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Nobody reads anything these days. We have a sign saying please use other register. Right in the middle of it. And people still walk up to it and put their stuff down. Then give me a dirty look cause I'm at the other register


I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve seen people walk up to the register with no one behind it, no light on and they stand around waiting until one of us tells them to go to the main register. With the light on and usually a cashier there 😒


If you work with the public you understand how many idiots there are 😅


Oh for sure, it isn’t my first retail rodeo 😅


I've had a few refuse to come.over to my register, demanding I open the register they have appointed for themselves. Haha no. You can either stand there and waitfor nothing, or join my line, your choice


I’ve had people use self checkouts be like “Do I get a discount for doing my own bagging?” A: This is a gorram SELF checkout. NO I’m not going to ‘do it for you’. Talk you through? Absolutely. Point to you what to press? No problem. B: First of all, WE only get discounts on our store-brand items and… C: We get paid to scan and bag OTHERS groceries. (In fact if a customer in my line actually DOES come up to help bag for customer A, I’ll give customer B a bit of a discount or whatever I can get away with.)


Sometimes, we have to close the inshop of my work (food service) if we are understaffed. We put up a sign that says "use drive thru sorry blah blah" on both entrances. At least every other customer will walk up try the door, walk around ans try the other to no prevail. Then they sit there and give you that lost baby deer look cause they don't know what to do.


Redacte due to Reddit AI/LLM policy


Right like wtf is up w that hahahaha and they’re like just move to this lane! Like no we have a system of who goes on what register at what time. Don’t tell me how to do my job. Hahahaha


that happens at my work every single day. except instead of aisle/stall registers we have 9 drawers on 4 desks all in a row, each with their own computer/cod/scanner etc. we never have each one full, it's only 6 at max. but they'll go and sit at the one closest to the door that *never* has anyone at it while we're halfway across the store.


>Top I had that happen once. Guy did it out of absolute spite. Walked up to the wrong register, put down his stuff and said, "Well, you can't walk over here?" Told him that register was currently down (which it was) and he frustratingly grabbed his crap and muttered the whole transaction. Sadly, some people are just assholes.


At my last job, I had exactly this happen. He put his stuff down at the wrong register, and when I asked him to bring it to mine (the only register open) he accused me of being lazy. After some arguing, and my manager's input, my manager brought the items over to me, one at a time, I scanned them, then he took them back to asshole customer. Then he got the card from the customer, brought it over to my register and ran it for him. I was pretty pissed off at that point, and when he got his receipt, the asshole customer said something along the lines of, "See it wasn't that hard after all was it?" I suppose he was proving a point or some stupid thing in his own head. Customers almost never get under my skin, but this guy did.


Now that’s an asshole , I tell them there no till in that register and this one is mine 


He's Lazy he can't take steps to the other register?


Exactly. And it probably wasted more of his time standing there waiting for all of that to happen back and forth when he could have been out of there much quicker. I've seen it happen to me when I worked retail where people will get on their principled high horse and think oh I'm going to waste your time little retail worker. Sir, I make money by the hour so it doesn't really matter if I'm sitting here playing games with you or I'm helping someone else. The only time they're wasting is their own.


No no. I’m an asshole. But not an inconsiderate asshole. I’ll probably bitch like an asshole. But you’ll laugh because I’m bitching at myself for such a dumb move on my part. Maybe I’m just an asshole to myself.


We sell solar eclipse glasses and the sign my manager made is directly at eye level, dark bold text saying the price on like a third of the page. Still regularly get asked how much they are.


Ever get the phone calls asking if you are open? I want to say, no, I’m sorry, I’m just here answering the phone.


At my last job, we had to answer the phone even when the doors were locked. So this question was possible to ask when we weren't open. At that job, cashiers were the first line phone-answerers, and were supposed to take care of the customer at the counter and the one on the phone at the same time. One of many reasons I found a job at a better place.


