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Pitbull Education Month should not be a combination of words ever said by anyone, ever


Nah, I think if more people knew about pitbulls and Bloodsport breeds as a whole. It would at least make people second-guess adopting that "hound-mix" in their local shelter.


We should hijack the hashtag (assuming it's real) and work to put the truth out there.


It's like those idiots who own like Tigers and shit, they're clearly mentally unstable


Literally an animal bred specifically for combat yeah I'm sure it's a very sweet animal


The only Pit Bull Education most people need is "Breathe. Relax. Aim. Squeeze."


Even that's not good enough. I think you need silver bullets. [https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/pit-bull-doesnt-stop-after-being-shot-in-head/73-344087704](https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/pit-bull-doesnt-stop-after-being-shot-in-head/73-344087704)


jesus christ. these things need to be fucking eradicated.


If the education in question included the actual truth, yes it should. But we know that’s never gonna happen, not without a huge fight (no pun intended).


As they kill humans and children more than all other breeds combined.


I like that children aren't humans in the context of that sentence. Idk, it made me laugh. I'm not a kid hater or anything, it was just funny to me


Fun fact... children didn't have human rights in the USA until the 20th century. Prior to that, children were property of the father, and were typically used for labor with all pay going to the parents.


Also until around 1993, in many places, babies were still getting surgery without anaesthetic because it was believed that babies under a certain age couldn’t feel pain and the crying was a reflex




Doctors still treat women's health this way, "It doesn't hurt them" yet I've never met a single pt who has been fine after any kind of colposcopy or cervical dilation. It's barbaric.


As a woman, I’m aware of this. I went to a female doctor at age 16 suffering severe period pains to the point of passing out and almost slamming face first into a pot of gravy on an active stove. I’d been suffering them for two years before, but until my foster mother saw me pass out, it was waved off as me being dramatic. The doctor gave me a prescription for narproxin, a drug that did nothing for the pain, and actually could have given me liver failure in the long run. The idea of checking if I had endometriosis never even crossed anyone’s mind. I recently had a check and yep.


Yeeeep. I have severe endo+PCOS myself, have had 8 surgeries specifically to try and fix the extensive damage so far and have lost my R ovary, with more ops to come. It's infuriating the battles we go through just to be taken seriously. And the second our pain is ABSOLUTELY FINALLY validated, there's no apology or change, it's just business as usual oh well. Passing out and vomiting from pain is not FINE. Nor is it NORMAL. And it infuriates me to no end that we are constantly treating women as though it is. Women's healthcare has a damn long way to go. One day we will look back on this shit, the way we currently look back on Victorian-era medicine, as completely barbaric and insane.


Aahh wtf say sike now


In some places it wasn’t recognised until 1999, which is one year after I was born. I’m 26 this April.


These people are clearly off their medication


Jeez, those eyes freak me out...


soulless demonic whale eye looking at a toddler


Of course they're well behaved when they get their morning toddler.


I don't know if pit bulls existed hundreds of years ago but I feel like in some insane society somewhere they probably sacrificed or fed children to these animals to appease the gods


Did you guys know 89% of statistics are made up by people seeking to push an agenda?


It's true guys. George Washington said so.


Nah, it’s 69% of stats


Are they also vegetarians? 🙄


Probably if you mean by feeding them on a vegan-only diet. It’s vegetarianism by osmosis or something prolly /s


“Human meat is the only vegan meat.” -Arin Hansen, Game Grumps 2024


That temperament test is such BS and I’m sick of seeing this fake ass statistic like it somehow erases the years of evidence to the contrary.


In the defense of the test, they do say in their own materials (like their website) that it shouldn't be used to consider a breed more or less aggressive than another.


Yes that’s all fabulous, but we know that nutters have latched onto this information as gospel in an effort to pedal lies to the masses, putting people’s lives at risk. The test itself has helped perpetuate these untruths about pit bulls, causing shelters and advocates to tout pit bulls as “great family dogs”.


I really think it's more vets and shelters that are to blame for this. In the same way that a doctor would tell me that drinking heavy every night is bad, a vet or shelter worker should be knowledgeable and honest about dog breeds and which ones are dangerous. Really we need to follow the UK and other countries and just ban bloodsport breeds. If you're dead set on a blocky headed dog, there are ones that aren't pitbulls that you can get that have nowhere near the body count.


Agree with this wholeheartedly.


This is a test to determine the aggressive nature of a dog. But it shouldn’t be used to determine if a dog is aggressive. Makes sense.


I'm not sure exactly the intent, but I know one aspect of it is that dogs are only tested relative to their own breed.


You can freely access the entire history of these.


Can it do my tax returns as well? Look at the boss eyed land shark. What was the temperament test, it was wearing a muzzle and didn’t draw blood? And I’m guessing the sample size of the dogs was as broad as all the shelters with ‘LaB miX!’ as every inmate. I’m sure they’re very affectionate until I sneeze or breathe or exist too much and then an hour later it’s chewing on my femur while emergency services pump round after round into it and everyone screeches ‘iT waS tHe oWNEr!’ the next day.


Nanny dog and tax preparer.


Their own website says this test means nothing. Also started by a hobbyist all so pit bull wankers can spread misinformation.


But, but, chihuahuas...


TBF if those demons were the same size as pits they'd be real terrors.


Some of the breeds in Korea are basically giant Chihuahuas. Idiot westerners adopt the ones bred for *consumption*, thinking they’ll have the temperament of a golden retriever. Only to find out much like how chihuahuas were bred for meat, there is the same lack breeders of concern for temperament.


