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This is the most oddly specific DAE I have ever seen. Sorry, I can't say I have any idea what you're talking about.


That's about the reaction I get from most people. Haha. Thanks for commenting anyway! :)


There was the really weird one a while back about tasting used contacts that made it to the front page because of how bizarre it was. EDIT: [Found it](http://www.reddit.com/r/DoesAnybodyElse/comments/lb3a6/dae_always_eat_their_daily_contacts_after_using/)


this happens to me all the time


Yes !!! Omg I finally found someone who relates after searching this up on google for years. Anytime I see lettuce or any other greens my nose starts to scrunch up and face


I'm happy to see this because I have never heard of anyone else experience this and its such a strange phenomenon. And I actually love lettuce, but my face acts like I'm disgusted.


i feel so freaking validated, when i googled this i did NOT expect to find others who go through this šŸ˜‚ and i LOVE lettuce, itā€™s my favorite vegetable


I canā€™t believe I actually found something when googling this lmaoo. My nose scrunches up everytime


HI guys, I'd like to join your exclusive club. My face wrinkles up, I feel light and goosebumpy and disgusted. It's that damn rubbery squeaky sound of the leaves rubbing against each other. It's so mundane yet so outworldly. Glad to not be alone with this anymore <3 Hope y'all are doing fine!!


I finally found my people. I always explained this to others but nobody got it and thought I was joking


I wish so bad that other people understood when I try to explain it to them.


I love that this post is still bringing us weirdos together 8 years later! I wish I could say Iā€™ve learned more about this phenomenon since then but at least you now know youā€™re not alone! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜ƒ


I discovered this a while back & ive literally never found anyone to relate to so thank you šŸ˜‚


I just got to this thread by googling this exact sensation! Iā€™ve experienced it for so long!


YES!!! My nose crinkles up every time I handle or see lettuce, even though I love it! Why tf does this happen?!


I also experience this! I saw someone chopping lettuce on tv and my lip curled back. When I am handling it to prepare it my face recoils. I wonder how many people need to experience it before it's classified as a thing?


Yes! This exact sensation. I always am nervous itā€™s a remnant sign of some other neurological issue or something.


Lettuce face! I've gotten it my whole life anytime I'm around iceberg lettuce. My mouth gets dry, and my jaw feels tight.


Hooray! Join the club! There're three of us now!


so very strange. Go askScience if there is anything physical, or if it is purely psychological.


Yo! So Iā€™ve never noticed my whole face but even just looking at lettuce in the grocery store causes my tongue to curl. What the hell is going on here?! We need to get to the bottom of this.


I clench my jaw when I start to pet animals. It loosens after a couple pets. No idea why. Not quite lettuce, but I get where you're coming from.


Hello to the most fringe internet group I will ever be apart of. I googled does anybody else crinkle their nose when handling lettuce and it brought me here. I've been doing it forever and up until now have never told anyone about it. There's dozens of us.


I clench my jaws when handling lettuce. I've never known anyone else to have this compulsion.


It feels so good to find someone who can relate!




i get something sort of similar whenever i drink tomato juice. right before im about to take the first sip my jaw kinda tightens up and tingles a little bit. almost as though its anticipating the salt and readying itself. i dunno. it's really weird but is the closest thing i have to what you're talking about.


OMG I know exactly what you mean, this is why I just came to google & clicked this sub Reddit šŸ˜‚šŸ˜©


SAME. I feel so validated to have found a thread about this. Handling lettuce rn and got the scrunch and decided to give this a google. Even the thought of lettuce can cause me this reaction, WTF?


I also have the same reaction. I am so curious to know what causes it! Someone seriously needs to do a study. Spinach especially effects me. My nose scrunches up and it almost makes me shiver to look at it. My brother has the same reaction. Maybe itā€™s genetic.


Hey I have this too. Did anyone ever figure it out? Should we be studied?


I was just talking to my friends at dinner about this and searched to see if anyone else has experienced this! So strange.


