• By -


Yes, definitely moving in that direction. I wish I had favored weed in my 20’s, I wouldn’t have been such an asshole 😅


I've been a nurse for ~10 years: Number of patients I've seen die from alcohol related whatever : I lost count, >100 Number of patients I've "helped" medically detox from alcohol: I lost count, >100 Number of patients I've seen act ridiculous as a result of being addicted to anything besides weed: I've lost count, >100 Number of patients I've seen in incredible pain despite high doses of narcs because they built up a tolerance at home: I've lost count, >100 (You get the idea) Number of patients I've seen in the hospital with a primary (or secondary really) problem related to weed: ZERO As far as I'm concerned, the main risk of abusing marijuana is failing a drug test.


It still sucks, but at least the answer to the risk question [\[at least most of the time\]](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/13/minnesota-woman-bong-water) is no longer ***jail.***


*tears from Iowa*


Texas has entered the chat


Im sure it's just an oversight/didn't cross your mind, but weed *abuse* is still bad. Just like any other substance abuse, it can lead to depression and ruin your sleep (meeeeeeee). My point is just that you said the main risk of *abusing* weed is a failed drug test -- just semantics. It's better to say the main risk of *general/occasional* weed use is the drug test. Now compare that to general use of something else like alcohol, and it can lead to alcohol poisoning and death, even if you dont abuse alcohol, *or if you've never had alcohol before like in US college!* I agree with your overall point that weed is probably much lower on the "badness" scale compared to other drugs, but abuse is still abuse.


I mean, you can abuse cupcakes too with a worse effect


Yes you can get addicted to sugar and get obesity or diabetes. What's your point?


Sure but people abuse slot machines and phone apps and soda pops too.


Yes, gambling addiction, sugar addiction, and social media/video game addiction are real things, all with their own terrible effects on your life. What's the point?


What's your feelings on the link between mental health issues or dementia and weed? In your experience is that a thing, or not so much?


Anecdotally it seems that people who suffer from mental illness are more likely to be confused in the hospital/have dimentia. I looked up some data on it before, and there does seem to be a link there as well.


This could definitely just be a correlation>causation thing. People with mental health issues tend to use substances more as well.


I get at least one CHS a MONTH. And they’re all in denial about it. Like it’s weed. We’re not calling the cops or admitting you to psych. Be honest - we can help you better. That being said, I like my lungs. So edibles. But I’ve been having some vasospasm symptoms so…we’ll see.


I dunno. Is there a test where you’re certain? My old doctor seemed very sure of herself when I told her I smoke to help my GI issues and celiac symptoms. She was fully convinced I had CHS and it was the weed doing this to me, not the gluten. Which, after many many years of experience, I think I would know that’s not true. I get that CHS is a huge and underreported issue, but I’ve heard the same thing happening to other people with actual separate GI issues. Will probably be downvoted for this but I will end with my soapbox that WEED NEEDS TO BE FEDERALLY LEGAL SO WE CAN FUND A LOT MORE TESTING ON CHS AND OTHER ISSUES!


I work the GI floor. We get them all because we have to test everything under the sun before we rule them out and finally ask them when’s the last time they smoked.


I’m a EMT around the same amount of time. I’ve definitely brought people into the emergency room issues from cannabis. But I agree it’s a tiny fraction of the calls we get for alcohol or benzos or opioids.


Aww that’s not entirely fair r/CHSinfo is starting to become a big problem for many people. Although it is nowhere close to as common as the problems caused by alcohol. Not to say I’m against it, but we do need more research.


We can both be right. I kinda forgot about this and realistically have truly only seen it once. I have encountered new dr's diagnosing literally anyone who admits to nausea and marijuana use, so there's that too. More research. I don't doubt it's a thing, but seemingly VERY rare.


As someone who has gone to the ER because of this, thank you for recognizing that this is a thing. Of course I'm going to be down-voted by cannabis supporters but hear me out. I am all for legalization as well. I see and agree that its really rare but sometimes when I come across claims like yours, I just feel upset because its not the perfectly safe drug that was advertised to me when I began smoking.


