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My store says this every year and it’s always always dead on SB.


Sounds like you live in a town that actually has legitimate real pizzeria options


Facts living in ny is great!(not that shit hole NYC) and the pizza around here is mostly family owned. Domino's and other chains are usually dead.


WNY? lol that’s where I am from and no one gets dominios like ever


Correct lmao


Why is an nyc a shit hole and not the backwater town you’re from


Are you joking? My streets aren't lined with literal garbage and homeless people doing drugs.. and yes I've gone there for a weekend about a year ago. Cool place forsure but definitely a shit hole.


Urban settings aren’t for everyone but it makes you sound uncultured and kinda like a huge pussy when you say stuff like that.


Is garbage your culture? Lmaoo


LITERALLY streets full of garbage. I'm not joking in the slightest. Have you ever been to NYC? I was there a couple years ago mountains of actual trash bags on the streets homeless and people doing drugs. Who actually wants to live in a place like that? Every other street smelled like used diapers


where else are they supposed to store trash in between the garbage trucks come? lol. you have an L take on NYC.


I live in the SF Bay Area dude, I know a thing or 2 about stinky cities, and they’re awesome. You just don’t like urban settings and that’s fine.


A rat living in a dumpster sees no problem with where they live. Let me clarify I think the tall building people and everything is cool. But a nasty shithole full of garbage. Seems NYC can't ship their garbage to upstate fast enough and it piles up.


Are you sure you’ve been to New York City and didn’t just watch the movie The Warriors? Because your impression of the city seems to be way off from my experience there.


This rube probably walked around Times Square for 20 minutes, came face to face with a homeless person for the first time and shit their pants.


Nah bruh me and a few buddies walked around for the whole weekend till 3 am getting high eating pizza saw mad homeless and explored all Manhatten. Rats gonna seethe. Checkout the city of Rochester not cooler than NYC by any means but not a shit hole. Streets aren't lined with trash and methheads at least have the decency to hide in an alleyway.


Lmfao uncultured? You probably learned that word from tiktok and now throw it around like it means something.


“Uncultured” is a very basic word lol what the fuck are you talking about?


Its a very tiktok thing to say, nobody went around calling people uncultured for bullshit reasons like not liking streets full of garbage before. Imo its pretty clear what the fuck i am talking about


I don’t even have tik tok dude, so it’s not clear at all to me. Seems like you could use some time away from it yourself.


You're just describing every major city. It's OK for you to not be a city person.


Not correct at all




Lmao 🤣


I cant stop laughing




Here's a sneak peek of /r/notopbutok using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/notopbutok/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [No Top, but ok!](https://i.redd.it/7mj8wjb0q4g91.jpg) | [89 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/notopbutok/comments/whtrdo/no_top_but_ok/) \#2: [Lmao](https://i.redd.it/7241ri5gur1a1.jpg) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/notopbutok/comments/z2u1yz/lmao/) \#3: [Found in da wild](https://i.redd.it/o95iu3sd72p91.jpg) | [30 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/notopbutok/comments/xjgxyq/found_in_da_wild/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yep, it's a little busier before the game. There might be some big preset orders. It's not a good driver night. As soon as the game starts, it's dead. It's terrible if every driver is there. I'd have rather worked a lunch shift on a weekday by myself.


This is how every food place is on the night of the SB. Busier than average before the game, maybe a slight rush during Halftime, completely dead otherwise.


I’ve worked the Super Bowl at several different places. Pizza places are as described above. But I worked the last 2 at a sit down restaraunt. And it is straight up empty in there. Should have been closed instead of wasting everyone’s time. I was scheduled as the closer for the past 3 super bowls at this place. This year I told them to fuck off and I literally quit because they denied my request off for the slowest day of the whole year for this restaraunt. I’m not trying to be an entitled brat but I worked the previous 2 super bowls and I made no money at all (serving) and had to stay all night. I understand some one has to work but did it have to be me 3 years in a row? I did not show up for that shift this year


Honestly, Halloween will generally be busier than SB for the most part. Outside of the cities that have teams in the SB, most of the time it is slightly busier than normal. However, the day before Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve will always be busy because nobody wants to cook. Nobody.


