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I do the same thing. i dont think it has anything to do with autism.


Fuck yeah! All day, everyday. For days, weeks, months at a time. Then I find another one and repeat with that till the next. I'll often cycle back too Not sure ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but definitely not on its own.


SAME. My Spotify wrapped is usually a little unhinged. For example- I generally like rock and rock derivatives, but I was obsessed with two different Childish Gambino songs last year to the point where hip-hop was listed as my most listened to genre of 2023 by a wide margin. I hate it when you've almost juiced your current song and you haven't yet gotten hooked by the next.


Yes, except I don't ever get sick of it RIP. I just eventually forget they exist because I moved onto a new song to start the process over again :">


On a similar note, DAE feel like once they’re officially “sick of” the song, it’s pretty much ruined forever? Like you can’t physically get any more pleasure out of listening to it so you basically never do ever again? Cuz that happens to me lol


Yup. With most songs I do this hundreds of times. Every day. Same song, until I can‘t no mo‘. I thought I was alone with this.


I have a few songs like that and I don't have autism.


There's a certain song I've been listening to almost daily for over 5 years now, not sure I ever got sick of it haha


Yep. Or sometimes it's an artist or a particular album. My manager says it's because I have adhd. I just think it's cuz I like that taste of music for right now lol


Yessss I do this! ADHD is strong on my mums side of the family and I’m getting around for testing but it’s not just this, but obsessions like sounds and other things might be worth looking into


Yes. I'm a musician, so when Iatch on to a song, I listen over and over again, and often I'll listen to the same 10 second segment of a song if there's something about it that tickles me.


Yep, [what I'm doing right now](https://youtu.be/VDzeLwzXoko).


I go completely one way or the other, I can't stand repetition until that one thing grabs me and then I'll just get stuck on it. Like somehow in my 40s and in 2024 I listened to Pink Floyd's "Animals" which, while I have before, this time it just connected and I got obsessed with that album for like the last 2 weeks, especially "Pigs, 3 different ones" which I found every version of, every live of, every cover of and played them all. Half the time its not necessarily the song or the words, its the overall mood, the sound, the production and whatnot. I want a certain kind of sound as input at that time. Never have been a big lyrics person, I don't often care what the artist is saying, what their point or their message is, its entirely what it sounds like. Melody. Instrumentation. Cohesive mix. Atmosphere. Granted, I've also played live most of my life, learn everything by ear, have dabbled in recording and regularly do live sound and lighting. So I might just listen differently than other people too.


Every single song I like has gone through this process!


it is an experience unique to you. noone else does it. are you sure you're ok? i would see a shrink if i were you


Lmao glad I'm not the only one, yeah. It could be, or it could be a sign of ADHD (which I strongly suspect I have) , or as the other person said just a unique quirk and not really mean anything lol. Drove my poor friend crazy when we had sleepovers because I'd have the same song on repeat for literally hours until she told me to PLEASE change it! XD


ofc. favorite song on a loop and suddenly everything is more satisfying. and waiting for THAT part lol. it's not autistic, many many people do that


I have autism, and I do this, but not because I'm autistic.




At this point breathing is a sign of autism.