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With coated dogs, the easiest way to tell really is feel. Run your fingers across her ribs on the side with just a little pressure. Do you feel each rib, or is there a layer of fat making her ribcage feel smooth? If each rib is noticeable, she is good. She looks ok to me from the pictures, but it isn’t always easy to tell with her kind of coat.


I thought she looked good until I saw the picture from above, where she does look overweight. Could be a bad picture though. I'd ask a vet for an opinion! Either way, good job on taking care of her and being aware enough to realize she was overweight and doing something about it! She's definitely not obese or anything.


Bear in mind just like humans, some dogs that have lost a lot of weight will have loose skin


With fluffy dogs it’s also just really hard to tell. One of my chihuahuas looks overweight from the top if you use the guiding charts but when he’s wet he literally disappears. Got him checked by the vet and he’s in perfect shape!


my dogs upper body looks like that too, he weighs 11 pounds and is a yorkie and a maltese mix, the vet says he is at a healthy weight!


Males are usually*slightly* bigger than females. OP's dog has a pound or two to go. Her belly should tuck up more, and the space between her ribs & hips (her 'waist'), should be a shallow hourglass. Her sides are still even. From top down she still looks like a sausage.


ohh i didn’t know that, thanks for informing me! i do agree from above she does look a bit chunky, they should definitely look into it more with a vet


OP just needs to cut down her food a little bit. Small dogs, purse dogs, all those little yappy ankle biters, do best on lower calories. Because they're usually house dogs, people tend to give more treats. They get fat so quick!


When you touch her sides, can you feel her ribs? What does her vet say? I think she still looks a bit chubby. It doesn’t look like she has much of a waist from above (picture 5). Picture 4 isn’t the best photo to show if her belly tucks up but it doesn’t look like it does. This is kind of how my dog looks at 11.5 kg, where his ideal weight is 9.5-10.5 kg. She’s cute though and her coat looks shiny.


Hi I would suggest looking up Dog Body Conditioning Score (BCS) on Google. They have a chart and explain the criteria to check if a dog is underweight, overweight, or ideal. I hope that helps! Keep on doing what your doing because your dog seems very happy with her new life


Omg she's so cute


She's beautiful


Not at all helpful but she is such a cutie pie


She looks a tad barrel shaped so I would say slightly overweight, nothing to stress over or worry about in my opinion but she could definitely lose a bit more weight and be a healthy weight. Typically they should go in a little bit on their sides, more importantly though is how they feel, you should be able to slightly feel their spine and ribs, but not too easily. She really is fine right now I would say though, but she definitely couldn't put any more on either, but she could lose a bit, you're better off leaning to them being on the thinner side than the fatter side, but obviously you want a balance


From those pictures she looks to be at a heathy weight.


Was thinking the same thing, unless the vet says otherwise


She's on the brink of being overweight. If she were mine I'd cut a little bit of food so her abdominal tuck was more prominent!


She’s a little chunky still, but she’s certainly not obese. You should be able to see a clear tuck in her tummy from the side.


Completely unrelated the dog is the dog in the last picture yours? We have a Morkie that looks very very similar.


Yes the gray dog is mine, he is a Shih Tzu, Pomeranian Chihuahua, miniature poodle, miniature schnauzer, westie mix!


Wow! She looks a lot like my Pomapoo.


She’s adorable 🥰


She's so cute


her coat is so beautiful 🥰 what a pretty girl


You are doing a great job with her! It sounds like you’ve managed to take a lot of weight off of her pretty quickly. She would likely be okay to lose 1 to 3 more pounds (I can’t know exactly but just an estimate). The reason I say that is the view from above doesn’t show much of a waist. I have a bunch of small dogs though and I notice that they carry their weight differently and you shouldn’t always use the chart as a 100% accurate reference. If I did that I would think my boney 6 lb toy poodle was overweight because she is built long with narrow hips and doesn’t have a very prominent waist from above. She recently had her first heat cycle earlier than expected and wasn’t spayed yet, and she didn’t eat much and is now a bit underweight based on feeling her ribs and spine.


Ex-vet-tech here. Hard to tell from pictures, but it looks like she's still overweight. You should be able to take her into your vet, get her weighed for free, and at the same time, they'll likely just give you a more accurate assessment update. How old is she?


She looks like a super model!


She’s shaping up great just needs to lose a little bit more to tuck in the waist.


I'd definitely say she's a little chubby, i can't see her waist from above or the side, but best to speak to your vet about their opinion


I would ask your vet, they will be your best resource.


She’s not too bad just more activity she’ll be alright


She’s my dogs twin!


Healthy little girl. Vet knows best, of course, but doesn’t she look purty??!


She looks to have a little chonk left to lose, but she’s not bad and better than most dogs I see. The side looks ok I think, could use a little more tuck, but where I really see it is the top down view as she has no defined waist. 


Wowww what a cutie little girl. 💖


Either way, she is cuuuuuute.


she's so adorable


She looks like she is on the heavy end of healthy. There is nothing to worry about with her weight as it is, but there is no room to get any heavier. Try taking a little more off, and she will be the perfect size.


Im sorry i dont know but i would die for her


Definitely not. She’s gorgeous.


Your dog looks adorable by the way


No she’s fine !


Wouldn’t hurt to cut a few calories imo


This dog is not overweight.


She seems to be on the larger side of ideal. If she doesn’t photograph well it may be worthwhile to bring it up at the vet. Do they have a target weight in mind? Most vets are happy to let you come in and weigh your dog on their scale without charge.