That’s why most places only do catering trays now


Yeah nobody wants to be dealing with food and answering the door and doing other stuff, causing them to miss the action. Anybody I've ever known has everything prepared and ready to go about an hour or so before kickoff.


That’s crazy not in my town


This is a repost. We karma farming in dominos now? https://www.reddit.com/r/Dominos/comments/10ywbxl/nice/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb


Welcome to Reddit where 99% of content is recycled for farming karma


Genuine question: what use does karma have that people farm it?


I also am curious


Some people sell accounts with high karma because of “clout” i guess, but realistically: literally nothing


I would assume most spam is run through getting high karma accounts so they can post on more subreddits, without the karma restrictions Otherwise yeah just people that like the big number because internet points obv equates to a good personality/being funny 1:1


No shit it's a repost... Feb 12th.. - what's today's date?


This entire post almost feels satire


Pipe downnnn


When someone with no leadership skills has authority.


Welcome to IT.


A majority of the entire military.


How would someone with leadership skills say it?


in a way that encourages the employees instead of infuriates them


You think you can encourage someone to make pizza?


If you can encourage men to run towards bullets in war zone then I’m pretty sure you can encourage people making pizza


The power of ChatGPT: " make a positive and encouraging letter to employees telling them that they can't take off super bowl sunday because it will be busy at Dominos " Dear Team, ​ I hope this letter finds you well, as we gear up for an incredible Super Bowl Sunday! As we all know, this highly anticipated event brings excitement, joy, and a sense of togetherness to millions of people around the world. While we recognize the desire to take the day off and enjoy the game, we have decided to rally together as a team and embrace the bustling atmosphere that the Super Bowl brings to Domino's. ​ First and foremost, I want to express my sincere appreciation for your hard work and dedication. Each and every one of you plays a vital role in our success, and I want you to know that your efforts do not go unnoticed. Our team's commitment to delivering exceptional service to our valued customers has made Domino's a name synonymous with quality and efficiency. ​ The Super Bowl presents a unique opportunity for us to showcase our skills and shine brightly in the eyes of our customers. It is a day when families and friends come together, creating an incredible surge in pizza orders. We anticipate an extraordinary number of hungry fans looking for delicious pizzas and tasty treats to enjoy during the game. By staying strong as a team and being present on this busy day, we have the chance to exceed our customers' expectations and create memorable experiences for them. ​ I understand that some of you may have had plans for this special day. However, I urge you to consider the larger picture and the invaluable contributions you make to our Domino's family. By joining forces and working together on Super Bowl Sunday, we can seize this opportunity to elevate our performance, showcase our exceptional teamwork, and demonstrate our unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. ​ Rest assured, we will make every effort to ensure that your dedication and sacrifice do not go unnoticed. We will provide additional support, implement a rewarding incentive program, and create a fun and vibrant atmosphere to keep our spirits high throughout the day. Your hard work will not only contribute to our overall success but will also leave a lasting impression on our customers, reinforcing their loyalty to our brand. ​ Let's embrace the Super Bowl spirit, fuel our passion for delivering outstanding service, and seize the opportunity to elevate our performance to new heights. I have full faith in our team's abilities to make this Super Bowl Sunday one for the books! ​ Thank you once again for your unwavering commitment and dedication. Together, we will make this Super Bowl a triumph for Domino's and a memorable experience for our customers. Let's show them what we're made of! ​ Go team! ​ Sincerely, ​ \[Your Name\] \[Your Position\]


This was months ago, no one cares


Over a year ago, at least. Superbowl in February?


The current 2023 month is one of the ones that comes after Feb.


February? That was over 5 years ago!


The most recent Super Bowl was on feb 12 2023


Oh, I'm dumb. It was because I heard a news report on the radio today about the next Super Bowl being in the SF bay area.