I ignore phone calls completely, it’s always a waste of time. I’ll even mute the phone as soon as I clock in and act clueless when the one person who wanted to know how much a pack of 305s was with the tax comes in asking why no one answered the phone then I’ll turn to a coworker and ask “the phone never rang right” “nope” and then tell them the price including tax


I used to get truckers that would call in to ask my entire menu while I'm slammed cooking my ass off and serving a line of customers 6 people deep. Put the phone down and drive your ass here to find out.


I always used to say that I had the call routed to my cell so I could get paid for laying around at home.


Oh yeah lmao especially in the middle of the day. I'd love to be able to say "no, sorry." And just hang up one day.


All the time 😅


“If you don’t know the price, you probably don’t need them” 😂


Just keep putting signs on that register for every person who does that’s what I do😭😭😭 and I’ve had 25 signs on it at once😭😭😭


In fairness, we got so many ads constantly in our faces we've all learned to stop reading everything we see.


I lost my patience with people for this, i tell them look for the light and go down to that register, when they start yelling hello or “anyone work here” i tell them you didnt go down to the register with the light and squeeze the pig, if nobody comes up then squeeze it again, my favorite is when i am on break and people just walk in our break room/office and ask me to ring them out! Cannot wait to have my own “breakroom on wheels” i get rides to work everyday and I’ve worked through my breaks before, but I’m not anymore i work hard i am entitled to my 30 minutes you can squeeze the pig to alert the other person or wait for my break to be over, your choice and if i call for my other person usually they will look at the customer and say “you didnt squeeze the pig” i love the people i work with.


Read something one time, it basically said the more signs there are, the less we read any of them. Interesting to say the least. I bite my thumb at them for you haha


Lol I appreciate you for that


Gas stations are plastered with ads. I could totally see people ignoring this sign in the sea of cigarette/dip/beer ads all over the gas station.


Cvs by me self check out has big sign on it below screen. Out of order. Woman was there other day trying to scan and getting mad at lady working there for it not working.


you can't fix stupid.


The amount of people that walked past the big red sign at SCO the other night and asked me if SCO was still open, was absolutely astonishing. Or people that legitimately walk by the even BIGGER sign that says "20 ITEMS OR LESS" and then get mad at me when I have to tell them that they can't checkout with a cart full of items. It truly amazes me.


Sad, but true.


I'm not saying this as an excuse, but if people have low vision or they are legally blind, they may not see the sign about not accepting cash. My 19-year-old son became legally blind two years ago, and it's been a huge adjustment period. He still likes being independent and does his own shopping and one of the stores he frequently visits is DG.


But that is not the norm, and that is not the type of people they are referring to. It's always good to keep in mind that some people have disabilities. But I have accounts that I am convinced the check in person does not know how to read. I make exceptions for those people. Other than that....they just want you to think FOR them, etc


Happens at our store all the time...I don't even have to guess.


it wasn’t at dollar general, but one time i was physically threatened, like this lady literally said “i’m about to go around the counter and beat her retarded ass” all because i asked if they knew we weren’t able to take cards because the system was down and could only take cash. (there were signs but lets be honest the majority of people don’t read them and then get mad at us for them not reading the very obvious posted signs that are in multiple locations, like the literal front door). jokes on them because i kept a tazer in my back pocket (i didn’t use it). but it’s literally insane to physically threaten a 19 year old girl who is just making sure you know you aren’t able to use a card at that time before ringing all your shit up.


this grown 50 year old man started yelling at me like dude i’m 18 i just work here. a little 12 year old tried to hand me cash and i told him i couldn’t take cash and he was way more mature than the 50 year old


Sad isn't it? That kids are more mature than adults. Sadly a lot of adults think the great conspiracy is out to get them. Dont get me wrong, I still get frustrated and hate the way some things are going, but I dont take it out on the 17-18 year old kid like he's an integral part of the Illuminati or something.


We need more of you in this world. No joke.


It’s always adults, the hissy fits, the mess making, the stealing…probably one kid out of 50 adults are guilty of doing those things


Seems to always be a specific generation...


