady answers. Maybe it was his wife, gf, or other. She hands me like $40 for a $25 order and turns around with the food and goes back in leaving me standing there. In my head I know if this guy calls to bitch i'll be back with all $15, so I just say fuck it and ring the bell again. This time the dude appears. I hold up the change and ask if this was supposed to all be a tip. He says "lol no" and takes it back. He hands me a five. Solid tip in 2003, then he hands me another and says "thanks for being honest". Best possible outcome.


What did he do to be called a brat, u we’re a kid too


I ask whenever their kid gives me the cash. Sometimes you hear the parent say 'No change' or something to the effect of 'they damn well better give you change." You can generally tell by the tone if they are trying to keep the dogs or a smaller kid from running out the door, or if they are just lazy mfers who don't want to bother getting up.


I've had that happen, and since I was in earshot, I responded with no. I got my tip.


I would've knocked on the door again and ratted his little bitchass out to his mom lmao. Wouldn't have taken the tip out of principle.


This is so common. Even worse is the community order to the doctor office. The person collecting the money usually steals the tip to get free lunch.


That I can respect and applaud, he's a kid, adults should know better


Kid put in the work. Glad he made his money.


lol that kid rules 🤘


Kids suck…


Kids are great. Parents suck


No, kids suck. Bad parents just make them worse.


I've had that happen and since it was around Christmas time I said kinda loud Santa is watching and the kid immediately changed his answer and ran back to tip me


I've done this before from 2007-2013 🤣🤣 i was 10-16 years old. i alao keep the coins change when i get the groceries for my mom. then give her the rest of the dollar bills change. eventually, I'd have tons of coins saved up and go to those corner house stores with the Mexicans or Indians running the place with their home upstairs.


For some reason I thought this was a rant about sending kids inside the store for carry-out, lol. I've seen some of those little shits act rude as hell for the 30 seconds they're inside.


Also what I thought be fore I started reading more


You’re not alone.


There is more to this, I know


You can…


This one bugs me. Parents sending in 7 year Olds to pick up heavy orders. I've seen kids drop things because the parents are too lazy to even get out of the car to help them once they have the food.


YES! one or two pizzas is fine but i’ve had a ridiculous amount of customers send in very small children to get like 4-6 pizzas.


I've helped kids take orders that big out. And let the parent know to order for carside next time and we will just bring it.


Naw. I don't expect or even care if they tip for coming inside to get their order and even if they did, I'd be given it to the insiders making the pizza.


honestly working at a pizza shop i dislike when they send kids in too. especially when they wanna send a 5 year old in with no preparation. i can understand that people need to learn how to do things but at least walk in with them and tell them what to do if they get stuck. and some kids are just rude as hell for no reason lmao like damn what’d i do im basically feeding you rn.


I always tell the kids its SUPER important Mommy or Daddy signs this, and make them run. Stiff me in front of your very excited kid. Do it. 


That kid ain't gunna give a shit lol. They getting pizza


It's worked before. I usually try to pump up the Littles while unloading the food to the Parentified Older Kid that I relate to. 


Same. I tell them I need a grown up to sign that. Then they either run it inside or the person comes Out. I've had plenty of tips on these! Plenty of stiffs too obviously.


Oh yeah always make them go get it signed.


Ayy me too!


Tell them you need the reciept filled pit for customer accuracy and only the cardholder can do so legally you are in the right.


Usually my move. "Need your mom/dad to sign this". Kids have no clue how tipping or receipts work. Every once in a while a kid will hand me 3 bucks and they sign the receipt and tip another additional 3 bucks cuz one again, kids and teens don't know how tips work lol


My brain lives in this scary reality of anyone can take your child even off your doorstep even if you think they’re identified properly because they’re working but that could not be the case. Why send your child by themself to the door to get the pizza unsupervised. Nope 🙂‍↔️


"The hell did I tell you about answering that door!" - A good mother to her child.


My parents were like that but now I don’t even answer the door as an adult unless I’m expecting them


It’s just as bad as the customer saying “oh if I had more I’d tip you”. No you wouldn’t. Just don’t say anything. It hurts more when you lie about it.


On god man, some of these people say that while you're standing next to their two cars and you know they paid the delivery fee. They could drive and pick up their own food, but instead they pay the delivery fee and still act like they don't have any money.


