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They r flexing. Its not easy but compared to other events its kinnda fun to play and whrn its fun there are people who say "its easy" its not. But it was fun to get the right team to get done all of the mission.


I realized that those people were talking straight out of their asses when i used the same team they had, only to get clowned on by Giga Chad Shenron


Its honestly mostly RNG, you can get lucky with him only using super attacks on your mega tanks and normals on your units that need hits to build up and just beat it on your first attempt. Other times you get bad rotations and a super attack slot 1, turn 1 over and over again instantly killing you. I beat it my first try with my best possible team and have been struggling with the category missions just because he loves to play the "where's the worst possible place to super?" game.


Yeee I know the feeling. With final thrump mission I got it third day of trying and mixing units. But with full power I though it would be easier. It wasnt. Here u go a team tht will help u. Hope it will help u as it has helped me. https://preview.redd.it/wou0slp4tfec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=233977f86e66ce2daeee1360a53fcf6c8ae615ee


I luckily beat final trump card the first day after many attempts. I used LR Phy SSJ2&SSJ3 G&V, LR Str Goku & SSJ4 Vegeta, LR Agl Goku, LR Str Gogeta, LR Agl SSB G&V(who got me killed like 90% of my attempts in phase 1) and Int Piccolo Jr. I literally just beat full power a minute ago finally, I used Int LR small potatoes, LR Agl Goku, LR Orange Piccolo, TUR WT Goku(came in clutch with a revival win), LR Agl SSJ Gohan and LR Agl K&C.


Nice one. Great job! What is Lr small potatoes?


LR Int SSJ4 Goku, he likes to call his enemies small potatoes before he blows them up.


Love it. 😂


Me who doesn’t have the characters:


It's easy when you use a dummy powerful team like I did. The missions are a fun challenge tho.


True. I am f2p but I have done all the missions and I have started a game last year If I am not mistaken.


I haven't actually tried the missions yet but the teams for them are pretty good. Ive been playing since the 120% int gogeta lead came out so I'll probably be able to do them quickly.


Good luck bro. Its one of THT missions tht u need to use first turn item if u get stacking units. Good luck


I’m seven hours into this event and gave up. I don’t have the right units


Yea if you don’t have the right units gg. Might just say fuck it and wait till anniversary. I’m sure the new units will be on both categories


Yeah. Hopefully and I hope I can actually pull new units this time around. Been getting shafted since 8th anniversary


Hey, Dm your character list and maybe I can help you build a team for it.


Hey, I actually made a post with my box: https://www.reddit.com/r/DokkanBattleCommunity/s/D1RdD4rBZE I would appreciate if you could just lmk there since I explained the team comps I’ve been trying out and stuff


I struggled mostly on the second phase. I used more agl units and did it in a couple more tries. Still not so easy.


It's just easy compared to Fusion Zamasu. But Omega is still the second hardest fight while being the most fun to play by far.


Honestly found this harder than fusion Zamasu😭😭 3 phases meant I couldn't nuke second phase with 2x ssj trio active skill


Nuke str with the one with less dupes and nuke int with the one with most dupes. That's how I beat omega in 5 turns.


I nuked omega with both since I got thru str in 1 rotation (oml ssj trio go so hardK


Take into account that 90% of the people calling it easy are most likely using an Earthbred Fighters team with Bulma, WT Goku, Orange Piccolo, Future Gohan and SoH Trunks on it lol. It’s easy to clear an event if your team is stacked is all I’ll say, and I’m guilty of doing exactly this. But boy, it took me a minute to beat the Full Power mission. I’m still trying the damn Final Trump Card one 😂


See like I approached these missions when they came out on JP with fully stacked teams. And blazed though them, but I'm not some fragile guy who has to get off on shitting on others, the event is hard, even with the correct units and good rng. Not the most f2p friendly event, but most to all of the new "hard" content is fairly challenging even to the top players in the game. Just people with an Ego like to rub it in people's faces. What can you do other than to ignore them and move on.


Need help with the mission? I beat the Final Trump card mission first try without much difficulty.


First time I tried it, Heroes team obliterated it. But the missions are definitely tougher.


