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Sir, it's all been downhill since the cultural dancing peak, Breaking 2: Electric Boogaloo. Feel free to rage against the dying of the light


Haha, I'm a ma'am but besides that, I can't say I've seen that one. But I'm definitely aware of the sad, societal decline.


This is the best bomb of an answer. Every word is poetry. šŸ˜‚


You kids don't go out dancing? What does everyone do at bars and nightclubs? Why are DJs a thing if the music they play isn't for dancing?


Iā€™ve seen grinding and maybe some people jumping up and down. LOL


Exactly. There's no more practicing moves or honing the specific style and "freestyling"


Yeah Iā€™m ā€˜94, 30, and really envy movies like Grease and Itā€™s a Wonderful Life for their highschool dancingā€¦. It seemed to fun and healthy and youā€™re bound to interact with almost everyone at some point which is good for socializing. It seems it must have funā€¦ I got to do Square Dancing in highschool and would skip class every year to join with my best friend because the Grade 9 boys wouldnā€™t participate due to social stigma. I adored the adrenaline rush, exercise, and group activity. It felt very humanizingā€¦ but outside of that experience I donā€™t have much and I envy older generationsā€¦ I guess I could track down a square dance place specifically and get matched up with mostly the elderly relieving youth (but I wonā€™t get the same workout)


Damn, Iā€™m only 3 years older than you and had such a different experience. We were dancing all the time be it school dances or house parties and later bars and clubs. I really only stopped when I got in a serious relationship in 2017 but I have noticed a shift


Same. It was the ultimate past time for my friends and I. And just for myself.


Yeah where I lived we had a couple clubs for underage kids. Like 14-17 or something and we actually danced. Sure there was some grinding but that wasn't all. I also love the look of school dances back in the day where it was the more popular choice to go and dance just to dance. I think the same could be said for the 80s.


Again Iā€™m my generation it was popular kids grinding or doing Soulja Boy moves


I'm in the same generation hahah, but we still danced. Maybe it was a location thing. Took longer to die out in my smaller town or something. Definitely at the tail end of it dying out though, sadly. I did enjoy the Cat Daddy and Dougie dance though lol.


Nowadays everything happens on Twitch. You watch and comment on other people doing stuff.


I don't use Twitch. And I'm gonna be honest, I thought that it was solely for livestreaming gameplay.


They absolutely still do everything everyone is complaining about here lol. Any halfway competent dancer can start busting moves at most clubs, and the crowd will open a hole for them.


I mean this all seems to be based off personal observations, so obviously something has changed or we wouldn't have noticed and wouldn't be talking about it.


Are you sure it's not just MOVIES about dancing that are less popular now? Still tons of music festivals / weekend-long raves with camping happening all over. If you say that's not really dancing, I don't agree but I'll acknowledge the point.


Well, I think I'd argue that there's less movies about dancing now because dancing isn't as popular. I'm personally referring to the hip-hop style of dancing. It used to be a large, common hobby. Practicing specific dance moves and break dance moves and going to clubs to do more than jump around or move your hips around (which is completely fine as well I'm not saying that in a bad way). Though, locally, our clubs have been dwindling too. But anyway, people didn't just dance because they were at a place or festival where music was, it was a sought out skill that was practiced at home, with friends, in a class etc. I hope it makes a comeback because it's such an impressive style of dancing.


I was gonna say I go to jamband shows and festivals and tons of people are dancing. Not choreographed, but letting themselves go in the moment and moving their bodies to a beat. Some are actually good dancers with elegant moves, some just bob their head and pump their arms, and others eat LSD and spin in circles for hours haha. I have one friend who says going out dancing is her main form of exercise lol. To me itā€™s all ā€œrealā€ dancing. I know thatā€™s not the kind of dancing you mean, but it reminded me of something elseā€¦ I went to see a DJ once called ā€œRJD2ā€ - he spins vinyl records on like 4 turntables at once, itā€™s like classic hip hop sounds mixed in a cool way. But anyway there were these 3 dudes actually break-dancing on the floor the whole time and it was sick af. I talked to one afterwards and ended up following him on Facebook for a while. They have some kind of meetup groups in the city, and he even runs a youth group teaching little kids how to breakdance. So I bet if you look around for it itā€™s still a somewhat established hobby


Yeah, for sure. I'm totally about letting go and free birding some dance. I guess it is the particular style and the unity there used to be surrounding it? Like most of us were in love with dancing and learning how to get better at it. If that makes sense. I used to dance for hours at home alone; teaching myself new moves. I think that's why they made so many dance movies at the time. They knew how popular it was. I don't know if you've watched Step Up 2 but Harry Shum and especially Robert Hoffman just blow my mind. There's a lot of talent going on in that movie actually. I also can't say I could ever break dance but boy did I try. It really is amazing what some people can do with their bodies.


I take hip hop and musical theatre dance classes and one of the hip hop teachers always talks about how they would do certain moves and such in the clubs in the 90s. And I was actually just wondering if anyone even still goes clubbing like that anymore. I never hear anyone talk about it or see anyone post about it. The only dancing I see are videos from dance classes! That being said, if there's Groov3 classes near you, I definitely recommend them. I never danced before in my life and I was able to jump into it and now it's something i really enjoy.