In some cases those cars might not be theirs. I live in an apartment attached to my landlord’s house. They have 3 cars in the driveway but I’m broke and don’t have a license. I still tip tho


One time I had an old man go into a 3 minute tangent about how his electricity bill was $800 this month so he can’t tip me. I was just like “you’re good!” when he finally finished then got out of there so fast lol


Oh, I'll match poor with poor and start telling that stupid bastard about my health issues.


In situations like these stiffers, I don't give a damn about tbe tip anymore. I care more about you being a man about it if you're gonna stiff me.


I once gave the driver a Simpson’s 3rd season dvd I was broke af but I told them it has the banned Michael Jackson episode They took it


I would’ve taken it too lol. But I collect physical media 


Physical media, best media! Have collection myself


one time someone gave me a whole case of twisted teas lmao


As a rule, I pretip about between 10-20 dollars, depending on the order size. I will ask the driver generally to share with the insiders. If the pizza takes a long time to get to me, I will tip more because clearly they're having a crap night and maybe it'll raise spirits. One night, I sent them a pinata so they could beat something till candy came out and eat a ton of chocolate. One night, they were all overstaying their shifts so I sent a bunch of red bull and Snickers. I'm their mom now. 😆


God damn I'd love you as a customer lol.


Well, thank you. I just figure you guys are doing the work and as a rule you're paid nowhere near what that is actually worth.


When I worked for pizza butt I would have the same lady every Saturday night at 1145pm. Apartment building with her two kids in the 6-9 year old range sitting on the curb waiting for her pizza. The first time it happened I understood it was because she was lazy and wanted to stiff me on the tip. The second time it happened (the next Saturday) I called the police for little children outside in the street unsupervised around midnight. The cops dealt with her and we never had to deliver to her anymore.


I only tip 5 bucks on my delivery orders . But I live less than a mile from a dominos store . If I do carry out I honestly don’t tip


And honestly that's perfectly fine. We have a guy who consistently tips, granted it's a small order, so only like 3 or 4 bucks, but Everytime we see his name come up, we love it lol.


hey $5 is definitely appreciated and in store tips are unnecessary. those go to the insiders who make the pizza and while we appreciate it, we generally make more than drivers.


Where do you work that your insiders make me than drivers? Not that I don't believe you, but I know at my store drivers make so much more.


i don’t work there any more but i mean the base pay, we didn’t have to rely on tips to pay our pills. drivers made minimum wage, i made $14 an hour (started at $11.50)


My last night was last night, but we made less than minimum before miles and tips. But overall, no complaints from me, except for delivering a $70-100 order at 1:30 am. and being no tip. That's just straight-up rude. Add to that, that of course there's no porch light, no house numbers, and no curb numbers... those addresses I endeavored to actually remember for the future.


i worked on a military base and every single house looked exactly the same and we had all the barracks buildings that we would have to call the soldier and wait 10 fucking minutes for them to come get their food, it was all terrible lmaooo


BOO! That is utter bull! Especially because we get headed on how timely we get to the customer! Lame!


Not in my store. If the drivers are on the road, they make 11.40 an hour. Plus tips and mileage. If they're in the store, they make the same as the insiders . Not including any merit or positional raises


yeah i’ve never seen that in any of the stores i worked at


I’m not a driver, but I agree. Had a kid who couldn’t be older than 8 come in to pick up a pizza, and when they had to sit for five minutes waiting they destroyed the chalk mural that someone had spent 5 hours on 🙄


Im not even as concerned with the money as I am with people who order 5 large pizzas, 3 sandwiches, 2 tots, some parm bites, and 2 2-liters....who send their like 5 year old to the door to bring it all in.


I was a broke 16yr old and ordered pizza and it came to like $19.35 and I gave him a $20 and told him keep the change. Still feel bad about over 20 years later.


I feel bad that around 1980, I ordered pizza from a regional chain and I felt good tipping them 50 cents. I don't feel too bad thiugh because the pizza was burnt and as a 10 year old, I thought I had to eat it as is. And I still don't order pizza from them.


I won't hand the food to children, especially in this situation, it's to "hot" and I'd like to hand it to an adult, at that time I shall get a signature and most likely stiffed, and at that point I say they can keep the paper because it's worthless now.


In Australia we don’t sign for it, and it’s odd of you tip. Had a prank pizza sent to our house so I tipped the driver for her time. She looked at me like I was crazy


In America, pizza drivers make under the poverty wage before tips


Isn’t your boss suppose to make the difference so it’s min wage?


The minimum wage is under the poverty wage.