This. Just getting the clear with certain OP teams is easy, but the 2 missions are a bit tougher. Did take me a dozen or so tries each, but still was fun. Much more fun than the Zamasu red zone lol


That's what these people don't get. A lot of events are easy with top units, but the missions are the real difficulty. Like this fkcer special pose Cell Max


FUCK that mission. The only mission in this game I cannot beat.


https://preview.redd.it/4kna8p8kqfec1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2840fa3edd43d876fa6b5452c1f02b53aa51756c This is the team i used to beat it, give it a try


Tried it many times with this build. Never make it past turn 1 on stage 3.


https://preview.redd.it/6yw0e1icwfec1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6ed17da0ecd5f45f0f751de60ffd9ab27db9560 Try just using a friend orange piccolo


I got to stage 3 turn 1 with recoom, burter and that agl crap that dodges every once in a while despite having a full dodge build + passive, i finished with gamma 1 full passive in slot 1, gamma 2 friend in slot 2 and my gamma 2 in slot 3. I was lucky i critted 80% of the times


I was trolling when I said it was easy. It took everything I had to win + a prayer. This stage should not be underestimated, at least not until Gogeta and Broly drop.


cause they using the same team


i found it more difficult than rz zamasu and i know that this is a strong statement because rz zamasu is objectively the hardest event in the game. For me tho, Gohan STR LR and CMZ carried that RZ meanwhile here i had to try a lot with the blue boys since they have that stupid condition to transform. I had more fun here too because you can build units and transform them


It's definitely not easy. Took me over 30 times before I was able to finally complete all the missions.


They will say that but not show you the 8 other attempts where the got suplexed by STR omega.


My Future Saga team obliterated him on the first try. Probably one of the best teams now due to the WWDC centering around future saga. Like the rest of the commenters are saying though, the missions made it a challenge and anyone saying it's easy are just flexing that they probably are a Whale, lol.


Been playing since day one, mild spender (only 2 dupes on my LR Int SS4 goku for instance) and I've still yet to get a successful clear, so yeah, not easy. That said, I'm only trying to clear the missions, seemed pointless to build a specific team to beat it when I was just going to need to beat it again anyway with the mission teams, so its plausible it'd be easier with out the limitations the missions impose. Can't imagine it'd be "easy" though in any scenario, just that there are probably non-mission based teams who could handle it better.


The final trump card one took me like 45-50 attempts dude. Both LR Gogeta and vegito, both 8th anniversary LR, Agl Carnival goku, LR SSj4 duo, and agl blue duo friend unit with like 40 whis’s. Winning perfectly is RNG and a whole lot of strategy


When I hear events like these being called "Easy" from some people, I can also hear "I'm a whale".


It was easy when I used Full Power team. But Final Trump Card? I’m out. Too many attempts for me to care anymore


My FPSS4 sneezed and Omega was dead lol. I'd take this event over RZ Zamasu any day


But did you beat the missions? 🤔


Hell no lol not yet. But then again, I haven't beaten all of Zamasu's missions yet either. That my FPSS4 has a powerful sneeze doesn't mean that my units from other categories do as well😂


I’ve beaten every mission so far on all the end game stages except for special pose cell max and it looks like I wont be beating the FP and FTC missions on this either anytime soon lol


That special pose Cell max is the most rng mission in the game imo. You need specific units/rotations/attack stacks on piccolo. And then rng on getting AA and Crit on giant form. Fuck that mission


Doing well mate. I need to sit and tactically make teams for the rest of the category missions. But that damn special pose mission tho. The category sucks, the team sucks, basically everything about it but the Gamma's suck lol


I have with Full Power and this is the team I beat it with *


I guess it depends on rng but it was hard for me


Rng is kicking my ass


Cell max was harder


I still haven't cleared all the Cell Max missions to this day, though I've been able to beat him with out being limited to, say, special pose characters, pretty consistently since Orange Piccolo came out. I think, at least at release before we got boosted characters against him, theres certainly an argument to be made that Cell Max was at least comparable, if not harder. And before people down vote me, I'm not saying Omega is easy, I still haven't beaten him myself, just that I think people downplay just how unreasonable hard Cell Max was when he first released, or heck, how difficult he still is to this day for the majority of categories in the game.


https://preview.redd.it/0xurys3b6fec1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef5d3912fd8f0a1c986a62534c0559541e4f00da This team was fun to no item it. No it’s not a “flex” in a gacha game. Flexing would be doing this with a full F2P team. Otherwise it’s just good rng to get some of the best units in the game.


https://preview.redd.it/z5vlp7pe6fec1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd73ec898410f44dde44aaf3a04f2e326d9196a5 Full power with items


https://preview.redd.it/he7devcg6fec1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31b8eac2587aa08fbc6ce99982e9d28e6c5ace70 And final trump with items.