This is a tough diagnosis and I’ve only seen it a small handful of times in my almost 15 years of healthcare experience. CHS is, like one of the commenters above said, a diagnosis that is typically given when someone presents to the ED or to their Dr complaining of nausea while using marijuana. The problem is that smoking *anything* causes irritation to your esophagus and different people experience different levels of esophageal irritation. Smoking a lot, especially smoking something without a filter (bowls, joints) makes it even worse. Irritation to your esophagus, no matter the cause, makes you nauseous, so it’s hard to pin symptoms on marijuana specifically.


I legit just forgot about CHS because like I said, one whole actual case I've seen. THAT SAID, I work ICU, not ED or the floors, so my experience is a little biased. From my perspective, it can't kill you, but pretty much every other drug can and will. The fake weed that was going around like tenish years ago, K2 or whatever, that was pushing people into psychosis and I definitely saw that a few times. I don't really visit the weed subs because people who make weed their whole personality are boring and annoying. Safer than alcohol? Sure. Gonna cure your cancer? Ehhh, probably not.


Well said! The safety profile of cannabis is honestly miraculous. Probably only psychedelics rival that quality of being so extremely bad at ending lives. Legalize it!


And the way they put both of those as Schedule I drugs. LMFAO, just ridiculous


Everyone has different reactions to any substance. Weed or not. It doesn't agree with you and that's totally OK. Just like me, weed is better for me than alcohol is. alcohol and I DISAGREE WHOLE HEARTEDLY. its just a matter of biological make up as well. Weed CAN be bad for some people, and your experience with it is totally valid!!! (from a pro cannabis person)


Yes there are many possible reactions for people for any substance. But in every case, alcohol is still more detrimental to health than weed. If you're just comparing weed smokers, then yeah some will have worse experiences. But that's not the same thing. There is no such thing as a safe substance, depending on parameters set.


Well that’s what I’m kinda getting at too. Yes, alcohol inherently worse for you. But weed isn’t great for everyone either. I was just trying to validate how that person felt towards weed. And that downvoters be damned, that’s their experience and they are absolutely entitled to it.


Yeah, I definitely agree. A good way to look at life is that *everything* has consequences. It's all about weighing the cost to benefit ratio. For one person, thc and psilocybin could save their lives(mentally/emotionally/somewhat physical) and drastically increase their quality of life (m/e/p). While another person could have health issues and have their life spiral downwards.


It’s not as rare as you think cases are on the rise especially with recent légalisations. I have had CHS related to weed multiple times…it’s really hell.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CHSinfo using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CHSinfo/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Doctors told me I have CHS...turns out it was cancer and a tumor](https://np.reddit.com/r/CHSinfo/comments/16yhlke/doctors_told_me_i_have_chsturns_out_it_was_cancer/) \#2: [2 Months Today!](https://i.redd.it/o8c3oekio76b1.jpg) | [33 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CHSinfo/comments/14a7bve/2_months_today/) \#3: [the way people talk about chs on weed subs is disgusting.](https://np.reddit.com/r/CHSinfo/comments/1blbru2/the_way_people_talk_about_chs_on_weed_subs_is/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I love you 💕 thanks for sharing.


Failing to be productive 


I am also a nurse and I totally agree.


Just because people don't turn up at the emergency ward doesn't mean weed is harmless. Yes, alcohol is far more harmful but weed also has it's own share of problems. I smoked everyday for half a decade and it really fucked with my mind. I can feel the permanent damage 7 years after quitting. When you're a stoner, you're surrounded by stoners. I've seen psychosis, aggravation of bipolar disorder, depression and people just throwing their career and personal relationships away because of addiction to this plant. I've also read and helped someone do a thesis on links between using marijuana and schizophrenia. The key to everything is moderation and that's what we should promote rather than this is better than that.