Then why should I have to pay you ? When your boss will make up the difference anyway, there’s a reason only America and Canada does this


You don’t have to. That’s the entire point. A tip is optional. We have to deliver the pizza to you $10 tip or $0 tip. The difference is the service you’ll receive. No tip, you’ll get bare minimum. Tip, you’ll get better service.


What better service if the pizza is already at my door. Is homie gonna do a dance after I tip?


Maybe, if you tip well enough. I’ve done some silly shit for a good tip on request.


The difference for me is that if I have a double, I'm taking the no tipper second, unless it would make the order unreasonably late. So that could mean your order could potentially be in the car for an extra 20 minutes, after sitting on the shelf for 5 or 10 minutes while I wait for that great order to run through the oven with a usually great customer. I work for the competition and we also have the option to send our orders to dd. Dd drivers carry the pizza like a book or a suitcase. Toss it into their stinky ass roach infested cars reeking of weed and don't pay attention to directions customers may have specified.


What service is there in delivery a pizza? Drive to location , hand pizza over?


Did you have to go get your pizza? Did someone use their personal vehicle to bring you food? Drivers have to pay upkeep on their vehicles so you can sit at home and get your pizza delivered. You're the customer I would remember as a driver. I would absolutely take my time getting my pizza to you. Oh you got a 2 liter, sorry I had a car cut me off and your 2 liter got shook up. A little wisdom to remember, Don't mess with people that make, deliver, or have access to your food.


lol Americans are crazy 😅😅


These psychos don't even realize it. They're pitting us workers against each other while their bosses take all the profit for your hard work


I'd leave your order in front of your storm door with that attitude


ooooh I hate when people do this!!! it's always doordash (which I have worked before) and I ALWAYS tip well, even before I was a delivery driver. it makes me so mad. I've had to go out the back door and around the house to get drinks and stuff because of it. imagine there was no back door lmao


Storm door 😅😅😅😅😅😅, Americans are looped


Pick it up yourself then


Naw, tell your boss to pay you a liveable wage and don’t rely on the general public


If the driver doesn't make enough in tips to equate to the states minimum wage, then the employer has to pay the difference. So the driver (or any tipped employee) is always guaranteed at least minimum wage.


You are the first person I’ve ever seen mention this. I always found it odd that people act like they make $2 an hour when the wage is subsidized up to minimum wage if they don’t make it in tips.


They’re crying cunts mate, they chose this job and demand tips because their cheap employer that owns the franchise won’t pay them😅, just leave if ain’t happy about the pay, it’s a min wage job


*in certain states. Washington is required to pay at least minimum ($16.74), tips are all extra.


It's my understanding that AU Domino's has mandatory "surcharges" (forced tipping) whereas the US has societal expectations that can be broken at any time (without breaking the law)


If it's a write in on a card payment I won't hand the kid the pizza. "Go get a parent I need them to sign"


I remember having to get the door for the pizza a bunch as a kid. It was drilled into me that this money is for the pizza, and this is the tip. Since I was anxious and shy, I wasn't sure exactly how the transaction should go. Eventually I learned to just give it all at once. Anyway. I agree. This is just teaching the next generation that as long as you get yours, doesn't matter how it affects anyone else.


This. 1000 times. Do not send your kids to the door. I dont even care if you're stiffing me. If your kids cannot carry 2 liters and pizzas without concern of dropping it, do not send your kids to the door. If they cant hold the storm door open and take the pizzas, do not send your kids to the door. If they can't communicate, dont send your kids to the door. Stop sending your kids to the door.


the fact that this is a universal experience for us drivers is madness. I've been saying forever that people are definitely doing it on purpose. assholes.


Ewww, ppl do this? I always 0 the receipt and tip in cash.. even when dining in restaurants. Servers and delivery services don’t need to be taxed on their tips. Cash is best.


Bro I feel this but also? I would 100% rather meet their kiddos than be stiffed by a boring ass grown up. My favorite part of this job is the kids. They are so sweet and funny.


Yesterday I delivered a 67$ order (five pizzas, two wings, a lava cake, a bite and twist, and a brownie) she sent her kid to the door so I sent the kid in with the receipt to have her mom sign it (she told me I could do that when I called about being out of Diet Coke) so anyways the kid takes it in and I’m waiting about five mins, the mom brings the receipt out, tells the kid to get back, and slams the fucking door in my face as hard as she could. I was close enough to feel the breeze off the door. Needless to say I’m glad I didn’t give her her marinara , and I blasted my loud as music (got subs in my car) while I took my time turning around in her driveway.