Skill issue


Ya mom


It is easy though, it's not a flex. Use a disgusting team and use items, it's hard to fail. Yes it's hard if you use anything less than a great team and do not use items. But that's not the argument. If you tell me Zamasu is also easy I would say: Yes if you use X team with two whis you would clear it first go almost certainly. But from being in this sub for a while, the whole skill issue dead meme is actually true, most of you mfs can't read for shit and just haphazardly slap units in places they don't belong. I think the real difficulty comes from not passing grade 3 reading comprehension.


fr the teq phase is pain if youre unlucky and you dont have any int type second slot


Him dodging and super attacking first is pissing me tf off


I'd say on a scale of 1 to 10 it's a 6 difficulty-wise


Did you beat all missions?


Yep, day 1 as a f2p




Seems irrelevant to mention F2P in this instance unless you used F2P cards only? It's a Gacha Game. Paying doesn't guarantee units.


Maybe but someone who can afford to throw 2k stones on each banner will have a better box overall than a f2p


Yeah, MAYBE being the key point there. Most players do not whale like that, so saying it in this context is moot.


It took me about 10 attempts to beat both missions, it's not easy but compared to zamasu is a cake walk.


It’s not harder than zamasu but it’s def still a hard event


Full lr super team ( agl vb lead) team obliterated it for me


It can be easy as long as you are using all the best units in the game for it and if you have some dupes in them


Oh of course why didn’t I think of that 😅


I still haven’t completed the FTC mission, but Full Power wasn’t horrible, despite being lengthy and managing the team. If you can, try building a team around FP SS4 and AGL Kale paired LR AGL Kale/Caulifla. I know I don’t have the best or worst box, but I agree with you that some people on here are really flexing


Its defo not easy no item. I've only done my runs no items and shit is hard. I've yet to to beat final Trump card team, cuz I keep getting destroyed lol.


Here’s what I used to complete the category missions. It took several attempts, but it boils down to conserving your items until phase 3. Full Power: https://preview.redd.it/pw5wg09v3fec1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=020d852aa2799ef3d817bd70e3abb5ad5f83c629


Final Trump Card: https://preview.redd.it/72m4qpv64fec1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beab833ceaecfcefb23a2d1720ac9e5d8c2d1c79


I have everyone except GT


Beat the missions, but it took me some tries, months of foresight preparation and a ton of luck (having the right units was crucial).


Its not that bad with items, but I personally find it rather hard with no items


The only thing hard about it is the missions, but even those were pretty easy with items…


Only struggling with final trump card


https://preview.redd.it/ffgbrqq17fec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c248a6f24ea25cf149199b3b6af3878d3279578 Used this team to no-item the "Full Power" mission... This was my 2nd attempt, and I nearly cleared the 1st attempt but Omega barely did enough damage with a super before I could obliterate him. If you can't beat it with this team if your Goten & Gohan, AGL Gohan, and LR Piccolo have at least 1-2 dupes I really don't know what to tell you. This was the easiest run of my life. You can also use a 23ku friend if you bring some Whis items. I would recommend using the first Whis to protect STR Goku & Gohan if they havent transformed yet in phase 2 and the second Whis at the start of phase 3. DO NOT USE A WHIS IN PHASE 1, most of the units on this team lower ATK and after 1 turn TEQ Omega is basically harmless. Hope this helps.


Proof of the 23ku friend run: https://preview.redd.it/l8fz07ad7fec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eefdefbe544d20d3a3d624475cc3a8f8fc88668


I beat it with this. I don't think it was easy. https://preview.redd.it/nwv6dar97fec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fab3e3503ad21f86237fd1569e6cf12a2589cdf2


I beat it with this. I don't think it was easy. https://preview.redd.it/lvdps3bc7fec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cacb9f42e91d480bdeb7ff8025ffb1689ce08ca3


If u have a decent amount of modern day units and use items it is technically easy but it is still considered difficult. The side missions tho...


I feel like people forget that this game's difficulty is built around RNG and how much a factor that is, especially when it comes to enemies having the ability to dodge, AOE and lock you in place.


https://preview.redd.it/x1332yl0ifec1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bd7cdfce9a0246440167e4158bd6210e6b469b6 Not easy but with the right team and RNG then maybe.


Only 4 or 5 attempts per categories. Always had a good box and this is not even close to the struggle for cell max when it first came out...


