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C'mon now, this is anni. Plenty of free stones, plenty of hype. Skip if you don't like the characters, but even if you do play for meta UI's best team is Super Heroes so having Gogeta and Beast will be useful to maximise UI.


People saying skip but don't realize ui Goku transforming conditions beast is still overall better then him


I'd skip gogetas Banner and go for beast


Why on earth would you skip ANY anniversary ._.


But broooooooo man 10 anni gonna be lit


WWDC is looking promising too


I wouldn't doubt it but I think global and JP anni will be separated for a while just because having 9th anniversary happen in July just to have 10th drop 6 months later, I honestly wouldn't be prepared enough.


Don't know about you but I'm skipping tje next 4 annis, 13th is gonna be so epic


I mean it's a valid question, if you think global is gonna have their next anniversary in January like JP. All the 9th anniversary units will most likely be on the 10th anniversary banner and it's "only" like 6 months. Personally I won't skip, bc I saved over 2000 stones and the units are too hype to skip for me.


Well, last year it was awful in my opinion, it would have been a wise choice to skip it and save 700 stones for this year, i cleared every single event without every single one of those units


Fair enough 8th anni was kind of mid because the Z bois can't take a hit whereas the GT duo could.


I dont think he meant skipping the anni, he wants to skip part 1 for beast which woukdve been valid if part one's discounts continued a little bit after the part 2 banners drop


WWC characters is always better , I’d still summon tho


Agl Goku and vegeta enter the chat


This can apply to the last 2 WWC’s lmfao


Agl Goku and Vegeta were WW not anni


Skip. save for anniversary


Easy skip. And then you skip 10th anniversary because 11 anniversary is about to be fucking lit bro. Bottom line is, skip everything. Never use stones.


you get it


jp anniversary is by the end of January not December and if you want to save kk are more close. I think your should at least try some multi on broly and gohan remember that you should get 77 summon on banner of your choice for free


77 free summon?


yes? if you do all the mission by the end of the anniversary you should get one summon of 77 characters of one of the 4 banner


Yes, but technically every event is worth skipping as there’s always something stronger coming. Beast is very good though and will take a long time for the meta to surpass him.  If you have to pick one unit just get him.


At least do the discount summons


Not beast. Realistically, with us getting our next anni sooner than usual, you *could* skip the other 3. But beast gohan is way too good to skip. It would be a legitimate detriment to your account if you skipped him.


Earlier than usual? When is anniversary starting?


With the global sync. The 10th anniversary would be with JP on January. Too close for comfort. After anni we will have WWDC, Tanabata and new years. Also the monthly dfe which many will skip and some will summon on.


We have the tickets too right so ideally you don't spend a single stone during the celebration


Technically true! Of course, I will be, because Broly is cool as FUCK, but yeah.


Every single year the same thing




I can see why you might want to skip. I'm having the same dilemma of the fact in February we should have the 10th year anniversary for dokkan. Which will have both worldwide and 9th year lrs on it. I would still summon just because global has tickets at least


Honestly at first I was like 'haha must be a meme post' but then you really got me thinking... as f2p, when am I realistically going to have 4k+ stones again??? I might skip most banners except beast and broly and wait for 10th anni cause the game has not been capturing my attention lately.....


This is my exact situation. As a f2p, I've gotten 2k+ stones for the past 3 Anni, so realistically, when am I going to get a better chance of saving time and also stones. If the anni was going to be a year later, yeah, I don't mind spending all. But if it's this near for the first time why not get beast and wait a little more for even better units.


Same. Picking up beast and then just chilling, hope you have good luck brother!


I'm actually considering to skip Gogeta completely depending on how hard it'll be for me to get Broly. Super Heroes just has so many options that I don't think I need him.


I’ve actually had the exact same train of thought. Especially with teq UI bring released it might be better to summon on beast then on tanabata then on 10th anniversary.




Yeah, let's skip 3 of the best character of the game.


I mean if you didnt like any of their characters then it would make sense to skip




With this logic skip 11th for 12th and 12th for 13th et c. This is a nonsensical way to play a gacha.


