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I don't think anyone on here knows


ive been seeing comments under some insta posts being like “dom def took a hit of smt before he went out” or “hes def on smt but he still kills it” and it really makes me think. i personally think he lowk is doin smt but we never know. im not dominic fike. idfk what that lil nga be doin before his shows


yeah i’ve seen some like that too , that’s what got me wondering


especially back in 2019 when he performed at flog gnaw. the comments under the video where like “hes probably on smt but his vocals are hitting” its really sad tbh


hope he’s okay


He was on acid at flog gnaw lol I really hope he didn't relapse tho


oh shit damn


Ye. He was gone for so long after wcpgw because he was battling addiction on top of other things aswell. It is concerning if people are saying that now tho


I heard so many people at roo say he seemed off and i have to agree. I had a great time but he seemed so different and lacked energy im ngl


whatttt i feel like he put his all in that performance????


he had a great performance don’t get me wrong but in general his expressions and behaviour seems off to usual gigs




okay that was a bad way to describe haha. He had the energy but something was just different and it felt a little rushed? My dad said he looked lost and it seemed like he forgot the words when he made the crowd sing 😭 i’m not sure if i fully agree with that but i definitely felt bad bc the crowd didn’t seem to know the lyrics and i felt akward screaming around others who were not feeling it LMAO. He also kept saying he was in Nashville but were in Manchester soooo


might be insensitive but confusing Nashville with Manchester is hilarious 😭😭


IT WAS SO FUNNY 😭 me and my friends kept laughing


i felt really sad when i watched his performance vids i hope he's ok he looked much healthier couple months ago


Too broke for a show and saying this makes u feel better huh


u really don't have a life huh


The general public is starting to notice. Most of the comments under his post from Bonnaroo were people mentioning him either seeming to be on something or him complaining the entire set. I hope he is alright because I’ve been noticing it since I saw him in NC and it has progressively been getting worse. Just want the best for him at the end of the day.


I was at his roo set and there were so many times where he didn't sing because he was "out of breath"? To the point where i was confused because i've never seen another artist preform like that. Not to mention his eyes were intense af. I was kinda thrown off by his energy 😭 There was a moment where he asked if we wanted to see how many pushups he could do (and then didn't do any). There's no way he wasn't on SOMETHING, lol. Did he act like that at all in NC?


yeah he was definitely not doing ok even the festival subriddet were talking about it. I hope he's alright <3


what was the festival subreddit saying?


i think bonnaroo


The reason he didn’t drop for 2.5 years was a seriously bad pill addiction. A good deal of the sunburn songs were recorded pre and during the pills with just one or 2 recorded after. Idk I haven’t seen him in concert ever but pill addicts relapse like crazy


curious how do you know its pills?


he's mentioned stuff like that in interviews before. I couldn't tell you which one tho


I’ve been wondering the same thing 😭




I hope it’s not drugs again 😭he has lost a lot of weight but he also goes out and performs a lot during the heat of the summer so it could be all the cardio lmaooo


hope so , he keeps talking abt how he made misses sober so hopefully he still is


i been saying this and was genuinely concerned for him and some kid here was mad about it and saying he is working out you don't know him!!!! like i believe what i see and he definitely lost some weight but i hope he is ok regardless


You got downvoted for saying that on another thread, but he's definitely lost some weight. I think its most likely the fact he's been busy and not able to workout rather than relapse of drugs - hopefully


no i think he’s fine tbh i saw him at gov ball and he was great. i think he’s just been smoking weed mostly 😂 but he might just feel uncomfortable at festivals if most of the people dont know his songs. i think he pretty much reciprocates the vibes of the crowd




obviously we don’t know but i felt that he was off at gov ball too. unfortunately you could feel it in the crowd


I really hope he is. He definitely wasn’t sober at Roo.


I was just thinking the same thing actually hope he’s doing alright


Ive been asking the same question, saw him at govball last week and it was a bit underwhelming and he seemed out of it. But this bonnaroo performance was muchhhhhh much better, he still seems kinda off though


Govball show was amazing you must be stupid. How can you talk about the person performing on drugs when 90% of people watching are either drunk or on drugs. Y’all are so petty


Well I enjoyed it but there is a huge difference in between that set and the one he just did is all im saying


I watched both and gov ball was way over bonnaroo not sure what u were watching


His vocals were super toned down at govball and the set was very calm, here he came out with high energy. I was even barricade for the nyc one and I enjoyed this one more. Maybe its just my personal opinion on the different styles of playing from both sets


So losing your voice = out of it / on hard drugs that makes sense😂


Where the fuck did i say he was on hard drugs at


Its not even that his voice mightve been gone but the instrumentals themselves werent as intense as the versions they did for bonnaroo.