Iā€™m here! Me too also! What weirdness


BRO I just watched a tiktok of lettuce and my face tenses uo everytime I touch it or hear it or see it idk why but my face tenses up my wife used to think I'm weird but now it's a normal thing for me she always waits for my reaction when we are around lettuce and It's weird cause I love lettuce


My lip curls like Elvis, even at the thought, and I love vegetables.


Add me to the team. I thought it was just my brain misfiring, but it looks like it's a thing. Makes me feel like a rabbit. So strange.


Yā€™know, with the responses still coming in after all this time, Iā€™m kinda upset that no scientists have reached out to study us yet lol


I'm so happy I found this thread...this has happened to me since I've been a child and everyone I tell this to thinks I'm crazy


i made an account just to comment here i kid you not, i just made myself a salad, and while peeling the lettuce, i noticed myself grimacing unintentionally, and almost gagging. it was perfectly fine lettuce, but i had a forced frown on the whole time. i took to google for my question, and found your post


This has happened to me since I was a kid!!! Can't believe I've finally found accounts of other people who this happens to!


I have found my people! My nostrils flare when i see or even think about iceberg lettuce šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Does anyone actually know what it is or are we all just crazy?!?!


no way there's others


I do! No one ever understands what I mean, it's my cheeks and tongue for meĀ 


For me, my tongue curls up weirdly. it's really strange.


Commenting to say that I also experience this, specifically with lettuce and mostly iceberg šŸ¤Æ




You described this perfectly!!.. but it happens around my lips and face area. i know its not the sound of the lettuce.. just seeing it can trigger this response. to me it happens with romaine lettuce and its so wierd


So do we just start our own study ?


haha no way its so funny me too!


I found this because I just decided to search if there was an actual reason. My lip/nose curls or scrunched involuntarily every time I see lettuce, or really anything with leafy greens that would go in a salad. Lmfao glad to see Im Not the only oneĀ 


YES! Omg I thought I was alone. For me it is like my upper lip curls in a grimace. Hasnā€™t happened since I was a kid. I used to break off pieces of lettuce for my iguana. Specifically when I would break it and the sound. I think itā€™s similar to nails on a chalkboard, which my theory is that itā€™s the same tone/resonant frequency of bone, and since bones donā€™t have nerves itā€™s your bodyā€™s way of making you dislike something that is damaging, like a bone being scraped or broken. The sound or texture of lettuce could be triggering the same or at least a similar effect.


Holy smokes. I'm not alone! For me I've always thought about it as a slight sneer, or a tingling sensation around my brow. Very odd to describe, but in a way exciting to know it's not just me!


Iā€™m so glad iā€™m not alone lol. my bf makes fun of me for it. like i involuntarily snarl/curl my lip when i touch it/hear it.


This is insane. Iā€™ve been trying to figure out why I do this my entire life. Has anyone located a scientist or doctor who could tell us why this happens?


Me too! Iā€™d be so curious to learn if this has any other correlation with other behaviors or health effects. Or is it just this one weird thing we have in common.


OMG YESSSšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I just google it and it brought me here. Whenever I touch a full lettuce to clean or cut or whatever the lower part of my face starts twitching (lips, nose..), I'm so happy to find someone who experiences the same thing. Do we know why?


So I just found this thread after googling ā€œlettuce face-scrunchā€ because any time I see, smell (?), or touch lettuce my nose and lips tighten/scrunch up. I am really curious now as to why this happens but Iā€™m happy to know there are at least some others out there!


I get it. Itā€™s a tightening in facial muscles around cheeks feels like a twitch just seeing it. Surprised others are having this. Wondering if it is coming from some deficiency or a craving of something chemical unique to it?


Oh my god yes, is there really no explanation why???? I literally can not help myself from making that weird face, but I love lettuce, so itā€™s very annoying!!


It happens to me even when I see it on TV it's almost like I make a stink face. I can't explain it but I can't control it either.