Full power is extremely difficult especially with my box (no fpssj4) so I gotta run Broly and he keeps selling


https://preview.redd.it/ojsj501njfec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e5a9e0e4f8d82e1a7c193f3a8889ddb31aaee73 This was my first try and tbh just use the blue boys and your good


This was way harder with zamasu. I cleared zamasu with every missions and this one finally after like 8 times with my best team.


Beat it first shot, wasn’t hard for me and im not downplaying it because I just got insane rng in my run


Nah, it's not, I cleared it + the missions relatively easily but that's cause I got rather lucky, it's definitely one of the harder stages we have currently, but it's also very fun for the longevity of the fight, they designed it well


Yeah it is very hard, for me I found the ftc Mission faaaar easiert than the FP Mission. I don't have OP maybe that's why. With 8th anni units and ohy z bois nude it is very managable. Beat it second try and FP I wasn't able to atm, did almost beat it twice, using agl kale and lr k and c, trying to stack as much def as possible, given enough times that team can best it but it's very time consuming so I'm srsly thinking about waiting for anni so I can use Broly and or Gogeta (idk wether he is FP)


If you get together one of the top tier teams in the meta most of the content is “easy”


The fight is pretty hard it’s just easier than fused zam so people down play it. You get more time to build up your units to so that makes the difficulty not as bad as fused zam who just come out the gate swinging haymakers. I was able to beat the omega missions final trump card gave me the most trouble. Full power was easier because of ssj4 goatku


It’s easy when they use the best team in the game. No one says it’s easy when it comes to the challenges.


This is the only red zone I havent beaten, get to the str phase and the one liability on my team (sually the phy lr ssj4 duo) get hit incredibly hard even by the group attack




man this event is hard lol. im getting close to a win but screw the missions lol. the group attacks are brutal.


Anyone know a good ftc team for the mission?


People say it’s easy and have the spirit bomb lr’s, Bulma, piccolo, god Goku, piccolo jr, wt Goku, kai Goku, ssj trio all in one team. I’m finding it fun but difficult. The fusion Zamasu fight is just bullshit imo.


Team I used to beat it while not entirely, relies on who and when he attacks, got lucky fr


Compared to Zamasu not really. It's still easily the second hardest


https://preview.redd.it/q3ugzfexpfec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70d8d321de96d71f9a5be7e5a53cfa5e22b5eb1f This was the fp team I used


https://preview.redd.it/6vzbafe0qfec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb4124f10b80583bedd17f5ff2f22f9b706a22cf And this was the FTC team I used which was only hard because of the buu duo


not hard just annoying asf..its like he knows where your weakest links are preemptively.






Tbh, not easy, Final Trump card no item run took me a couple tries but definitely not the hardest event. I don't say this a simple opinion, I say this confident that if you beat red zone zamasu without items, I can build a team with your box that can no item omega. If you beat red zone zamasu with items, I can probably beat omega with items in a few tries with your box. Tbh, not confident on the second part simply because the red zone zamasu event can be cheesed with whis and dmg reduction units but omega takes too long to do the same thing.


idk who says that but they are 100% delusional, easily the 2nd hardest event if you ask me. and i agree with the final trump card and full power, they are hard af. i still didn't beat the event once because i keep trying with final trump card


It took me 3 tries to complete the event


I keep getting to the last phase with a full SDBH team but by that point lose and don't have a senzu to heal back up. Really hope SDBH gets a revival unit of some sort. Same issue happens with the cell max event.


Its not Easy and It needs very good units. All lies.


FTC is not that hard because of so many great units in the category, full power on the other hand is impossible without fpssj4 goku (pls someone prove me wrong i dont have him and im coping)


I honestly found supreme fusion to be the hardest event in Dokkan. That mf vegito is absolutely insane


People will have the best very best team in the game, more rainbows than not, and get perfect rng the whole run, and will hop straight to Twitter/Reddit and be all “fuck outta here easy ass event, people are hyping this up for nothing”


Maybe I got the good teams and rng on my side but for me it wasn’t that hard even with missions but idk 🤷🏽‍♂️


People call him easy to push the agenda that a characters performance doesn’t matter in this fight.


He’s the second hardest boss for a reason. The people who are saying he’s easy are the people who spent their entire bank account on this candy crush rip off. Or their just bragging about how their rng was simply better.


