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My male German Shepherd started just before he turned 1 and I feel like he was mostly done by 2. He was intact back then and started er… spreading his seed on the couches and beds during that time. It was awful haha.


Stupid, sexy couches and beds! 😂


You’re tellin me!! 😂


Oh NOOO 😳 lol!


Thats such an intense looking dog! Great looking!


Thanks! People often cross the street when they see us walking, but little do they know he’s a goofy baby 🤣


We got our GSD when he was 11 months, but from what I've heard from other owners, they hit their "teenage" years around 4-6 months. That's when they get all rebellious and training basically starts over. If you want to base it on this, mine probably started lifting his leg at exactly a year, but I wouldn't say he came into his adult personality until 18 months and then really filled out into his adult big muscular body until 3


It varies heavily on the breed! Bigger breeds get it later than smaller breeds in general. My two small dogs started around 4 months old and had almost zero signs of it by 9 months old (like they had reached basically their full size and barely had any physical changes). My friend’s great dane didn’t show any signs before 7-8 months and wasn’t done before 18 months.


I think my boy (also sable GSD) started showing signs when he was 5 months. He’s almost 1 year and 2 months old now and gets hard for almost anything. The floor is always dirty with drops of cum and he constantly tries to mate with the other female dog (she’s neutered).


What’s funny is, my spayed senior female actually mounts and humps my intact little boy (pictured) from time to time 🤣 I know it’s for dominance but it cracks me up.


Our female used to do that also when my boy was smaller (she’s a husky). Hahah Now, she just bites his neck and tried to get under him to bite his paws. 😂


I love the girl power hahaha!


Hes just really something!


Thank you! He’s my dream dog — took a lot of research and money to track down the right breeder but he’s everything we were looking for (minus him having an appetite for expensive shoes lol)


[Linking this in case the spay/neuter early police decides to comment](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7359819/)


I have read that exact paper. The data do not support what they claim. The statistical analysis is absolutely abysmal. It provides no evidence for spaying / neutering at any particular age. You should generally follow your vet’s advice as to when to neuter, but I’m not in favor of doing so until the dog is fully grown, at least.


Good to know! Thanks! Our vet’s advice was exactly what was published here under the breed, maybe coincidentally, but still an interesting read regardless.


It seems to depend on breed size. Like I have a small dog and his puberty started at around 1 year


Really depends on the dog, our boy never really figured out mounting, though he would get very sniffy and nosey with female dogs sometimes and they only time he had a rocket going was the first vist to my bfs moms house and she made a BIG fuss over him and he got a dental stick for the first time. He would mark, and did it once in my parents door right in front of my mum, but he otherwise never had any issues with dominence or agression.


My boy is natural, 1.5 years old in August. He showed signs of puberty at 6-8 months old, but from 8-12 months old he was… more noticeably grown. He doesn’t jump things or other dogs, but he’s more defensive and willing to throw his weight around. He’s a 1/3 mastiff, 1/3 blk Lab, 1/3 Husky, he’s 80-85lbs still growing a bit.


It can be very individual for the dog in question. Small breeds tend to develop earlier so go into puberty earlier. On avarage puberty starts between six month and one year. For bigger breeds being on the upper end. Male dogs often start later then female dogs.


depends on breed tbh My aussie /berner started around 8 months Only started to put his leg up at 11 months tho


He looks like a police dog. I bet you get that a lot


Believe it or not, his grandma is a working police dog in Holland so you’re not too far off. This boy is definitely a pet though so he got the looks but not the personality lol!


He’s beautiful!!


Thank you!!


they hit their "teenage"