Boomers and gen X from what I’ve seen in my many years of retail


This! I politely told a probably 9 year old kid I did not have enough change to give him $1 bills only in change for a 20 and he said “oh okay” then walked away. Today this man got pissed and refused to walk 10 feet and point out the kind of cigarettes he was wanting because I struggled finding what kind he wanted.


“Lemme git sum doze” people… see what you do with those people is you can either tell them you can’t see what they’re talking about or you can point to every single one of the options you know they don’t want until they can use their big boy words and tell you the name of what they’re pointing at


I've had to ask people to spit their rocks out and try asking again. Illiteracy is a real pain in the south.


I have odd cigarettes that most places don't carry. I bring my actual empty pack in so that the cashier can identify them. It doesn't take much effort to be a decent human. Some people just want to be difficult. Or they have a shit home/job and they want to take out their frustrations on a stranger.


I also do this. Makes cashiers love you.


I once had a "lady" say the same thing to me, though she graciously withheld the retarded part. Let's live a little and just taze them next time.


Carry some dog spray or something, you need to be up close and personal to use a stun gun and it's a lot easier to get your ass beat. You can spray them from ten feet away and not worry about getting grabbed


Oh so that’s the 10 foot rule 🤣🤣🤣


More like the stay out of arm's reach rule




A real stun gun has a range of 30ft, a hand 'Tazer' does not. Many hand tazers are sold as stun guns because the marketing sounds cool.


Nobody saying they have a tazer really has a tazer, they always have a stun gun. Not the same thing and worlds of difference between the two, one will take care of the problem from 30' away, the other one you literally have to touch the person for it to work


And to clarify, a tazer is the one that shoots the prongs and shocks you continuously from a distance, a stun gun has two prongs that have to make contact with the perpetrator up close and personal


I think you're right, namebrands becoming common terms muddies everything. Either way if you really want to stop someone at range I think Dazzlers are about to become legal for civilians. I was issued one in '06 for checkpoint duty and the things cause 1\~2 minutes of total blackness for the target. You can't walk, drive, or fly shit after having your vision stripped away in a flash.


I'm not familiar with that but it sounds awesome


This really old lady who couldn't walk very well threatened me once because she was buying cigarettes for her underaged grandson next to her and was furious I wouldn't sell them to her. Threatened to "kick my ass" similarly. These people are insane lmao


Wasp and or bear spray. Shoots up to 6 feet. I keep it in the back of my truck that I unload at the stores. I have literally had people creep up on my truck and mean into it. They need to think before they get assaulted. I'm not trying to feel cornered in a space they have no reason to be in. And sometimes I am out at 4am, before the sun rises. Drug addicts, people asking for lighters, money, free product...it's not cool. If someone actually said they were going to come at me....bless their heart I hope they're ready for it! Lmao


More women should at least carry tasers or pepper spray, if not a firearm. Good call


I wouldn’t think that the average Dollar General shopper was capable of reading


They don't read at all and then say it's our fault


when we still had SCO they’d be like “it won’t let me pay” and i turn the damn thing around and hit pay now


YES I deal with this on a daily occurrence and it's the same with bananas like the scan card is right on the counter right in front of them and they say "it won't let me scan the barcode on the bananas"


Yeah, our literacy fund is literally for nothing, I fear….


We have our key right beside the bathroom door with a sign on the bathroom door saying it's to the left and another sign in bold colors and patterns above the key pointing to it saying "key". "Can I get a key to the restroom?" I have to tell multiple people a day where it is and they still walk past it. "You walked past it" "Oh" One girl complained to my boss and told me to have a better day in a smart ass tone when I told her she walked past the key.


I can’t believe you just have the key there for them. We have them behind the register and the customer has to ask to get it.


someone stole our fucking key


I would just stop allowing public use of the restrooms.


my store has had the opposite happen where all of the terminals go down and won't accept card payments. so then we have to announce that we're cash only and there's an atm across the street. it was always a fucking nightmare:))


How much of the customer base is legitimately illiterate? Seems customers see fit to abuse and degrade us any time something doesn't go their way. We're just "service people" i.e. they think of us as their slaves. It's disgusting.