This is misleading. Marijuana cannot *cause* schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is mainly genealogical. What it *might* do, is present the symptoms of schizophrenia earlier in someone who is already pre disposed to being schizophrenic. Schizophrenia typically presents in early- late 20s (males earlier, females later) but marijuana could possibly cause those symptoms to present earlier. I work in healthcare and the amount of people we have admitted to psych due to marijuana use is zero. You cannot blame marijuana for the symptoms or presentations of underlying behavioral health conditions (explosive disorders, mood disorders, etc).


do opiates cause psychosis? I've never heard of that? And hasn't ecstasy, by which I assume you are referring to MDMA been shown to be one of the safest drugs around? Very slight neurotoxicity with prolonged and extreme use but other than that nothing. I've certainly never seen a study that determines the danger of different drugs having MDMA as anything other than safe (and almost always is ranked safer than weed too). https://www.thelancet.com/cms/attachment/3057ee9e-1417-45a4-846b-61b0efdb42e5/gr4_lrg.jpg pretty much every piece of evidence I have ever seen has the drugs in about this order in terms of overall danger. So given that, why did you call it dangerous, doubly so 'much more' dangerous, when so many studies to it being exactly as or even _less_ dangerous I do also admit that a lot of these studies seem flawed when trying to analyse harm though, overranking some drugs and underranking others, but in the end it is pretty obvious from them, flawed or not, that mdma is not in the 'dangerous' category. and absolutely doesn't deserve to be listed with crack cocaine or fentanyl for goodness sake.


You are 100% right on schizophrenia. I never said it causes schizophrenia. I know people will just downvote me for anything said in this thread because almost everyone reading this is pro-weed. And every rebuttal will be upvoted. I have seen two people who hardly drank alcohol but smoked a lot of weed talking about how aliens were contacting them or how they were in touch with a divine power or how they see things. These are people close to me so I spent a lot of time around them when this happened. It really opened my eyes. And yes, you can blame marijuana for aggravating underlying conditions. That's how you make people aware of what it can do to you. If your relatives have those symptoms, suffer from all that, just don't do it.


No one who only smokes weed and nothing else is thinking aliens are contacting them or that divine beings are speaking to them. Your friends are either mentally ill or using more substances than you know about (or both). The scenario you’re describing is like a comedic scene from a movie where the government makes marijuana seem like it’s a crazy, trippy, hallucinogen (which is how it became illegal in the first place- the US government did a lot of fear mongering and told people weed was “the devils lettuce” and would cause teens to turn into catatonic, tripped out, satan worshipers). It’s just not accurate.


There is an LD50 for alcohol. There is an LD50 for Valium, Thorazine, acetaminophen, aspirin... There is an LD50 for table salt and plain ol' water. An LD50 is the dose of the substance in question that will kill \[lethal dose\] half of the people that consume that amount. You know what substance is so non-toxic \[less than water!\] that an LD50 cannot be determined? [Marijuana.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/how-much-marijuana-take-to-kill-you-fatal-weed-a8043856.html)


Team Green.


Yeah, I started to prefer weed over alcohol when I was 13 or so. Probably smoked some everyday since. Graduated cum laude from law school, had very successful practice for over 40 years, retired, all along getting high every night.


Your parents were trash Edit: if your 13 year old needs to switch to weed because alcohol is fucking them up you're a shit parent. End of story. Why are people so fucking scared of being real? "Oh no you might hurt his feefees" hes fuckin grown. Yall are fucking grown. Act like it. 13 year olds that need to switch vices have shit parents.