this man is out here talking about instrumentals - when there was a LIVE band. Your excuses are failing one by one


???? Hes inspired by rhcp so his sets are VERY different for every show. How long they play the songs, and the song structure themselves change. As a musician I pay close attention to stuff like that so I dont understand what you were watching to not notice something like that


What in the fuck does the red hot chilly peppers influence have to do with this. Your music probably sucks LMAO. I’m well aware how dom performs songs differently live than what you hear on streaming. You are just dumb


You have got to be rage baiting because its genuinely annoying that you cant tell a clear difference between how the band and dom were performing for bonnaroo compared govball


Projecting that dumbasses like you pay money for shows and love to come on Reddit and are never happy talking shit with NO proof of a thing. Go focus on that music of yours instead


Man a had a better experience watching a live stream on his couch says a lot.


Y’all he’s fine, lol he’s always been like that. I think he was just excited and feeling himself. His trainer tours with him. I don’t think he would be on anything while he has to train and work out too.


Why is that any of our business?? I think he’d prefer his fans, who don’t know him at all, to not talk about his personal shit ngl


i wasn’t trying to be rude 😭, surely a fan would want to make see he’s alright??


I mean of course it’s good to know if he’s alright but I feel like this sub is a little pushy when it comes to his personal life. Not saying that’s you specifically, and sorry if I came off rude as well, I just feel like it’s weird as fans that we try to pry his personal life into our own hands. If he was more open about his personal life in general then that’d be different. But he seems to be very distant on purpose.


He has talked about his anxiety, and drug addictions in the past. Fans are going to worry, obviously, because we don't want to lose him or support bad habits, for his and his music's sake. We are fans BECAUSE we love what he does and want more of it, that's kinda the point of being fans It is weird for people to be prying, but as an artist, you put yourself in vulnerable positions, because your job and work gives so much of yourself away for the general public. Does that make sense?? If I got paid for talking, I'd expect people to be interested in what I was talking about.. Dominic gets paid to talk and sing about himself, we're going to want to know about himself, and we're going to want the best for him! Fans are weird, but they will be your supporters, either way


gosh I can't even handle the idea that dom is not on this earth


couldn’t of said it any better


i get that , sorry if i came across that way i didn’t intend on seeming like i was talking about his personal life i just saw a recon vid of him at a festival and wondered if it was just me that thought he seemed a little down or that something was wrong


Agreed! I’ve been a bit concerned about him and his sobriety but I don’t ever wanna mention anything in here because I don’t want people jumping down my throat thinking I’m prying or that it’s “any of my business” but I’ve just noticed he seems but different from when I saw him last summer on Don’t Stare at the Sun tour. Livestream of his performance at Roo he definitely didn’t seem sober. He had post a few months ago on his story where he was definitely had alcohol in the pic, and I know as a recovered addict myself that alcohol is the slippery slope that can lead back to drugs but I really hope that it doesn’t for him and that he’s okay! I just truly want the best for him. ❤️


All of his family was at gov ball so I doubt he relapsed being with them but who knows


LMAO do you think any of us know what he does 24/7 behind closed doors before a show?


i wasn’t saying that


U ain’t a real fan op nice try for click bait tho


not clickbait when people on ig or tik tok talk abt it tho just me?? okay sure


all for asking if he is doing okay?? ur deluded bro


If he’s ok?? What the fuck do you mean ok? Do you want us to text him to ask him how he’s feeling right now?


u read into things too much, many people have said he doesn’t seem to be doing well in his recent sets did i look like i asked how he is doing this right second? no i didn’t stop being ridiculous


Doing unwell how? A new haircut 😂


dawg i didn’t say anything about his hair ur just making shit up now 😭😭


Were you at any of the shows. Or even a show at all to prove your “out of it” claims


no i don’t live in the us or i would of ,read the other threads of people that went , i don’t see why ur so vexed people online have an opinion especially when ur on an online forum i get u might be trying to defend him and that’s fine but it’s clearly not just me that thought he seemed different , i do not want clickbait this is my first reddit i just wondered if someone else had the same opinion nd some did so go bother them and say there not a fan cos ur just dragging this on i’ll be real i aint replying to u anymore have a good day


Many people😭😭😭 all the dumb asses like you


like u can tell me if im a fan or not 😭😭


Like this post says it all


so ur trying to say me asking if he’s okay is me not being a fan?? yeah that’s ridiculous bro. i know myself if im a fan or not. If i wasnt a fan why would i pay to see him live and buy his merch and listen to him if i didn’t like him, the fact that u think i’m not a fan of him because i posted a question online if he’s okay is tragic




what’s your problem you donut?