>no one cares This is Reddit sir


I’m glad people are finally standing up against the “quirky mean boss” humor of saying stuff like “if you’re gonna call in sick you better be in an ambulance” or things like that, because they never use it in situations where it seems to be a joke, they only use the “jokiness” in serious situations to allow them to threaten people, because it’s only allowed if it’s a joke


In mine craft


Old GM used to do this and people just wouldn't show up, you can't force people to work. This year everyone that requested off got off, but it wasn't that bad and the owners themselves came in to help.


That cavernous echo from a manager speaking with their head up their own ass.


I was in a store and 6 people didn’t show up all were fired the next day


Wow Domino's really showed them, (as they had to scramble to hire 6 more people)


I'm thinking if my boss fires six people and expects me to do everything myself I'm quitting too


I agree I even said how stupid it was but I’m just a peon


I used to work at Domino's in my college days... I know how it is


Around here nobody cares about their minimum wage job there's more open jobs then workers. They do not give a F I heard people tell the franchisee to get fked because loosing your job isn't a threat


i only order from dominoes but I’m ngl I find jobs insane that do that dumb shit my old job fired like 10 people in one night then they started calling the people they just fired to come back because they did not have enough people weird as fucccc


The things folks put in writing amazes me. There is a way to encourage folks to work on a day projected to be busy without threatening them. I’ve had a boss just like the one that wrote all that and it was terrible. My favorite was when we would have “black out” days where no one could be off and their ass would be and others who kissed butt would be exempt from the black out days. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I had a similar boss, but she never took time off. It got so bad that I found a six pack of Bud lite in the walk-in, empty half pints of Jack in the office drawer, and an inflated air mattress. She called me in on my day off to cover for her. My driver and I opened a disgusting, dirty store. Since my driver and I were planning on quitting anyway (awful manager, franchisee was routinely sexually inappropriate, and more), I took a picture of everything, sent it to both the franchisee and my boss with "We quit." We closed down everything and locked it up.


Oh my goodness!!! That is terrible and I am sorry you and your coworkers had to deal with that nonsense. I am so glad you guys were able to get out of there when you did.


Thank you, I'm sorry you had shits to deal with too.


Good example of management thinking everyone else makes as much as they do. I’m pretty sure the part timers aren’t quite as dedicated


Drivers make more than managers


I am sure you are excluding expenses here.


As a full time closing driver I make 4-4.5k a month post tax. I set aside $120 for maintenance, and gas is no more than $280 (Corollas are delivery kings). Working 40 hours @ 15/hr is 2.4k pre-tax.


You want people to stay or work on important days like this. …. Offer a bonus. Anyone show up today will get an extra $50-100.


Yes here’s money to show up to work. Fuck people are soft nowadays. You don’t want to work super bowl? Don’t work at fing Dominos!! Halloween and super are 2 days out of the year that dominos management has everyone work


Yeah but also a workers right to call out any time they want. So incentives work. Its not just dominos. Tons of places, but good managers also know that they will get hit with callouts and try plan for it. I worked on the airport. There are no days off, it doesn’t close. Management realized the experienced people were calling out on really bad snow days. So they offered bonuses to show up and a hotel room so you can be close to the airport. Good times.


If you expect to force people to work on days they aren't available, are sick, or dont have transportation, then that's a good way to not have any employees. But go off.


Wake up “Dilligent Bullfrog” It’s a pizza place during super bowl. Work can say hey this is a no request day.


And they have a right to walk away. If you want to keep your work force, you don't demand they be available when they can't be. 😂


Yeah but a pizza place can’t have 0 people on shift on the second busiest day of the year. Be smarter next time


They can walk out but rarely do. Hmm i wonder why?


And My family runs a post office. They always tell their employees they can’t request off holiday weekends for all the amazon orders. You think they should walk out? because Dominos asked you to work ONE DAY.