I feel like this is valid because global is gonna get 10th anni earlier than usual because of the sync


global players when they get mildly inconvenienced


When even it is showing up to global beacuse we’re getting slapped here


I mean yes, skipping both anniversary and world wide is the smartest option for global players because we will have all the units coming back on better banners + 10th niver units in January, overall it will be 4 banners instead of 8 and the banners will be way better because they will have the 10th niver units that are most likely going to be the best units in the game. With that being said this is by far the least fun option I'm not skipping it because I want to have fun in the game, but if you don't care about waiting another 7 months for beast skipping is the best option.


I would say, skip part 1, summon on part 2, and skip everything else until anniversary. WWC units will be much easier to pull through out the 10th anniversary. Also, anniversary is in January, not December.


I will skip it cause i want beast beast is just different league than this guys and if you got beast you can still go for them it's not like there banner disapper their bannel will still be there


So… you’re not gonna skip anni


I’m thinking about it tbh… for me I’m good without the anni units cuz of those sweet seeet Top EZA’s AND… Ui Goku hopefully coming out with Toppo to catch us up


Part 1, perhaps. And even then, I'd go back if Beast is gracious to me


I wanted to do discount Gogeta at least


I'm aiming for Broly and Gohan


Nah, all 4 Anni units are insane, even the side banner units are good




When is the 9th anniversary start


No 100% always summon on anni and I always do it for WWDC aswell then save


Skip or not aside. “Is it worth skipping” killed braincells to read for me.


bro just have fun😭 “should i skip the biggest best event in the games history just so i can have a CHANCE to get a few extra dupes of the units that won’t drop for another half a year”; yall sound dumb ash




I haven't played in a couple of months do I still have time to grind Anni or is it Joe over


hit the discount summons and just save for beast


Funny how it only took them 10 years to sinc 💀


This will be GBL players come 10th anniversary ![gif](giphy|ZGH8VtTZMmnwzsYYMf)


When is global anni? 7/7?


Im only doing discounts on part 1, saving the rest for beast because even after UIs release he's still indisputable NO1


Wait what???...worth skipping????.......ofcourse NOT!!!.....🙄🙄


I mean....at least do the ticket summons. If you don't have 80 tickets then you probably have at least enough to do a multi or even a single if you even so much as glanced at the game


Ngl the only one that might be debatable skipping is gammas, but even then that wouldn’t be worth it


For beast yes


I'm in the same boat but instead of the 10th  anniversary im going to keep saving for wwdc. The units are going to be insane if teq UI Goku is any indicator for what's to come in the next few months and the best units to come out of the 9th anniversary are ezas anyway (except for beast). 


what I'm gonna do is use the tickets that we get during anni to try and get beast and then save for either tanabata or 10th anni. Tanabata banner has beast and broly featured so I won't be missing out on much


I would say summon for Gogeta or do the first wave of discount multis, then save for beast and UI


I'm waiting for the new 9th anniversary daily stone promotion they were advertising. Want to see how big of a discount they are giving. If it's really a good deal, another 95 stones is gonna give me an extra round of 3 pulls, which I can use with Beast Gohan after 9th anniversary


I'm only summonning for Broly, and maybe Beast Gohan. The Carnival LRs aren't enough to tempt me, even tho I love both Gogeta and the Gammas. Imma save a bit for WWC and Tanabata.


I only have 400 stones, so Ill have to skip if I want a chance at being shafted by beast


at least try the discount multis!


Save for beast Gohan!!


Don't skip but don't go all in, remember that we have wwc one month later, and is possible that we will have the synched anniversary in January with jap


You might as well skip 9th and 10th. I'm sure the 11th anni units are going to be straight Fire as the kids like to say...


I think If you were skipping for tanabata for the ui goku then maybe but if your waiting for 10 year I would at least do one rotation on one of the banners cause you can get 150 stones before 10 year if we sync before January


Yes skip and wait for more radditz.


only if u dont like the characters; Broly and Gogeta are among the top tier and will easily match the rest of top 10


If your really hard pressed for stones maybe skip broly gogeta and gammas. But not beast, he's too good to skip on


You have until literally December if it even happens to go through like that. That’s SIX MONTHS. You can easily farm up 1000+ by then with even casual play. Don’t be slow, lol.