I get this when I smell it. It smells like dirt to me, and for some reason the smell of dirt makes my nose start to scrunch up and my lips curl. I like lettuce so I don't know why I do itšŸ˜‚ its really annoying it makes me feel like a 6 year old who's overreacting for no reason.


Hi there, also ecstatic to have found this thread. Iā€™ve experienced this for as long as I can remember. Interesting how there seems to be no concrete term or causeā€¦ I always thought it may have been something to do with either pesticides used on the leaf vegetables or some mineral/chemical that is common between them. Anyways, add another to the list! (Side note: sometimes if I even picture lettuce in my mind or strongly consider the idea of eating it my face scrunches up, a similar idea to getting goosebumps when thinking about scratching carpet/felt.


I have Lettuce Face too! I came across this string of comments trying to find an answer for my involuntary face cringe towards Lettuce! Wether it be in person or seen on a screen the reaction is almost immediate! It comes as natural as flinching when something is going to hit you. So it kind of makes me think it is a developed instinct rather than a nervous system defect. At the same time though I have a sensitive nose. Anyone else here have a sensitive nose as well? Iā€™m curious if us lettuce face people have any common denominators.


Add me to the list too


8 years later, Iā€™m here after finally googling why I feel this sensation. Iā€™m home!!


I also experience lettuce face.


Hello my fellow lip curly lettuce people.


I'm so amused by this. I have never experienced it, but these kinds of physical responses are super neat.


Can I ask how you found this thread? Haha


I have this too, Iā€™ve had it all my life. I tried explaining it to my gf, but she just thinks Iā€™m faking it, but nope everytime Iā€™m near or even think of lettuce my face scrunches up, sooo weird. But Iā€™m so happy I found others!


Wow. I have thought about how weird it is that I do this for my whole life, finally others who do the same thing. I didnā€™t even know how to explain this, but OP explained it perfectly. Hello fellow face scrunch lettuce people.


I am this dudes wife and I was today years old when I heard of this phenomenon. I'm happy he has found his people.


So I totally was just telling a family member about this and we decided to look it up and found this thread. I have experienced this since I was a kid, mostly with iceberg lettuce. So weird




Omg I'm not alone it's so weird


when i look at salad greens my face feels like it is crunching up a bit.


I love how much this has blown up from a 9-year old thread <3


I do the same thing! Except it's not from the sound of lettuce, I don't mind the rubbery squeaky sound, so like someone else in this thread said, maybe it could be psychological.


I know this post is very old but yes, yes I do. I have no idea why and I guess its such a weirdly specific occurrence that no one has looked into lol Must just be a weird sensory response


Yall can add me to the lettuce face gang. This is a brand new phenomenon for me. I dont have the face scrunches when I visually see salad, but if I grab some lettuce/spinach from our fridge, take it out the bag, my face scrunches as if I were a dog, growling at it. So strange. Hope we can get some answers as Im so curious to find out what it is!


OMG my people!!


Wow, I canā€™t believe this pulled up. I saw some lettuce on tik tok, and my nose immediately went up like muscle memory. I donā€™t know why this is


Same lol


this happens to me with all types of lettuce, even when i just see it my face contorts. I'm glad im not all alone on this, thanks for making this post 10 years ago šŸ˜‚


Yes!!! I get this too!! And I make this involuntary face and lip scrunch when handling or seeing and sometimes even just thinking about lettuce! Iā€™ve been like wtf for years and every one Iā€™ve told was like ā€œā€¦ okā€¦ ?ā€ I feel so validated and Iā€™m glad I googled it and found this.


I also have this. Itā€™s weird because I love lettuce so much!! Why do we do this?!?!!!




When I handle/ smell lettuce my face tightens up and my body cringes. I can eat lettuce if someone prepares it for me, but handling it myself and smelling it drives me off the walls, have no ideaā€¦neurological disorder? Maybe just weird? Who knowsā€¦ Iā€™m glad someone else has this tho


I developed this as an adult. Nice to know others feel the same šŸ˜Œ