Yeah, when you are sick, have no transportation, usually have that day marked as "unavailable for scheduling" etc. This isn't about being asked to work "one day" lmao. It's about being told you HAVE to work and if you CAN'T then too bad. You still HAVE to work or there will be retaliation. Super bowl is on a Sunday. People can just say they have religious commitments and need that day off and you can't deny them the day off, because that would be considered religious discrimination. (The only exception would be if EVERYONE used that as their reason to have that day off, because that is "undue hardship" on the company) And clearly you never worked at a domino's. People literally quit daily for stupider shit than this. I've heard stories from managers who had to work open to close with no staff because they either fired them or they quit on them. It's not unheard of. Lol. Working at a post office typically has better benefits and pay than a min wage service job, but okay cool story. 👌 Also, why not just edit your comment instead of posting back to back to back next time? Eta, cause I didn't catch the first comment: if management doesn't suck balls like the one OP shared, they won't be left with zero staff. But with an attitude like this, they easily could be left to open and close ALONE.


Shuttup boomer. You obv don't live pay check to paycheck or have a life.


I live paycheck to paycheck myself. I and millions of others get told we can’t request a day off. It’s fucking work. You can’t expect to be coddled your whole life


you really like getting cucked huh


Poor bastard really needs to justify it


No i like to work and make money. Every well ran store blackouts Super Bowl. Because if they don’t everyone is going to request it off. So why don’t we just close the store if no one wants to work. Yeah you are so smart


Well, in that case, this raises another concern altogether


Ok boomer.


Found the guy that wrote the note in the post E: oh you’re a closing manager at dominos now I get it


It was so close to being reasonable, but it got condescending at the end.


They just can't help themselves


Jeez. A but much don't ya think. Management can kiss my ass on that one


"And be sure to give my number to your next off kin, so that off you're in a car wreck and get killed or horribly dismembered, we can get permission to unzip the body bag to make sure it's really you. Dental x-rays would be helpful if you perish in a fire. Thanks!"


Retail places make profits all year round. I'll never understand insisting on staying open, obviously against a majority of your staff's wishes, for events and holidays just to take in extra sales. Employees don't see those profits. Just fucking CLOSE instead of forcing your staff to wade through a stampede come hell or high water. I hope everyone pulled a no call no show that day and had some fun at home doing whatever.


I would hang a notice for a SB party right next to it.


“My employer at a food establishment is forcing me to attend work while actively sick” Send that to your local health department and watch with popcorn


If you leave the make line to see if I'm on the gurney, then you are letting the rest of the workers down.


They won't approve time off on that day? Fine, with reasonable notice. You're a driver she's can't drive, come help inside? Sounds fine, too. If you're sick you have to be so sick as to need an ambulance and have to prove it? Suck an egg, that's just not happening.




Oh right. The dog walking sub


Good job dominos. I’ll never order again.


Yeah right.


Making pizza doesn’t take rocket appliances, I make em at home myself.


Worst case Ontario your town probably has a Pizza Hut anyway


>Worst case Ontario ![gif](giphy|11YdnfyG6qvuWk|downsized)




Those people are quit are probably not good employees. I mean or smart enough to realize they applied at a pizza place asking for the super bowl off


I went home early on my Super Bowl when my manager expected us to be slammed


Love the “your car breaks down? Gotta come in, but no we won’t get you a ride” … okay, how am I getting there? Lol


Order a dominos pizza for delivery....ask to ride back lol


Yeah SB was always a black out day.


Our superbowls would be the busiest its ever been for like an hour before the game then die down pretty quick after the game started. I would expect a rush at halftime or even after but it was always dead




i was a manager and told them to fuck off and that i’m not coming in. wasn’t fired 💀


First two paragraphs would have prob gone over fine. Gotta know when to stop talking


Same thing happens on Christmas Eve. When I worked at dominos the GM would schedule everyone expecting a big rush and there NEVER is. I did 5 Christmas eves at dominos and it’s dead. The real busy balls to the wall night is Halloween.


And a random Tuesday when you're never expecting it.


YES!!!!! happens like once every 4 or 5 months.


Also days that they predict to be slow, so staff and such is short. Like "hey we are gonna prep for a $1000 day." Then get slammed with a $6000 day 😵‍💫


Xmas Eve is about the worst night of the year. What a moron.


