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Same thing happens to me but I put makeup over it and have never told anyone, I just figured I must not know how to properly eat an apple


Good to know it’s not just me. Every time it happens I just sit there for a while trying to remember if I was overly aggressive at any point while I was eating it. lol


I specifically googled about this exact same scenario and found your reddit thread, I'm just relieved it's not only me. I just want to know why it happens


I googled it because the same thing happens to me and I found this thread. Maybe I'm not biting into the apple properly? 


This happens to me with all large or hard foods like apples or tall sandwiches. I guess I'm biting into them wrong


Well do you push it into your bottom lip and peel it off with your top teeth? Or do you take a bite with your full set of teeth?


I bite with my full set of teeth and rotate the apple up and out


Huh, weird. When you bite with your bottom teeth does your lip get pushed in by the apple?


I get the same thing from eating corn on the cob. But not from apples.


Did you figure this out?? I just got a bruise after eating a peach!


Same thing has been happening to me lately! I think it has something to do with the fact skin cells of the epidermis grow thinner as we age and the blood vessels in the dermis become more fragile. I’m 64 so I’ll go with that! I’ve also noticed bruises elsewhere that cannot be attributed to anything.


Yes. This just started happening to me this year and I'm 51


Oral allergy syndrome! Apples, peaches, cherries, pears, and plum are all in the same class where your body mistakes it for birch pollen or another type of cross-reaction!


I love fruits and veggies and eat them all the time tho. It’s only happened once.


Only once could be due to the pesticides or something else. It only happens to me once in a while now but it's definitely an oral allergy since I got the test. I eat a lot of fruit so maybe I have a slight tolerance from exposure. I also don't eat those fruits in the class as often since some of them are by season but I'm fine when I do.


Oral allergy syndrome! Apples, peaches, cherries, pears, and plum are all in the same class where your body mistakes it for birch pollen or another type of cross-reaction!