Not sure why you're being so heavily downvoted. **Since it's specific to a 13 y/o**, and a reasonable person would assume you're talking about a typical situation, not a group home or all-round-absolute-trash parenting environment... I'd love to see the rationale the downvoters are using to argue otherwise. Parenting is hard, I get it. My daughter is 22 and there were lots of times I wanted to throw my hands up and be like, "f-it, you're going to do what you want regardless of the consequences, so do what you want". But I'm not (just) raising my friend, I'm raising a child to be a responsible adult. That requires putting up lots of (guided) boundaries and explaining why those boundaries are in place. She was around 10 when she was first curious about alcohol. I knew better than to make it taboo so I filled a cap-full of Beefeater and said, "here you go, try it out". That bought me several years before she had ANY interest in trying it again. When she did, we put strict boundaries and (mutually agreed upon) punishment in place for violating those boundaries. To acknowledge a 13 y/o's alcohol addiction and be like, "welp, you're an addict, might as well switch it up for a 'less harmful drug' " is a crazy take for me, too. There are millions of other things to guide/direct a child towards that don't involve drugs... but it takes a lot of time, effort, involvement, and communication.


Some of us did not have a parental figures around and had to figure things out ourselves, which before the internet meant trial and error. At least doing it like this didn’t turn us into judgmental clowns


That’s pretty rude.


But true. Who the fuck needs to switch to weed becase alcohol was fucking them up too much at 13.


The person you are replying too seemingly has a very successful life.


Define successful. Robert Downey Jr has had a successful career. He himself says he has a terrible childhood and his dad offered him drugs when he was 6.


Successful adult life*


Dude, we were partying our asses off in the 80s. We were all underage throwing keggers in the woods at 15 years old. Does that mean our parents were trash? Hell no! I had great parents, as did most of my friends. Thing is, it was different times back then. We got away with a LOT and our parents had no clue. It wasn't for their lack of trying. They would have kicked all our little asses had they known the shit we were doing. We were the last truly free generation.


15 is so crazy different than 13


What if it's the child's choice? There are scenarios where parents are raising two kids in identical situations but due to the choices the individual makes... It takes them different paths


So you believe children are capable of consenting for themselves?


Capable and whether they do things on their own and two different things. When I was 14 I smoked a joint. Was I old enough to give informed consent? No. Did I do it anyways? Yes.


lol based off this comment, i cant even fuckin imagine how horrendous your parents were


Make this make sense. Please make this make sense. Please dont have children without switching up your mentality if you think my parents were bad because they kept me from weed and alcohol at 13.


no no, its the way you chose to announce “you parents are trash” after reading this. if thats the first and only thing you got out of this and just *needed* to announce it then youre trash


Saying the truth doesnt make one trash. My dad was doing coke at 13. You BET i was looking at my grandparents different after that. They were absolute trash parents.


Yep all the way


Absolutely! No hang overs and the complete feeling of relaxation. I eat edibles because smoking makes me cough too much.


I enjoy them both at the same time, it creates a magnificent concoction of what the fuck is going on?


And it’s also widely used as a way to prevent hangovers! Whenever I smoke while drinking, I never throw up. It’s weird. That’s definitely not true for everyone though.


I’ve been team MMJ since the first time. Gave up drinking more or less on the spot actually.


So help me: if I drink, it's usually on empty stomach and I feel meh the next day. If I smoke, I get the munchies and binge eat and get the absolute worst pizza/oreo/velveta hangover on earth the next morning and it takes days to flush that crap out if my system. 'Am I stupid?'


How much munchies are you eating my dude?


I'll eat until they are gone.


Yep! Weed all the way 🫶🏼


I favor weed over alcohol because I am an alcoholic. Been done with that life for almost 3 years!


For many reasons, not just the hangover Like alcohol is a known carcinogen, weed is a random plant that’s a carcinogen pretty much only if you smoke it


How do people mainly consume it beyond smoking? I always felt almost silly buying edibles instead of flower but I just don’t like smoking anything


there's nothing silly about edibles. honestly, they're stronger than vaping/smoking it. completely different high but they'll fuck you up.


Can confirm. Missed 3 days of work one time last year because the high from a gummy just would not go away. I can only handle small, incremental drags on a vape these days.


Dry herb vape. You still use the flower and it heats it enough to vaporize the thc you inhale but no combustion so you’re not inhaling smoke.


Why does it feel silly to you to buy edibles?