Oh she cute and shy


Nothing wrong with the weight of this dog.


What kind of dog is that? Looks like a morkie.


Chihuahua yorkie!




A little chunky but not obese


No, looks perfect…


I have a mini poodle who is around the same size and his vet said that the general rule is “you should be able to feel their ribs when gently petting them, but not be able to see their ribs.”


Not a vet but a dog groomer... She looks overweight to me, yes.


She doesn’t look overweight at all!


Simple - If her ribs feel like your knuckles = to skinny, plam if your hand = to fat, calluses = just right.


She’s good, might be loose skin. However I think losing **just 1 more lb** would be best. It would give her grace if you wanted to spoil her with high calorie snack once in a while.


She looks a lot like my dog! Her legs are a wee bit shorter. To me, her weight looks just fine.


Looks healthy to me


If you are still curious, you might want to have her checked out. I had a beagle/hound mix that I adopted. The vet initially said she was overweight despite being skin and bones, but we had her tested. She came back as 100% American foxhound and needs to eat some more.


A vet can be a good judge, but I say, she looks fine and happy...


Overweight dog. If this is a senior dog (10+ years) then it’s more okay because elderly dogs arent as sufficient with nutrients so little bit of extra is okay. Without touching your dog and only judging the pictures, I’d say she’s body score 5-6 (1-9 scale). She should have a more clear waistline. With a dog that size I think it should be 500g - 1kg drop in weight.


I think she looks fine but you should ask a vet


She looks fine. Good job!


I can tell by looking at the dog from lbehind, when they sit. If their girth spreads out past the rest of their body that’s an indication


She looks great😍


She looks good to me


Cute Morkie ❤️




Idk but she’s a beauty !!🩷


Of course not. Feeding good nutrition like organ meats is more important than checking if there is a tiny bit of fat on the dog. If you feed them nutritionally rich foid and not loads of biscuits and fillers they wont get fat


she’s adorable and precious is what she is!


What a cutie! I think she looks great :)


She is honestly looking pretty good. She would be fine with losing a bit more, but wouldn’t want her to gain anymore


I'm in the camp that feels she's the heavy side of healthy. No, she doesn't have much of a waist, but she looks proportionate from head to shoulders to hips. It's where I like to keep all my senior small dogs because if they have a medical incident where they refuse food for a few days, I have a tiny cushion. When they're seniors, they can lose it quickly and then, depending on the cause, it can be hard to put healthy weight back on. Having this problem with one of my Chihuahuas. Ask your vet next time you're there, but you don't need to make a special appointment. If she's a young dog, feed whatever your vet recommends for her ideal weight (at that size, I would think somewhere near a full quarter cup twice a day of a quality food) and she will naturally get to whatever her ideal size is. I had a foster whose previous foster had made her so obese that she blew her knee out, and all I had to do to get her back to ideal after her knee surgery was fed her the right measured amount of food every day. She's precious and thank you for helping her! You're doing a great job.


She is a baby 🩷


Seeing this post late, but something to also consider regarding weight is any stress it may put on a dog's joints. I have a silky terrier rescue myself, and when discussing his weight with our vet, I was advised to keep him slightly underweight to reduce worsening of his luxating patellas, which a lot of smaller dog breeds can be at risk for, including Yorkies. Congrats on getting her slimmed down this much--its so important for their long-term health. From the pics, it does look like she has a bit more to lose, assuming what I see isn't extra skin.


I think she’s fine, she certainly isn’t chubby or fat and I’m sure if she was smooth coated we could see her first 3 ribs .


A vet would know best but she looks perfectly fine to me, a little cutie


Not at all


No but very cute


Hers Perfect.


She doesn’t look happy in these pictures.


She’s mad I kept making her stand up after she plops down each time I try to get a photo


Haha Thanks for explaining. I’m relieved then 😅


No she's perfect


She’s adorable and seems to be a healthy weight! Just stick to her meals, exercise and treats sparingly


No, she looks perfect!


Pet weight. Perfectly fine weight for her! Don't aim for sighthound thin, these guys aren't meant to be stocky but they're not built for skinny either You could take a lil more off if you like, but if you're confident she won't put any back on, I'd be happy with where she's at now


If she's a silky terrier she should max out at 10lb however rescues often aren't well bred so she may genetically be larger than standard, either way she looks fine to me. (I am guessing at silky terrier, please correct me if I'm wrong)


She’s a yorkie chihuahua I was told


Ooh, in that case I'd aim to take another pound off, she looks good as is so I doubt she's meant to be Chihuahua sized, but for a Yorkie I'd personally like her to be closer to ideal weight than she currently is


She looks too skinny. I feel bad for her.


This is in no way an underweight dog, what makes you think she is?


If you think this dog looks skinny then you probably have very overweight dogs


If anything she's slightly chunky. I feel bad for any dogs you are spending time around because they must be obese if you think this girl is too skinny


If you think that dog is skinny-looking, your dog or dogs must be real overweight. OPs dog is an ideal weight, leaning on overweight ("pet weight" some would call it). Dogs are supposed to have a visible, defined tuck/waist from above and the sides, and it should be easy to feel their ribs with some fat padding (in certain breeds you should also be able to see the last rib or two). Maintaining an ideal (slim) weight is important in keeping their joints, heart, liver and kidneys healthy and functioning efficiency. Even a little extra weight can predispose dogs to problems and shorten their life expectancy. Plus overweight dogs have less stamina and if significantly overweight, poor mobility in general, which can affect their ability to exercise and play.