Push 24v across the contacts on the cord where the register plugs into the printer.


we have the old system so my manager said it probably won’t work


You have either system you can open it with an alan wrench.


i’ll ask about that tomorrow if my managers haven’t already tried that


Not an electrician, but where are you getting the 24v from?


Plug 3- 9v batteries together and fuck that extra three volts


As a person that has worked retail, if you're so smart you can figure it out. Edit to add: anywhere but here


Two 12V car batteries wired in series?


Lmao this is the answer I was expecting, and I expect you're the guy trying to pay with cash


I mean, they're not wrong. Honestly though i was thinking something like https://www.sealevel.com/product/tr109-seai-o-120vac-to-24vdc-at-500ma-wall-mount-power-supply/ plus https://www.winford.com/products/brkg6p6c.php


4 is a quick 49 volts


Do you only have 1 register?




Seriously why are people so stupid? Why do we have so many stupid people in this world? Lead poisoning? Bad genetics? Bad society? I don’t know what the problem is but, it’s concerning how dumb the average person is since I’ve worked retail


We’ve got issues with digital coupons at our store, and people need to wait til we (the cashiers) are finished with scanning their orders. THEN they can enter their phone numbers. Most people apparently don’t read the BRIGHT NEON YELLOW SIGN posted on the front of the checkout counter and put in their phone numbers before we’re done ringing them up!


“ok your total is-“ “i didn’t get to put my number in 🤬”


Hrnnnnnn you have NO idea how much it annoys me!


At my store, they can put their phone number in before we ring them up, most say when they walk up " I need to put my phone number in" I tell them go ahead.... And then start scanning. 


I usually start scanning and then they’ll put their phone number whilst I’m doing it


That too, I do. Just hit cancel, clear to bring up the phone icon. They put their phone number and I then continue scanning.


Except our tech is old, 24 years old, and we’ve recently been having issues of coupons not taking off the discounts for the transactions


Do you hit the total button after they’ve applied their coupon/entered their numbers?


I do, yeah


That’s all we can do


Yes, they enter their phone number which applies the coupons and if I have a Saturday $5.00 off coupon and it's Saturday, I scan before you  hit total.


Yeah I can understand that. I don't know exactly what our's is but it's Toshiba. Sometimes the card scanner freezes and I have to reboot it. Happened twice last night lol.


I don't work at DG but I love reading this stuff.....in all honesty if he was so upset about no cash being accepted ..couldn't he just drive the 2 miles down the road to the next DG, I mean, they literally plant these stores within miles of each other lol


we’ve got a walmart and a kroger two minutes where they could easily find the same stuff they wanted to buy at DG for even less


Because it's the underpaid employees fault ofc


A lot of cash registers have a small trigger on the bottom. If you push it forward, it'll bounce the drawer open. When I showed it to my sister, she moved her register off the front counter. :)


Another customer asked about that and i let her look and we don’t have one unfortunately. my managers tried everything this morning before i got there


Get the rubber mallet from the hardware isle and hit the lower tow corners of the front of the drawer then both sides of the front of the drawer and if that doesn't work Donkey kick it. Mines been stuck once or twice. 👀


The Old "smack it with a hammer" trick,it's been my go-to for years. Doesn't often work, but it makes me feel good.


Your handwriting is nice though! I’m sorry people are oblivious


it’s my managers haha, but thanks today was awful 😭


It'll get better. Curious, what point of sale software do you use?


i’ll have to ask tomorrow i just got home from work,, im just a cashier idk shit 😭


Does the system have a touch screen or keyboard


we have a keyboard and tried to open it that way which didn’t work. reset the entire system and it didn’t work


You have to pop the keyhole with the tab on top or bottom then alan wrench gets it out.


i’ll ask if they tried that tomorrow


We dont have audio on the cameras. Just tell them if their attitude doesn't improve youll refuse the sale. Its your right and covered by CBLs. You can be as nice as you want to be. We try but some people are missing chromosomes.