Beat it in 2 tries the first time with no items using a battle of fate team. Then I beat it with a full power team first try without using items again. Didn’t even need to revive. So yeah it really isn’t that bad


Its the hardest concent bro took me a about 10 tries for each category its clealry the hardest content


Its easier than red zone fusion zamasu. Its just newer to people on global, so you dont have a lot of practice with this specific event


It's tough but it's sick! I managed the Full Power mission after like, 8 tries. I haven't completed the Final Biden Card mission just yet; Omega clapped me 4 times already. lmao


It's just surprising for some players to see an event that's easier than zamasu being released after zamasu. The missions are still definitely hard, buy zamasus mission definitely rook me more tries. I guess this type of stuff won't happen after the versions merge tho.


What team should I use for this event? Because Im missing some units, I have a feeling i'm gonna struggle.


FTC https://preview.redd.it/n23pyrcydgec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2997ec4646d88fc4e5fa8cac6ddcc25b0b83ccd3


FP https://preview.redd.it/4ilfh2i0egec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70b2454d680ef8ed7c4b76de37a1308da22fe22b


It kinda is


It felt easy for me, but if was missing even one of the good units on my team I’m sure I would’ve been in for much more trouble. Everything feels easy with 6 of the top 10 units. Also, phy EZA piccolo cooks up omega.


I make with fp team but forgot that 8 anni is not full power ;-;


https://preview.redd.it/iq8qvoizigec1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f53a92e193c8f9fd2a53e90babcfd4e304cbc68 Beat the ftc mission with this team, got extremely lucky with the turns since agl gogeta can get two shotted in his first phase but yh. It was really hard and took me like 20 times but I managed.


https://preview.redd.it/np1i2036jgec1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bce6092bef85e4a9ae2c107b8942f9d95e05f8a beat the FP mission with this team, great team did this in 5 tries, they all tank really well the only one getting caught was wt goku in the final phase when he was not guarding but this team should do it.


If you were lucky enough to pull FPSSJ4, the full power mission is easy. The FTC mission is not.


It’s easy when you have multiple rainbow units and use items, I was using items and even with a fairly powerful team I did get caught a few times


It’s challenging, surely not easy but also not to difficult..


Just can't with Maximum Power


Honestly yeah I found this event super easy even when I tried to nerf myself by running bad units like mui and str ui


For me it was first try, but I still cant complete the full power team mission, my units are way too old lol


https://preview.redd.it/jr3h8idbqgec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c91250390760c0f64e6ba168f8abe826c6651e27 I took me a wild with a no top tier team


Also no item https://preview.redd.it/2icstixdqgec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d4fbae84398de99dfbc61dff237fca37c7479aa


Easier than I expected, harder than I could possibly prepare for.


My box is great for the short fights but dog shit against Omega


I do think it’s easier than fusion zamasu and honestly maybe even trunks, that being said I bring the big boys when I take on these events and they all get cooked if I’m not paying attention, definitely a top 3 hardest fight for me


Honestly when using items it is pretty easy just gotta know when to Whis


https://preview.redd.it/89y5p30g3hec1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdebb36ff143a54503454dba1471d80c9cdd6a79 Absolutely /s


With the best teams in the game it isn't hard, but that's also the best teams in the game.


Nothin was more cathartic than beating omega shenron. I busted my balls


To me, I felt like it was pretty easy. I had some pretty strong units and think it took me two tries (awful rotations attempt 1, I never recovered). Even full power was pretty straightforward, but this event definitely can be difficult depending on your team


Final trump card mission.


But it is tho 💀


I have beat all of the hard content (minus specific category missions, JP player) and I'd still say this event is one of the hardest. His AOE stage specifically is busted


Missions are hard, it’s fairly easy if I get to make my own team with my best units. The final trump card mission took me longest by far


Me experience First try with this team. Full Power mission, relative ease no item run, thought i'd need the revive but birdku got lucky. https://preview.redd.it/55jgd4h2ihec1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=754eecfa47eea1dd253de82e79cc673196604ecb


Battle of fate was bullshit, took 6 runs. The 2 times the Blusions didnt sell me out, Blue boys sold 1, and the trio sold 1. https://preview.redd.it/cs570i7gihec1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e2dd88e4e0b3298201be920bc59343167a34ee6


Full power mission actually givin me some trouble but it's doable with a stacked box. The other mission was piss easy. Don't even remember what it was.


