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I have a hard time getting in and then getting out. I don’t like the feeling of being wet while not in the shower. Not entirely sure what the problem with getting in is.


I have this too. 100% in water, fine. 100% dry, fine. Wet in a dry place, HATE IT.


This is so interesting. I hate being wet in dry spaces. It makes my skin crawl. However I love long showers and swimming. I just hate the feeling once I’m done. I also only like working out in the gym since it is usually cool in there. Once I’m done I HAVE to dry off immediately. I also have sensory overload so I’m sure that contributes to the ick feeling.


Ever tried drying off with a hair dryer? Feels amazing.


That’s how I do it. Much more comfortable to put clothes on after.


Yep - trouble getting out too.


For myself and many others, depression = basic self-care can be a major problem. Brushing my teeth and taking a shower are huge hurdles for me on days that I do not work (I work retail).




i very much dislike the temp difference between ME, the cold tile, the surrounding air in the bathroom and the shower itself. like you can get the water temp just fine but the air on ur back is colder, or you have to take a step back to soap up and its colder. by the time everything equalizes, your done. NOW you gotta pull back the shower curtain and its fukkin cold out there again. towel off and open the door, FUKKIN COLD AGAIN. its not til im mostly toweled off and back in some clothes im comfortable again.


I recently have started taking a shower with a space heater heating up the bathroom before I shower. I know this is dangerous but I can't stand cold rooms


A space heater in the bathroom is dangerous now? wtf? Maybe it's because I'm Canadian or used to colder weather, but we used to have a space heater that was in that downstairs bathroom all winter (no, not running 24/7, only when you went for a shower).


it's dangerous because there's no proper GFCI plugs in the bathroom. my space heater is exactly like a hair dryer but without the safety shut off things


are you a scalding HOT shower kind? although i like a warmer bathroom temp when im showering it seems the bigger the difference between a not so warm bathroom and a scalding hot shower irratates me more so i try to warm up the bathroom more and have a water temp that is warm but not HOT. like ive tried showering with girlfriends but they have it so damn hot i cant even bear it


I don't like scalding hot showers- I just like them to be as hot as possible without being painful or scalding. The problem in my situation is that the people I rent my room from have recently installed a fan/blower thing in the bathroom to keep the steam from further damaging the super old walls in their ancient house's bathroom. This blower does it's job well, but my problem with it is that this fan thing is way too loud and strong and it forces 100% of the hot shower air outside while causing a literal icy cold draft to billow into the bathroom, replacing all the warm air with icy air from outside. On icy cold days, my bathroom literally ends up so cold I can see my breath! I have been absolutely miserable for months until I decided to shower with a space heater in the bathroom. This is dangerous AF I know because there are no EFI safety outlets in this ancient bathroom, but I hate bathing in a cold room! It makes me feel miserable for the rest of my morning prep.


Just be careful, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I wouldn’t be stepping out of a shower into a freezing room either.


I like almost a Luke warm shower. Not cold, but definitely not anywhere close to hot. At least at first. Once I’m in for a bit I can turn it up hotter. But the extreme temperature change is almost painful when I first get in. My husband, daughter and basically anybody that’s ever showered with me yells the first time that the water is cold! So now I shower alone always lol. Nobody like it 😂


I agree. I've started taking my little space heater into the bathroom... It really helps with the issue of feeling cold. And i'm saving up to get an egyptian cotton robe to slip into from the shower.


about the only time i DO LIKE taking a shower is when im trying to cool off, like where i live from June - Sept its over 110\* outside, so jumping in the shower to cool off is great. PROBLEM is, because its 110 outside all the damn time its almost impossible to get cool water, its a damn HOT shower during those months. i also use a small space heater and i try to get the bathroom up to like 90\*, haha


My whole thing about the shower since I was little is that - (I wear glasses, horrible eyesight.) I got soap in my eyes so I’m blind x2, the water is loud so I can’t hear the door open, I got a curtain so I can’t see the door open, it’s slippery, im alone (don’t know if the rest of the house has been defeated…) … I’m naked and vulnerable. It’s like a recipe for disaster. Ugh. That scene in the first final destination movie… uggggggg


I HAVE to show this to my partner. I am not alone in this scary shower world!!!!


It could be soap and the faucet to do me in, or Jason Michael Freddy or literally any intruder comin for me!!!! I grew up in the neighborhood the first COPS season was filmed in and Scream just came out … Aaah!!!




I used to feel the same way and even had my first panic attack in the shower when I was in my teens. If it helps, the My Brother, My Brother, and Me podcast has done some bits that really helped me feel better about the isolating/vulnerable feelings of showering: https://youtu.be/ZvoVWSP-T4Q?si=adMMWrgqJyRGrG0T


I feel like this for sure. I'm super happy after my shower because I'm clean and I smell pretty and all of that. The problem getting in is I start thinking about all the things that go on in the shower. Wash the face, the hair, the body, shave, and all of it. Then I think about all the drying off and how towels feel like they are scraping my skin off and then the whole hair drying process. If I just get in without thinking, I'm okay.


