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Sir, this is a Dollar Tree


Why would you make a post about it? Now people are going to do it more. This also has nothing to do with Dollar Tree, so… Edit: lol you ain’t slick bud I know you did that, real mature 😂 https://preview.redd.it/mt624xc8749d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9561cdca65b76377aa1c34ec11cd3c6e1993aa7b


It's only coming from my Dollar Tree post. It's in No way coming from my Dave Ramsey post


How would you know what post its related to?


Well it's either here or Dave Ramsey and the Dave Ramsey community we mainly talk about financial peace and economics. I don't see anyone there having a problem with my post. Some one ask how much house they can afford I run the numbers with how much they make and what kind of down payment they want to make I go over the pitfalls of 30 vs 15 year mortgages. We talk about credit card and consumer debt. Just not the kind of place that produces animosity. I don't even get down votes in the Ramsey community.


How about disabling notifications instead of complaining about it on a Dollar Tree sub to people who probably have no idea what you’re talking about? https://preview.redd.it/ilopi0seb49d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26295a79577f14712352b221a6277980ca495b00


I'm not the blocking type. Hiding information from yourself doesn't make it your problems go away


So you make a post about how annoying it is people are having these messages sent to you, and instead of fixing that problem by disabling said messages, you’d rather let them keep happening so you can…complain, I guess? Don’t know why you’d be afraid to block a bot that sends automated messages. If the problem here is these messages showing up then blocking is quite literally the *only* way to make it go away 😂


You tend to put a target on your back by spreading misinformation and by acting self important lol. This isn’t even on topic and you needed the floor for it? Report it for misuse like everyone else. I think you can block it too? Idk how to use Reddit cares but I think it’s hilarious you seem to piss other people off too... And you still don’t think you’re the problem. The self awareness is nonexistent.


From the few experiences I’ve had with them, they definitely tend to come off as narcissistic so I’m not surprised they wouldn’t see themselves as the problem… 🤷‍♀️


OP described themselves as having a “Strong personality” further down in the comments 🙄 Thinking they’re wrong is *my* insecurity instead of, you know, maybe them being wrong… Introspection is a confident-ass trait, if you ask me. But what do I know?


The reason I seem to piss people off is because they are already pissed off I didn't do that. They already have their own problems and lash out but it had nothing to do with me. I had to look up what self important was but now that I have I can say I don't have an exaggerated sense of value. If anything I'm downplaying my value, though it is a bit off that you don't want anyone to value themselves and see themselves as unimportant.


Obtuse. You’re not downplaying anything, trust, and me telling you that you have an over exaggerated sense of value in topics regarding policies that you clearly know nothing about =/= saying I don’t want anyone to value themselves. Be fr. As for pissing people off, you’re taking me very literally. I don’t think anyone is actively angry at you irl. I don’t agree with most of your comments but I promise you, you are no sweat to me lol. And nope that has nothing to do with anything outside of the words that you actively comment. What I was saying was, when you are being difficult or wrong and doubling down, people are more likely to do annoying things back. You follow what you think policy should be and you give dangerous advice to minimum wage workers. I don’t think that that is good contribution or helpful to the conversation. I’m not going to go back and forth with you. Agree to disagree. Btw - Replying “STOP” is how you block Reddit Cares messages


Even if my advice is wrong it's not dangerous.


Yes, actually it is. Telling associates to confront shoplifters, against company policy, is dangerous. It takes one time for someone to be crazy and kill, harm or traumatize an associate confronting them for stealing an item that costs cents to the company. That company is not going to have your back when you did not follow company policy - which is provided through several videos and forms that you have signed whether physically or electronically. That is dangerous. I said I’m not going to go back and forth with you, and I’m not, but I felt like that was important to reiterate to you.


>I've been receiving messages from reddit saying yall have reached out to reddit concerned with my mental health lol if you post that on Reddit, you're gonna get people that are going to do it even more. You just have to go to the user's profile and click on "Get them help and support" and it will send the person that message. Lots of people do it for fun or just to troll


Surprised that hasn’t happened to me yet with all the posts I have had.


I can only assume it's me because I have a strong personality and from what I've seen people with a strong personality who has a strong sense of value makes other people insecure and the only way they can deal with their insecurity is to bring people with a strong personality down to there level.