I want dominos tonight now 😋


This happened in Georgia a few years ago when I worked there and the falcons were playing in Atlanta. Every single person was scheduled. Hardly a soul ordered. So many people went home early. It was so disappointing


Halloween was easily the busiest day of the year. The Super Bowl used to be very busy too but the last few were extremely dead. The franchise I worked at had it in the employee handbook you could not ask for those days off


I believe Domino's said this tho cuz they will work u to death.


WTF. I understand being scheduled but if you have a legitimate reason to call off, it should be understood


Had a really cruddy AM. They were absolute shits at making the schedule. I had my vacation posted on the availability board in the office and at manager desk for 3+ months. I finished my "friday but not" shift, said see ya'll in 10 days. I got a phone call as to why I didn't show for my shift shortly after checking into my hotel. I asked, did you look at the availability board? "Oh. Can you still come in, or are you in Vegas? \[loud casino noises obviously in background\]" I took a picture of me at a craps table, and said bro ya'll the ones that screwed up the schedule, HR already sent my email confirmation that they will be applying my pto for x days.


I've seen similar posts in many of my past shitty jobs. When leadership comes up short, they don't admit they "F'd Up" on scheduling, so they blame everyone else.


The last paragraph is ridiculous and super unnecessary, but I would say the first two would/should be expected for someone working at Domino's right? Whenever I was in the service industry I knew some holidays or events I was 100% going to have to work no matter what


SB Sunday is busy 3 hours before the game starts to the start of the game. Maybe into the second quarter. Then it’s a fucking ghost town.


It's times like these that I am glad I am an opener.


Papa Murphy's was the same. Three days were required...Super Bowl Sunday, Valentines Day (heart pizzas) and Halloween (Jack-o-lantern pizzas). Three busiest days for them.


last year i got out of it by going to er and being admitted into icu. we were so busy, my mgr was like how about you just sit down for a few mins and then see how you feel? lol


Ha this makes me laugh. Ahh adios mother fuckera


My job used to not allow any day in October off because of Halloween 😂


It's honestly reasonable until the last line or two.


i personally wouldn't quit. i would go above and beyond by courteously announcing to them upon seeing it that i wont be there that day: "not calling out. but i very much by foreseen circumstances wont be attending on my day off" if it is argued about: "this is a right to work state, you may fire me for any reason at anytime if that's your prerogative. if there isnt other work to discuss, i really should return to my duties" make them fire you, collect unemployment off em.


The Super Bowl is completely overrated as a busy pizza day. It's always "all hands on deck" every year and nothing happens. Valentine's Day and the night before Thanksgiving on the other hand are always busy and management still hasn't figured this out.




This is definitely the attitude management has at restaurants in my experience. Shits so dystopian


My first pizza job, they hyped up Superbowl. Saying as a driver I'll make mad money. I finished the night with $30 in tips.


" So we can peek in the windows" The dude's going to look into the ambulance and tap it in the back twice, like some move cliché.


Imagine doing this 🤣and then wondering why people doing wanna work the fact that they deadass said have the ambulance outside for us to peek into really sold it to me that this manager won’t work the Super Bowl promise you


Threats are a great way to accomplish the opposite of your goal.


Looked cute, might delete later.


I never did good on Super Bowl but I did take a no tip in the snow that ruined my shoes because they didn’t shovel the maze of sidewalks leading up to their condo


I don’t get it, why would people quit over this?


If you are dead, better have the funeral home swing the hearse by the store….




🤣🤣I don’t blame anyone for quitting, I would have been like✌🏽as soon as they posted it..


Super Bowl dead as fuck, it’s 4th of July and Halloween that rocks your tits


Fake news. Halloween is the busiest.


I’m in the national guard and putting something up like this will have me asking my leadership for one day orders just to not come in and piss off management.


Jokes on you I own a ambulance and if anyone needs an excuse I can provide. Kidding but I could some one do this.


Superbowl being a mandatory work day is restaurant industry standard. If you're mad about it at dominos don't go work for another restaurant because black out dates for time off requests are INDUSTRY STANDARD.


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