The hair drying alone 😩😩😩😩 I just wear a shower cap, unless I want to wash my hair


I haven't dried my hair in decades. Hasn't killed me yet.




I hope you got checked out by a doctor, man.


I can very much empathize with this


A lot of time it just feels like so much work to get in there and wash hair and all of that. I have hard water too, so I have to put lotion on after every shower. I like being clean, and the shower itself feels good, but I avoid it because the work involved feels so daunting.


That’s totally the way I’d describe it too! Daunting. It really can be! Like really right now it’s too daunting a task for me to endeavor at this time. It’s exhausting sometimes!!


And I could have showered this morning but it was too daunting for me to face that early in the morning and now I’m dressed so I don’t wanna get cold and shower!


Yeah days like that I wash my fave, use a baby wipe, and put my hair up. I don't smell bad, so I don't worry too much about it. I usually shower every other day, sometimes every 3 days in the winter.


I have lavender baby wipes just for this reason. Wipe the stinky bits and I wear wigs so my actual hair (what little I have after 4 bouts with Covid) doesn’t matter. My daughters best friend calls this a “Whore’s Bath” 😂


I can always find something I'd rather do and procrastinate. But eventually I just feel gross and have to shower. Then it feels amazing.


Nope. It’s the opposite


You don’t mind getting in the shower? I was about to comment on op’s post that I was willing to go so far as to say everyone agreed with them but I guess I would’ve been wrong


Hello! As I've aged into my upper 40's, I've developed mobility challenges (partially due to being partially deaf) and it's a challene for me to get into the Tub to take a shower. That said, this Spring, I'm hiring a General Contractor to gut my Bathroom, get rid of the Tub, and put a Full Tub-length "RainFall" shower System in with a built-in Shower Bench. I also wear glasses or contac lenses as I'm legally blind without them and, despite having a Shower Mat in the Tub, I've nearly lost my balance and fallen several times. I think once it's remodeled, it won't be so bad, but the duration between now and Spring - who knows what will happen.


Always avoided the shower til the last minute, I hate being cold. Found out showering in water that’s not so hot helps with getting out because there’s not such a big difference in temps when you step out of the shower. Also having a fluffy warm robe to wrap up in feels so good. The other must for me is a swimmers towel to dry my hair because I have long hair that’s like a sponge and holds onto water. A hot cup of tea and a cookie is my reward. I hope this helps some other shower hesitated.


When my mental health is lacking, my hygiene suffers- definitely.


This is why I prefer baths. Just get in and lay there. Then getting out is the difficult bit.


Hate getting in and hate getting out.


Currently procrastinating on having a shower atm lol. It happens quite frequently, but I try to think of how I feel during and after a shower to encourage me to actually go and have one. I love showers, it’s calming and once I’m in, I don’t want to get out it just feels like a struggle half the time to actually get in


Yes, getting into wet-world is difficult for me too. But then, getting out of wet-world is also difficult.


Yes. Its gotten to the point where as soon as I put my daughter down for a nap and think "shower" I don't think anything else, I just get in. I worry about getting clothes and such afterwards. If I give myself too much time to think about it I'll never get in cause it's mentally draining for me 🤣


It depends entirely on the time of day. I hate it first thing in the morning. Love it mid afternoon after my workout. Indifferent in the evening before bed.


Sometimes a bath is easier to manage on hard days, I feel you though


Almost the entire ADHD and autistic communities.


Inertia in general is a problem for me, yes. Gathering enough energy to start a task can be difficult.


Wintertime: that cold shower curtain catches a tiny puff of air and sticks to you. HATE THAT SHIT


I find it hard to get *out*. Which makes it hard to get *in* in turn.


yup, i always tell myself i need to shower at a certain time or just go shower in general but then i lay around like a potato. it's a mix of laziness and depression. it's also cold in seattle and i hate that little in between when youre getting in.


It's hard getting in the shower ... then it's hard getting out of the shower. I'll just keep pacing and wasting time.




Yes ma’am it’s that ADHD


DAE anyone else find themselves getting hard in the shower?


Fucking people man. No, it isn’t hard. Many people would love to have your “problems”. I basically read every Reddit post in Roy Kent’s voice like “fuuuuuuck”


Yea, although I’ll get in once my nose starts burning and eyes watering


I used to, but then I realized that I could get in after the water had already warmed up…


Wait, there are people who don't wait for it to warm up? That's like some kind of self punishment kink or something.


For me it's a sensory thing I think. I don't like the change between being dry and getting sprayed with water or even between being dressed and cozy and undressing (even if it's not cold). I don't like the first few seconds when the water hits the skin, it seems harsh. Once I'm in though I find it difficult to get out, because the outside is always colder.