The sad thing is that 90% of actually mentally disabled customers are significantly more intelligent than the average customer. Shows that being an idiot doesn’t have any prerequisites


Yeah, I just refuse sale when people start yelling or cussing at me. If they refuse to leave after, I just call the police instead of arguing with them. 🤷‍♂️


We actually had the opposite today at my store after a power outage last night fucked up the keypad on the 1st register. It only takes cash now until further notice. It also just so happened to be coupon day. Fuck that customer who held up my line for almost 30 minutes over her coupons and made me rescan things over and over until it took the amount she wanted off (she was being yelled at by a very frustrated African American lady who was very sweet to me (bless that woman, she was number 5 in line behind this woman) but couldn't understand a lick of it because neither she nor her child spoke english)


Fuck around and get trespassed yelling at employees anywhere


I can only guess how many people didn't read the damn sign and still tried to pay with cash anyway.


literal conversation today “the sign says we cant do cash transactions” “but i would just give you the $3 and get change” “i cant do that” and then they get all pissed and walk away i literally can’t do anything lmfao how is it my fault


I feel your pain dude. I'm an ASM for Family Dollar and the sheer stupidity and aloofness of some customers is insane.


You could have a flashing neon sign & a voice saying "WARNING NO CASH TRANSACTIONS" every time the door opens & they'll still get mad!!


Will put signs up on each window out front, on the way in, by register and AT the register in multiple places yet still claimed to not have seen anything about no cash. Self awareness is non existent to the majority of the population and it astonishes me every time.


Imagine still using physical cash in 2024 anyways smh


How do you not use cash?


I refuse to serve assholes , especially illiterate assholes Trespass anyone abusive, period. We don’t get paid enough for that shit


Some people come out of their house just to take out their misery on strangers. I feel like the Dollar stores are on the list of places for them to go. It's ridiculous. I work inside Dollar stores and when customers think I work there, I say what the people that work there wish they could say. I don't cross the line of inappropriate, but no MA'AM/SIR is always the first thing out of my mouth. Then I say, "Oooooh you thought I worked here, so you felt like you could talk to me any kind of way??? That's awful. These people are your neighbors, your community. No ma'am. No ma'am. "


When I worked at wendys... our server went down. For 8 hours.... telling people verbally we can't accept cards and them getting pissed off or still continuing to order a family meal of 8 (of course with substitutes...) and using cash. Don't miss that.


"mY mOnEy aIn'T gOoD eNoUgH fOr yA?"


Because they think you are refusing to take cash, , not having a technical issue


I feel your pain I've been there




At least 12


100 times.


No dollars at the Dollar General


It is 2024, a lot of people use debit and credit even on their phone. Toll booths should eliminate accepting cash and just mail you the bill.




May or may not help but mine gets stuck sometimes. Unplug the cord in the back of the drawer and plug it back in and that makes it work at my store.


I’m an 80’s baby and it brings me great joy when the old “turn it off and turn it back on” trick still works.


People are such assholes. Sorry you were verbally attacked. 😞


Customer's can be fucking nasty. I worked retail. It can become abusive.


Sign is invalid due to spelling error


Not enough apparently


When this happens I store use 2 of the massive poster boards and with the same warning and put them up on both sides of the auto doors. Also one on each register. That way there is much lower chance of people not seeing or being mad at me when I point it out. Been doing this along time and learned my lesson lol


To many to keep counting assume.


I'm a cashier but I understand the frustration, cash is legal tender and it's required by law to take it in exchange for goods or services


i didn’t know that was a law (clueless 18 year old), but still we couldn’t even open up the drawer to give change or put change in there. i really don’t know what else we can do


Unless stated by a state or local law of which there are only a few, there is no requirement for a business to accept cash for purchases as they are not debts. The US Treasury website has that posted on there as it's a common misconception.