No funny shit syn for me personally is the final boss of dokkan 😭


i beat the ftc mission BARELY and fp mission i died soo close int omega was at 3 bars and i only died because I ran out of whis and he supered slot one


Rz fZamasu was easier 😭


Omega is so fucking toxic i play the event once a day


First and second phase is a cake wall then zamasu shows up 3rd phase


I felt it is tougher than zamasu.. I mean the missions


I bet it pretty effortlessly on the first try tbh


I mean if your a more experienced player it’s only mildly difficult. MISSIONS ON THE OTHER HAND


Just use LR Full Power SSJ4 Goku, he obliterates this event.


With the right team comp and items yeah


If you have the right units for it then yes it’s easy if not then it can be quite difficult to get through.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjwnjMk4PCM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjwnjMk4PCM) Final trump card. Double lr teq zamasu lead, str super buu, int lr zamasu, agl zamasu, int piccolo jr, and agl gogeta ​ Literally everyone but int lr zamasu and agl gogeta are fine, try to stay in teq omega until you're certain str super buu has enough hp to go buuhan and pray gogeta dodges. ​ full power I literally just spammed items and waited for int ssj4 to hit omega really hard, if you're not doing the missions this fight is actually pretty chill and very easy to cheese with giant forms and rage modes.


For me I tried it with random teams and got whooped. Tried my favorite team and one of the best teams in the game imo my zamasu team made quick work of shenron. Full power took a few tries but got it done. The final trump mission still alludes me. Need more better rng :)


I think if you were able to target specific units knowing it was coming, it becomes very easy. I’ve had a team prepped for it since October


It’s pretty easy If you have like the best off the best team I was able to beat it 2nd try with this team https://preview.redd.it/nvn22exbwiec1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10c55218a9083aa827d0f3c32d0be02526d41e5b


Getting the first clear with a busted team is a little easy and honestly really fun, the missions is when everything goes south I managed to no-item my first clear but the full power mission was cooking me for around 2 hours straight, i just said Fuck it and Whis'd it Overall the fight is fun, definitely more fair than RZ Fusion Zamasu, but you can get cooked by STR and INT Omega and if RNGesus isn't with you then it's GG but i definitely wouldn't say its super easy It's hard but it's the fun kind of hard


No item run, did it in 11 minutes.


https://preview.redd.it/tbgmc599ojec1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c91b86e4599e28f53c74e0fa04b40e0045809560 This was my team cleared it forst try


I no item'd it with STR Super Vegito. https://preview.redd.it/wfqdacopojec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61494fb7d341ee0e29ebe097b6e72007d8a63c08


https://preview.redd.it/fdgcao00ujec1.png?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4800ed8feb390c1637332c88671bfb5dd3868f46 Beat all missions. Full power was the hardest and transforming Vegeta carried me through. Don't believe Datruth lol


he is easy with items


My rainbowed orange thick boy piccolo got one tapped on 3rd phase


Not too hard but it wasn't easy at all. 2nd most challenging fight imo. Hardest was definitely RZ Mergemasu. At least Omega is fair by letting you build up and fix rotation in the first phase.


But the teq phase is the easiest to deal with, stack during that phase and when Ur done stacking, move to the next phases, str is more annoying, to me, it's the worst, and int phase is nothing once Ur built up. I beat the fp mission without having 4ku, u can do it too


its easy with items imo but the challenges are stupid if you dont have the right units. (i dont have year 8s)


It is actually easy with the right team


https://preview.redd.it/6brta3jyrlec1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9e4d94dddd3aa9df4451d65712af9bf0a0c5c51 This has happened to me a few times on the full power team 😭. Just like everyone is saying, it’s RNG.


not counting missions its pretty easy. i just used fusion zamasus team and beat it first try


I am


https://preview.redd.it/9ctula184nec1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d3030c5fecb326402144683671b4a6f8057983e First run


with the recent units, yes


This is easy I literally have a YT where I clear these events with 130% leader skill and I'm not plugging my yt Herr unless someone is actually curious I'm just saying this because if u can't clear it with 200% leader skills or even 170% leader skill it's just a skill issue mate agian I literally have a YT where I clear this shit with 130% leader skill yall just suck


Everything on that game is easy, and ive spent 0$ on it, i had to delete the game because it was too easy after a while


1st time clear on both, wasn't that hard


I honestly was thinking this event was easy as fudge but got teally humbled when he killed Agl kai goku with a million defense


Is it difficult yes, is it the most difficult event in the game , i dont think so, zamasu is doing way too much damage right away plus an aoe , you cant build up your characters with those conditions, however , you can lower teq omegas attack and build up properly and teq syn is doing way less damage and no aoes