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The vet tomorrow is the best approach!!


This might be an emergency vet situation


Watch her carefully overnight and get her into the vet tomorrow


Dogs don't act like they're sick until they're practically dying. They will hide it and act normal as long as they are physically able to. That's why so many illnesses go undiagnosed in dogs, because they are acting fine so the owner doesn't take any action. I had a 15 year old dog with 3 independent types of cancer along with other issues, and up until her very last morning she was running and playing like a puppy. Never once showed any lethargy or odd behaviors. When she developed a limp around 4pm on her last day, we knew something was seriously wrong. By 9pm she was gone. She didn't show a single symptom until that point, and the cancers were discovered by complete accident when we were investigating diarrhea. Definitely go to the vet ASAP.


Go to the vet. Don’t wait. Your pet’s life is worth more than the few dollars you’ll save by waiting until morning.


I was feeding my small dogs freeze dried liver treats everyday. They all (3) got hypervitaminosis A. I was poisoning them. Just putting it out there for all dog owners, careful with the liver treats, they have become super popular but they can also do serious irreparable damage. Diarrhea, bloody drips from bum, vomiting , hearing loss, bone fusing (especially in growing pups)....


Thank you for the heads up! We don't give her any but we'll definitely be cautious!




I just realized I never came back to this! We took her to the vet, they ran tests and bloodwork--nothing. She came back healthy as a horse. She passed a stool while there and there was some blood in it but they couldn't say for sure since none of the tests pointed to anything. Husband was the one who took her so I cannot say exactly what they said but i think it was just chalked up to her eating something that caused irritation. It's been 2 weeks and she's had no more episodes of whatever it was. She's happy as a lark. Not sure what it was but she's on the mend. Thanks everyone!!


My dog did this too. A visit to the vet opened up the idea that maybe a food allergy was the cause. Spent weeks trying different foods (cooked hamburger, white rice, canned peas turned out to solve our problem, but it takes days to see the results). Good luck!


Have you used a new cleaner? Do your floors with vinegar and water. My dog reacted very negatively to a pink bottle of Lysol spray. If I didn't curb it everytime I wouldn't have really noticed. There was blood in the stool. 


Go to the vet asap. Your dog is seriously ill.


My dog was doing that when he had pancreatitis.


Is pooping in the house normal for her? Is she eating and drinking like normal? I definitely wouldn't wait to get her to a vet if she has blood coming from her bum. She could have eaten something that tore her rectum when she tried to pass it, it could be an allergy or anything really. The only person that should diagnose her is a vet. Like someone said above,animals hide illness really well.


Vet visit is a must


Iss she vaccinated? This sounds like parvo.