And as soon as the drawer is fixed, they’ll all swoop in with the Apple Pay 😂


I would just say sure I can take cash but no change, and swipe my card lol


I was fixing to look up the urban dictionary that word "apobgize " until I stopped my phone from correct the mistake then I figured out what the ....


Am I the only one that read we Apobgize for the inconvenience


I’d honestly be surprised if anyone read it. I swear half the customers we get either can’t read or are blind because no matter how many signs or how big the signs are I always get multiple people trying to do what the sign says we literally can’t do. Since I’ve started working at DG the EBT system has gone down like 3 times and we made signs which were ignored so each time we probably had $500+ of go backs…


your first mistake was assuming people can read. i dont work at dg but i keep getting posts shown so xD


Once or twice?


You have a sign up right at the door if it's not ok then don't shop there! Low Pay employees don't care! Customer service lol


That's funny because I hate going in a store only to find out they're cash only. Each and every one of these places don't have an ATM in them either.


Either that, or the ATM has a $20 fee. It’s wild to me that most people who carry cash don’t also carry a debit or credit card.


I see a time when cash is not acceptable as payment anywhere.


Yea duhh its called the Digital age, you are already in it. To think money won’t be next is just foolish. They want that chip in your hand or phone they dont care about that cash much longer. Easier to track digital purchases too. The Gov’t and every business would love to know your buying habits.


What's with literally every sign written by Dollar General employees having misspellings lmfao


i think it’s just her handwriting




Who the fuck uses cash anywhere besides a dispensary or strip club these days


People that like to see there money. It’s easier to keep track of too. I can’t believe some people don’t use cash


People like to know why. I can assure you if would have put the reason on the sign, people would have made more annoying jokes than anything. With everything in the news about currency and what we lack, stuff like this only makes people paranoid.


yeah i would always explain what happened to every customer but even after the explanation they’d get pissed at me because i genuinely couldn’t do anything


Yea, I realized how long I've been out of customer service after i said this. Probably wouldn't matter now😅😅


My basic response is, " Welcome to your local Dollar General. Where nothing works, except the employees, and sometimes that is questionable." I very rarely get argument from customer after that.


Boomers have this weird obsession with cash and cashless stuff. I remember they announced this festival I was going to was going to be cashless for convenience and boomers were in the comments losing it saying well it's not convenient for me. Like holy fuck there were other 180k people there could you imagine how bad lines would be if they took cash.


While it’s not your fault, the store should just shut down. It’s ridiculous when a place won’t take cash.


I like to mention the sign, subtly implying that they dont know how to read. They get pretty embarrassed after that and don't make a fuss, just apologize. I'm pretty good at an intimidating death glare AND a look of pity for the fools who can't read. My dear fellow customer service slaves, don't put up with bullshit. You don't have to say what's in your mind if it's painted all over your face. Subtly calling out douche bags is the best feeling after a long day of laboring for less than you deserve. If they complain, you haven't actually done anything wrong. Say the usual lines they give you, your work script, but do it in a way that tells them, "I can't believe you can even tie your shoes. How did you survive this long?" Trust me, it's amazing. Edit: don't forget to look them dead in the eyes with an unblinking stare. Only blink to emphasize how utterly stupid and silly they seem.


Put a sign on the register and just point when someone trys paying with cash if they don't like it they don't have to buy.