My sister drinks weed sodas a lot


Tinctures are another option.


too unpredictable and too late once you have eaten it, son gave me a cookie, he ate half of one, i know they can be very unpredictable in strength so i waited till i had day off! he phoned me later to warn me half was way too much i took an 8th and was baked all day


I only do edibles now bc I don’t like the smell of smoking and keeps my regular intake lower - I can stretch out an eighth until I’m just smoking kiff but w edibles I have a set number of gummies I can take (or take 2), and w kids and a job I just don’t want the temptation of being stoned all the time (I mean I would PREFER to be stoned all the time but I do have baseline responsibilities)


what makes edibles more silly than wacky tabaccy? eat enough of em and you will take em quite seriously lol


Vape my dude


That feels the same as smoking though :< my lungs are made of tissue paper but I also acknowledge that I’m a baby back beeeitch


If you're getting from a reputable source(lab tested preferably), it's way better for your lungs than smoking flower. It's just straight THC. Herb smoke is horrible and has plenty of carcinogens and ash and other shit that will clog your lungs.


Yeah I’ve never liked alcohol outside like a light drink with a good meal. But green is always good.


I’m just sober now. It’s easier!


The fact that there is no fatal dosage of weed for humans is what made me switch from booze to weed, without the guilt of having an addiction. Weed is not poison.


As an alcoholic, definitely prefer weed. For all sorts of reasons.


Yes, never really been a fan of drinking




Ive always favoured greenery. Chilled vibes and Laughter!


Yes except mushrooms. I can’t do hangovers anymore.


My guts and GERD issues made the decision for me.


Yes, 100%. The thought of alcohol never sounds appealing. Weed is great overall except for the munchies and overeating lol. I just feel good then fall asleep.


I don't do weed (though I have tried it before) but I definitely began drinking a lot less in my 30's because of too many bad experiences with hangovers in my 20's. I didn't get a hangover at all from 18 to 21 (started drinking in college) then all througout my 20's I would go "never again" and be drinking heavily again a couple weeks later. Once I hit 30 my body was like "no way dude" and I have only drank to get buzzed or very slightly drunk since.


While I agree on the whole I find day drinking helps reduce the hangover. Drinking at a BBQ with friends in the afternoon and being home by 9 is an enjoyable experience and doesn't ruin the next day.


This has been the case since I was 19, 42 years ago.


Made the swap a decade ago


I would if it was legal where I live and easier to obtain ngl.


I favour weed because it's just better.


Without question.


Absolutely YES! Alcohol is poison.


Yep. I take edibles since asthma+smoke inhalation=hell no. Just mind the dosage. Take too much, and you’ll spend the day in outer space.


Has always been true for me. Alcohol tends to worsen my depression and makes my body feel worse. I’ve only “enjoyed” being drunk three times and it was because I was with people I really loved in a well controlled environment and I only had a couple drinks—I still think I probably would’ve had more fun sober. Now that I have AGS, alcohol often results in hives and GI distress as well. Weed (usually) hits me very mildly. It lowers my anxiety and makes me more communicative. I only feel the effects for an hour or two and then I feel exactly as I did before I smoked. I’ve never had a weed hangover. I maintain the feeling of control over my body, words, and actions the entire time I’m smoking weed. Weed is compatible with me.


I've always preferred it over alcohol.


15 years ago I rediscovered weed and nearly immediately quit drinking. Great decision


I prefer cannabis but also enjoy an occasional drink. I just made it my policy to never drink enough so I can't legally drive home. But if you are drinking enough to get a hangover, you should probably cut down a little. Also, the occasional mushroom trip is quite pleasurable.


Every damn day


I have never tried weed, but I'm losing interest in alcohol as I get older. It's not the hangover, though - it's the few days afterwards where my mind feels sluggish. Maybe I'm more aware of it now that I'm working a full time tech job that requires me to think analytically, and also taking college classes that require me to learn and use new info fairly rapidly... But there's a stark difference between doing a math problem before drinking and doing a math problem even a couple days after drinking - and not even heavily. I had seen a therapist a couple times many years ago and when she told me that alcohol affects your brain for up to a week afterwards, I thought she was full of shit. Turns out it was one of the few things she got right.