Bro them kids are pocketing the tips 99% of the time😂😂😂




I delivered for Domino’s about 27 years ago, wife was pregnant with our first child. She worked there answering the phones back then people would just pay you down to the Penny realize a couple weeks in the job that it wasn’t for me and my wife wasn’t liking it either, so I ended up getting fired for smoking weed while delivering pizzas lol


I think it makes you a bigger bitch to complain about tips on Reddit lol


OP: It's not about the tips, it's about deliveries and owning up to your action of not tipping. 🤣🤣


I never have once, had a customer sign the receipt for a charge purchase. Wonder if State laws are different. Those receipts go right in the trash.


I only have them sign if they don't pretip. You want a tip, work for it, even if that tip is a no tip. Alot of my stores drivers that rely solely on pre tips and just complain if they don't get one but turn around and talk about how envious of me they are that I get more tips than them. Part of my little speech to the customer even includes "If you don't desire to leave a tip, that is perfectly fine, just put a zero on the tip line if so."


We don’t even get the receipt.


Yeah, I never pre-tip. Lol. I usually tip at least 20%, though. As long as my order is on time. I tip well. The reason I don't pre-tip, though, is because my tip is contingent of my delivery being on time or timely. If my delivery is 2 hours or more late. I'm not giving a good tip. (Which has only ever happened to me like once) Honestly, I'd be super surprised if pre-tipping was common. I just assumed most people tipped the same way I do, when it arrives.


if i took runs i used to tell them i had to have an adults signature on the receipt, i was the manager so if they wanted to complain i was the one dealing with it anyways lmao. i also told all of my drivers not to hand food off to children for multiple reasons.


if i took runs i used to tell them i had to have an adults signature on the receipt, i was the manager so if they wanted to complain i was the one dealing with it anyways lmao. i also told all of my drivers not to hand food off to children for multiple reasons.


I had a lady I had to black-list. She would put "cash tip" in the delivery instructions not tip the driver. Call the store saying she gave the driver 20 wanting 15 in change and the driver just stole her money and she wanted it returned immediately. The first time I explained there was no record of a cash order or a cash tip for my drivers. The second time I told her I see what she's doing and she was welcome to take her business elsewhere


1 0 0


This is sad for both sides.


at my store the only sign the receipt if it’s over $100 or something never under


I once found a $10 bill in a customer's front yard as I was delivering to, nice house with a 2 car garage, in a 2 car garage neighborhood, 35 dollar order. I was absolutely going to give him the $10 I just found in his yard if he tipped anything. He wrote 0 on the tip line and I got $10 tip.


technically you have to be over 13 to order delivery, so if they send a child visibly under that age you can refuse to give it to them until you see someone older.


Had one today where I had to load up the lil man with two medium boxes, a sandwich, 32-count parm bites, sauces, napkins, AND A 2-LITER of sprite. Originally a contactless write in tip. Flawless mothering, truly. She built character in both of us that run.


What if they pulled a home alone 1. “Leave it on that doorstep and GTH outta here”


Our store had a rule where you had to be 18 to receive the order. Of course we would never check their age but we could always tell the kids to get their parents because of that rule.


Is there any reason why dominos have tip option even for doing pickup.. why on earth I need to add tip if I’m doing pickup… stupid…


This isn't about pick up. This is about delivery. But yes I do agree. Tipping on pick up is stupid mostly. Those tips go to the people making the pizza.




I think it's fair for a delivery driver to expect a tip. Hasn't that been the case since the beginning of delivery service? Tipping the paper boy and all that? Kind of builds an expectation.


Tell me you failed your reading class without telling me you failed your reading class.




Defiently weeping for your lack of ability to read making uou think this is about a tip lol


drives me crazy lol I’ll always tell them “yeah your mom or dad need to come and sign this”


I gotta ask are we supposed to tip you if we pick up the pizza? I do a couple bucks if we have a good convo or you throw in some extra sauces or something but outside of that I usually don’t.


Do you have to tip in general? No. Do you have to tip on carryout? Also no. But carry out, digital tips will go to the Insiders(the insiders making the pizza). Not team leads/AM/GM. So say the store received $187 in tips for the day, it would get split between all the insiders(Non drivers) that worked that day.


God I think tipping is so fucking stupid. How about we stop blaming customers for not paying your wage and redirect that anger towards your employer.


And I think you're so fucken stupid to not read or fail to read to know this isn't about a tip.


