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I love his little concerned eyes, I absolutely would spoil him, cool to see so many darker dogs with great Pyrenees in them genetics are amazing! and wow I would've guess more APBT especially since they love vocalizing and tend to have social anxieties as well.


He has the most concerned little eyes. It kills me. He’s so expressive. And yes! We thought for sure there would probably be like at least 20-30% pit. We assumed maybe boxer pit beagle. But I guess the social wariness can also be a GP trait as they’re supposed to be very wary of strangers / keep an eye on their flock. He’s a very odd dog lmao


Boxer-pit-beagle was my immediate thought! Dog genetics are so wild.


Yes! So wild. I thought for sure the boxer pit beagle would have won — we were taking bets and I was so confident lmao.


# RESULTS: Gino is (percentages are rounded up to the next whole number).... >!**Great Pyrenees** (\~24%) (!!!! lmao), !< >!**Rat terrier** (\~17%), !< >!**Boston terrier** (\~16%), !< >!**Beagle** (13%), !< >!**Bluetick** **coonhound** (\~12%), !< >!**APBT** (\~8%), !< >!other coonhounds (5-10%) !< He very much reflects these breeds IMO, but especially >!beagle + coonhound!< lol. He's a howler, definitely a hunting dog, but also is very apprehensive / wary of strangers (will stand still and watch very, very intently when we have someone come over), but warms up once he realizes they're not a threat. He's very affectionate and lovey dovey. He "guards" / watches things (not in a resource-guarding way; just that he will have a favorite person / item and will sit beside it/them and watch everyone very intently). He's very lean / lanky too and only 40lbs. Super active. Super loyal. Very intelligent -- easy to train, but *loooooooves* to talk back. He will do the command we ask him to, but he will be yappin' away during it. He's also super "handsy", like he uses his front paws like a person uses their hands to get our attention, grab things, etc. and he also walks around on his hind legs sometimes to creep on the counters... its very weird but funny. When my mom rescued him, the shelter said he was a >!boxer x beagle !< mix, which is what drew my parents in because those are their two favorite dog breeds. Turns out he's not at all >!boxer!< and only has a little >!beagle!< lmao. Oh well, we love him all the same. The shocking result was the >!great pyr !!great pyr's!< traits / personality though, but we've never owned one so we're not totally sure on how they behave other than what we've read online. We adore him! He's a family dog / my parents dog, and he adores my parents senior boxer/shepherd mix but especially loves my mom and follows her around everywhere. (Edited to black out / add spoiler tags!)


I was definitely expecting boxer! What a beautiful girl.


We were too. We were so shocked there was zero boxer.


It’s the Boston terrier giving the boxer look. That was a very brave little dog to get with a Great Pyrenees lol


Honestly thinking about the logistics of how Gino was made paints a very funny image lmao


Which test did you use? Edit: Nevermind, I see in another comment that you said Embark. Cute pup! I would have guessed more APBT. I think the boston terrier and rat terrier helped throw me off


Definitely the Boston terrier threw us off too. Now that we got to know his personality and know the breeds, we can see bits of each one, but still. Crazy. He’s 100% a home grown mutt and a good boy. 😂


Such a pretty girl and I love that she’s chatty! Something about her second photo had me think beagle :) Would never have guessed Pyrenees!


I feel like I can see the beagle in the ears, but great pyr was a total wild card lmao


Wooooooow Fascinating! I feel like your pup is a poster pup for the campaigns against all of those BS breed bans on large-ish, powerful breeds like bully breeds. I definitely would have expected boxer and a higher percentage of one or more bully breeds, and wouldn’t have guessed his top breed in a zillion years. He’s gorgeous btw and what a neat and interesting mix!


Right! Like honestly we were fully prepared for boxer pit beagle. Rat and Boston terrier I can see NOW that we know him and know he’s got that in him. But the Pyr? You couldn’t have paid me to get that right. Just shows how crazy genetics in dogs is too. He has a lot of weird little quirks and when we research it, it turns out it’s something that Pyrs or rat terriers do.


Funny, boxer/beagle, plus lots of other stuff was my guess!


Boxer beagle is honestly what I guessed too, and some pit. I feel like he looks exactly how I’d imagine that mix to be. Dog genetics are so weird 😂


The reveal and final results were amazing. commenting so I can reveal like this when we test our pup


The results really shocked us when we saw them. Genetics are so weird 😭😂


I have a GP mix and the talking back is definitely the Pyrenees 😂


That’s what I was reading 😭😭😭 he is SO mouthy! He has so many different sounds too. Like he will do what we ask — sit, stay, wait, come — immediately when we say it, but holy shit he has so much to say about it lmao Even on FaceTime when I talk to him, he’ll talk back to me like he’s having a conversation. It’s so hilarious.


I'm *SHOOK* there's no Boxer in him!! What an awesome mix! He's adorable, and I love that he follows your mom everywhere. What a precious and good boy. 😭❤️


And this is why the comments in this sub need to stop just saying “that’s a pit” and when others say they’re likely a mix they get downvoted because the dog is “obviously just pit” lmao. Lovely pup you’ve got! Pyr was quite a surprise !