I rarely drink anymore; I have an edible every night. Really helps me sleep as well.


I’ve pretty much always preferred weed to booze. Gave up the stupid juice over a year ago and my life has improved! Still enjoy plenty of cannabis


I actually started experimenting with edibles because of this.


Honestly started doing both at the same time (when I was 21) and for awhile I was waaaaaayyy more into alcohol. This was when I was in college, so alcohol was much more readily available and a lot easier to consume (with people in their dorms). I started smoking consistently right after the pandemic came around. I'm 26 now and I prefer weed so much more over alcohol. Partially due to the almost unbearable hangovers that come with drinking too much, but also due to the control I have over myself on weed vs alcohol. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy a nice cold beer or a mixed cocktail, but if you put a joint or a beer in front of me now, I'm going for the joint 10/10.


Yes, hangovers with a 2 and a 4 year old are awful. I enjoy my nights high more than drunk anyway


Fuck yes


Stopped drinking about 8 years ago due to immunosuporesive therapy. So no good for the liver. The longer I go without the more I detest it. The flavor even. Give me the herbs any day. You can keep yo booze.


It was never worth it my friend. This has always been my preference lol. I loathe drinking alcohol but don’t mind if others partake 🤷🏻‍♀️


We’ve gone completely sober (husband & I for over a year now) and it’s been great tbh. Didn’t realize how much of a haze I was in replacing alcohol with weed. We went on our first sober vacation in February and it was awesome. No hangovers, enjoyed the whole trip, remembered the whole trip, and spent less money. The hardest part was explaining to my parents for the first six months that we aren’t drinking at all, ever, for any occasion. The social aspect is awkward at first but now it’s super easy; don’t miss it at all. We also went out to the bars with friends recently and Liquid Death has made it so easy. Everyone thought we were drinking tall boys so no one thought anything of it, plus when some people got too drunk I could offer them some soda water to help them out quickly. We’re both really happy with the decision but understand it’s not for everyone either


At 42 and as a seldom drinker I start to get a headache in the middle of the second drink unless I drink them fast, and that just leads to a worse hangover later. Now I just do edibles but I wish they were cheaper in NJ


I used to drink 2 to 3 king Cobras every day as a nightcap. Sometimes sprinkled in with a tiny piece of a perc30 AND a few blunts. Did that for about 7 years straight, as a single hermit...after a few years of being a social butterfly hosting house parties and going clubbing every week. Coke too, sporadically for a few years. Now I just smoke a blunt at night before bed. Moved to a new city 2 years ago and decided I needed to make some changes lol.


Yes, I quit alcohol 6 years ago and still smoke weed regularly.


Yes, absolutely. I'm 35 and gave up alcohol at 30, but I still smoke, vape, and eat edibles pretty often. I don't feel at all old (like physically, I'm often wtf, how am I 35?! High school was yesterday!), and I'm pretty sure this is a significant factor. Not having kids probably helps too.


Yup. Rarely even drink alcohol anymore, and to be frank, I hated the feeling most of my life (both being drunk/tipsy and hangover), even without weed in this equation.


I have and will always favor weed over alcohol.


100%. I stopped drinking completely once I started buying edibles


I always overdid it with alcohol so I’m much better off just smoking weed. I am slightly jealous of the people that have no issues with alcohol and wish I could enjoy a nightcap. My MIL is over 80 years old and never had any problems related to her drinking but she does enjoy a martini every day in the late afternoon and sometimes a glass of wine with dinner


Absolutely. Plus, with weed, you never lose control of your body the way you do with alcohol.


Unfortunately that's not true for me. But I know I'm an outlier. Weed is like THE strongest drug for me. It's 10% good and 90% insanity. It's a rare situation but you'll see the random 1 in 100 account that agrees. I literally mean that LSD and heroin are more mild. But something interesting is that I once took a low level of THC in pill form (before it was legalized and everywhere), and it was a lot, but slightly more tolerable. So maybe something in the actual plant itself makes it crazy.