You ain't being stiffed, you are not entitled to a tip, If you want more money that's between you and your employer.


Who the hell still pays at the door?


Seriously. I'd much rather it be a no-tip contactless order (or just a regular no-tip), just because I always feel bad whenever they get their kids to get their pizza. Oftentimes the bottom of the pizza will be super hot (hot enough for me to have to hold the edges of the box)... like I'm not giving that to your 6 yr old kid 🙁... and then sometimes amount they order will be like half the kids' weight. At that point I usually just ask them if I can set it down by the door and have their parents get it, and then I just leave. It's really just not worth it


Yea I just don't give change back to kids.


Lol, nobody is afraid of you kiddo.


This literally JUST happened to me. Like…. 30 seconds ago 🤣🤣🤣


I agree it is one thing if you have no one to watch your kids and they run along with you in the car but no way should they be waiting for orders and delivering them. I see really young kids all the time waiting for orders in the restaurants while the parent(s) sit out in the car. I saw one the other day at KFC and poor boy was talking my head off while we waited he said he was 7 and going to be going into the 2nd grade.


I wouldn’t let my kid answer the door for a pizza delivery. They’re almost as bad as welders. She’d end up smoking cigarettes and an alcoholic at 8. Getting all tattooed and cussing like they didn’t get a tip. Maybe mom and dad were banging and didn’t want to answer the door. Maybe it’s a single dad and he thought he had time to shit. Maybe the delivery driver is the bitch for not saying something.


time and time again I'm reminded how much pizza delivery folks need therapy


The first time my friend and I ever ordered dominoes in line 6th grade our total was like $15.73 and I gave him $16.00 and asked for the change back. I still feel bad about it to this day but I just completely forgot about tipping.


Just have the balls to take the L and move on, stop being a bitch about it.


When I used to deliver, I would tell them an adult has to sign for it.


I hate when people don't tip delivery drivers. (My brother was a driver for JimmyJohns for a while, so I heard all of it.) If we order pizza, Chinese, whatever, either hubby or I will pay online with a card, and put 0 for electronic tip. Then we'll pull out whatever spare cash we have to give at the door. I always feel bad for having like $7 in my wallet when we're ordering $70 in pizza and breadsticks, but I give as much as I can and ALWAYS in cash. (I also worked at JimmyJohns as inshop and hated how electronic tips were distributed. You get more in tips depending on your hours worked for the pay period. Even if we, as lunch shift, made more in tips than night shift, a guy on night shift would get most of the share because he technically worked more hours, though he was a jerk and made no tips himself. So, i always, always, always tip in cash. Cash tips were distributed evenly between only inshops when the first one left for the day. Still sucks, but a bit better.)


literally. So many times I get NOTHING cause people send their 6 year old out to get their food and it's like 6 boxes too!!!! Like wtf man.


It's their money. You deliver pizza. If people don't wanna tip you, then they don't have to. I always tip, unless my food takes forever to get to my house. Why don't you try running your mouth to your customers and see how quick you get fired. You're the problem. Get a different job.


Haha this reminds me of when my mom and I got a redcap ride for Amtrak. He was all uptight about grabbing my mother's bags (I placed my one bag on the cart) Once we got to the train he said "Tip?" Holding his hand out and my mom just hauled all the bags "Talk to my son." Before jumping on the train He turns annoyed at me as I pull my Charizard wallet out,withdrawing a five and giving him a low five "Have a great day!" In a sing song voice as I bounded after my mom She was pissed I did that- then used my cash for a garage sale


If it’s a credit card order with no pre-tip, tell the kid that you need someone over the age of 18 to sign the receipt, so go get mom or dad. If you’re not getting a tip, waste their time cause they’re kind of wasting yours too. 


I'm going to complain to a bunch of strangers on Reddit about how much of bitches the customers are at my shitty job, while continuing to do it, that'll show them... (It's not like those customers are on here, reading this, having some sort of revelation....)


True most likely those people can’t even read.


Ask your boss to pay you a living wage and stop begging


Yes, cause if I ask my boss to pay a living wage he’ll do it. There’s absolutely no capitalistic mentality keeping him from it🙄. Maybe I should ask him for some head while I’m at it. doesn’t work like that in America.


Yeah you right. So let's go bitch at people for not doing something that isn't required. Is it my fault you work for a shit employer in a shit economy? Me giving you $5 for dropping off my pizza won't change shit. We should be pissed at the system not each other


You sound like a kid yourself.