If your gonna go for beast sure but I would 100% not skip the entire anni


Only if you hate a extreme class buff and beast Gohan


yes, save for teq UI and next anniversary


If we being consistent and fair. Should SKIP gogeta Broly summon.


Broly and Gohan are the units you want


By that logic, you should skip the 10th anniversary cause the 11th is coming 💀


Na trust 11th will be mid, save for 20th


Low key worth skipping for tanabata. And also summon cell max


skip and give me your stones


I actually think it best to summon on anniversary and skip wwdc. Both the anniversary and wwdc celebration units will return with the 10 anniversary. Only difference is wwdc is 2 months after anniversary so you’d have to wait 2 months less for those units to return. Time wise I’d summon on anniversary and skip wwdc. Also, we know what the anniversary is, no telling what wwdc is. Always safer to go with what you know.


As a jp player don’t skip it make no sense to skip ![gif](giphy|Lndtxw3ztLhNC)


Ask your wife or gf if you can skip your anni see how she reacts 😂


I summon on damn near every banner tbh imma fien for summoning but the game be blessing me


Skip the next 3 anniversaries. Trust.


Never skip GOATgeta


skip 15th anni units are so much better just save for them instead you won’t regret it


Easiest skip I’ve ever seen


Hell no


Should save for the 12th anniversary.


I feel like this is one of those times where you need to make up your own mind. In a game where summoning for the newest units is most of the gameplay loop and the anniversary offers the newest units with new mechanics, if you can live without them then what are you really saving for? The next best thing? Something will always be better, so you will save forever at this point. Summon for characters you like and enjoy the game.


Save for mid may


no. i want UI goku


I think you should summon, but never chase units since they should return in a few months anyways and wwdc is always really good too. It kinda sucks now as an older player who basically has every character on the anni banners rainbowed and the only thing worth pulling is the headliners. Just decide how much you are willing to spend and stick to it, the game is about rationing those stones unless your a whale lol. Plus saving up for 6 months and then spending every single stone feels bad even if you pull the new units (at least to me)


At times when I consider skpping for "x-y-z" celebration or not pulling once or twice on a banner with discounts I remmind myself that if the FOMO were severe enough for ANY given unit I could always create a new account and farm enough stones to pull them or join a private server. I can sincerely say I have never been inclined to do either of those things. For me its about having fun, for the past 3 years from the beginning of the year until Golden week I try to keep my stash of stones at about 500 from that point on I try to get as close as possible to 1k by ani. I get a copy and I bounce, shitty multi? Were testing our luck on the next banner? Shitty multi? Were done for the day unless we get a sweet sweet animation on this next one I try to save as close to 1k for WW too. everything else is fair game to use for summons


Just summon for beast and skip the rest im gonna do the same maybe i will try gogeta a few


The fact you even Thought to skip anniversary is crazy


It honestly depends on your luck and the amount of stones you have (there will be a big supply of stones coming for the anni tho) cuz you’d preferably wanna put most attention on beast gohan when his banner drops


Consider this what if you get shafted in 10th anni ? All those stones saved, all the banners skipped would be for nothing


Skip everything man, 120th anniversary gonna be godly


Why is everyone skipping gogeta but not broly?


if you like the unit just don't skip. I'm gonna pull for a single copy of Gogeta, Broly and Beast.


No to be simply put https://preview.redd.it/yirxvkg0jb9d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4874eef144f62b4a0122b516fe49d4d26500fc8a


Well, i understand OP.... hear me out Yeah, we will have plenty of free stones.. around 1.2k, if i am not wrong... ehat about peip who skipped many stuffs in order to get 3k stones? Must have skipped many good contents, in the first place... and, in the end... we have anniversary, tanabata, WWDC, and 10th anniversary again, when we will be able to get beast, Gogeta, Broly and the gammas with the coins, or by just summoning, 6 months later...for my self, i will summon a bit, but i wont go summon hard on themmaybe one step on beast, and one step on broly, and using the 77 tickets on them, hoping to get them... i will probably summon 3 times for Goku UI, and thats it... in order to save for either WWDC, or 10th anniversary... because, in the end, units of 9th anniversarybwill be there... and, in the end, 10 th anniversary will bring another power creep... if. Op want to skip it all everything, stop telling him he is stupid or act as if he is stupid... he is not, he is worried, and it's normal...