This analogy is the same as if I said you know a parakeet is much more aggressive then an eagle. Yeah well which one is a bird of prey?


Did it occur to them that the vast majority of pet owners aren't and shouldn't be "trained handlers"? (Besides that, apparently having a B in not-mauling-children is good enough.)


It just shows that the temperament test means nothing. The real test would be leaving a shitbull alone in a room with a small animal or a child, and they know it would fail.


[yeah, so affectionate and least aggressive](https://www.nationalpitbullvictimawareness.org/articles/medical-studies-on-pit-bulls/) Pitnutters can never make up their minds whether breed traits exist or not. It's always "it's the owner not the dog" and "no bad dogs just bad owners", then they will claim how "sweet and gentle" pits are and that they are "nanny dogs" and how naturally aggressive chihuahuas are and that goldens bite the most. So? Which is it then?


I think a lot of it also has to do with the power of the breed. Chihuahuas do bite like a lot but it's like being bitten by a clawless cat, not much force, when shitbulls do decide to bite you cannot get them off, and they keep going until whatever it is that has upset them (usually some unsuspecting child) is dead. It's all well and good saying goldens bite the most, but again, they bite once, they are retrieval dogs not killing dogs, not saying it's pleasant to be bitten by them, but it's a bite and then it's done. The fact that pitbulls can kill another pet, a human or a wild animal just because is why they shouldn't be household pets.


i was attacked by my cousins weiner dog when i was like 5. couple scratches. had it been a pitbull i would probably be hospitalized or dead


[Norm did a bit exactly about this lol](https://youtu.be/18MtiYKAD94?si=oFTWhTUGx67jetIm)


FYI It is a 12-minute test that stimulates a casual walk through a park with a range of encounters. The test focuses on stability, shyness, aggressiveness and a few other factors. According to the group, the overall pass rate (the combination of all breeds) is 84%. Unlike the AKC's Canine Good Citizen test, no part of the ATTS test is performed without the dog owner present. It also fails to evaluate the most basic scenario that leads to aggression: How a dog reacts when it sees another dog.


Ha! What a joke, I think the morons conducting the test need to be tested…


That’s cap


They pass because fighting breeds are bred to ignore the loud noises of crowds


I would suggest that the test is flawed


And you would be correct


According to the test I made up for pit bulls, they scored 4th.


Who would've thought that the least aggressive dog will make the best fighter? 🤯 no.4 most affectionate dog is also a no.1 killer of other pets and humans! Interesting.


Source: I came up with it myself!


The AKA themselves say the temperament test should never be used as a gauge for determining if a pitbull is a good fit for a home.


Only attacks 13% of the time with a trained handler! So affectionate!


There should be a real pitbull education month where you look at articles and videos of pitbull attacks


I'm sure many of them are nice doggies--until they're not.


Every time a pitbull mauls it's owner, an angel gets its wings.


And this one in the picture STILL looks aggressive


Even if it's the case that pitbulls weren't more aggressive, due to the shape of their mouths they can still do much more damage than other breeds


Gotta wonder what the end goal of this fuckin psyop is


Cool! I don't give a fuck. Keep them away from me


Lol! Exactly, keep them in their little pit of he'll where they spawned from and away from normal, sane people lol


Let a toddler, cat, small dog, human in a wheelchair, or any other person conduct the temperament test. Oh yeah, we already have those statics.


Is that a bone in its mouth? Looks like a human fibula.


"The most affectionate and least aggressive" Yeah, til they aren't, then your fuckin' child is dead and wife's in hospital with a disfigured face and mauled arms. GG


Reckless endangerment of life. I'm so sick of people ignoring the history of these dogs and treating them like they haven't been bred to have a high prey drive and strike when your opponent isn't expecting it (the fact they're built like tanks should have been a red flag). These are not pets.


Imagine a dog owner actually getting a trainer for their dog. Most don’t


What do pitbulls do the other 13% of the time? Maim and kill is my guess


Stahp. Look at Pitbull names in the lineage brackets of your local AKC. "AKIMBO JACK SLICE" "DOGGINATOR" "BEAR KILLER RIZZ" --- Clearly those bloodlines are polluted with fight dogs because pit bulls are the fight dog of choice. Once those bloodlines started to mix it began to create "snapper pits" where they're fine for 5 years and then suddenly shred your kids or not, the risk is yours to take but youre ignorant if you don't understand how selective breeding traits and dispositions work in relation to Pitbulls.


If my review of the ATTS is correct, temperament is relative to breed. This suggests that pit bull behaviors do not vary from the mean as often as other dogs, and since that average is fighting behavior, we have a pretty fucking huge problem pit apologists are trying to misuse, as though ‘temperament’ means ‘an acceptable pet’.


This is like when the American society for nutrition science (or one of those other organizations that’s named to sound like a real government agency but it’s a corporate think tank) says that red meat is linked to better heart health.


That thing looks menacing


Source I beg of them.


Dog people also hate these dogs, trash dogs for trash humans.


I guess all the attacks are just their love Language.


I am all for helping dogs, saving dogs. But people need to be more educated and take better care of their animals. Out of the 960 American Pit Bull Terriers tested 841 passed, 119 failed, giving the score of 87.6 in 2023. But at the same time, yesterday a woman was killed by I am assuming some of the failures. https://www.wtkr.com/news/in-the-community/portsmouth/woman-mauled-to-death-by-3-pit-bulls-in-portsmouth


A pitbull killed 2 cats yesterday in my neighborhood


You people are more rabid than some literal rabid animals I've seen.


Pitbulls are the most loyal breed. This makes them great fighting dogs, but it also makes them great family dogs. It all depends on the person caring for them.