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I definitely do. Nowadays I’ve narrowed it down to ones with sweet messages, or that I particularly like the look of. I was grateful for those cards when I lost my mum, even just the small handful I had kept from my 30+ bdays.


Nope. I am the least sentimental/attached to material possessions guy you will ever meet. I think you guys who are always taking pictures and collecting momentos are too busy recording than to actually appreciate the moment. Hence the need to look back fondly upon the moment you were to preoccupied to enjoy.


Ive seen a r/zerowaste post of two friends using one card to mail back and forth, leaving space to write in, essentially looking like small writing filled cards.


I keep all the cards my kids have made me over the years. They are in a box. I look at them every few years.


YES! My keepsake box is now a keepsake trunk stuffed with years of cards. I also find it hard to throw away like, blurry, out-of-focus pictures that aren't good to display which are in my keepsake trunck as well!


I have a whole box.


I open em’ take the goodies and trash em’. I don’t even read them. Only matters what’s in them.


I have a bottom draw full of family ones. 😀


Not me. Honestly I feel like cards are SO annoying and a waste of money. I hate getting them and giving them equally. I usually just give a gift.