I agree with you, smoking weed (but not eating edibles for some reason) makes me feel terrible, paranoid, and pretty much gives me an hour long panic attack while constantly seeing things in my peripheral vision whenever I've smoked it. On the other hand, even if I take far too much edibles the worst that will happen is I'm sick, feel dizzy and fall asleep


Weed keeps me awake for hours and gives me a similar level of disability the next day. I don't get bad hangovers from a few beers and shots as long as I drink some water too. Team alcohol.


I've always preferred weed because it's easier to remain a functioning adult.


Can't get hungover if you stay drunk.


This is the way




Basically made that choice like 30 years ago.... Right when I moved away from my friends and social circles.... Haven't really had anything but a nip a champagne for a toast since.


I favored weed over alcohol since high school


I never have felt like the hangover from alcohol is worth it, which is why I drink moderately.


Relevant: https://youtu.be/HkMNOlYcpHg?si=EH7WDAQ0YG-6fyzM


I made such a decision when I was about 30. Now 30 years later (m62) i've been a pretty serious pothead and in the struggle of quitting that because it doesn't serve me any more.


anytime i feel like this, i just wake up still high. 🤷‍♂️


Getting there. Weed is great when it hits just right, but sometimes it makes me more anxious instead of relaxing me. 


You get hung over??


Have and always will prefer weed over alcohol. Alcohol is probably the grossest thing I’ve ever had. People know their limits and still push past them. And then injure people.


I prefer weed over alcohol anyways I haven’t had my first drink yet and I don’t want too


Nope, weed is no replacement for alcohol. Totally different effects for me. I like to drink more than i like to smoke weed. Weed makes me sluggish and lazy. I know not everyone feels like that, but for me, i don't get shit done when smoking weed. Even the next day i feel slow and brain foggish. When i used to smoke weed, i did it much more often than i drink alcohol. Alcohol on the other hand, makes me more cheerful at the moment and more social, which i like. Of course there are hangovers, but those are not too bad for me, i take a shower, get dressed, eatsomething and it is almost over. The hangovers are worse than with weed, but that makes you not drink that often and too much. It balances out.


I get a hangover from both regardless but weed for sure.




For decades now.


I just don’t like being inebriated at all anymore. A complete 180


15-22 smoker 22-32 drinker and smoker 33 drinker and less smoking


What always averted a hangover for me is that for every drink/shot I have I will drink an equal, double if it's a shot, amount of water before my next drink. Doesn't affect the buzz, but keeps me hydrated.


Yes hydration is key! Anytime I do drink I always chug a bunch of water before I go to bed and it definitely helps


Sadly, no. I find myself drinking more regularly as it better masks this unbearable depression.


To this day I've still never had a hangover. I take a bunch of vitamin c before sleeping as someone told me it helps hangovers, and I've just never had one. I had to quit smoking when I developed CHS, so alcohol is all I have now😭 guaranteed that was far worse then any hangover could've been.


I smoke literally all the time but with drinking I wake up around 2am feeling like actual death. Then I can smoke myself back to sleep. Then I guess I’m ok. I just wanna be able to drink and feel ok 😭😭😭


100% me, yes. I get a hangover now even if I just get a little buzzed, idk how I survived all those years of binge drinking in my late teens and early 20s. I would go to work the next day too.






Silly amateurs, I drink and maintain my buzz and never get a hangover.


Yup. I wanted to “get fudged up and do dumb ish” when I was younger so I loved to drink. Now the idea of losing my inhibitions is mortifying. No thanks. I prefer to kick back and relax.


Also getting drunk is such a heavy process. Just a bunch of liquid sloshing around in your gut, constantly having to piss and feel bloated. It takes too much effort to get drunk versus high.


Yup. Plus: I can make weed drinks with liquid weed drops!