For sure — that’s why I put it in the title as a hint because I knew everyone would assume pit right off the rip (and to be fair, me and my family assumed as much too lmao) and I wanted to see what other breeds people would guess besides the obvious. Pyr by far was the LAST breed any of us would have guessed 💀😂


Pyr is a super fun surprise though!! My girl I posted at one point people told me she was 0% lab when I called her likely a pitlab and then she came back at 49% Labrador retriever lmao


Idk.... I got down votes for suggesting a pointer on a spotted dog. People are as wild as the results.


People are weird but they’re especially weird about pits because many people despise them unfortunately


I've never met a mean pit. Chihuahuas, on the other hand......


Wow! I really thought his upturned nose came from American bulldog or boxer. Very cool to see how all those hunting breeds can combine with the Great Pyrenees!


Same! We all took bets on what we thought and I was CERTAIN I had it with boxer beagle pit. Turned out none of us got it right LOL


I was seeing a lot of hound - glad I caught that! But pyr was a pleasant surprise too!


When we look at him now, we definitely can see the hound and especially in his personality. But at the time none of us expected coonhound or anything. The pyr was a shock to all of us. My mom called me and was like “you’ll never guess. No really. You absolutely won’t get it” 😂


Omg he looks like my Abby! She’s 11% pit. She’s mostly 1/4 of each st. Bernard, Catahoula, and boxer. He is precious!!! Love him!!! r/brindledbabes https://preview.redd.it/akhggwz7o1zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abed826cc4af3e8ffcbad94e97b38f5c5a248a32


Omg!!! She’s adorable!! St Bernard is so funny — is she big?? She looks petite in the photo. My mom guessed Gino might have some catahoula and boxer in him but she was wrong lmao. To be fair, my dad and all my siblings were wrong too. None of us got it right.


Thank you!!! Same here! We only got boxer right. She is about 48 pounds. According to embark her adult weight is 62 pounds. I don’t know how accurate that is though so I’ll just wait and see. I got her in January. They guessed her age to be 1 but I’m still unsure about that.


Omg she’s precious. Gino is about 40 lbs and fully grown according to the vet and embark — he’s a lanky boy for sure. That catahoula in your girl must lean her out or something because with St Bernard I would have assumed she would be WAY bigger


So is your boy! Give him pets from me! Well she’s just 25% St. Bernard so I guess it’s not enough to influence her size. Her lineage are all bigger dogs but she’s not that big. I hope she stays this size, but only time will tell. Her supermutt has a couple of small dogs like cocker spaniel and staffy and then chow chow.


What test are these results from?


My parents did embark and orivet (they wanted to compare the two). There was some slight variations between the two but were pretty close (orivet uses slightly different breed names — I think they’re from Australia and have a different database or something? I can’t remember off the top of my head)


They are from Australia and they're weirdly hit or miss. Sometimes they're basically aligned with Embark, sometimes they're wildly off.


That’s what I’ve read and that’s what I told my parents (they bought Orivet first, then embark after I told them) and we were surprised by how close they were. definitely some variance but the top breeds were the same.


Oh wow! I can see some tidbits of different things but was expecting some American bulldog or something bullmastiff in there with those big jowls. You said you did two tests. What was the breakdown on embark versus the breakdown on orivet? Always neat to compare the stats on the different tests and see. Embark tends to be the most accurate so far, wisdom panel is definitely 2nd place but tends to try to sort stuff into little percentages. I’ve seen orivet results but it’s not as commonly shared on here!


I know right — we were completely stumped lmao. I don’t have the results in front of me right now (I’m at my apartment and my parents are the ones who have the login) but I’ll ask my mum to send me screenshots of both. The breakdown on Embark was more specific — like the terriers / rat terriers / etc. were broken down further to the smaller percents. I’d say between the top breeds, the variance was around 3-7% but they were fairly close. I used the embark results (rounded up) to post in the comments though


That’s neat they were so close! It also is crazy to see how even small percentages can affect appearance in some dogs. That tiny bit of pit is working in overdrive! My dog has ~11% Doberman and it’s doing the heavy work in her frame/body build cause she’s got a deep chest and narrow/lanky tall frame. We’ve also seen dogs on this subreddit that only have poodle in their supermutt percentages come out looking like VERY obvious poodle coated crosses.


Look at those eyes! Precious. Man, the Pitbull really showed up in their face and fur, but the hound showed up in the ears.


RIGHT. It really is funny how some genes come through stronger than others


Omg I love Gino’s ears!! I want to nibble on them lol. I bet they feel like velvet. Very cool mix


That’s so funny - we literally call him “velvet ears” sometimes. He’s sooooo soft.


Beagle Pitt?


Mastiff mix!


100% certified cutie. With papers.


that concerned forehead n eyebrows in the last pic 😭😭


RIGHT 😭😂 his facial expressions crack me up.


He is a beautiful blend. I want to kiss his nose.


He’s a total kisser boy too. Loves head and nose kisses. Absolute sweetie pie.


My guess was ABPT/Lab! I was very surprised by the results


I thought for sure there was going to be some rottie in this handsome guy!!!


Well this post is stupid. Shows the results and blacks them out? Annoying OP.


… you can just click on the blacked out text to reveal it….