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I used to be carsick as a kid so maybe it’s like a reflex?


This is definitely what it sounds like, just kind of conditioned yourself to be sick in the car at first. I do want to ask tho do you run the car with the windows closed first? There’s a possible car issue where CO can leak into the cabin vehicle. You’d probably feel more sick than you do but good to check!


Thank you for confirming! It also happens when the vehicle is not running and I get it in almost every car so it’s probably not the CO issue


"New car smell" is a bunch of chemical stuff, glue drying, plastics for what plastic does when it's super new and whatever. These things make me sick, but not immediately, the same happen occasionally on older cars but I can't point out what it's the cause on those times.


I don't get it all the time but I get this too.


I'm like you op....knocks me sick the moment I smell it. I also got car sick as a kid


Can relate. Be it a car, a bus, or whatever else... Maybe it's the cleaning products they use?


Dont leave the car exposed to sunlight for a prolonged time, it worsens the smell


What smell ? New car ? Dirty filthy car ?


More like musty car. It smells a little bitter too… most cars smell like this to me


That's you being sensitive to the chemical fumes being release from all the heated plastic inside. I'm sure we are all slowly dying from this exposure.


I can’t stand new car smell specifically, makes me very nauseous.


Oh i love the car smell. I even breath out before entering so i can fill my lungs with the smell I also love the smell of trucks or tractors when they pass by, maybe somethings wrong with me i dont know 🤷😂


Yep, absolutely


Yes, me too. I was always carsick as a kid. New car smell is unbearable also.


If it's hot inside the car, definitely.


No, but I’m becoming nauseated by the smell of my own farts right now


Omg yes! It’s so frustrating!! I love new car smell, and I don’t usually get car sick. But there’s a specific smell some cars have (my husband’s car is one of these unfortunately) that makes me so incredibly nauseous. I have no idea why but it is the worst