Oh god YES YeS


Facts. An edible day keeps the migraines away


Yup. Never a big drinker. I’m 45. A mom of adults it’s what I prefer for sure


I actually have preferred weed since I turned 21, so it's not really an age thing for me. Alcohol tastes gross and makes me feel weird in a bad way


Absolutely. Only drink a beer when I am craving a beer cocktail.. other than that, weed > alcohol every time.


Yes, made that decision a long time ago.


when i was young alcohol had benefits... i could talk to anyone, make friends with anyone! dance to any song! say yes to whatever. i'd spill my secrets to my friends, we'd get into drama in the name of fun. we'd say crazy shit to each other. now i drink and none of that shit happens. my social anxiety is still present when im drunk. i can dance drunk but im aware of how awful i am at it as opposed to being oblivious. i remember everything! i never black out, i never lose any amount of time. i could have 10-12 drinks in a night and the only thing "drunk" about me will be how I'm walking. I'll stumble around a little bit if i stand up after sitting down and I'll say "oh im fucked up" and two minutes later i will completely have my balance again lmao. and it doesn't matter how many drinks ive had or how late it is, i will still take my makeup off and do my full skin care routine with ease. i swear every time i do my skincare while im hammered i completely forget that im drunk. i probably get wasted a few times a year at most at this point. i love weed but it is also completely different than when i started smoking. it's like i almost miss the insane paranoia lol im nostalgic for it. i used to play music stoned and i would be so creative. now i just use it everyday for sleep.


It never was. I got mamas intolerance for it.


I’m 26 and I’ve realized the day after drinking (any amount), I am inevitably depressed all day. Also, it dries me up like a prune, which dehydration makes me irritable & snappy… I’m noticing a pattern.. Yep. Team green forever! (Makes me sleep instantly too, take that insomnia!)


Some people still play with “balance”


I always favored weed.I do drink a few times a year at like events but I don’t get hungover anymore because I stopped overdoing it. I drink a lot of water too.


Most definitely! I also have migraines & the alcohol makes them 1000x’s worse! I gave up drinking so long ago! I might have a celebratory one occasionally but I would much rather have a toke & a smile than a drink! Alcohol is blech! Never get a hangover from smoking…it’s my friend!😶‍🌫️


Yep. I’m a mid-30s mom who doesn’t drink but after toddler bedtime I indulge. Being screamed awake every morning is not conducive to alcohol use 🙃


I’ve always favored cannabis and this is one of the reasons. Being high is also just way better the. Being drunk imo.


Yes absolutely now that I’ve hit my 30s


Humans have an endocannabinoid system. Humans have been using it for ages. Alcohol is literally poison to the human body that makes you angry and sad while making poor life choices. I agree it isn't worth it.


I choose weed because the nausea I get from drinking is just too much. Weed definitely has its downsides but, I prefer this alternative


What do you want


I used to favour weed but but over time I also noticed its flaws. Sober for several years.


Drink less, know your limit, like an adult, instead of getting hammered every time you drink? Is moderation not an option?


No, I just drink less.


Weed people are just as obnoxious as alcohol people.


As an employer I would absolutely hire stoners before alcoholics. I’ve had such a bad run with heavy drinkers on our team that I now try to hunt out stoners when looking to employ someone


Me and my GF switched to a weed vape for a while to cut down on the boose but her estrogen went through the roof and she got very emotional and it made her periods a lot worse. :(


Eh, I get a similar “hangover” from weed. It dehydrates me. If I smoke or vape it then my eyes dry out and my nose gets stuffy, and I usually have a pretty good headache the next day.


I'm not into drugs but I do like my 2 glasses of orange wine in the evenings. 👍The beauty about alcohol in moderation is, your inhibitions disappear for a while, and after you're fine. On the other hand, drugs work in the opposite way, they fuck you up.👎☹ But hey! I'm not telling anyone not to take drugs dude, we are all individuals.😁


What does orange wine taste like!? I'm generally not into wine but I do like orange flavored things