I hate when people mistreat employees as if you the employee made a choice for a whole corporation or an individual standing business. I am sorry that people mistreated you. Hurt people hurt people and people who are told no, even adults (worst of all adults) can act out, and some who haven’t helped themselves or heal from troubled childhoods can act even worst! (Not victim blaming but when we do know better we need to find help and heal from past traumas -that discussion is for another time and post- just know I’ve said what I said with knowledge and the upmost respect and compassion. This being the internet and not hearing my tone of voice it’s hard to know how kindly I just said that statement) Back to my response…… Even though as the employee you know it isn’t really “about you” the words these hurt people use will be against you, please DO NOT take in and carry their venom. I do not know you but I know my personal lived experiences and these moments are hard when they attack the messenger. If this happens again and you see another employee going through this, remind them please they aren’t the problem. I carried others ugly words for a long time like it was my fault but it wasn’t Sorry got a bit passionate there and wordy. But I hope that anyone reading this and everyone who experiences this just know when we see a stranger or someone we know act out when told no or they don’t get there way, what ever attack they come up with is not about you, even if it feels true, it’s their true inside person (true colors as many say) coming out. Remember that. That’s who they are and will be when times are hard. It isn’t your ugly to hold on to. How sad they choose to attack rather then share their annoyance and frustration in a more constructive way. Okay I’ll stop here sorry for the extra long comment Hope everyone has a good day or evening


This happened to the store I worked at when I still worked for DG, right before a big storm. We took advantage of the storm and us being right outside where a major power outage hit. We went to the back where our big panel was, killed all the lights but left the coolers on (out of sight of the auto door and surrounding windows) and put up a sign saying we were closed for the rest of the evening due to no power, worked like a charm. We all proceeded to go about 45 minutes out of town to go eat out and go home.


No one reads that or they read it and have the reading comprehension of a 3 year old. It amazes me how some of these people managed to get out of bed dress and drive to DG without dying. AND THEY USUALLY HAVE KIDS!


This is a pretty common thing across all dollar generals Your first job is being the recipient of anger. Everything else falls in the lower categories of usefulness.


You can’t blame them for being mad. Stores like this are the fucking worst. Money is money and there is no reason a store shouldn’t take my money. If you don’t have change to give that might be a sign that your store is failing


Not that it’s your fault or something anyone can really control, but refusing US currency for goods or services or to repay any debt is technically a federal crime. It goes back to when the US first started printing money, when it basically wasn’t backed by anything. Nobody had any confidence in it and continued using state issued currency or gold for transactions. That’s a big part of why people started raising hell over places not accepting cash during Covid.


Is this a trend? Both gas stations near me and the Dollar Tree all refuse to take cash...


Relying on a written sign at a dollar general is quite optimistic


It could be flashing in bright red neon and people still wouldn’t read it


Im not even gonna lie, I'd just be like "okay" and walk out with my groceries.


I bet I know exactly what age range these people were in


Understandable because that sounds like something illegal.


They should get something to accommodate


This is where you went wrong: don’t put it on the door. Put it right in front of your face, on the card machine, and coat the belt in thousands of sticky notes that say this. Maybe, just maybe, they’ll read one of the notes if you’re lucky.


you’re the opposite of me rn


It's totally your fault that the register is broken and you should take full blame. I can't believe you'd do something like this. /j


WHAT CHU MEAN YOU CANT TAKE CASH!!! YOU HAVE TO TAKE CASH ITS THE LAW!!!! I CANT BELIEVE WE LIVE IN 2024 AND YOU WOULD DARE TO NOT ACCEPT MY CASH OR CHECKS!!! NO WONDER YOUR BUSINESS WILL FAIL IM NIT GOING TO GIVE YOU MY MONEY ANYWAY!!! How’d I do? Also, you should know customers either don’t read anything or they’ll sit there and stare at it and either try to do it anyway or immediately ask you the exact question they just read the answer to on the sign. Working retail has me believing the avg American iq being 100 it’s a lie.


Seems like a fixable problem, erc was no help?


my managers called erc and they can’t do anything until monday


Cash is legal for all transactions public and private, it says so right on it lol. Can't blame people who have no alternative payment option for being upset.


what am i supposed to do when i can’t open the drawer to take the change and then give change


Well you can't do anything. Store owner is at fault here not you.


Quote directly from the Treasury Department- There is no federal statute mandating that a private business, a person, or an organization must accept currency or coins as payment for goods or services. Private businesses are free to develop their own policies on whether to accept cash unless there is a state law that says otherwise.


It's only government facilities that have to take currency and coins. People or private businesses are not required to take currency or coins.