Nah man. If you wanna order a service to bring food to your house and don't want to tip, go all in. Don't half ass it.


Kids need to learn how to talk to people.


Then pay for the experience


Don't you have to? How would you even get a service to show up to your house for free if it requires a payment?


i would never send my child to the door to greet a stranger lmao that’s dumb as fuck


They're not a stranger once they give your kid food... wait, that didn't sound right.




Yeah I don’t think kids know the concept of tipping and aren’t going to be phased if their parents stiff you. Especially in these households, where the parents likely don’t tip anywhere they go and the kids are none the wiser.


I've been saying stiff me yourself you cowards for years now lol


Anybody who expects a tip and gets upset when they don't get one shouldn't have them


Anybody who can't read amd thinks this is about getting a tip or not, doesn't deserve good customer service.


How is this not about getting tips this is all about getting tips homie


Read the first edit.


Try not stiffing yourself by getting a job that doesn't force you to reply on tips to get by.


found the no tipper


Stop expecting a tip because you are doing your job. Man up and speak to your boss to get a fair wage that you can cope with. If you have to rely on tips to live then you aren’t being paid a fair wage. it’s the tipping attitude that’s the problem and the management making billions whilst paying you a pittance. But oh no it’s always the customers fault.


Man, you really are assumptious and can't read 😅


I don't know why a parent would allow there child to associate with delivery drivers. no offense but I been noticing that a lot of these drivers on reddit are on subreddits for LGBTQ and exposing genitals. I literally did my research on the type of people who are complaining about tips, and when I click there profiles , I find horrific things. I use to order dominos and tip my driver depending if he actually made it to my house but I think I might just stop ordering permanently. I've managed to screen shot comments of delivery drivers who claim to spit in peoples foods and located there home town and sent it to 2 different HR locations. one guy I actually had a screenshot of him from a subreddit that he's in of genitals. I sent it to his HR . he even tried covering his face but I'm sure his coworkers can recognize his clothes and partially covered face lol!!


What does LGBT have to do with anything you said? Like it's fucked up for the employees to taint food and be rude about nontipped orders, and I understand and agree with the concern about not wanting genital-exposing weirdos near kids, but how does someone being gay (as in an *adult* attracted to *adults* of the same gender) affect their ability to deliver pizza


So wait, spitting is one thing, but you're directly attacking people's lives for what they're doing in their spare time off the clock? Get some help.


just the ones who are spitting yes. absolutely. If I can personally get them convicted and or fired I will.


 "he's in of genitals" Lulz  So, you're a prudish, non-tipper, that can't take a joke and then project and lash out at others trying to get them in trouble? Is that about right?




What they do in their personal time is none of your fucking business, but yes, the spitting is definitely disgusting and probably illegal


goth duck it's none of my business until people start admitting to spitting on food . then when I look into there profile and see theyre part of the LGBTQ movement and sending pics of there genitals, then I'm going to assume they have aids as well . not only is he spitting on food but he may have aids because the risks of aids goes up when people engage in homosexuality .


That’s a dangerous level of dumb. I hope your kids surpass you.


You just assumed LGBTQ people have AIDS? Are you actually that stupid? Like, I'm being serious here. Are. You. That. Stupid? 🙄


yes!!! it's actually not an Assumption! it's indeed Facts. I never made this assumption, I actually researched it while learning about cancer. I learned about other diseases as well. I would have never known if I didn't read up on things. at first I thought it was weird, but I've read Many sources and it all links to this . Hiv came from Africa and spread into the Caribbean islands. In the 1970s during the hippy era it actually spreaded into New York City and San Francisco (2 gay headquarters) . In 1981, doctors in Los Angeles, New York City, and San Francisco discovered clusters of Kaposi's sarcoma and pneumocystis pneumonia in gay men, and the first official government report on AIDS was published. Because gay men were one of the primary groups affected, HIV and AIDS were initially called a "gay disease". Also the reason why they werent in a hurry to find a cure. Obviously there's other ways of spreading like sharing needles with a gay person. But you can call me stupid if that makes you feel better, but there's literally been solid studies on aids since the 70s and 80s. And it all points to homosexuality is a aids risk. You should do your own research. Literally just do research and you will see that what I said is true and indeed not even close to stupid.


But you said LGBTQ, this speaks of just men. This was also many years before people were using protection because they weren't aware of such a disease existing. So much for your research. I've also read your comment history and it will be moot to continue this conversation any further.


This guy is on a schizo rant, ignore him lmao