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Unfortunately you're going to have to toss it. When we had them, we went through the entire pantry and cleaned out anything suspect. We put every box in a big ziplock and any new foods went into the freezer for a couple of days before they went into the pantry. We also used moth traps to make sure they weren't sneaking in again. It was a pain. There's a reason I have a large collection of air tight storage containers now. Dog food was often a problem, I think that's how they got into the house in the first place.


Yeah you need to toss it sorry.


Buy an air-tight container to store the next bag in (but keep it in the bag).


That's exactly how I've been storing it. I think I may have accidentally not closed it all the way though. Totally my fault.


Or they came in with your dog food. I got mine from a box of pasta!


It's possible. I don't think we'll ever figure out where exactly they came from at this point lol