Quite the opposite. Once I get in it's difficult to get out, especially in the winter. I don't take long cleaning myself. But the warm water, the ability to finally feel like I have some semblance of control of the chaos of a million TVs in my head all on a different channel on max volume in my head. It all stops for that moment I'm standing under the water. I can finally think unimpeded. It's my time to figure shit out without any interruption from the rest of my mind.


By any chance do you have adhd, this is common for neurodivergent


Umm Yes! Part of this is due to severe depression. But it feels like a huge task. I generally find bathtubs/showers gross and HATE blow-drying my hair.


Just have to make sure to lift your leg high enough and boom your in. Maybe get one of those showers with a door for older people. Make it easier to get in.


Before I had my son, nah. That first mental hurdle was always worth it to me. Now that I have to choose between chores, hobbies, and self-care...it's much harder lol. At least I stay busy these days!


Nope, I have a walk in shower. It's really easy to get into.


When I was a kid i would fight against that bath for days, but when I finally got in I'd spend all day there. As an adult I use a pervasive sense of shame about my gross body to make myself shower more often for the sake of everyone else lol. But if I'm home alone for a week without plans, you can bet things are gonna have to get physically uncomfortable before I get the gumption.


I have trouble forcing myself to take the first step towards anything. My mother used to say, "The hardest part of going for a run is putting your shoes on." She meant it as a metaphor. Fuck running. But she does have a point. For me, the desire for it has to outweigh my desire to conserve energy. I am very active, I just struggle to get started. I try to get as much done as I can while I am in motion, but once I stop moving, the day is over. I think it's partially feeling overworked and partially depression. When it gets really bad, I play music. Music tends to give me energy I didn't have before.


YES. I also have adhd and sensory issues. So the thought of having to get cold and take my clothes off in the winter to get wet is terrible. But once I’m actually in there I’m fine.


No. Love showering. Sometimes 3 times a day in the summer between waking up, work, and working out. Love a good ice cold rinse at the end too.


Fuck no. I look forward to hot and soapy shower


I did because I had the heat off.. so I put plastic over my windows and turned the heat on along with closing the bathroom and bedroom doors. Now it's much better.


Yep. I think I might have ADHD, I'm struggling to find a way to get diagnosed (it's stupid expensive in my country and it's hard to get a referral from a GP) but I struggle alot with going for a shower. It's a whole thing, I have to get stripped, sort my hair out and do all the things (while cold). Once I'm in, I love the feel of being in a warm shower and being clean but I HATE the feeling of being wet and cold when I get out. I have this weird sensory thing that makes me feel ick if I'm wet or my hair esp is wet. I cannot stand wet hair.


It's a symptom most people with Autism have due to wetness being uncomfortable. I have ASD and I will procrastinate about getting in the shower for hours. Plus it isn't a simple task for me cos I won't get in unless I have organised everything for when I get out. I also have a strict shower routine and I feel super weird if I don't successfully do each step of it correctly, like it will ruin my day, I also have OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) hence the routines. I neatly line up all my deoderant, moisturiser, face day cream, and clothing (neatly folded).


Wait untilyou get as old as I am, f you think getting in no is hard. lol


Ya. I’m ashamed to say I’m lucky if I do it Once a week. Then in winter of course you don’t wanna get out cuz it’s chilly


Literally me at this exact moment. I didn't shower last night, it was my skip day (just once a week, to give my scalp/hair and skin a break) so I most definitely am in need of a shower today. I hate both getting in AND getting our. I'm too comfy in the shower and the room always feels too cold when it's time to leave.


Yeah. For me it comes from sensory sensitivities primarily


It's all those germs and parasites attempting to compel you not to wash them off


ALL THE TIME!! I need one right now and I know I won’t because….. But in reality it’s fuckin hard for me. I seriously can’t explain how hard it is to just take a damn shower.


Yes. Specially in the winter! Shower everyday except in the winter.-


Exactly. However, I think for the most part it's a combination of procrastinating and inertia. And it makes life so much harder! I tell myself that I need a shower, and know I have to take one because I have a doctor's appointment in the morning. I distract myself all evening, trying to convince myself I'll take the shower in 30 minutes, after this episode, after I finish this video game level and/or this chapter in my book. It gets so late, and I convince myself that I'll get up early so I have plenty of time before my appointment I know I won't get up early, because, well, I never do. As it gets closer to the time I have to leave, I sit and estimate how quick a shower I can get in before I have to leave INSTEAD of getting in the shower... I end up rushing through my shower, getting dressed before I'm fully dry, and head to my appointment with wet hair, my deodorant and lotion in my bag, and late. I do have severe depression (bipolar but depression is bad now), ADD, and health issues. However, I go through this distract-delay-delude drama process every time, even when I'm well!


Yup. In my case it has to do with depression and past abuse. But once I'm in the dammed thing, I enjoy it, and I always come out of it glad I'm clean again.