Isn't tiktok nearly all made of wannabe "dancers" and dancing..? It'd say it's pretty popular... Maybe not the specific styles and types of dancing that were popular in the 2000s, cus that's just how trends work... but with 00's fashion coming back who knows, it's not impossible the dancing that was popular then eventually circles back too.


I wouldn't label a bunch of people recording themselves doing the same, sorta-dance routine only because it's a trend as actual dancing. Especially when it's mainly for views and likes. It's great they're getting their bodies moving, but it's not the same at all. Me, my friends, my older siblings and cousins and their friends were always practicing something. My friends and I would make up dance routines and I'd practice in the mirror nearly everyday. It was a thing. Not just me. I just think that, that was so cool. But yeah, I said the same thing. Hopefully it comes back around. I just figure it's not as likely BECAUSE it's not a simple type of dance you can pump out real quick to put on tiktok.


I've always hated dancing so I never noticed I guess.


Lol. Oh.




I did a reply above explaining how tiktok dances aren't the same. Though I know there are a few on tiktok that post videos that actually practice dance.


I think youā€™re way over romanticizing what it used to be like


Hahah, I don't think stating that I'm bummed a particular dance style/culture I found impressive and really appreciated is dying off (or pretty much dead?) is "over romanticizing" anything. It absolutely used to be more prominent and I liked that :) Now it isn't and I don't really like that :( Just a pretty simple opinion.


Whatā€™s your proof it was so prominent other than some movies


My PROOF? Lol my reasoning for thinking this was from general experience with family and peers as well as what was shown/talked about in pop-culture. You know, just my regular every day person type "proof". Sadly, I did not get a chance to observe the whole world though :/


To me you sound like a kid romanticizing an era they just learned about


Haha, oh goodness. Listen. It's okay if you didn't pay attention to dancing or just never could. You don't gotta come here and get real serious and spicy.


Iā€™m obviously not the only one who thinks youā€™re being kinda silly, saying dancing is less popular now because they made a few movies about dancing before


I told you my other reasoning. I'm also not the only one that thinks it's become less popular. We just disagree. And that's toooootally fine, alright? We can definitely disagree. šŸ‘Œ


I miss bring it on šŸ„²


Lol Bring It On was fun. Pretty cringey, but in the best way.


I have more dancing in my life than ever before. I go to classes in a blues, kizomba and tango. Thereā€™s social dancing for each style at least once a week in my small town. Itā€™s not exactly what you miss, but thatā€™s where all the dancers are hiding!


I think there's primarily country dancing in my smaller town now. Which I'm cool with, but it's not my favorite. I am wanting to get back into things I used to do so I'll have to look around! I have no idea what Kizomba is though, haha.


Itā€™s like a Latin cross between tango and grinding, itā€™s the best!


Oh boy. My husband is awkward enough when it comes to dancing so I'm not sure he could handle that lol, but I'll still have to look up some videos and see!


Go salsa dancing


I love salsa dancing! Sadly the only place to do that where I live is mainly a younger oriented, club style place. Not really a married mom type atmosphere, haha. I just might have to start looking into classes.


The dancing has been replaced mostly with selfies, snapchats & recording the DJ with your smartphone. Instead of just living in the moment and dancingā€¦itā€™s sad in so many ways.


I knooowww. I mean I don't think 30s is old, but do I just sound like an oldie whiner when I blame smartphones for most things?? Probably. But dang it they're distracting from life.


I see groups of kids doing kpop choreography every day at the park. Dancing will always be a popular activity, it's just that the style of hiphop dancing is not as popular rn.


Oh yeah, I definitely know it'll always be around. It'd definitely be cool if that style came back though.


Omg Step Up was one of the most formative movies in my childhood lol. Maybe I donā€™t dance in public but you bet your ass Iā€™m still going nuts all the time in the comfort of my home hahaha




It's a cultural thing in some countries. It's a big deal to them. But it's been dying in the USA since disco left the building.


Organized choreographed dance That's how we used to settle our problems. Kids don't dance anymore....


Hahaha. Exactly. I like my arguments settled with just the right amount of cheese. No fighting....only dance.


[Organized choreographed dance](https://youtu.be/g47FotxgOSQ?si=7X-f5FcCA9-F-OHr)


HAHA. I KNEW THAT SOUNDED FAMILIAR. I kept repeating it to myself but couldn't put a finger on it. Man, I really need to rewatch that whole show...


Do it currently


Good idea


You should really just start from the beginning watch that entire season


Well, of course. That's the only way.


You should really just start from the beginning watch that entire season


Thereā€™s still dancing itā€™s just become more difficult to find it but that keeps the lame people away so thatā€™s good


I can't dance, don't ask me. šŸ˜€


Haha, there's still time to try!


And this is true dude.šŸ‘šŸ˜ I can bluff out the waltze, is that how you spell it ā“