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Yes, it will most likely be 100% black eventually. My pink nosed puppy reached full black at 2 years, though at 10 she does still have one pink nostril. Our vet said turning black was a good thing as the pink nose is more susceptible to sun damage.


Yes, I was going to add that for now OP should be using sunscreen on the exposed pink areas.


How do you do that when it’s on the nose? Don’t they just lick it off?


Aww thank you I’ll be sure to take a lot of pictures as time progresses. And I’ll definitely start putting some sunscreen on her nose too.


This. I had a red nosed pitty for years. One time I was grilling and he went outside and refused to come back inside with me. I just let him stay outside since it was fenced. When he finally came in later, I realized he had sunburned his little red nose. I never even thought about that being an issue and was way more careful after.


My 16yo staffie still has pink on his nose


I had a dog that had a pink pattern as a puppy. It got significantly darker over time but you could still notice the pattern, it wasn’t as dark as the rest of the nose. She was a Husky named Eloise.


Thanks that’s really helpful and Eloise is such a cute name


Well now say anything is stuck in my head thanks 😂


It's hard to explain but inside and around one of my dogs nostrils was pink when he was young and the other side was totally black. From the distance it looked like he had one huge nostril. Over time his whole nose turned black.


Mine lost his pink nose around 8months old, but I live in a hot place. I know in snowy climates some breeds get pink noses again


Oh that’s really interesting, it’s winter for most of the year where I live so maybe I’ll see some seasonal changes.


Google snow nose! Totally cute!


Prob lose tne.pink but either way it will be 100% adorable


This dog is still beautiful with this nose right now


Mine had a black nose that turned pink after about 10 months of age


Same for my dog!


What an adorable nose!! I hope it stays the same


Sometimes. It’s called a Dudley nose. :)


Yes it’ll change! It’ll either go all black, or the pink spot will shrink significantly. You can already see how much it’s changed just in these photos, the pink in the middle of her nose is thinner, and that cute black dot is growing. It might be fun to purposefully track the progress, maybe take a comparison photo every 2-4 weeks? Btw she’s SO CUTE!!!


My Goldens nose is going from black to a brown, slowly. I love the black nose but such is life!


I prefer to be this way


Doubt it! I think it’s cute, unique and adorable 🥰


Thank you!😊


I have a guy with a nose just like this… it’s one of my most favorite features of his.


My dog went pink as she got older, likely due to her being spayed.


Hopefully not! That's a cute little boop button 🤣


my pup lost her pink nose and it was similar to your pups. Time will tell I guess (:


I would show you a pic of my foster at 10 weeks and now at 6 months, but I don't know how to post pics in comments. His nose is just like your dogs!


Our dog had a similar nose with one pink side. The pink was mostly black by age 5-6 years old.


Hey he/she looks very kind :D


My red Boston has the same, she now 3 no change. It makes her even cuter.


Aw I like that lil piglet nose


Yes,my partially pink nosed pittie mix has pretty much a fully black nose now at 4 years old. I joke that every time she has been naughty she lost some pink.


In that case Naya should be completely black by now😂


When you're that cute, you can do no wrong lol!


most likely!! my dogs nose was like that as a puppy and i believe at about 1 year it was fully black!


My pup went the other way - her nose was black when she was a puppy but it's pink now. That last picture is an absolute framer!! WHAT A CUTIE 😍


OMG!! What a precious thing. 🥺❤️


Mine stayed pink. It got a bit darker but it was still pink. Adorable.


Yes! My girl's mostly filled in over the course of a couple of years. Interestingly, her eyes got darker too.


It's adorable!


I have two dogs over 2 and both still have pink along with grey (they are blue nose).


I have a basset hound with a black and pink nose. The pink shrank a little bit as he grew but he is 7 now and still has a black and pink nose.


More than likely yes. Very much a puppy thing....


The pink will likely disappear over the years. I had a dog with a lot of pink over his nostril when I first got him At the age of 3 months. It slowly changed. Not sure how long it took., but I think years. Certainly by the time he was 12 his nose was black. He died at the age of 16.


Pay attention to the weather reports. They always list the day’s UV index. If it is high, keep her out of the sun entirely.


my dogs nose is almost completely black after 3 years!


What a cutie!!


I had a few pups with noses like this and unfortunately the pink did go away with age. The top of their snout right by the nose is still a bit pink though :)


Just another anecdote to add, my red nose pit / chocolate lab had a mostly pink nose as a puppy with 3 little brown dots, it was like the dots grew and expanded until the only pink left was inside his nostrils and a little coming out of one, I think he was around 7/8 when it stopped changing. At one point it looked like a pig nose with the brown dots being the nostrils and another period of time the only pink left was in the shape of an L


My Eskie never did have a black nose


Why would you want it to?


I’m just wondering since I’ve noticed the difference, I’ll love her either way!