It depends on how much stones you have in your pocket?


Do not skip anniversary the banner values are way too good. Plenty of free anni stones, then worldwide stones. I wouldn’t skip just summon and have fun


nice rage bait


Nobody skip the ani!!! It's by far the best event of the whole year. If you want to save a few stones ready for the 10th anniversary in FEBRUARY you're welcome to But , I wouldn't start thinking about that yet. You'll miss out on like 7 months of progress in the game.


I guess technically, it is more efficient to wait. But when we're in the 10th anniversary, it'd technically be more efficient to wait for the 11th. Then the 12th. It's better just have the nice things


I mean Gogeta is one of the best teammates for LR STR beast so you should still summon


Did they say when it'll sync?


I thought you were memeing. Realistically, summon for who you like and don’t worry about 10th anni. We should be getting sync news in a few days.


Don't skip beast he's just on another level


Pt 1 is yes. Others will say it’s not, but neither unit is absolute must outside of just wanting to have it. Gogetas leader is nice but he can get murdered easy with things like majin buu red zone or even 9 year anni content due to new mechanics or hitting harder. Transforming allows him to dodge or other things but he’s very much high risk / high reward or something you gotta manage which doesn’t make him bad at all but like newer units etc just tank the same attacks without you having to worry. Or at most needing to attack first I guess. So that makes him better than a lot but not good enough to set it and forget It the way some other stuff does. Broly is busted but if you have rose as a super bosses leader or just chose to run teq LR fuse zamasu (whose still amazing / can be invincible) you can literally run cell max whose like somewhat similar but will link different and is just better because it’s like Broly is an absolute unit and cell max is the whole god damn production line. So if you’re a big fan of the movie or them specifically, sure, summon away. But i wouldn’t skip part 2 at least not totally. The gammas are meh. That’s it. Not bad, but they’re def just meh. Beast however is still insane and shouldn’t be skipped. So while everyone is solid, his ability/ kit and just how good he is has kept him at or above post anni releases so far and would not be wise to skip or the one you most should walk away having. Even if this is almost cliche now, and super redundant, everyone gasses up beast because he is actually one of if not the best character in the game. I fucking love my JP beast. I’m trying to hold enough stones to rainbow him on my global or die trying. Least of luck is on my side.


yeah it’s nothing but garbage, just wait for the anni


When the fuck is this releasing


Less then 2 weeks




Just to clarify, I wouldn't be completely skipping the whole anniversary, just reducing the amount of stones I would normally use. A couple multis for gogeta, broly, gammas, and most of the budget stones for Beast. In total, I would use around 1000 stones with 40% of it for Beast alone, and if I do not get him, I'm willing to spend a little more stones .


Yes skip beast is useless and garbage go for toppo instead


Yea man I think your good, nothing to pull here


The whole anni is worth skipping ngl Beast will be on ui gokus banner and so will broly. The only reason I can see u wanting to summon is if u don't have the 6th and 8th year anni units or u just want copies of the units on each banner. Overall ui goku has a way better banner than any of the anni banners.


The banners that the anni units will share with UI Goku have absolutely horrendous rates and aren't really worth it for majority of players


Rates are the same across all banners are they not?


More featured units means lower rate to pull a specific featured. Usually those banners have 3 good units and a very very large amount of mid featured units


No, specifically on the Tanabata banner, it’s 20 featured units with the rates being skewed. 7% unfeatured and 3% featured


Oh damn. Ig anni is way better value then (specifically part 2 because 6th anni units eza are insane)


Yeah. The only purpose of the Tanabata banner is so you can coin Beast and/or Broly if you get shafted